No Worries about Food and Medicine

Chapter 152: Stone Salt (2)

The quail-shaped innocent face could not see the young man who was sore and sweaty. You Qingbai really admired him, thinking he could bear it, but he didn't know what he meant by "more than it hurts", did he conceal other illnesses?

Duan Ming stepped in quietly with a few taps, and after meeting Yu Jinnian, he was very happy, and then showed a little trouble.

Yu Jinnian asked him what was wrong, and then he scratched his hair and said, "We have found the rough stone salt that the young man had previously asked for. We found it. We went ten miles west of Chunan City and we intercepted a Fan caravan. Their car immediately had a few pieces of stone salt that the little boy wanted, but only a small amount. "He said that he took a piece out of his shirt and gave it to his little master.

"Really?" Yu Jinnian took a closer look and asked him to bring it to a candle to burn. After such a test, it turned out to be a purple flame.

Duan Ming went on to say, "It's just that ... The interpreters of these Fans also died of illness on the road because of the plague a few days ago. The group of them lost their way and came all the way to Chunan. Although the subordinates stopped them , But they could n’t understand what they said, and the subordinates had to capture them all back, and now they are locked in the government office. "

"Take me to see." Yu Jinnian stood up on the wooden chair, but because of the excitement, the pain in the abdomen increased, and even the front chest and back were twisted together. When sitting still, it was better to say that when he got up, he immediately bent over with pain, his face was pale, and his eyes were uncomfortable.

Duan Mingzheng was about to lead the way, and he heard a puff behind him.

Immediately, You Qingbai's panic shouted: "Mr. Yu, Mr. Yu!"