No Worries about Food and Medicine

Chapter 17: Snowy Moon Group

Because of the business, Yu Jinnian did not rest, and after eating lunch, he was busy.

The Chinese New Year ’s Eve is the second largest festival after New Year ’s Day. The so-called “just south of August 15th, melons and pomegranates are full.” At this time, melons, fruits and vegetables are all in good harvest. It's no exception. I got busy early. Even the small spikes of people's hands took rags and wiped the counter carefully.

Most restaurants in Xin'an County have already decorated their facades, and some of them have colored silk in front of their homes. They looked around, and the whole street was renewed. Even the faces of pedestrians passing by were filled with cheerful smiles.

There is no extra free money in the store for them to climb the door, but there is still some money for a new streamer. The bright and bright streamer with the word "food" is raised in the wind, and Yu Jinnian is in a good mood. He went to the carpenter's shop on the street again and bought a few wooden strips and a few thin wooden planks, which were all leftovers and worthless. He only spent money to make the carpenter master cut the wooden strips according to his requirements. Out of the mortise and a strange groove. In addition, I also bought a couple of months of molds, all engraved with moon patterns, flowers, rabbits and other patterns. Compared with the Fulu Shouxi moon cakes in the big restaurants outside, they are much fresher and more lovely.

Ji Hong was forced to stay at home to look at the store because of his poor health. He stood behind the counter and waited for a long time. He saw the young boy came back with a pile of wood, and hurried out. He took two: "What is this for?" Hands are worn out. "

Yu Jinnian smiled and threw the wooden planks at the door of the store, bent over and assembled them. Several wooden strips were interspersed and inserted into the wooden planks, which became a small standing sign, the kind often seen in front of coffee shops. Special offers or hot packages on the day will be on the road at a glance.

This thing can be seen everywhere in Yu Jinnian's world, but it was not there in the Great Xia Dynasty. Even Ji Hong seemed very new. He only watched the young boy striking the tenon of the wooden frame hard and wanted to help, but he did n’t know where to start. It was just like this, Yu Jinnian had already worked hard. Take a piece of Baishan soil from his pocket.

Baishantu, commonly known as Baituzi, is a magical little white piece. The Chinese medicine is called chalk. It can cure women's **** knots and men's dirty and cold, but it can not only cure diseases, but also be used for laundry and painting powder. Its traces can be seen.

Ji Hongzheng didn't know what use he bought this Bai Shantu. It was Yu Jinnian who picked out a small piece and drew it directly on the wooden board.

In fact, Yu Jinnian just used it as chalk. After all, Bai Shantu ’s composition is mainly calcium carbonate, and it ’s not much different from chalk ... He wanted to ask Ji Hong to write a "pre-sale moon cake" on the stand. Yes, and thinking that not everyone can recognize words, he decided to draw moon cakes on top. It ’s more convenient to understand clearly.

Every month before and after the moon eve, every family is making moon cakes. There are self-eaten and sold ones. The aroma of baked moon cakes can go around the city twice. Although Yu Jinnian can also make some so-called mooncake fillings for health care, but The price will be expensive, maybe some rich people find it strange, buy one or two to taste, it is better to earn more than small profits.

The lunar group is to be done, but it cannot be done like other homes.

Yu Jinnian put the sign up and got into the kitchen.

First, take glutinous rice flour, wheat flour, sticky rice flour and icing sugar, put them in a sea bowl, add fresh milk and oil-this oil must use unscented seed oil, soybean oil or the like, if you use peanut oil, it will bring its own aroma Rather, the lunar dough itself is not good-stir the water surface of the two bowls evenly, sift through the sieve, let a joss stick stand, then steam while stirring in the pot to make a smooth and thick batter. While cooling the batter, he fried another bowl of hand powder, which was used to sprinkle on the hand case to prevent sticking the noodles.

Now that the dough is in place, it's time to make stuffing.

In addition to the lotus paste filling named by Qinghuan Little Girl, Yu Jinnian also made many other fillings, sweet red and green sand filling, pink powder and rose filling, as well as jujube, purple potato, black hemp, There is also the Wuren stuffing that Da Xia Dynasty people love to eat and Yu Jinnian hates to kick it out of the moon cake world. In addition, there are two types of salty meat filling and ham filling, which are actually nine or ten kinds.

Ji Hong Zhao was in front of him, but Yu Jinnian himself was too busy, so he took Sui Sui in and helped him knead the dough and stuffing balls.

The little girl is clever and the crumbs are generally large, which is very reassuring for Yu Jinnian.

But he didn't know that he had blasted the pan earlier. He steamed the skin with cow's milk at the back, boiled the stuffing with various fruits and vegetables, and the fragrance drifted to the front hall early. The breath is floating.

"What is this taste, sweet and fragrant, is it a moon group!"

"I also said that I heard the wrong thing. Look, Nian Ge has a gadget at the door. Isn't the moon group painted on it?"

"Yo, this thing is really interesting. Gan Minger is also standing in front of my sugar shop!"

After everyone laughed for a while, a few of them had already paid for it, and they were ready to make a monthly group here at a bowl of noodle restaurants. Some new customers saw Yu Jinnian store is small and dilapidated. Signboard made by the moon.

Some people laughed and said, "You don't have to be afraid of eating bugs if you eat in such a small shop."

Ji Hong heard a glance and was a brightly dressed young man. Because he was crowded at that time, he didn't notice when he came in. There were two domestic servants beside him, and he was still in mid-autumn day. Shake the fan so that a wealthy family can make a pie.

"Oh! How can there be ants on this table! Is there anything unclean in the pot?"

He shouted so that several people who originally wanted to make a lunar group flinched.

"What to eat." Ji Hong is eight feet tall, standing in front of the young man like a high wall, looking down coldly, and even seeing people chill.

The young man was shocked for a moment, and was quickly attracted by the appearance of the man in front of him. He was shocked by heaven and earth and said, "You, what do you have here?"

Ji Hong said coldly: "Hang on the wall."

The little boy turned his head to look at it. Sure enough, a small wooden sign hung on the wall with some common dishes such as fried silver teeth, roasted eggplant, and cold lotus root. Compared with the beauties in front of him, it was almost vulgar. When he caught his eye, he sneered disdainfully: "That's it?" He stared at Ji Hong for several times, and his heart was hot. He asked, "What's your name?"

"Don't eat away." Ji Hong didn't answer, threw a piece of things and turned away.

The little boy looked down, it was actually a rag: "You--!"

"I don't know how to lift it!" The domestic servant next to him patted the table first. "Do you know who my son is ?!"

The little son listened to the saying that a rare beauty came from a ruined noodle shop in the west of the city. Beauty is beautiful, but if you speak with guns and thorns, you have to raise your identity to scare him to be effective. He opened the folding fan with self-satisfaction, waiting for Ji Hong to apologize to him for the tea. The fan was bought from the treasure house in Jingcheng for a large price. In the square, gold and silver threads embroidered Qinxuebaimei, and a small poem was placed on the back.

Ji Hong looked at the poem and felt familiar.

"..." No, it's very familiar.

Despite his young age, this young man prides himself on being romantic, and is a frequent visitor in Yi Cui Pavilion and Shi Hua Yuan. Qian Shan squandered as a crab in Xin'an County. When he saw Ji Hong staring at his golden silk snow fan all the time, he thought that Ji Hong liked this. He had always loved beauty, not to mention that Ji Hong was so cute, such a beauty was just a little sting Well, a big hand immediately wanted to reward him.

But the words were still unspoken, and the youngest son suffered a bite between his eyebrows and pulled a piece of black jade from his waist: "This fan is a poem written by Qingluan son. This Wu Yu Nai was brought by Hu Fan Caravan and is also a good thing, just for you! "

Seeing that his little son was so brave, his servants gave the precious Wuyu to a noodle restaurant man, and they all felt their breath out by covering their chests. But when I thought about it, there were more people who had been provoked by his son, and there were countless treasures to be rewarded, and a black jade was nothing.

Instead of looking at the black jade, Ji Hong sneered: "Is it, how can I not know?"

"If you can see that it's a good thing, you still need to be a buddy in this broken shop?" The young man raised his eyebrows, just like a dude, and squinted his eyes at Ji Mei, "If the beauty is short of money, Then I went to Jiangdong, Chengdong, to find me, I will not treat the beauty badly. "

Whatever he likes regardless of men and women, they are all soft and pleasant little yellow warbler, who have not touched the cold rhythm and ice tires. In this way, Ji Hong is like a fairy. The former Yingyingyanyan took it out, and it was not as good as Ji Hong.

It's a pity that a little taller, but high also has high benefits, more tricks, isn't it?

No one had touched it yet, Jiang Bingren was already thinking about it, and a pair of apricot eyes dripped aimlessly, spinning around Ji Hong's butt.

I'm afraid it's Ji Gongzi's life, I don't think of it, there are people in this world who dare to covet his ass.

"--Master, Master! Hurry and go, the master is home!"

Another domestic servant ran in with sweat, Jiang Bingren heard his face pale, and stood up, like a mouse seeing a cat. He walked out in a panic and asked: "What's the matter, father didn't go to Fucheng Why not come back now! "

"I don't know, it seems that the business over there is out of order, so I went home early."

"Why didn't you call me early?" Jiang Bingren inserted the folding fan used to show the swing around his waist. He would run away after picking up the clothes. When he went out, he didn't forget to turn back and blink at Ji Hong. ! "

Ji Hong: …………

Not long after Jiang Bingren walked, Sui Sui ran out, pulled his clothes, and pointed to the kitchen chef.

The little girl didn't know what she ate, and her mouth was covered with white powder. Ji Hong wiped her sleeves off and asked, "Is Jin Nian looking for me?"

Sui Sui nodded and nodded.

The kitchen has been filled with pots of various fillings and ready-made pastries. Ji Hong didn't know where to go when he walked in, but the strange thing is that there is no stove for roasting the moon in the kitchen, only a pot of noodle soup. Gollum was burning, and there were a few colorful doughs in the porcelain basin at the feet of the teenager.

The young man was busy in it, and his heart softened, so he didn't bother Yu Jinnian about what was going on.

When Yu Jinnian saw Ji Hong coming, he greeted him with a porcelain plate: "Come on, will you taste it?"

At this time, the teenager probably has been on a monthly package, with a lot of white powder on his hands and face. Ji Hong looked at the cake with jade rabbit printed on the plate. Cute, he didn't take it to eat, he still reached out and took a bite.

Yu Jinnian has become accustomed to the man who is too lazy to reach out.

The pastry entrance is soft and glutinous, with a touch of coolness, melting on the tip of the tongue and filling a sweet taste.

Ji Hong was surprised: "Is this ... a moon group?"

Yu Jinnian raised his mouth, and he said, "This is called the ice skin moon group, how?"

The skin of this little pastry is really cool, but it does not lose the name of the ice skin. Moreover, this cool little pastry, not to mention in Xin'an County, is a new thing that no one has seen in Beijing. Ji Hong nodded and praised without stingy: "It is very novel and will definitely sell."

As soon as Ji Hong said this, Yu Jinnian was happy, and picked up the other stuffed moon groups that he had just wrapped up, and let Ji Hong taste it. Seeing him on Xingtou's head, Ji Hong couldn't bear to refuse, so he ate a lot of them one by one. After "taste" the last taste, it was almost like he was going sideways.

In addition to the original color ice skin, Yu Jinnian also made colored ice skin, which are all natural pigments, such as red skin made of red yeast powder, purple skin made of purple potato, green skin made of tea powder, etc. These colorful moon groups are put together, That's good-looking.

It is a pity that there is no refrigerator at the moment, and Bingku Bingjian is not affordable for his small family. He can only seal the moon group in the porcelain altar, cool down in the well of the hospital, and the well water is cool in the late autumn. It's different, but it can't be released for a long time. It is best to sell it on the same day.

With a younger brother like Ji Hong to try dishes for him, Yu Jinnian boldly took out a batch of snowy moon cakes and tried them out for sale, and also cut a dozen mooncakes of various flavors in the store. Try eating at the door.

"Really eat without paying?" Some people doubted it.

Yu Jinnian nodded with a smile: "Really, don't believe you try it?"

The man tasted a bean paste and shouted "Spicy and sweet, ice-cold and pleasant", which attracted other onlookers to squeeze in for a try. The whole street was the hottest in front of a bowl of noodle restaurants.

Yu Jinnian was squeezed violently, suddenly his feet were light, and he was rescued after being lifted.

He smelled an elegant fragrance that was different from the noodle shop. Looking back, it was Ji Hong who rescued him, and he complained to the man: "I didn't expect so many people to crush me!"

Although he complained, there was a smile on his face.

A diner was pushed by someone and hit Yu Jinnian's back. He choked on his feet and fell directly into Ji Hong's arms.

Ji Hong put one arm in his arms, looped the teenager in, and stood in a clean place. Then he raised his hand and touched the teenager's hair naturally, whispering: "Be careful."

The sound from the top of the head was warm and watery, and the area behind the ear that was touched by the finger of the man was also itchy. Yu Jinnian's face was buried in the man's chest, and he smelled a strange smell, like a fragrant medicine. It took a while to recover, he shrank his neck, "oh", and hurriedly turned his head into the crowd.

Ji Hong: ... So what did I save you just now?

The touch of the earlobe of the young man remained on the fingers. It was cool, like the ice skin moonball I had just eaten. In this way, Ji Hong suddenly wanted another month.

Yu Jinnian shouted in the crowd: "Bingpi Yuetuan, the only one bowl of noodle restaurants! Give friends and relatives, wives and children, don't miss it when you pass by! One has only one tasting price, two only has two For money, if you buy a complete set, you can not only discount it, but also send a bowl of special health tea bags for noodle restaurants.

"It's so beautiful, my daughter-in-law must like it, Nian Ge, give me a pair!"

"I, I want to, a set of these colors!"

"Then I will reserve two sets first! Come tomorrow to pick them up."

Yu Jinnian said with a smile: "It's good, there are all. The guests who booked are tired to come here to register." He turned back and beckoned: "Ji Hong! Come and help me!"

Ji Hong looked up at Qiu Gaoyun's pale sky, and felt that such a life seemed good.


After selling this batch, and registering the list of all scheduled lunar groups, it was evening. Ji Hong was refreshed and returned to the room. He saw that Yu Jinnian was counting money, one by two, three by four, and they were very happy.

In addition to the money I made for the aunt Wu's family and the medicinal diet for the He family, and the monthly deposit sent by the Qinghuan little girl, even if you deduct the expenses of these days, it has already been accounted for more than a dozen. .

Yu Jinnian sighed: "It's really a **** of wealth."

"What?" Ji Hong sat on the bed, flipping through today's account book, his hair wet over his shoulders.

Yu Jinnian went to the kitchen, returned with a bowl of soup stewed at night, and pulled a clean hand towel from the outer clothesline. Dumbledore ran over to the bed, handed the soup to Ji Hong, and sat behind him to help him Wipe your hair.

He was immersed in the joy of making money, and he didn't feel wrong. After all, everyone's long hair was hanging down at this time, which was beautiful and beautiful, but it was troublesome to wipe it. Moreover, Ji Hong is in poor health and the weather is cold. If he is frozen, is it not Yu Jinnian who is struggling?

Ji Hong's hair was smooth and inky, and his skin was overly fair, which made him look sick. Yu Jinnian diagnosed him with weak tongue, weak pulse, weak diet, cold hands and feet, and lack of complexion, due to lack of qi and blood, deficiency of lung and kidney, and dizziness and palpitations during the trip to He's house, which was also caused by this kind of fault. Although it looked serious, he moved to pant and dizzy, and was too delicate, but for Yu Jinnian, it was not really a big problem.

The key to his treatment is one word-eat.

Of course, it can be accompanied by taking several medicines, such as Buzhong Yiqi Pills and Bazhen Soup, but how can you enjoy it, and how can you not afford to take the medicine according to the family style of Ji Hong? All the precious medicines in the sky and underground have been eaten all over again, maybe I have n’t wanted to smell the medicine in my life!

The kidney is the innate foundation, the source of anger, the root of life, and is hidden by the essence of the five internal organs and the six organs; and the spleen is the foundation of the acquired, the official of the warehouse, and the source of qi and blood biochemistry, which shows its importance. So eat delicious and healthy, and then exercise more to naturally strengthen your body. Yu Jinnian called it-pig raising plan.

At this time, the "beautiful piglet" he wanted to raise was originally intended to look at the account book. At this time, he held the soup that Yu Jinnian specially stewed for him, and was attracted by the aroma of the broth in the bowl.

"What soup is this?" Ji Hong asked.

Yu Jinnian said: "Qizi lean meat soup. Astragalus, wolfberry, red dates and lean meat are slowly simmered, which has the effect of replenishing qi and blood. You have something to drink. This is just the beginning. There are many ways to recuperate your body in the future. If you want to be great, listen to me in the future and you will be as strong as a tiger! "

Like a tiger? Ji Hong smiled and picked up the bowl and squeezed it slowly. The taste was fresh but not salty, and the medicine was fragrant but not bitter. When I drank it at night, I felt warm. I couldn't help nodding: "Okay, listen to you."

On the small cabinet at the bedside was still the "Qing Luan Poetry Collection". When Yu Jinnian saw that Ji Hong was all right, when the account book was not working, he smiled and asked, "Ji Hong, can you read the poem for me? Tell me about it. "

With a soft mouth and short hands, Ji Hong had to put down the account book and pick up the poem collection, and opened a page to read it.

Here, Yu Jinnian can't understand a few, but he reads the medical history collections and ancient texts, but he can understand these poems, so he understands more why the "green luan son" can There are so many fans in this way-his poems have a more elegant style than others. They are elegant and elegant, and don't have a taste in mind. There may be a lot of crazy poets in the world, who are outstanding in talents, and they can take a pen and write words freely, which is amazing, but only this young luan son, idle chess and flowers, quiet and demure, as if in his world, the flowers will never be defeated The grass is evergreen and beautiful, almost illusory.

Ask a man who is a man in the world who complains about a woman, who does n’t want to live in that beautiful dream of Huang Liang, and wo n’t wake up when drunk?

"Eh?" He suddenly noticed that the poem collection seemed to be a little different. "Don't these pages haven't been clear before, how come there are words suddenly?" Seeing the completed pages are all poems of Qingluan Gongzi, Yu Jinnian realized: "So you are also a fan of Qingluan son?"

Ji Hong: ... should I tell him.

However, Yu Jinnian did not know his psychological activity and whispered: "But the extreme north snowfield he wrote is really beautiful. Is there such a beautiful place?"

Ji Hong's hair was almost dried up when he was reading poetry. He put down his empty bowl and reached into his quilt with his two bare feet, and said softly, "No, it's fake."

Yu Jinnian drilled a bone into the bed, and the quilt pulled over his shoulder, frowning: "How do you know it is fake?"

"Guess." Ji Hong sat beside the bed, looking at the closed-eye young man gently, and suddenly asked, "Do you like Qingluan's poems so much?"

"He ..." Yu Jinnian said halfway, and suddenly he didn't say anything.

Looking at it again, it was already asleep.

Ji Hong: Where did you learn the ability to sleep this second?

The author has something to say:


Longevity! If Ji Gongju is like a cow like a tiger for more than X years, you still don't want ass!


Ji Gongju's diary is open! ! :

Today someone called my little cutie to go to the kiln and remember her small book!

Someone coveted my **** today and took his small book.

Today, little cute stewed soup for me! Ah ah bang!


Ji Gongzi himself →

Ji Gongju's Diary →

Yu Jinnian: == (This must not be true Ji Gongju.)