No Worries about Food and Medicine

Chapter 39: Four beautiful soup

I do n’t know if Min San had a short root in his mind. Hearing Ji Hong ’s surname as Wang, he did n’t even have any doubts. He also apologized and apologized to him. Wen Ya said: “Do n’t be rude and rude. Old friend. "

"Anyway." Ji Hong was leaving.

Min San seemed to have opened his mind in an instant, catching up and saying: "This is also a fate, so why don't you just go underneath, and ask two of you to enjoy the light and taste the wine? This is also a coincidence. Today, the spring breeze is upstairs--"

Before anything was finished, Ji Hong interrupted him mercilessly: "No."

Min Sanxi's mouth was choked with buns out of thin air, set in place, and watched Ji Hong dragging the Qingjun boy next to him away. After a while, he recovered and kicked the small stones under his feet, pondering, "Is he, not him?"

He has n’t seen the man for many years, and his memory is still what he looked like when he was twelve or three.

At this time, two young brothers dressed in blue robes ran out of the crowd, with a strong and burly figure, a delicate wooden box in one hand, and a good wine in the number one on the waist. As soon as the two hit their heads on the street, they caused everyone to whisper and talk. However, this is also not to be blamed for others being rude. It is true that these two people have strange clothes patterns, but all the flat surfaces of the clothes are filled with large and small words.

These two brothers also seem to be used to being onlookers, and do n’t care. After seeing Min San, the anxiety on the faces of the two began to spread, and caught up and sighed, "San Gongzi, you must never lose it again. This is the pine smoke ink of Zhuxianzhai you ordered, and the pine mash of Dongguixuan. "

Min San grabbed them suddenly and said, "Poetry and painting, please take a look. Does that person look like Ji Sange?"

Two big men, one famous poetry, one famous painting, it is so ridiculous that people can no longer lift their heads, but the name of the bleed people, or the two of them earned it by death, know Min Sanyuan The names to be given to them are "Luo Luo" and "Red Dress".

——Who told them to display such a master who is superior in taste and self-righteous.

Painted black face said: "San Gongzi, you wake up soon, since hitting the road south, how many times have you misidentified?"

The poetry also said: "Not to mention that Ji San Gongzi is ill, can he come to such a distant place. Even if he comes alive, if he hears you here, he must have pulled his leg and flew away. To make you run into him. "

Min San bowed his head and walked with him to the Fulai Inn. He sadly yelled: "I haven't seen my third brother Ji for many years. The second brother still reads in my ears how the third brother Ji Ji has been more charming all these years. Yi. He went to drink tea with people every day to appreciate the article, but it made me only smell his poems, but not others, really want to kill me alive! "

This Min family is a noble of the Shixun, a Confucian Confucian, and the family rules are comparable to the laws of the temple. However, I do n’t know what the ancestors have made. This generation has produced a corrupt young man. It was a big boy who was moving, and he could only move a little, as if the wild horse had taken off, dragging a strip to wrap the house around. In Jingzhong, some self-proclaimed scholars ridiculed him as "both crazy and infatuated". Later, this word spread into the ears of Zheng Zhu'er's ears. The good wine brought dozens of people to the door and wanted to pay homage to the brothers. The scholar thought that he was going to die today and even fled.

However, Min Sanhu scorned him. He had a calm older brother above him, and a second brother who personally praised the "unfinished material". In short, it was his turn to succeed in his career. He looked for poetry and painting. Traveling westwards, doing the most elegant things, but unfortunately this person has a clear vision, and the total elegance is not so clever, the aesthetics are crooked and uncomfortable.

Both poetry and painting are children of the family. Since childhood, they have followed Min San. The two of them are both minions and playmates. When they were young, their little master ran barely, but they picked up their trousers behind; when they were older, they finally did not take off their trousers, and when they were in trouble outside, they packed up the mess.

Anyway, Min San did n’t have a master, so they grew bigger and bigger. Now, Min San spends most of his time in the mountains and rivers outside. They follow you everywhere, but they are also comfortable, not hindering the old-fashioned home. Master's eyes.

Their young master, it's strange, other family property and financial assets are all disregarded, and the partial life can see the poems of the last season's little son. That is the contemplation, turning around, the so-called Yi Shi, on the water side.

At this time, the poetry and Min San lifted the bar again and arranged one by one: "Speaking of Ji San Gongzi, it's not your own business? Who is obsessed with Ji San Gongzi's poems? People write you a long poem that praises your red-faced rooster? "

"It's going to be called" General Scarlet "."

"That's all. Later, I took advantage of the banquet in the house of Master Ji, and hid behind the rockery of others. Our house thought that your son was lost and sent someone to search the city in the middle of the night. The window also scared people for several days. "

"Well, I was banned from entering the house, and I threw stones from the poem in the courtyard."


Ji Sangong was also only twelve or three years old at that time, and he was already like a jade group turned into a fairy, and elegant and elegant. After this, he was no longer willing to see their crazy son San Min, their son. Poor, since then the admiration flowed in the water. Later, Ji Sangong became older. Although he didn't leave home because of his frailty and sickness, he became more and more frightened. Their sons and daughters were so anxious that they couldn't find a poem. Cold noodles come out.

The face was so full of people knowing that in Beijing, Mok in Beijing gave him the nickname "Min San crazy" and said, "See poetry madness, see painting madness, see Ji Sangong madness", in short, the nickname is It can't be removed completely.

"I'm not, isn't that ... forgivable?" Min Santou said lower and lower, quite embarrassed, until he returned to Fulai Inn and closed the door, he still justified and said, "I don't have a person when I'm young. It ’s time to be guilty, am I alright! "

Just now, I just grabbed a person from the street and called it Ji San Gongzi. This is probably a guilty mistake-the poetry and the paintings whispered in unison.

Min San ignored them and happily went to get the newly purchased pine smoke ink. The pine smoke ink of Zhuxianzhai here is the most famous and rare and rare. If it had been heard that there was another batch of new ink on the cabinet recently, he Nor will he suddenly change course while traveling in the mountains and rivers, and turn to Xin'an County.

As soon as the ink came out of the box, it smelled of a pleasant scent of smoke. On one side of the ink ingot was carved a long-sounding figure of Yanghe in lacquered gold and silver, and on the other side was the plaque of Zhuxianzhai. Love, hurry up with me for a try! "

The poems were brushed with ink, and he unfolded a hibiscus paper and thought about it, saying: "After coming out for a long time, he will report to the second brother with a letter."

When I said it, I wrote down what happened today, and ended it with "Don't read it well", put the words "Brother Mao", and wrote to let the painting send people back to Beijing. The poem is gone.


Go back to a bowl of noodle restaurants.

When Yu Jinnian saw Ji Hong, he didn't want to explain what Fang Cai and the man meant. He didn't even ask him first. He changed his clothes and washed his hands. He walked until the kitchen went to the crabs and fish to prepare this "four beautiful soup."

Qing Huan laid his hands on the side, washing the fresh and tender green fresh juicy vegetables, and listening to the name of Simei soup, he yearned for it. He could n’t help but ask which of the four beauty soups is the most beautiful.

Yu Jinnian fished out the crucian carp, carefully cut the tender meat at the belly of the fish, put it in a plate, drizzle a little rice wine, spread a few slices of fresh green onion and ginger, and steamed in the pot. He shredded the washed mushrooms and smiled, "Simei soup actually does not have a fixed number, and nowadays delicious things can be added to the soup. I have been cooked by the ancients today, so it is a little famous."

When the mushrooms cut off, he asked Qinghuan to shred the garnish like this, and he threw the washed female crab on the grate and steamed it together. As the so-called "September round navel and October tip", it was clear that eating crab A good time-September female crab yellow is full of fat, and October male crab cream is full of white fat, but whether it is a male crab female crab, the white crab meat, Huang Chengcheng's cream, are enough to make you drool.

While he was greedy himself, he said: "The so-called four beauty is the mushroom of the land, the hydra of water, the yellow of the crab, the rib of the fish. These four things are delicious, and the single one is so rare that people even swallow their tongues. If you put it together, would n’t it be beautiful? "

Qing Huan thought about it for a while and couldn't help but stun: "Huh, that's really, it's so dead!"

Moreover, Ulva can detoxify and stop vomiting, and also relieve stomach pains. Cooking with crucian carp has a thicker spleen and stomach effect, which is not only beneficial to Ji Hong's spleen and stomach, but also has great benefits in the care of Er Niang's condition.

The two were talking, and suddenly heard outside diners calling people, Qing Huan had to put down his hands and go out to welcome the guests first. Now Qing Huan can be alone, and she can learn how to make noodles quickly. Even if Yu Jinnian is not in the shop, she can cope with it for two days. Qing Huan was overwhelmed by the guests. He walked for a while and did n’t see him back. At this time, the crab on the stove was ready, but Yu Jinnian was dealing with the steamed crucian carp before. He was so busy that his feet were turning around, and suddenly there was a shadow from the side of his body, and the black gurgling covered it.

He raised his head, Ji Hong raised his hand and walked over the top of his head, opened the lid, and picked up the crab on the grate.

You pick me up with two people, you have a heart, and no other words are needed.

Yu Jinnian removed the tender meat from the fish ribs and nailed the umbilical shell of the female crab while it was hot. Then fry the crab yellow with thin oil to make the powder smooth like sand, then boil the crab fish with fresh silk, mushrooms and shredded mushrooms. After the fragrance scented out for a while, stir the corn flour a little to make the soup thick and thick .

After the soup was ready, he cold-tuned a plate of cold kelp.

Kelp soaked hair repeatedly washed away excess salt, then quickly mixed with garlic, **** flower, sauce, vinegar, order a spoonful of spicy seeds and sesame oil, is a refreshing, greasy, appetizing small cold dish. Although the kelp is cold and the spleen and stomach are cold, it is not suitable to eat more.

Finally steamed the buns made by Qing Huan once again, and Yu Jinnian returned to the house with Ji Hong carrying these three things.

Yu Jinnian wiped his hand and said: "It's just outside outside at this time, just eat here."

Ji Hong didn't say much. He picked up the soup bowl and took a sip. Sure enough, it was fragrant and fresh, and there was no fragrant fragrance. The fish and crabs had gone fishy, ​​leaving them fresh. The four beautiful flavors melt into it, almost no need to move your teeth, and the soft soup rolls down the throat, falling into the belly warm and comfortable, and the aftertaste is endless.

Drink two mouthfuls of soup, and then try chopsticks with kelp, slightly sour and spicy, salty and tasty, very appetizing.

Whether as a medical doctor or as a cook, Yu Jinnian likes to see the smiles on the guests' faces and sees Ji Hong eating deliciously. He is also very happy himself, and even eats two more buns for this reason.

After finishing his share, Yu Jinnian poured himself a cup of warm tea, peeping at the other party while holding the tea cup, and seeing Ji Hong eating a steamed bun was slow and elegant. He didn't panic and embarrassed for a moment because he was being watched.

Others are primordial flowers, he is a jade finger bag, can also be called a rare and wonderful beauty.

Thinking of this, a "beauty bag drawing" appeared in his mind, and he burst out laughing.

Ji Hong saw that he was laughing all the time, and the tea in the cup was going to come out. He did n’t know what the **** was in his head, so he reached out and took the boy over, sat down next to him, and asked him, "What's so funny?" ,tell me the story."

Yu Jinnian was talking on the head, so he lay on the table case and told him "pull the bag picture", and dipped his finger on the water, drew a rough sketch on the wooden surface, pointed at the firewood man inside and smiled: "Exactly."

"Your bag picture is still not as good as the red-faced black chicken picture I have seen." The two said with a few smiles, Ji Hong looked at the teenager with a lazy look, and his eyelids were also sinking, which was already supporting the spirit and him. Having spoken, he gently wiped the teenager's eyelids with his thumb, half of the massage and half of the rubbing, and said, "I haven't slept well in these days?"

"Um ..." Yu Jinnian lay on the table, leaning his head against his arm and muttering softly.

Ji Hong: "Go to bed and take a nap."

Yu Jinnian hesitated and said: "But there is still business outside."

"I'll pay attention to it and wake you up if you have something." He took the man to the bed, he also unloaded his outer boots and leaned on the bedpost, grabbed it with one hand, and rubbed slowly on the thin back of the teenager. Yu Jinnian snuggled to his waist, half-closed his eyes, and remembered the red-faced black-faced chicken picture he just mentioned. He continued to chat with him: "What is the red-faced black-faced chicken picture?"

Ji Hong bowed his head and said softly: "Someone had a black-faced black chicken figure, and I had to draw a poem to praise his chicken, otherwise he would have to rely on my house to refuse to leave. Later he raised garlic root as a daffodil, knowing it was I raised my own fault, but asked me to write a poem to praise his garlic sprouts ... "

Yu Jinnian raised his eyelids to look at him, curiously: "There are such people? Did you write it?"

"I just thought he was a silly man, and he refused to let him drive him out. Later, the man pried my window and climbed the door of the wall ... I thought, this man could not be a lunatic, since then Fear him even more, and never let him enter my yard again. "

This person may not be a stalker, but was Ji Hong, who was so young, turned out to be so timid, really like a little princess, and somehow grew up to become this cold and light look, Yu Jinnian was trapped Frowning frantically, he smiled suddenly and asked, "What is this man trying to do?"

"Who knows, a wonderful flower." Ji Hong raised his hand and dropped half of the bed curtain to cover a little sunlight. He also lay down on his side and patted the back of the teenager, closing the story of this wonderful flower. At the end of the end, he shouted, "A story before bed, just go to bed."

This story is more interesting than that of General Guo Jiji, a loyal minister. Yu Jinnian had a stalker story in his heart, and he killed this red-faced chicken brother in an afternoon in his dream.


And in front of Fulai Inn, which is only half a street away.

Min Mao, the son of Min San, who was about to set off on the road, was sitting in a beautifully decorated carriage and playing with the newly acquired pine smoke ink ingot. Suddenly, the curtain of the car was lifted, and he felt a gust of wind behind him, and he couldn't help sneezing.

"Why is it so cold? Picture, bring a cloak!"