No Way People Find Cultivation Difficult, Right?

v2 Chapter 24: Primordial God Demon Refining


   Su Changyu was taken aback.

   looked at the Taoist Taihua a little curious.

   "Master, do you still do it? I'm afraid the younger brother will doubt it."

   Su Changyu didn’t think about continuing to engage in painting, but if he took the initiative to ask Ye Ping to paint a painting, it would inevitably be suspected.

   "It must be done. One of Ye Ping's paintings surpasses our sect's efforts for hundreds of years. Chang Yu, I ask you, if our sect wants to develop, why don't we have money?"

"Don’t say anything else, it’s just the most basic pill. Your younger brother should always practice, right? The Qi Pill is a dozen gold. With your little brother’s talent, you want to break through to the perfect Qi training. How many do you want to eat?"

   "Let's suffer a little and be poor. There is nothing to say, your little brother can't suffer, otherwise a genius is tossed and scrapped by us, has your conscience gone?"

  Taohua Taoist is really not hypocritical.

  The sect development does require money, and Ye Ping also needs money to practice cultivation. This is now that Ye Ping has not formally practiced. He is only practicing swords, but he really needs to practice. With Ye Ping's aptitude, he can only rely on the pile of pills.

   Qingyun Daozong can’t afford so many elixirs, the only way is to get it from Ye Ping and use it for Ye Ping. Isn’t that enough?

   "Alright, all right, I think of a way."

   Su Changyu thought for a while, and found it reasonable.

   "Of course, you don't have to be too hasty, just hint at the right time, there is one more thing, in the past two months, you will teach him kendo, and plan to let him participate in the Qingzhou kendo conference for the teacher."

   Taihua Taoist said solemnly.

   "Qingzhou Kendo Conference?"

   Su Changyu was really surprised this time.

   "Master, are you confused? How can you participate in the Qingzhou Swordsmanship Conference like the little junior brother? Although he has a strong kendo talent, he hasn't practiced yet? Isn't it shameful to go up here?"

  Su Changyu was really surprised.

   He had the honor to participate in the Qingzhou Kendo Conference once. Basically Qingzhou Junjie will participate. He still took part in it at the beginning, and with good luck, he kept bye, mixed with the top five hundred, and let Ye Ping go up. Isn't it just to give points?

   "You don't understand, I'll tell you when I'm the teacher. In short, during this period of time, you will teach him well. The Qingzhou Kendo Conference, I just have this idea as a teacher. I will talk about whether to participate in the specific event or not."

   "Remember, don't talk nonsense to your juniors and sisters, just say that the teacher took the money that was scammed back, not mentioning the extra word, you know?"

  Taohua Taoist did not explain in detail, because he was about to reach the sect, he didn't want to say anything.


  Su Changyu nodded, looking a little helpless.

   He understood that Taihua Taoists wanted to develop the sect too much. This was his lifelong ideal, but Su Changyu felt that Taihua Taoists were a little anxious.

   But neither of them said anything, and soon returned to Qingyun Daozong.


   Qingyun Houya.

   Ye Ping sat on the ground, still looking at Jian Mark seriously.

   He has realized the sword power of Chunlei, and now it is the sword power of Qiulei.

  Four thunder swordsmanship, unpredictable, condenses the thunders of the four seasons, and the sword power it brings is also extremely different.

   Chun Lei sword power, endless.

   Xia Lei sword power, fierce and terrifying.

   Qiu Lei sword power, silently.

   Winter Thunder sword power, contains murderous intent.

   At this moment, Ye Ping had almost realized Xia Lei's sword power.

   After a stick of incense.

   Ye Ping opened his eyes.

   picked up the branch next to him, using the branch as a sword, stabbed a sword stroke.

   In an instant, thunder sounded, fierce and terrifying, and the ancient trees around the quake rustled.

   Qiulei sword power epiphany completed.

   Condensed sword power.

  A random move is all swordsmanship.

   is also at this time.

   A figure appeared not far away.

   Under the moonlight.

   Su Changyu watched Ye Ping quietly.

   His aloof and handsome face is calm as water, but his heart is full of deep shame.

  Although his kendo talent is not strong, it can be seen that Ye Ping has realized Qiulei sword power suddenly.

   This is only one day.

   suddenly realized the Qiulei sword power.

   Two more days, don’t you want to realize the four thunder sword intent?

   I'm so sour.

   I am so envious.

   Su Changyu felt uncomfortable, but he still had to pretend to be calm and walked.

   "Little Junior Brother."

   Su Changyu shouted.

not far away.

   Ye Ping recovered from the joy, he looked at Su Changyu, showing a look of surprise.

   "Big brother, why are you here?"

   Ye Ping was a little surprised that Su Changyu would come.

   "Come and give you something."

  Su Changyu came, and then put some jade bottles in front of Ye Pianyuan and said, "Little Junior Brother, there are all Qi Pills inside. After eating, you can nourish Qi and keep your body energetic for five days, which is good for your body."

   "Yiqi Dan? After swallowing one, don't you need to eat and rest for five days?"

   Ye Ping accepted the jade bottle, looking a little curious.


   Su Changyu nodded.

The Taoists of Taihua are indeed very good to Ye Ping. Although the money is given by Ye Ping, the Taoists of Taihua didn’t spend a penny on themselves. They gave all of them to Ye Ping. The disciples of them were also dazzled by their own light. The cheapest, but the purpose is to keep Ye Ping.

   Otherwise, it wouldn't be so troublesome. Su Changyu himself didn't want to watch any swordsmanship. He didn't learn the four thunder swords well, so he went to learn the Sichuan swordsmanship, but it put pressure on himself.

   "Thank you, big brother."

   Ye Ping was grateful now.

   With this kind of medicine, I can save two extra hours every day.

   "There is also this sword. The master asked me to give it to you. I will use this for sword training in the future."

   Su Changyu handed a sword to Ye Ping.

   "Thank you, big brother."

   Ye Ping still thanks.

  Su Changyu just nodded.

   After a while, Su Changyu took the initiative to speak, breaking the silence.

   "Little Junior Brother, are you a bit boring to practice sword these days?"

   Su Changyu speaks, UU reads www. asked actively.

   "When I go back to my brother, I can make progress every day, my brother is not boring."

   Ye Ping shook his head.

   Ye Ping would really feel a bit boring if he couldn't come out on the spot, but he would be very happy if he can come out on the spot all the time.

   He was telling the truth, but these words made Su Changyu uncomfortable.

   Look, is this talking human?

   Su Changyu got up, was hit, and wanted to be quiet.

   "Master, why do you ask?"

   Ye Ping is a little curious, don't know what Su Changyu asked this for?

   "It's nothing, just thinking, if you are bored, brother will give you another cheat book, so that you can have an epiphany."

  Su Changyu was not in the mood to speak anymore, he was hit very badly.


   However, Ye Ping couldn't help being excited when he heard this word.

   teach you the best secrets?

   Say it earlier.

   Ye Ping was excited, and quickly bit his scalp and said: "Big brother, don't say it, I didn't think it was boring at first, if you say this, Junior Brother thinks about it, sometimes it does get a little boring."

   Ye Ping doesn't care about the skin anymore.

   Big brother has a sword mark, and he has a sudden realization of the sword technique.

   What if you give yourself a secret book for cultivation?

   Then don't you have to go to heaven.

   Hearing what Ye Ping said.

   Su Changyu did not sell Guanzi either, and directly handed over a cheat book to Ye Ping.

   And Ye Ping took the cheats.

   With the help of moonlight, he was stunned soon.

   The cheat book is not thin, with a few ancient texts written on it.

   The cheat book says impressively...

  【Prime God and Demon Refining Body Jue】