No Way People Find Cultivation Difficult, Right?

v3 Chapter 275: Black lotus moves, cut off the blood r

The Great Summer Palace.

In the prison.

Xia Gan saw the corpse in Su Changyu's hands and immediately recognized that it was the corpse of the head of Qingyun.

Not long ago, he sent someone to Qingyun Daozong to kill Ye Ping.

After receiving a message, all the people he sent out died, and at the same time the head of Qingyun Dao Sect also died, and was killed by a powerful sword aura.

But his own body has been processed, leaving no traces.

Moreover, Xia Gan remembered that in the survey data, Su Changyu was nothing more than a waste.

Why can he appear in the imperial jail now, and still hold the body of Qingyun chief.

Even with a word, he knelt on the ground without any resistance to fight back.

Xia Gan didn't think too much, and didn't want to think too much. Now, his heart was flooded with humiliation and anger.

Even if you send someone to kill Qingyun's head, how about it?

Even if you move your hands and feet against the Fatai and want to kill Ye Ping, what's the matter?

How dare the other party!

How dare you let yourself kneel down!

He is the prince of the Daxia Dynasty, the future emperor of Daxia!

Xia Gan's face was ugly to the extreme.

"This palace is the Prince of Daxia, you dare to make me kneel and insult me ​​like this, you have committed a capital crime! Daxia Dynasty will not let you go, this palace will destroy you Qingyun Dao Sect, and impinge on the nine clans!"

Xia Gan roared with a fierce face.

Su Changyu held the corpse of the Taoist Taihua and looked at the hideous Xia Gan in front of him, his expression indifferent.

Suddenly, Xia Qian lowered his head uncontrollably.

Then he knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

For Xia Gan, kneeling and kowtow is a complete shame, more painful than depriving everything.

At this moment, a group of figures appeared, and the strong from the palace arrived.

When they saw the scene in front of them, their faces changed drastically.

Prince Xia Gan actually knelt in front of others and kowtowed.

This is their Daxia's prince, the Daxia Emperor, kneeling in front of others and kowtow, not only an insult to Xia Gan, but also an insult to Da Xia.

At the moment, a strong man who crossed the robbery was furious, squeezing his fists with both hands, as if holding the sun and the moon, wanting to kill Su Changyu.

No matter how extraordinary Su Changyu is, he forcibly broke into the palace and appeared in the imperial jail, causing Prince Daxia to kneel on the ground and kowtow. This is a serious crime and a capital crime!


However, Su Changyu didn't move at all, just looking at him, not happy or angry, indifferent and supreme in his eyes, making him feel like worshipping.

The pair of fists approached, and the sun and moon enveloped Su Changyu. In an instant, two peerless fairy swords burst out of Su Changyu's eyes, directly cutting off the strong man's punching arm.


There was a screaming screaming terribly.

In just an instant, a strong man who crossed the robbery was cut off his arms directly in front of Su Changyu, and blood was flowing.

too frightening.

"This...this...this is impossible!"

The palace powerhouse looked at this scene, and none of them believed in the scene before them.

They could see that Su Changyu did not kill.

Otherwise, the look just now can directly kill the latter, which is terrifying.

At this moment, another figure appeared in the prison.

Xia Di appeared in the prison.

However, when he saw the situation in front of him, the whole person couldn't help showing a look of consternation.

What's the matter.

"His Majesty!"

The palace powerhouse was suddenly nervous, and he didn't expect that Emperor Xia would also come here directly.

Su Changyu asked Xia Gan to kneel down, what if he took a shot against Xia Emperor.


Xia Di looked at Su Changyu, a little speechless.

Today's Su Changyu is like the same immortal, even if it is him, Emperor Daxia, he has a feeling of worship when he sees it.

During these times, what happened to Su Changyu?

Seeing Su Changyu's white hair like snow, Xia Di's eyes were shocked.

However, he immediately turned his gaze from Su Changyu to the corpse Su Changyu was holding.

This is the head of Qingyun, Taihua Taoist.

Taihua Taoist is dead!

Emperor Xia still remembered that Su Changyu once said that although he did not have a biological father, Taihua Taoist was better than his father.

And now, Taihua Taoist is dead.

Su Changyu held the corpse of Taoist Taihua and made Xia Gan kowtow here.

Xia Di had many thoughts in his mind, and some guesses were born.

"Changyu, what happened."

Xia Di asked with a bitter face.

"Are you going to stop me?"

Su Changyu did not answer, so he said.

His voice was extremely indifferent, with a sense of loftyness.

The palace powerhouse was surprised, but he didn't expect that Emperor Xia knew Su Changyu and such a peerless powerhouse, and the relationship seemed unusual.

What exactly is going on.

Xia Di was silent.

Su Changyu's meaning is very simple, just what he saw and thought of.

Xia Gan had already shot Su Changyu.

It's not just this time that the formation of tactics is done.

Someone was also sent to Qingyun Taoist School, and the death of Taoist Taihua was related to Xia Gan.

Emperor Xia was speechless. Facing this situation, even if he was Emperor Xia, he didn't know what to do.

Who would imagine a situation in which his own son was killing each other.

The Lord of the Heavenly Ji Palace told him that the Great Xia Emperor Star appeared ominous.

This one is Daxia's prince, and the other is Daxia's chosen son, the Ziwei Emperor, but they are fighting each other.

In this case, his Great Xia Emperor Xing appeared ominous, it couldn't be more normal.

After Xia Di was silent for a moment, he spoke.

"Keep him alive, I will abolish his crown prince and be imprisoned in the palace, and I will never leave him forever."

"He, after all, is your brother, and I don't want you to kill your brother."

Xia Di said so, his voice trembling slightly, with pleading.

Indeed, Xia Gan was guilty and attacked Su Changyu, and he also killed Su Changyu's master, Taihua Taoist, and he would die.

But he was Xia Gan's father, how could he watch his son being killed or being killed by Su Changyu and let Su Changyu kill his brother.


In an instant, the prison was silent.

Deathly silence.

Everyone was dumbfounded.


Brother killing.

The man in front of him was Xia Di's son.

Where is Xia Di's son?

Could it be.

Could it be.

Could it be.

Could it be that the immortal man in front of him is... the tenth prince.

Ten princes who have disappeared.

The palace experts were all dumbfounded, and couldn't help but look at Su Changyu, and found that the latter's appearance was indeed somewhat similar to that of Emperor Xia.

It's just that Su Changyu's temperament is too extraordinary, so that everyone will not think of it together.

If it hadn't been for Xia Di to say this, others would not believe it.

But what is going on, the ten princes and princes appeared.

Kneeling in front of Su Changyu, Xia Gan, whose forehead was already bleeding, was also dumbfounded.


Su Changyu is the tenth prince!

In other words, I have been wrong all the time.

I have been sending people to kill Ye Ping.

Suddenly, Xia Gan felt that he was about to explode.

The ten princes are like a thorn, stuck in his heart, making him full of hatred and extremeness.

Even so many years have passed, he has never forgotten the ten princes.

Now, he knew that the tenth prince was Su Changyu in front of him, and he, being pressed by Su Changyu, knelt in front of him and apologized.

Xia Gan couldn't accept it, and he was almost crazy.

Moreover, in this case, his father, Emperor Xia, only told Su Changyu to let him save his life, and then abolished the position of prince and was imprisoned in the palace for life.

What an eccentricity this is!

He didn't even have his own son in his heart! Only ten princes!

Even if I haven't seen him in 27 years, it is still the case.

Xia Qian's heart was filled with endless anger.


Xia Gan growled, her voice full of horror with endless anger, hatred, resentment, killing intent, jealousy, and fierce intent.

All the people present can't help the horror.

At this moment, among Su Changyu Yuanshen, the black lotus on the Qiyun jade swayed, and the lotus seeds inside seemed to be gestating.

Su Changyu frowned slightly when he felt the movement of Heilian in the soul.

"I will leave him for his life, and today's matter will cut off the blood and love between you and me."

"But the death penalty is forgiven, and the living sin is hard to forgive."

Su Changyu said with a calm tone.

Without waiting for Emperor Xia to continue speaking, Su Changyu put away the corpse of Taoist Taihua and stretched out his hand indifferently towards Xia Gan.

In an instant, the infinite sword intent erupted.

The sword light soared into the sky, bright and dazzling, making people cold and unable to look directly.

Even a strongman who crossed the robbery could not see clearly when he opened his heavenly eyes with great magic power.

Everyone was shocked, what an amazing sword, and how extraordinary, in front of such a sword, let alone Xia Gan, even if the strongman crossed the robbery, there would be no way to survive.

Puff puff!

Sword Qi was vertical and horizontal, piercing Xia Gan's body, her meridians were shattered, and her face was defeated.

Xia Gan was lying on the ground, unable to move, his eyes were red as blood, staring at Su Changyu.


Then his head tilted, and the whole person passed out into a coma.

After doing all this, Su Changyu turned and left.

In the big prison, everyone watched quietly, watching all this, no one tried to stop it, and it was impossible to stop it.


Xia Di looked at Su Changyu's leaving back and shouted.

Su Changyu ignored it and disappeared into the prison.

At this time, someone immediately stepped forward, helped Xia Gan up, and checked his body.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness's body was only severely injured and not life-threatening, but there seems to be something wrong with His Highness's situation."

After checking the situation of the prince, the man frowned and said.

"Why, things will become like this."

Emperor Xia didn't answer, and the whole person lost consciousness, muttering in his mouth.

Everyone in the court was speechless.

At the same time, Su Changyu appeared over the Great Summer Palace.

He stood in the sky above the palace, with white hair like snow, standing with his hands behind him, like an immortal.

"I finally found you deserve to be the Son of Destiny, it's really extraordinary."

At this moment, an old voice sounded.

In the Royal Capital of Daxia, a middle-aged man looked at Su Changyu above the palace with excitement and anticipation in his voice.

Su Changyu's eyes fell on the middle-aged man, his expression indifferent, but his eyes showed coldness.

This middle-aged man is exactly the man who killed the Taihua Taoist in the picture in which he used the magical time to look back.

The other party came to him, and he, why not wait for the other party to take the initiative to appear.

Taixuan Taoist stared at Su Changyu, his eyes were as if a wild beast saw its prey, ascending to the sky step by step, walking towards Su Changyu.

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