No Way People Find Cultivation Difficult, Right?

v2 Chapter 26: God hides the magic body, tempers the

   Qingyun Houya.

   After Ye Ping displayed the four thunder swordsmanship, he couldn't help but exhale.

   After half a day of hard work, Ye Ping has mastered all the four thunder swords.

  Chun thunder sword power, summer thunder sword power, autumn thunder sword power, winter thunder sword power, the four are in one and can be split.

   The combination of sword power is the four thunder sword power, the most powerful, that is, the sword power that Ye Ping has just used.

   If it is disassembled, its power becomes weaker, but it can display the characteristics of every sword.

   wiped the sweat beads on his forehead.

   Ye Ping showed a relieved smile.

   "Now I have completely mastered the sword power of the four thunders. What is lacking is the sword intent of the four thunders."

"But although the big brother has not said how difficult it is to realize the sword intent, I also understand that the sword intent represents the will of the sword. You must not be too impatient, otherwise it is a trivial matter that you can't realize it. If the insight is wrong, it will be troublesome. Up."

   Ye Ping secretly said in his heart that although Su Changyu hadn't told Jian Yi the details, he couldn't hold back Ye Ping's brains.

   The reason why he thinks this way is not for no reason, but he guessed it based on the Primordial God Demon Refining Body Jue.

   "This cheat book, the big brother did not give it early or late, but gave it to me at this juncture. Obviously, I was afraid that I was too impatient and suddenly realized the wrong sword intent."

   "That's why I took a copy of the Primordial God and Demon Body Refining, so that I can sink my mind, focus on my body, one more hole card, and one more method."

   "Big brother, it's really far-sighted."

   Ye Ping muttered to himself.

   But soon, he put away his thoughts, and took out "The Great Ancient God and Demon Refining Body Jue" from his arms.

   He took out this exercise carefully, looking extremely solemn.

   The cheats are cyan, thread-bound, and look very old. The sides are yellowed, revealing a simple feeling all the time.

   But the more so, the more excited Ye Ping was.

   Open the first page, and soon lines of small characters appear, from right to left.

  【Prime God and Demon Refining Body Jue】

   I am the Daoist Mo Xuan, born before the birth of heaven and earth, after three hundred and sixty million calamities, and finally become the only one with heaven and earth.

  This mental method is the result of our understanding of heaven and earth accidentally.

  All things in the world, they only know spiritual cultivation but do not know the power of physical training, so moving mountains is regarded as the limit of physical training.

   However, true physical training can hold the sun and the moon and pick the stars, but the physical body can cross the heavens and kill everything in the world with one punch.

  The highest level of physical cultivation, I believe that we should imitate the gods and demons, the gods hide the demons, possess the internal organs of the gods and blood, and the real demons are the body of the gods and demons.

  Cultivating this method must suffer extremely painful tempering. It is not a leisurely generation to learn, only the great will! Great perseverance! Only those with great wisdom can master it.

are you ready?


   This is the opening description of the "Prime God Demon Body Refining Jue".

   Ye Ping has forgotten his breath after seeing this explanation.

   These words are simply too domineering.

  The **** hides the demon body, holds the sun and the moon and picks the stars, and the flesh breaks the space, killing everything in the world with one punch.

   That's right.

   That's right.

   This is definitely a peerless exercise, no, this is not a peerless exercise, this is a great-level exercise.

   Ye Ping didn't know what words to use to describe the power of this exercise.

   One word.


   took a deep breath.

   Ye Ping did not open the second page, but was meditating.

   He is thinking whether he is ready.

   The exercise method is very clear. If you want to practice, you must endure the unbearable suffering of ordinary people. It requires great will, great perseverance, and great wisdom to master it.

  If you are not prepared, you really can't mess around.

   A long time has passed.

   Finally, Ye Ping made a decision.

"I'm ready."

   Ye Ping heard a firm voice in his heart.

   He is prepared and fearless. Although the process may be a little bitter, he can endure hardships and become a master.

   Thinking of this, Ye Ping turned to the second page.


   [Official Edition of Primordial Gods and Demons]

   Very good, when you open the second page, it proves that you have great will, but whether you have great perseverance and great wisdom depends on your own good fortune.

   Next, there will be a picture of gods and demons. Above it is the picture of the body refining of gods and demons that I have learned about.


   Seeing the second page, Ye Ping couldn't help but like himself.

   was also deeply shocked at the same time, this mental method is indeed amazing, just at the beginning, there is a big test, if it is not for the determination of my mind, I am afraid that I will really be defeated.

   Thinking of this, Ye Ping didn't talk nonsense, and began to watch the gods and demons behind.

page three.

   Guantian map.


   The picture appeared in Ye Ping's eyes. Although it seemed simple, Ye Ping looked very serious.

  He is constantly looking at this picture.

   And there is a detailed explanation under the picture.

[This picture is named Guantian God and Demon Picture, with both hands stretched out to integrate with the heaven and earth. It is the enlightenment method of the Primordial God and Demon Judgment. After mastering it, the power of the heaven and the earth can be condensed. The heaven is the hammer, and the earth is the furnace, tempering the flesh. Shaping the Body of God and Demon]

   [If you can’t comprehend, you won’t be able to understand this method. If you are not aware of it, you will not have enough wisdom. At the same time, you have to practice diligently day and night. Those who are talented and clever can have an epiphany at a glance, and those who are dull will have difficulty in understanding throughout their lives.

   After reading the notes.

   Ye Ping couldn't help but nodded, and then began to pose for the sky.

   He closed his eyes and forgot everything. There was only this image in his mind.

   At the same time.

   Chen Guo, Yan'an County.

   In a private house, a woman in purple is under an oil lamp, splashing ink.

   The oil lamp swayed with the wind, and the woman frowned from time to time, sometimes stretched, back and forth, a total of three hours later.

   Finally, the woman threw the brush aside, looked at the ancient book on the table happily, picked up the hip flask on the desk and took a big gulp.

   Just then, a voice rang outside the door.

   "Fairy Mo, are you okay? It's almost time for Yin Shi. If you don't submit the manuscript, it will be troublesome."

   The sound of supervision sounded outside In the room, the purple-clothed woman got up and picked up the manuscript that had just been written, then opened the window and threw the manuscript to the latter at will.

   "Here, it's finished, you can take a look."

   The woman looked very casual.

   "Done? Let me see."

   The middle-aged man outside the door took the manuscript, and then quickly flipped through it. After a while, the middle-aged man's frowned brow stretched out.

   "Okay, okay, okay, Fairy Mo, your writing skills are getting better and better. This book will definitely sell well, good, good, good."

   The middle-aged man laughed openly.

   "Stop talking nonsense, you haven't paid the remuneration for the last book yet, pay now."

   The woman disapproved.

   "Don't worry, don't worry, Fairy Mo, I will lie to you when I do business? There are a total of one thousand taels of gold notes, which is ten times the share of spiritual gathering."

"The book of Primordial God and Demon Body Refining will not be sold at all. It has sold less than three copies. Fairy Mo, please stop writing that kind of secret book. It is too exaggerated and no one believes it. Monk, everyone likes to look simple and direct."

   "Look at the book on the best-selling list now, how can a spiritual stone be sold ten times more efficiently."

   The middle-aged man whispered outside the door.

   "Okay, okay, okay, okay, yeah, did you find out what you asked me about?"

   The woman waved her hand, looking a little impatient.

   "I've inquired, Ten Nations College will officially enroll students next year, Fairy Mo, I will go back to deal with the manuscript first. If you have any questions, please come back and let people contact me."

   The middle-aged man said with a smile, and then left this sentence.

   And the purple-clothed woman didn't say much, she still returned to the desk and began to write a secret book.