No Way People Find Cultivation Difficult, Right?

v2 Chapter 25: Born to be human, I'm sorry

   Qingyun Houya.

   Ye Ping was stunned.

   I thought that the big brother would give himself a cheat book at will, but what I didn't expect was that this kind of supreme practice.

   "Prime Gods and Demons Refining Body Art"

   Listening to the name, you know that it is a peerless exercise.

   How dare you call yourself Taikoo otherwise? How dare to describe it as a **** or devil?




   Ye Ping started to breathe quickly.

   This is really the Hidden Sejong Gate.

   This is really the Sejong Gate.

   If this is not the Sejong Gate, who is the Sejong Gate?

   Ye Ping seemed to be breathing quickly.

Su Changyu on the side of    misunderstood.

   subconsciously thought Ye Ping had discovered some clues, and then bit the bullet and explained.

"Little brother, this is what the brother found in an ancient relic, and the brother is not clear about the origin of this exercise, but the cultivator of my generation can't just practice kendo, physical cultivation, spiritual cultivation, one is indispensable. "

   "You missed the best time for spiritual practice, and coupled with the extremely poor spiritual roots, it may be a good thing to focus on physical cultivation first."

  Su Changyu is pure nonsense.

  Because the cultivating world has never said that.

  Most people who practice physical training are thinking of physical training because their spiritual roots are too poor.

   When practicing the Qi state, physical training does have some brilliance. After all, the monks in the Qi state are still in a low martial state, and physical training is of certain use.

   But if you get to the base-building realm, the role of physical training will become less and less.

  The strong golden pill, a flying sword, kills people invisible thousands of miles away.

   Those who are strong in physical cultivation, can they kill enemies thousands of miles away with one punch?

   Unless this cheat book is true.

   Is this possible?

   This cheat book Su Changyu has read, it is nonsense at all, but the sky is falling in the sky, if he has not cultivated immortals himself, Su Changyu may be deceived.

   But in fact, apart from part of this cheat book, which is a part of the art of refining the body, most of them are theoretical.

   That's why Su Changyu gave this secret book to Ye Ping.

   It is to let Ye Ping stay alive, and he won't be able to realize the sword mark all the time. It's okay for a day or two, and it will definitely get tired for a long time.

   In addition, during this period of time, Su Changyu himself had to learn to learn swordsmanship, so there was really no problem in delaying Ye Ping with this cheat book.

   As for Ye Ping, can he learn?

   Su Changyu is not planting a flag.

   Jianhen suddenly realized the four thunder swordsmanship, and there is evidence.

   This kind of nonsense cheat book, if Ye Ping can practice it, he will swallow all the flying swords in Qingzhou.

   "Senior brother understands, thank you senior brother for giving the law."

   Ye Ping not only understood what Su Changyu said, but he also understood very well.

   Generally, monks with poor aptitude need to train their bodies to improve their condition.

   So as to achieve dual cultivation of spirit and body.

   is usually outside, using Dao magic swordsmanship against the enemy, but at critical moments, using physical skills to suppress the opponent, making the enemy impossible to defend.

   At this time, there is still a sentence, sorry, my strongest is physical training.

   Thinking of this, Ye Ping couldn't help being more excited.

   "Since the younger brother understands it, it is the best thing. Okay, if you have any situation, please tell the older brother again. Just look at this secret recipe. If you can't learn it, don't force it, know?

   "Even if you want to practice, first condense the four thunder sword technique into a complete sword force."

   Su Changyu exhorted, and then left the place.

   "Brother, go slowly."

   Ye Pinggong sent Su Changyu.

   Soon, after Su Changyu left, Ye Pingqiang held back his excitement and put the Primordial God and Demon Refining Technique into his arms.

   then continued to comprehend the sword mark.

   Maybe because of his excitement, Ye Ping's comprehension speed is getting faster and faster.

   All he is thinking about now is the refining technique of the Primordial God and Demon.

   Mainly, the four thunder swordsmanship, it sounds like that.

   But the Primordial God Demon Refining Technique is completely different.

   Gods and Demons refining the body, it sounds like a crazy cool tyrant.

   What is the Four Thunder Sword Technique?

   leads to the sky thunder attack, isn’t it just a hand?

   But Ye Ping also knows.

It’s definitely hard to learn this kind of **** and devil body refining, so you have to learn it wholeheartedly, not half-hearted, otherwise, if you haven’t practiced physique and swords well, that means you have lost the watermelon and haven’t picked it up. It's sesame seeds.

   That's it, two days in a row in a blink of an eye.

   late at night.

   Su Changyu looked at the sword score in his hand, and fell silent.

   This sword book is a sword book bought by Taoist Taihua with a lot of money.

There is Taoism in   , as long as you open the sword book, the first person to watch it can get the Dao initiation and quickly master the sword moves.

   However, Su Changyu has been watching for two days.

   He didn't realize the true meaning of the sword move.

   This caused Su Changyu to fall into silence.

   There is still some tension at the same time.

  According to the meaning of Taoist Taihua, let himself learn this sword book within three or four days, and then teach it to Ye Ping.

   But I just can't learn it, how can this not make Su Changyu uncomfortable.

   The most important thing is.

   Su Changyu thinks this is unreasonable.

   Although I have a mediocre aptitude, the problem is that Dao Fa is engraved in this sword book, and there will be a bonus initiation.

   Is it for Mao himself or can't learn it?

   Didn’t you say it’s OK, just have a hand?

   I use my feet, why haven’t I learned it?

  Is Su Changyu really not suitable for sword practice in this life?

   Su Changyu felt uncomfortable.

   If there is no comparison, he will not feel that his talent is bad at all.

   But now that there is Ye Ping for comparison, Su Changyu's mood becomes uncomfortable.

   But Su Changyu is uncomfortable right now, not because of his talent.

   He never felt that he was very talented.

  The main reason for the uncomfortable is this sword book.

   If you let the Taoist Taihua know that they didn't comprehend this sword book, it is estimated that the Taoist Taihua would raise a knife to cut himself.

   Five hundred spiritual stones.

   After discounting four hundred and fifty spirit stones, this is the income that Qingyun Dao Sect can only earn for hundreds of years.

   As a result, I haven't realized it yet?

   To tell the truth, Su Changyu himself would not let him go, let alone being too Chinese.

   "What to do! What to do! I'm so difficult."

  Su Changyu is like a hot pot ant, constantly asking himself what to do.

   After a long time, Su Changyu thought of a way.

   "By the way, although I didn't learn the sword skills, there are also explanations in the sword book. I don't need to teach the sword skills to the younger brother. Isn't it enough to refine the core part and teach the younger brother?"

   "If the younger brother learns it, that is because he has good talent. If he doesn't learn it, I can't blame me. Who said that geniuses must be proficient in every way at UU reading"

   Suddenly, Su Changyu thought of a solution.

  Although he doesn't quite understand Chuanhe Swordsmanship, the problem is that he can compile it. If he doesn't understand it, just use his own ideas to explain it again.

   Thinking of this, Su Changyu finally showed a smile.

   At the moment, Su Changyu opened the sword book, and after reading it carefully, he opened the door and planned to find Ye Ping.

   a quarter of an hour later.

   Qingyun Daozong.

   Very peaceful.

   Su Changyu walked towards the back cliff quietly.

   But just then.

   A thunder exploded.

   shook the trees.

   For an instant, Su Changyu was stunned.

   He looked in the direction of Hou Ya, the whole person became silent, and the smile on his face gradually reduced.

   He felt it.

   The sound of thunder just now is the result of the great sword power.

   This is only half a day.

   Ye Ping directly realized the sword power of Qiu Lei and Dong Lei.

   This makes Su Changyu really wonder what to say.

  Especially when the child time comes.

   Su Changyu's mood was inexplicable and became extremely melancholy.

   He did not go to the back cliff.

   but a person, quietly came to a no-man's land.

   Su Changyu himself doesn't know what's going on recently.

When    arrives, the mood becomes extremely melancholy.

   And the condition seems to be getting worse.

   The scattered moonlight passed through the clouds.

   sneaked into the bottom of the sea avoiding the crowd.

   I was born to be a human, I'm sorry.

   For some reason, Su Changyu had such a sentence in his mind,