No Worries about Food and Medicine

Chapter 121: Yihe

Although the woman was magnificent and decorated with gold jade jade, but she looked really old, she had many fine wrinkles in the corners of her eyes, and her skin was much rougher than the lady in Beijing. According to the customs of the Xia people, a woman has married a woman as early as 13 or 4 years old, but not as late as a double ten, otherwise she will be called an old girl if she is older.

However, the age of this lady in front of her is enough to be a grandmother in some fast-moving people.

Yu Jinnian walked up quickly, and when he was near, he lifted the veil and narrowed his eyes to look at the child, but his eyesight was indeed poor. He only looked at the child's convulsions, but couldn't discern more detailed symptoms. Madam, can you give me a look at this child, I know some medical skills, maybe I can save this child's life. "

He didn't think much about it. He encountered a patient in an emergency condition on the street, but some kind-hearted doctors could not ignore it indifferently, not to mention the convulsion of a young child was an emergency and could not wait for a moment.

In spite of her panic, she instinctively took a step back and looked at the young man in front of him cautiously. When he saw him in a blue brocade suit, he was more expensive than a little official in the official **** family, but his eyes did not seem to be Great, always squinting hard. She naturally didn't quite believe a teenager who suddenly appeared in a street market, let alone he was still half-blind.

However, here is Shibao Street, a gathering place of restaurants and restaurants, and there is no medical hall nearby, and the last thing she regrets is that she sent her servant maid to buy cloth in the city of Fangfang next door. At present, there is no one who can drive. But his master did not know where to go, the Tao is to discuss important things with others. She hesitated and hesitated, not knowing whether to believe Yu Jinnian-at this moment, the child in her arms suddenly opened her mouth and twitched twice, and then threw her neck back before twitching.

The woman was so scared that she lost her soul, and she had n’t reacted yet. Yu Jinnian stepped forward. Her right hand helped to support the child who was about to fall out of her arms, while the little finger of the other hand took advantage of the child ’s mouth. Quickly reaching into the child's mouth, gently pressing the tip of the child's tongue, watch out for him inadvertently biting his tongue.

As soon as the child twitched, his teeth closed tightly, snapping Yu Jinnian's little finger. Do n’t look like a child, but his strength during convulsions is not small. He was frowned slightly and felt the unusual heat in the child ’s mouth. Then he said to the woman: "First put him down, the wrap is opened, you ca n’t Bored again. "

The woman wondered whether she should listen to the young man's words. She was tangled, and her eyes swept to an oval jade pendant hanging around his waist. The sheep's fat white jade was just right. The jade face was carved with a rose flower. She was surprised for a moment, but she also put down some precautions in her mind. She slowly put the child in the car. After a little doubt, she finally gritted her teeth and decided to believe him once, and opened the child's coat.

The child's back was already sweaty. Yu Jinnian quickly untied the child's clothing, rolled up the outer garment, only pinched the inner layer of cotton soft sleeves, gently wiped the wet sweat off the child's head, and touched He touched his little hands and feet and protected him slightly to prevent his hands and feet from hitting hard objects and hurting himself when he twitched.

"How about me?" The woman asked anxiously.

The child's face was flushed, his head was hot, and he was twitching several times now, apparently caused by high fever convulsions, but the more thrilling stun in pediatric disease. As the so-called urgency is to cure the symptoms, the remedy is to cure the symptoms. At this time and regardless of the original certificate, the immediate urgency should be to start to make sure. Otherwise, the convulsions will not stop, and it may hurt the brain of the child, which is commonly known as "burning silly."

Yu Jinnian had n’t been able to explain it to the woman in detail since then, and called out, “Brother Duan, come in the cold water!” He raised his head and quickly asked the woman, “There can be embroidery needles in the car,” seeing the woman turning around to fetch , Immediately turned around and shouted again, "A Hong!"

Ji Hong nodded and returned to the Fangcai restaurant. He straightened the candlestick on the cabinet, took the fire break, and quickly walked towards Yu Jinnian.

The woman took the clothes needle, and saw a man holding a candle light in front of the car, and was called by the teenager. She was stunned for a moment. She was about to speak, but Ji Hong shook her head and interrupted her, and then signaled her with her eyes. Take care of the children first. She pressed a lot of words, got into the car, and handed the sewing needle to the teenager. Seeing Ji Hong standing outside the car, her heart hung in her throat slightly.

If this young man is a medical doctor invited by the government of Li Guo, even if he is younger, he should have some skills, not to mention the little gentleman who can let Li Guo's son to hold the candlestick, and it is not only "some skills" "So simple.

Earlier I heard that the son of Li Guogong, who had been suffering from a disease for more than a year, had recently been helped by a doctor, and suddenly improved. She thought that it was only a boast of people in Beijing. Now that she saw the Lord, she realized that it was the real thing. The son is really sick.

Yu Jinnian received the needle, squinted at the candlelight held by Ji Hongduan, then took the child's small hand, kneaded the fingers with his index finger and thumb, and then held the needle with his right hand, steadily, accurately and decisively. The tip of the child's delicate white and soft little finger is the junction between the nail and the finger meat. Penetrating his skin, he immediately urged blood from his belly to his fingertips, and after releasing two or three drops, he immediately stuck his second finger.

The child girl was so distressed that she didn't know what Yu Jinnian wanted to do with the needle, but she didn't expect it to be used to **** the child's finger. She used to know that sometimes when she was tortured in the army, she often used a kind of punishment to pierce the flesh. She loves her son sincerely. How can she see people treat her children like this, anxiously: "What do you do? He is so young!"

Ji Hongfang wanted to open his mouth, but he heard that the teenager had spoken, and his speech was calm as usual, and he was not shaken by the woman's questioning and condemnation.

"Madam, please, you count thirty. After thirty, Lang twitched and stopped, and the soul returned to himself." Yu Jinnian only moved his mouth, but his hands kept on. After the three fingers were stabbed, the child's convulsions had It stopped gradually, but his consciousness was not sober. He turned the child over and made him lie on his body to touch the highest point of the vertebrae behind his neck.

Dazhui's main items are strong back pain, fever and asthma, epilepsy, and children with convulsions. This acupuncture point is the confluence of the Sanyang governor's veins, so it can clear the sun and open the sun to regulate the six yang meridians. Because of this, Dazhui can make up and diarrhea, and Yu Jinnian only took the single diarrhea method at this time, clearing away evil heat and enriching, so as to relieve the spasm through the veins. Because the child is young, skin is thin and thin, and the neck is the most immature danger, so he holds the needle straight and less than half an inch. After a little twisting of the needle, he withdraws the blood and drops a few drops.

Even though his eyes are not good, these acupuncture points have been remembered for a long time, and he can accurately find the target without much eye power. Practice makes perfect.

After such an operation, the child in his arms was in a trance, and then suddenly opened his mouth, "Wow" crying!

Yu Jinnian's stone hanging from his throat finally fell back into his stomach. He put the child back on the quilt and gently touched the back of his hand for temptation. After a while, he felt that the heat on his head had slowly receded, although It's still hot, but it's not enough to be fatal. At this time, Duan Ming, who was sent to fetch water, also returned, and gave Yu Jinnian a pot filled with cold well water.

The cold well water was hit from a few feet below the ground, and the cold air wrapped around his fingers, making him instantly remember the coldness in the dumb room, and he couldn't help being distracted. Seeing that he was suddenly still, Ji Hong stretched his hand over his shoulder and rubbed it gently. Yu Jinnian came back in a trance, quickly pulled out the Jinpa in his sleeve, dipped it in cold water and wringed it well, put it on the child's forehead, and pumped the plain silk around Ji Hong's waist without asking for it. Wipe the child's limbs.

"Pediatric fever is thrilling and should be looked after carefully. Today, Lang makes his face red and red, yellow and greasy fur on his tongue, and his veins are like floating flourishes ..." This is how Yu Jinnian can have leisure and distinguish his veins. Children's wrists are thin and thin, making it difficult for adults to reach the legal size of the pulse, so they only use their thumbs to determine the three levels, and move them slightly before and after to measure their three pulses.

Then he looked up and said to the woman: "Ling Lang was a wind-heat evil depression, disturbed the mind, and he was out of treatment because of the long-term depression, and the wind was very hot, so he was convulsed. Although it is temporarily convulsed to stop convulsions, but this is only the first aid It ’s just a matter of course. Afterwards, a doctor who you can trust will need to diagnose and treat the cause, use the medicine, completely withdraw the enthusiasm, and remove the evil spirit, so that we can safely survive the disaster. "

After saying that, he bowed out of the car and thought that this lady should be the first time to be a mother, and she was not very good at taking care of her children. So she added a few points of pediatric care: "Now that the weather is getting warmer, Ling is suffering from heat. The breeze was inappropriate because of the breeze. The child's yang is strong, and there is no need for these wraps. After a few days, the weather is hot, just cover the belly below the waist with a small thin cover. "

The woman was about to wrap up the child. Hearing this, he quickly opened the bedding and even claimed to remember.

The child was indeed settled down. This was not allowed to leave. The suspicion of the woman had vanished at first, and she was only grateful when she picked up the child. She asked his name again and said that she would thank him in the future. Yu Jinnian shook his head and got out of the car, and he felt the sun dazzling. He couldn't help but want to block the white light in front of him through Ji Hong's tall figure. Ji Hong stepped forward and naturally covered his head with black gauze.

"He Fang Xiaoxiao!" Not far away, an angry person walked out of the restaurant, and looked up to see that they were noisy, and saw a teenager get out of the car, and immediately shouted in the direction of them, "Actually entered my car account ! "

Frightened, Yu Jinnian immediately hid behind Ji Hong. Although he was trying to save people, he was uninvited after all. After drilling the lady's car, the husband was justified.

The woman hurried over and yelled "Master".

Ji Hong also turned around and aired: "General Lu, Mrs. Lu."

Yu Jinnian quietly raised his head and looked at it, good fellow, he healed a disease, and he also treated the head of the noble daguan.

The person in front of him is the famous general Suiyuan Lu Wei of Xia Xia. Because of his merits in the northwest, he is well-known and prestigious in North Korea, and he is highly dependent on the Son of Heaven; It was Mrs. Zhipin who was sealed by Chaotianzi. Speaking of which, Lu Wei himself can only be commended for his military merits, but his wife is more legendary.

At that time, the northwestern warfare, Lu Weima lost the lead, a small branch of the elite led by the enemy was lured into the depths of the yellow sand, and did not return for several days. The army sent people to search for several days, and they were not traced. The desert is not only full of yellow sand, but also small groups of gangsters. It is difficult for ordinary men to guarantee that they have to come back in full tail, not to mention that Mrs. Lu is only an official woman who is a woman and has no fingers in the spring. Noble girl, but she did not fear hardship and dissuasion, went all alone, led a camel and went deep into the desert hinterland.

Ten days and a half months later, everyone thought the couple had lost their lives. When preparing to raise the funeral, she stunned Lu Wei from the desert by herself. In the early morning of the same day, Tian Guangxiwei, she walked into the Xia Jun camp account with blood, even Lu Wei's old subordinates were stunned, after a long reaction to know to pick up.

Later, General Lu returned and won the battle, but his wife was shot in the abdomen by the bandit arrows in the desert, hurting the palace. It is impossible to conceive and have children in this life.

Lu Wei and Fan Shi were married by the orders of their parents and matchmaker, and because Lu Wei didn't return to the battlefield soon after he became a relative, he hadn't returned for several years. It wasn't very profound, but after this, the two had a deep relationship. Over the years, countless people have persuaded Lu Wei to continue another room, in order to pass on Lu's blood, they were treated with cold face by Lu Wei, and only said, "Madam treats me like this, how can I be the bearer ".

This incident was transmitted back to Jingzhong, and the emperor was moved by it. After awarding Lu Wei as usual, he also sealed his wife as a fate.

It is also a story.

There was a surge of people on Shibao Street, some recognized Lu Wei, and some wondered how he returned to Beijing from the northwest at this time, and even watched the lively, but the children in Mrs. Lu's arms were all surprised. Puzzled. In my heart, I was just wondering, why didn't all the surnamed Lu, the sonless and the heir, suddenly appear a little baby?

General Lu is tough and hardworking in the army all year round. The last thing he will do is flattery. He glances at his eyes and recognizes that the person in front of him is Ji Hong. Guo Gong Shi Zi? Why are you here? "He looked at the little man hidden behind Ji Hong," Dare to ask Shi Zi, who is this. "

The woman took the message and immediately explained: "Master, it was the little gentleman who saved my life. Axi was only twitching and terrified me. I didn't know what to do for a while, because of the little doctor's medical skills. Gao Ming was decisive and decisive, which stopped Axi's illness. "

Hearing what he said, Lu Wei looked at the past carefully and only noticed that Yu Jinnian ’s clothes were imperial tributes. Even in the imperial city, there were few palaces that could receive this reward. Specially given a few horses, they are still stored in their warehouses, and they are not willing to use them for tailoring. This expensive fabric didn't even drape over Ji Hong's own shoulders. It was surprising to wear it on a young man who had never heard or seen him, not to mention the rose and jade eggs hanging around his waist.

Ji Hong leaned sideways, half-blocked in front of the teenager, and Lu Weiyue had countless people, knowing that this was a subconscious gesture to protect, showing how he valued the teenager. Lu Wei listened to the original situation, thought for a while, then turned to look at the anxious lady, gently patting her hand as a soothing gesture, and then saluted Ji Hong and the two: "If so, Lu A certain generation of Uchiko, thanked the younger son and this gentleman first ... then they will visit the house someday. "

He can say this, has given the Ji family a big face, when no one knows, General Suiyuan Lu Wei is most upright. Today, there is an undercurrent in the middle of the country, and no one dares to mention it on the bright side, but each family has a bright mirror in their hearts. The team of Min Xiang, the Lu Dang eunuch, and the Yue King are standing for the official team. Those who choose must be cautious and prudent.

Lu Wei holds the weight, and he is a target of hundreds of thousands of people. He is an object that all parties want to win. However, he has never stood in the ranks for more than ten years as an official. Although he was excluded from the capital for many years, he lived in poverty. But also chic. Min Xuefei threw an olive branch at him more than once. Lu Wei was only invisible, let alone visit the door. Today, for the wife and children, Zhang Koudao wanted to go to Li Guo Government to thank him. It really shocked the anterior teeth of others. .

Who says Tiehan has no tenderness.

Ji Hong raised his eyebrows secretly, and Yu Guang glanced at the teenager hiding behind him. Through a thin layer of black gauze, he could also see the innocent color on his face. He could not help but sigh: Some small things can It is really a lucky star. This is called breaking the iron shoes and there is nowhere to find it.

The voice downstairs just fell, and upstairs, in the half-open window, someone Huo Ran stood up, swept his sleeves and swept the case down. Zhou Feng went to pick it up immediately, but a few small cups fell to the ground, bursting with broken porcelain, and the man's silk-colored sleeves before the case were soaked with a deep tea stain, Zhou Feng went carefully Wiping, but also pushed away by the other party, said between his brows: "How can there be him everywhere!"

General Lu, who was still sitting in this tea room half a quarter of an hour ago, refused to fight with his master directly, but now he fully claimed that he was going to visit Jifu. Zhou Feng did not dare to say much, only whispered. : "It should be just a coincidence ..."

"What happened to him--" Yan Chang opened his mouth and closed it again, only scolding, "Go away."

Zhou Feng knew what he wanted to scold, didn't wait for him to scold it out, and immediately got out without saying a word.

Yan Chang grabbed the only white porcelain jug left in the case and was about to fall. He glanced at the bucket of black gauze cap passing by the window. He looked away, looking at the cap disappearing on the opposite side. In the distillery, there was a moment of loss before he rested the teapot heavily and said to himself: "I shouldn't let you go."

"Zhou Feng," he called again, "roll in."

Zhou Feng probed his head: "What did the master tell me?"

Yan Chang asked: "What shop is that?"

Zhou Feng looked down and replied: "It's the place where Mochu Spring is sold. This wine is strong and popular in Beijing ten years ago. It is the best drink of Ji Jia's second son. , But there is no shortage of business. "

Yan Chang spit out a mad breath and sat down, said: "Go to the altar."

Zhou Feng is embarrassed: "This wine ... People only sell one unit."

Yan Chang raised his eyes and saw that the pair of adulterers and prostitutes came out of a small shop, and the teenager jumped up and down, causing a curtain of veil to float in front of him, with a hand in his hand. It ’s a big altar covered with red silk! The other hand was still holding a small, delicate wine gourd, and was pouring into his mouth. Ji Hong got into the car and took his hand out, dragging the greedy boy under the car.

In front of the window, the tea was cold and cold, and Yan Chang watched them go away. He couldn't help but sneered and asked, "Sell only one piece of sweet spring ... How can there be thousands of rules in the world, and you can't count when you get there?"

Zhou Feng: "..."