No Jokes Here

Chapter 73: hard egg

Shock is shock, but Lin Qian'an did something that players most wanted to do right away.

That is to manipulate the game character to approach this huge mountain-shaped creature, intending to obtain a bit of its cellular tissue for genetic optimization.

At first, Lin Qianan chose his back.

But the thick and hard rock shell was too hard to open, and with that exaggerated thickness, Lin Qianan suspected that he might not be able to get close to the creature's body in ten days and a half months.

So he simply changed the angle and prepared to take some cells from the top of his head.

Its flat head looks like a protruding mountain, and the four or five huge eyes on it are at least twenty meters in diameter, and they are densely packed with compound eyes. The light refracted by the lens can easily cause people to suffer from intense phobias.

The creature's head was also full of heavy rock carapaces, so Lin Qianan tried to manipulate the game character to take a little cell from its eyeball.

After getting closer, Lin Qianan saw the dense fluff on the eyeball.

With the rotation of its eyeballs, it constantly brushes away all the dust and small creatures that are approaching, just like a wiper.

Lin Qian'an's game character was swept away as soon as he docked on his eyeball for a moment.

Aiming at the position, Lin Qianan manipulated the game character to make a dive, aiming at the eyeball is a straight punch.


The game character was bounced more than ten meters away, and the health value also dropped a lot.

The most difficult thing for Lin Qian'an to accept is that he failed to break the defense.

The eyeball can be said to be the biggest weakness of most creatures.

But this creature's eyeballs don't seem to be like this. With this punch from the game character, the tempered glass that is stacked in three or five layers will be shattered, but it cannot cause any damage to its eyeballs.

As the mountain creature continued to move forward, Lin Qianan manipulated the game character to fly to its abdomen.

The densely packed huge arthropods moved forward in an orderly manner, driving the creature forward, and Lin Qianan also saw the scene of its abdomen at this time.

Also wrapped in a thick rock shell.

It can be said that this thing has fully stacked its armor.

With such a huge body, Lin Qian'an could not even imagine what natural enemies it could have in this world.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Qianan felt that he might have two things he hadn't considered.

That's the place to eat and the dung door.

It doesn't mean that this creature doesn't eat or excrete, right?

So Lin Qianan simply manipulated the game character to squat on its back, waiting for it to start eating or excreting.

A full half a month has passed in the game, and this creature is still moving forward, and there is no intention to open its mouth to eat or excrete.

Lin Qianan called it unscientific.

I don't understand how it maintains such a huge size.

During the time that Lin Qianan manipulated the game character to stay on the creature, the radiation value of the game character had reached the 100,000 mark, and various values ​​of the body were rising at an extremely exaggerated speed.

This creature is like a huge radiation source, constantly spreading radiation outward.

Wherever it passes, creatures will take the initiative to approach, wanting to get as much radiation as possible.

There are even creatures like Lin Qian'an, who live directly on its back, and when they see other creatures wanting to approach, they will take the initiative to drive them away.

Lin Qian'an also had a fight with them because of this, but the genetic ability of the game characters is too overbearing. They can set fire and discharge and freeze at ultra-low temperature.

Because of this, after a lot of tossing, they all defaulted to the qualifications of game characters to live here.

Finally, on this day, this huge creature stepped into the seabed.

At this time, a large number of creatures began to break away from it.

The creatures around here are even bigger, and any fish is more than ten meters long.

Lin Qian'an manipulated the game character to obtain genes from a fish, and after optimization, he obtained gills that can filter air from water, so he could also enter the sea with the giant creatures.

As the depth continues, the water pressure on the seabed becomes higher, and the oxygen in the air becomes thinner.

Lin Qianan found a submarine fish that was close to this mountain creature, and obtained a bit of genes from it. After optimization, he obtained the ability to synthesize oxygen by himself, and at the same time, he also obtained the ability to balance water pressure.

Finally, this mountain creature seems to have come to its end.

It was an underwater volcano with thick smoke.

After the mountain creature approached, its body sat directly above the underwater volcano, and then its abdomen suddenly opened a large mouth, covering the crater, and then the body's limbs began to shrink, as if sitting cross-legged above the volcano.

Through the gaps in his limbs, Lin Qian'an could vaguely see dense tentacles extending out of his large mouth, constantly licking and sucking the hot slurry in the volcano.

And the inside of its open mouth is a fiery red hot piece.

The temperature and radiation here are extremely high, but the genetic ability of the game character itself allows him not only to not be injured, but also to obtain energy from the high temperature radiation.

Just when Lin Qianan was about to manipulate the game characters to leave, the sea water shook violently, and a mountain creature appeared not far away.

After taking a look at this mountain creature, it went straight ahead.

Lin Qianan followed curiously, and found that it was sitting on top of a new crater.

And beside it, there are other mountain creatures.

Lin Qianan manipulated the game characters to swim forward quickly, and as more mountain creatures were discovered, his complexion gradually became shocked.

Judging from what he saw in this short period of time, there were at least a dozen such creatures.

They are active by sucking volcanic magma, and the body does not excrete, but directly excretes metabolism through the body surface into a thick carapace.

In its infancy, it was in the form of an egg, and that egg alone was even bigger than a game character.

After breaking the shell, it looks like a huge crab.

Its body size grows quite rapidly. Once the shell is broken, it will quickly devour magma to grow. It only takes ten days and a half months to reach a width of fifty or sixty meters, and a thick rock carapace will quickly condense on the body surface.

Lin Qianan guessed that these rock shells were the useless elements they ingested from the volcanic magma, and they were also the waste products metabolized after energy ingestion.

It can be seen that they use energy very efficiently, otherwise they would never be able to support their huge size.

Lin Qianan eagerly looked at the eggs laid by these big "crabs" in the volcano, and wanted to make one to see how the game characters would get their genes.

It's better to act if you are excited. If you fail, you will start again. What is he afraid of if he is a player?

Thinking of this, Lin Qianan decisively started the egg-stealing plan.

These crabs have no natural enemies, so the protection of eggs can be said to be almost nothing.

So Lin Qian'an didn't have to confront those big crabs because of this.

His only problem was how to fish out those eggs from the lava, then smash them and eat them.

The game characters have a certain high temperature resistance ability, and can even obtain energy from the flame, but the temperature of the magma is too high, the game characters can get close, and the contact will cause self damage.

Time is limited, and the eggs must be brought out before they become incapacitated.

Lin Qianan first aimed at the smallest egg, filled a path with the surrounding stones, and then came to the egg smoothly.

Manipulate the game character to hug the egg, directly hug it, then turn around and flee to the outside of the volcano.

As for why the backpack is not included, it is because the backpack grid can't hold anything over a certain size, and this egg is just outside the range that the backpack can accommodate.

This series of operations went so smoothly that Lin Qianan couldn't imagine it.

Even until he manipulated the game characters to escape from the volcano, no crabs came to stop him.

Lin Qianan guessed that life without natural enemies should have made them relax their vigilance.

After getting away from the volcano, the nearby light looked a little dim. Fortunately, the game characters themselves have the ability to make their eyes glow with night vision genes, so Lin Qianan could easily see the complete form of the egg in front of him.

It is oval in shape, about two meters wide and four meters long.

Although it looks huge, it is completely malnourished when placed in the rest of the eggs.

However, it is precisely because of this that the game characters can barely pick it up and take it away.

Lin Qian'an didn't know how strong the game characters were now, but from the value of the attribute increase, it was not difficult for game characters to pick up at least three or five tons of things.

But this thing is a little difficult for game characters to pick up.

Although this may have something to do with being at the bottom of the sea, it is definitely not light.

Looking at the egg in front of him, Lin Qianan manipulated the game character to smash two As a result, the eggshell was not broken, but the scales on the game character's fist were shattered a lot.

Lin Qian'an frowned, he couldn't handle those big crabs, and the eggs weren't enough?

Afterwards, Lin Qianan manipulated the game characters and began to inhumanly destroy the egg.

After all kinds of smashing, the egg was not damaged at all, not even a trace was left.

Lin Qian'an gritted his teeth and decided to take the egg off the bottom of the sea and find a piece of land to drop it from the sky.

He wanted to see how strong the egg was.

It took half an hour for Lin Qianan to finally bring the egg from the seabed to the land.

The wings of the game characters are already wet and unable to fly.

However, according to the game prompt, Lin Qianan let him use the flame gene ability obtained from 9502.

During the high temperature release, the wings were suddenly evaporated, so the game characters once again had the ability to fly.

After sprinting for a certain distance, he jumped up and fluttered his wings quickly, and the game character started to fly towards the sky while holding the egg.

The weight of this egg is not light, and the frequency of the game character's wings flapping is at least several times faster than usual, and it is barely able to drive it to the sky.

After flying for a full five or six minutes, Lin Qianan only let the game character release the egg in his arms after seeing the clouds.

Then it fell freely and flew towards the ground.

Lin Qianan manipulated the game character to dive down and follow him all the way.

After a while, he saw a big pit and an egg deep in the ground.

After Lin Qianan manipulated the game characters to look up, his expression completely froze.


Not even a crack was formed! !

Terrible so...