No Worries about Food and Medicine

Chapter 136: Steamed

This year it was extremely hot, and it only started in May. Xia Jing had abnormally a little bit of summer heat. The red sun was empty, and the thick clothes on the pedestrians could not be worn. . But compared with the gradual sprouting summer heat, the melons and fruits sold in the market have also been enriched day by day. The wild melons have picked up high shoots, the deep purple long eggplants are known for their pressure, and they are more green. And cool and fragrant cucumber.

This is the time for gluttons to satiate themselves. Even if they eat every day, it is not enough.

There are also seasonal fruits and vegetables sold between the neighborhoods, and even more foreigners, who use a burden to pick up the milk pouring and drinking to sell, as if one day behind this business will be snatched by the next door, the sun Just after breaking through the clouds, East Cross Street was already shouting in a lively way.

"Sweet melon, bitter gourd, little king melon, eggplant, leek, shallot ..."

An old vegetable farmer carried a burden and sang along the streets. Only the others sang and sang. They even made a special trip with their little girl to sing together. The business that sings well can be better than others. However, the old farmer was sad and feeble, so he walked two streets and did not sell one of the dishes in the burden. Later, when the sun rose, the tanned man's back became tight. Seeing that the shed was standing at the door of the opposite restaurant, he ran cheeky and ran to rest for a while.

Yu Jinnian looked at the little Xue master of the Xue family at the next-door inn and changed the medicine. When he saw that the new granulation had slowly grown and the wound had gradually closed, he used elephant skin, blood, frankincense, angelica, and licorice. Astragalus, ginseng powder and other medicines were developed into Huashengshengsan, and Suting was given to him. He also took a few doses of Huoxueqiqi soup with him, and he was authorized to walk out of bed with a cane.

The Xue family prepared a carriage to take their baby bumps home, and also gave Yu Jinnian a generous red envelope as a thank-you gift, and promised that he would be healed in the future. celebrate.

Although Yu Jinnian was not a big fan of money, it was not so clear that even the silver that Master Kuo had sent to his face refused to accept it, so he was happy to take Xue Ding's diagnosis. Before shaking out the door, he was blocked by the vegetable load in front of his door. He looked around and asked who was blocking his way, and an old man dressed as a farmer ran away. He came out and made a guilty condemnation. He went straight and left. Yu Jinnian glanced at his vegetable basket and yelled him with a huff: "Old man, I think your dish is fresh, how did you sell it?"

The old man was stunned, and quickly removed the vegetable basket, and introduced him the same.

Yesterday, the guys in the shop rumors to Jin Youting, saying that some nobles sent their servants to come and said that they wanted to hold a birthday feast for their children in Sanyulou this afternoon. They also specially ordered steamed and miscellaneous soups. There were no requirements for other dishes , Asking the store owner to watch the preparations himself. This steamed and miso soup are both northwestern dishes. Few people in Xiajing like to eat this, let alone eat it in Langlang summer, because the two dishes are made of lamb, which has the effect of warming up.

But even if it is a diners' request, he is not easy to say anything, and this dish is not a tricky dish, it is still necessary to prepare the ingredients early. Moreover, the noble's main dish ordered two hot meat dishes, and the other Yu Jinnian prepared to make some elegant and light ones, which are bright in color and can be reconciled in sexual taste. The fire caught fire in the summer.

That would not have smashed the signboard of their Sanyu Building.

Yu Jinnian took the old peasant's vegetables by hand, and the melons and eggplants were fresh and fresh, and the heavy ones were all very good. At first glance, they were all well-kept good things. Afterwards, he found out a few pieces of broken silver beads very atmospherically, without paying the price of a penny, and straightened out all the dishes of his two big burdens.

The old man was overjoyed for a while, but he didn't expect to sell the dishes so quickly, he wiped the sweat from his palm, took the money, and cautiously tucked it into a money bag sewed with old clothes and stuck to the meat Hidden in the waist of his shirt, he lifted his legs and turned around in the direction of Chengxi.

Yu Jinnian strangely said: "Old man, is it uneasy outside the city recently, how could it be so sad."

"Well, don't mention it!" The old farmer sighed, shook his head bitterly, and started talking to him. "For the first time, the old man made a minor illness, and I rested at home for a day, but all the vegetables in the field were collected. It was n’t fresh for a day, so my wife went into the city to sell vegetables for me. But the vegetables were sold out, but whoever thought, that daylight, there was a little thief who snatched my wife ’s money! ... You said that we worked hard to plow that three-point field, but in the end we were stolen by someone! We have no place to complain, but can we not be careful in the future? "

Yu Jinnian asked Zijie Ji to help bring the dishes he bought to the chef, and told them to beat a bowl of sour plum soup to quench the thirst for the old man. He helped to put the burden on the old man's shoulder and wondered: "I heard A newly appointed Shaoyin from outside Gyeonggi Province was very resolute and very popular. The three counties in the west were managed by him in an orderly manner, as if he had a good atmosphere of never closing his account at night. "

The old farmer took a sip of sweet and sour plum juice. The porcelain bowl in Jingshui Town held the coolness in his hands, but it didn't hurt like ice. He felt that the annoyance in his chest had suddenly disappeared by half. Once in the summer, many shops started to sell drinks, but compared with the bowl in his hand at that time, he always felt that there was something worse. He couldn't tell, he only felt that he was drinking happily, and then he drank in two or three. After thanking Yu Jinnian, he patted the mud on his clothes, and said helplessly: "No matter how powerful the officials above are, they can't catch the thieves in this world! How can we labor those big figures in these two or three small things? . "

"It's the same thing." Yu Jinnian whispered, "It's really hard to be thief-free."

"However, my wife said that the little thief was dressed poorly, and it was not about where he came to flee the desert. He was not very young. He was as tall as the little boss, and there was a black soybean mole behind the left leg socket." The old farmer was angry. After rubbing his hands, the wrinkles in the corners of his eyes were unreasonably deeper by an inch. "I looked around when I was selling vegetables, and I caught him maybe!"

Yu Jinnian busy said: "Then you have to be more careful."

After he finished speaking, he suddenly remembered something, holding his head to recall carefully for a while.

"Hey, old man, when I was young, it was also a good wrestler in ten miles and eight towns!" The old farmer had a good chat with him, and thanked him for buying all his dishes in one breath, and then turned over in the burden before leaving. After turning it over, he put out a small wooden box with a lid and stuffed it into Yu Jinnian's arms. "The little boss is kind. This box of mulberries was pinched from the tree by my wife in the morning. I had to ask me to take the road to quench my thirst. I also If you haven't moved, the little boss will eat it if he doesn't dislike it! "

Yu Jinnian refused: "How good this is, there is not much money in the original dishes, and I still want to ridicule you with a box of mulberries."

"It's worthless. It's made from trees in front of the house. There are so many of them. If you don't eat it, you can let the bird blaze away in a few days!"

Hearing what he said, Yu Jinnian took it embarrassedly, went back to the building and poured out the mulberries, and then returned the box to others. Then he hit another plum soup with a small bamboo tube and tied the handle with a red string. , Asked the old peasant to take it home and taste it for the mother-in-law who had picked the mulberries.

Back in the kitchen, he soaked the mulberries in salt water, and then used sugar water and eggs into the flour. He put the kneaded dough in the wooden tub to wake up. After that, he prepared to go to the south lamb shop to chop the lamb ridge and The leg meat comes back.

Since there was some limelight in the hot valley palace, these gossip chats in Beijing and China have been spreading quickly, and the Sanyu Building, which has only been open for less than a month, has been on the top of the wind and waves. Every day, all kinds of diners are gathered to truly taste food There are some, but there are only a few. Instead, there are some doormen who come to join in the excitement and find out what is the origin of him.

Fortunately, the master behind this building is the Ji family, even if some people with bad intentions come to spy, they can only stop here. Yu Jinnian was most tired of these things. Today, Min Mao did n’t know where to go and Ji Hong went to the public office. Others also had their own busy schedules, but he seemed to be the most busy. Naturally, he found an excuse to go out and save others from throwing him away. Come and watch as a wild monkey.

From Sanyulou to the south of the city, he walked and walked, measured his feet for more than half an hour before arriving at the street of the meat shop, and the boss smelled a **** smell of meat, and his eyes were all kinds. There are **** pieces of meat hanging upside down, as well as those who buy blood tofu. A pot of red juice is placed on the street, and white meat is hanging on the head. It is as **** as you want.

But in this **** atmosphere, there was a faint fragrance of wormwood, which diluted the smell of the streets.

Since I came to this meat shop, I also bought some others along the way. I do n’t know if it is his illusion these days. I always feel that the atmosphere in Jin Youting is different from usual. The little girls in the family have been lively one by one in the past, and there is a big garden. It's all because of their slapstick that they feel a little popular. These days, the little ladies are pouting, with an expression of silence, which makes people hardly care.

Just a few days later is the fifth bath of the Lantern Festival in May, the Dragon Boat Festival, the day when the yang gathers. Yu Jinnian thought about wrapping some horn brown when the time comes, so that everyone in the house will be happy to have a fifth.

The meat shop is the most murderous among the hundred rows, and it is also the easiest to cause epidemic diseases. Therefore, many butchers have hung Aiye in front of their houses and shops in order to dilute the blood and resist the epidemic. It was also said that during the Dragon Boat Festival, the five emperors of the heavens would investigate the merits of future generations and convict and measure the blessings. Therefore, the shop selling candles and ingots of the blessings also flourished, and the five poison spirits were in short supply.

Wudu Lingfu is not a rare thing. It is to print or cut the patterns or paintings of the five poisons of centipede, scorpion, viper, gecko and toad on red paper, as well as the painting of gourd, and paste it on the bed in front of the door. Head to avoid poisonous insects. Looking at the excitement, Yu Jinnian also bought a thick pile of toads on the street, and also bought a few toads made of colored silk threads, which showed auspicious signs.

Two little dolls on the street sang around Yu Jinnian: "Mer's yellow, Xing'er yellow, wormwood, Xiangmantang!"

When he saw that the children were cute, he sent a toad collateral, which was good, and then came more children, surrounded him in groups, waiting for the **** to come back, the collateral in the basket The child was already empty, and a few children who failed to reach him looked at him grievously. He was the most unbearable person, especially the little ones, and he went to buy a few more, just turned his head to distribute with them, and suddenly his arm sank--

One hand gripped his wrist firmly, pulling him out of the stack.

"How dare you appear in Nancheng ?! It's so noisy!"

Suddenly burst into his ears, Yu Jinnian looked up in wonder. The man came in a plain gown with a thin figure, followed by a thick old servant. He didn't turn his head for a moment, blinked a few times in confusion, and after a while he remembered who he was, his eyes widened in surprise. Looking at the person, he smiled and said, "Oh, isn't this the master of the school book Lang Yan? What a coincidence, do you come to buy the magic charm?"

This person is not just that "gentleman" Yan Rong, if not met today, he would have forgotten this person.

Yan Rong was different from Xinan County in the beginning, but it was a little clearer, but he still frowned and looked at him, but let Yu Jinnian feel a bit familiar. He dragged Yu Jinnian to a secluded place before he said: " You ’re so careful not to cook in your Sanyu Building, do n’t let that Ji Shuluan cover you well, what are you doing in Nancheng? "

Yu Jinnian froze for a while and asked, "How do you know Sanyu Building, have you been there?"

"..." Yan Rong was suddenly dumb, and he shouted a few words. He broke the jar and said, "You don't care how I know."

Yu Jinnian hey: "You guys, although we can't talk about being old friends, we can also be called old people! The old people meet, how to say such a choking, eating chili in general. I have sour plum paste in my building , Unlike other places, you should drink a few bowls to eliminate the fire. "

Yan Rong didn't twist: "It's just more bergamot tangerine peel, it really is a good thing."

After finishing speaking, Yu Jinnian smiled and bent his eyes. Yan Rong realized that this little thing was a thief and a thief. One sentence would mislead himself and leak his mouth. His expression was very annoying. He dropped his arm and sank his face: "I What to do with you! Just being caught and stripped of you. "

Yu Jinnian was busy catching up and holding back the smile: "Sir Yan, Lord Yan! Don't go, just say a few words, why do you say I can't come to Nancheng? Is there any monster in Nancheng that I can't eat?"

Yan Rong stood firm and looked back at him: "Don't you do it?"

Yu Jinnian is strange: "What did I do?"

Yan Rongdao said: "The young master of Fuguizhai was stabbed a few days ago, and his servants are holding portraits looking for the murderer on the street." He said as he stretched out his hand, the old servant behind him felt a thinness from his sleeve. The paper came and shook it to Yu Jinnian, "Look, it's not you who painted it."

Speaking of Fuguizhai, Yu Jinnian knew that he was talking about the kid named Xue Ding, but when he heard that there were still portraits, he couldn't help but put up a few palms and said, "I'm blind, Master Yan, where is this like me!" Do you see a big dark spot on his face? "

Yan Rong gently "gimmicked" and asked the old servant to come up with another portrait. This one is different from the previous one. Although it is a copy of the previous one, the discerning person can see that this brushwork is thinner and deliberately does not copy the black spots on the man's face. Previously, there were so obvious speckles that interfered with the sight, but people ignored the real appearance of this person. This way, it made people pay attention to the original facial features of the portrait.

At this time, the portraits were all hand-painted by the painter, and they were very different from the real appearance. After digging out these differences, I looked away and looked like they were really like him.

Yu Jinnian fell silent.

Yan Rong said with arms: "Why, it's undeniable? Do I need to point you to the way to Si Ya?"

Yu Jinnian raised his face and refused to accept the air: "I found that you are really strange, only to look like I was afraid of being caught, and I would have a stab in my face when I turned my face. The hearts of the girls in the Red House are not strict. Adults are so fickle ... Then Master Xue Xue is rampant in the neighborhood. Is n’t it normal that some people are not used to it? Why, if I did it, you can still turn me around. "

Yan Rong listened to him, as if this matter were really related to him. He immediately put his hands down, stared at him for a while, and then suddenly looked around, pushing him into the neighborhood with three thrusts. Teahouse box. The two sat down and retired from the idle man. He had just opened his mouth to question, and Yu Jinnian slowly spoke: "OK, rest assured, not me."

"..." Yan Rongzheng was thinking about what to do. Listening to this sentence, he was choked with tea, "Yu Jinnian! Which one of you is true?"

Yu Jinnian tasted the new flower tea and said, "Really, it can't be true anymore. Then Xueding was still treated by my own hands, so that I didn't make a spot on my face in advance, and ran to stabb him, then Healed him with painstaking thoughts, am I a painful egg? "

Yan Rong choked: "... You speak a little more gracefully."

Yu Jinnian smiled and said, "Sure, forget that Master Yan is a scholar. Since then, Master Yan, since this bad thing wasn't done by me, may I ask if I can go, I still have to buy meat, go home and make dumplings, and pass the Dragon Boat Festival. It ’s a family and an adult, and I ’ll go back to accompany my wife and have some tea with my third-rate husband. ”

Yan Rong paused in the tea cup and rested in the back of the chair without saying a word: "I'm so worried that I'm so good-hearted, you are all treated as donkeys and livers and lungs. Go and go, save your troubles!"

Yu Jinnian was going to leave, and then he turned back and asked him: "Apart from me, are you bothered by you?"

"Isn't it your childhood sweetheart," Yan Rong said with sorrow, "A few days ago, in the Imperial Study, he publicly interceded for an infamous Quan Huan, the emperor's thunder was furious, and he was stunned by his seven inches The tongue said that the smoke disappeared, and he only fined 30 people and banned in the dark room for one month. Now the people in the ups and downs and the people are in turmoil, and they are guessing whether he voted for the **** party. A burst of ridicule. "

Yan Rong said strangely, "Although Min Xuefei is a smooth man, he has always been upright. Now that the Ji family is protruding, Ji Shuluan is reused by the emperor. It is a good time to show his fists. Is Ji Shuluan inseparable? "

Yu Jinnian froze for a while and said, "I don't know."

"Yes, I told you what to do, and you don't understand." Yan Rong muttered a few words, waved his hand, "Forget it, just go, don't let the Xue family really get you wrong, I ’m not going to report to you! "

Yu Jinnian picked up his little basket and smiled: "Then you have time to go to Sanyulou, remember this tea money, and return your meal at that time."

Yan Rong muttered: "Who is missing you for a meal ..."

Looking back, the teenager had already left, leaving only a toad color silk thread on the table.


Yu Jinnian bought a bunch of things in a confused way and went back. Today, he and Yan Rong said that it seemed no big deal, but after careful consideration, the piles were not small, enough for him to think about for a while. So until I entered the Sanyu Building, I realized that I had forgotten to buy rice dumplings and had to ask my buddy to run again.

When he arrived at the kitchen, he washed the mutton and removed it and marinated it. Also grab some **** pepper, grass fruit, tangerine peel and other seasonings, together with the apricot mud pine pollen prepared by the chefs before, stir fry over medium heat, then season with salt and sauce.

The sauce was fried well, and Yu Jinnian was busy with several dishes ordered by the previous diners. He waited until the hour was almost over before preparing to cook the steamed sauce.

This dish is also very rugged in the west. Compared with the delicate style that a radish in the Central Plains can't wait to carve out hundreds of flowers, it is simply forgiving to the cook. Cut the mutton in a bowl and put some simple mixed vegetables on top, pour the pine flower apricot puree sauce that was fried before and put it in the drawer to steam.

Half an hour out of the pan, the meat was crispy, the juice was fragrant, the sheep's scent was neutralized by the scent of pine flowers, and the meat was tender and not greasy. In addition, Yu Jinnian did not follow the original spectrum meticulously, with more changes. This dish is more in line with the taste of Daxia people.

After he took care of everything for the back kitchen, the room was clean and tidy. He was digging for beans in the backyard. Since he could n’t help but miss him in Xin’an County, Ji Hong aggrievedly picked up beans for him by holding the wooden tub. At that time, it was just a leisure ... The former guy suddenly called and said that the nobleman had arrived.

Yu Jinnian hurriedly put down the bean pot to wash his hands and went out to meet, but he saw a burly middle-aged man who came down from the carriage and was capable of riding. He was very imposing.

"Mr. Yu Xiao, last time my son was thankful to you!" The other party entered the door without saying a word and gave a big thank you.

After such a reminder, Yu Jinnian suddenly remembered that it turned out that this noble lamb-loving nobleman turned out to be the famous general Lu.