No Worries about Food and Medicine

Chapter 58: Sugar Golden Date

The spring breeze was suddenly messed up in the building, and Jiang Bingren was in a hurry. If the son of the servant of the military department had a length and a length in his restaurant, it was impossible to say that the restaurant could not be opened. The whole Jiang family was afraid that Yan Rong was buried!

That little man ran down the stairs, Jiang Bingren was already anxiously shouting: "Doctor! Why haven't you come yet!"

Yu Jinnian heard the roar, and immediately put down the dim sum tea cup in his hand, pushed away Ji Hong and jumped off the couch, trying to put shoes on his feet. He heard Jiang Bingren's call was extremely urgent, and he knew that the patient was in danger-at least it seemed very dangerous. He couldn't help feeling anxious, he didn't put it on twice, he didn't wear it anymore, he threw his shoes and ran out with just a pair of white socks.

As soon as he came out of the screen, he was seen by Jiang Bingren. Master Jiang Xiao slapped his thigh suddenly, and he could n’t remember what he was still having trouble with others. Boss Yu, quickly, come and see! "

Because Yan Rong was choked, Xiao Xiao patted his back in an attempt to make him cough.

"Stop it, don't shoot it!" Yu Jinnian ordered him to live in a small house, regardless of any etiquette. He ran over without wearing shoes in the face of a group of literati, and walked over to find out that the patient was the only one. Young scribes who rolled their eyes at them, he asked several people nearby, "Are you stuck with something?"

Jiang Bingren waved again and again: "I, I, I didn't see it."

The tall man said, "Yes, I ate peanuts!"

Yu Jinnian quickly rolled up his sleeves and went up to support Yan Rong. There was still a little man next to him to see that he was thin and thin. He wanted to come up to help, and Yu Jinnian sternly shouted, "Everyone let it go, don't touch him with your hands, Do n’t go down! The food gets stuck in the trachea, the more it goes, the worse it gets! "

Hearing the word "Fate", a group of people pushed forward half a step horribly, for fear that it was in their own hands.

No one present can afford this responsibility.

Jiang Bingren also scared his eyes and said, "You can't do it, Nian Ge, this is the home of the Ministry of Armed Forces-"

"He is the son of the emperor's family, and I have the same treatment in my hands!" Yu Jinnian was most annoyed by how others were in front of him, how expensive and wealthy they were, as if noble status would make Yan The prince rewarded him with the same two years of life.

Others listened to the young son's voice so clanging, they were silent for a while, no longer in chaos.

Ji Hong also put on his boots and walked into the crowd. Jiang Bingren saw him coming and asked again in a guilty manner: "Boss Yu can't do it, but that's the eldest son of the Warrior's family, if there is a ..."

Ji Hong's self-confidence in Yu Jinnian revealed in peace, "If he can't do it, no one can do it in this city."

"..." Hearing Ji Hongdu say this, Jiang Bingren had to suppress the panic and looked anxiously at Yu Jinnian.

Yu Jinnian embraced Yan Rong from behind. Because Yan Rong was taller than him, he couldn't work hard, so he bent forward with one leg slightly, making Yan Rong lean slightly on his leg and leaning his upper body forward slightly . He clenched his fist in one hand and wrapped his fist in the other, resting on Yan Rong's upper abdomen.

After Yu Jinnian took a deep breath, he squeezed his hands tightly and squeezed his fist hard upwards into Yan Rong's abdomen.

Once, twice, three times.

Fast and fast.

Hammering for the fourth time, Yan Rong rolled his eyes, murmured in his throat, and suddenly opened his mouth. A small thing spewed out of his pharynx. The little thing was spit on the ground and rolled far away, frightening several people along the way. , As if it were a monster who would eat human hands and feet.

Jiang Bingren looked down carefully and shouted, "It's peanuts, peanuts!"

After Yan Rong spit out the peanut, he took a deep breath, as if he had just been rescued by the drowning man. He grabbed the fresh air, the green muscles rising from his face faded away, and the redness of his neck also faded. Slowly spread out, holding a few cases and breathing hard for a while before I finally felt alive.

Yu Jinnian let him go and turned to Yan Rong, holding his mouth: "Open your mouth, ah--!"

For the rest of Yan Rong's life, he was still in a trance, opened his mouth obediently to the light, and said to him: "Ah ..."

"Well, okay, drink some water smoothly." Yu Jinnian nodded. "The back wall of the pharynx was broken a little bit. It's okay. Eat less spicy these two days." He released the man, and then Frowning and educating, "I will eat more carefully in the future, what's the hurry? I'm so anxious, I lost my life, and I won't have time to regret it!"

Yan Rong nodded subconsciously, coughed twice, and suddenly realized what was happening, squeezed his lips hard and looked at Yu Jinnian.

The teenager's sleeves were held between his elbows and his feet were not shoes. He was standing on the floor wearing a pair of white socks. He was shorter than him, but he leaned on his head and taught the people seriously. He was only concerned with the relationship with Ji Hong in the screen, and did not pay attention to the young man next to him. Later, he was shocked by the actions of the case. He thought that this young man was tender and delicate, and he should be the most savvy who knows how to get drunk. Dodder flower.

At first glance, it seems not.

"Jinnian." A deep voice rang out from the crowd, interrupting Yan Rong's speculation. It was Ji Hong.

The teenager looked back, and his face instantly regained its docile appearance. He ran past with his clothes on, and when he approached, he opened his face with a smug smile and whispered something, that season The young man naturally stretched out a hand to embrace the teenager's waist, and while nodding, he walked back to the back of the screen intimately with him.

Yan Rongyan sat on the couch and felt that he had come back after a trip at the Huangquan intersection. He was still afraid of wandering in his heart. He stroked his chest before thinking of thanking Ji Hong, and a white-haired old man ran up on the stairs breathlessly. The child, carrying a lacquer ware medicine chest, is really old and strong, and his feet are two steps at a time, which makes people nervous.

Even the medicine boy who was behind him couldn't catch up, and said in horror: "Grandpa Luo, you are a leg of a child, slow down!"

When Yao Yao ridiculedly called Grandpa, Luo Qian was anxious and angry: "Human lives are close to heaven, can you let you drink tea and enjoy the scenery?"

He had just finished speaking, and the man also reached the second floor, but he was stunned on the spot-there is no urgent person mentioned by the rumor Xiao Xiao, not even a drunk, only a group of people with his big eyes squinted The broad-eyed boy.

"Where is the patient?" Yaotong also came up, seeing the scene so quiet, and not polite, "You are just taking us for fun! Even if you are proud of your family's great cause, you can't play like this! The old gentleman ran all the way, lest the patient be wrong! "

Yan Rong coughed twice and said, "Sorry, it's just down, just ..."

Someone added to the side: "It is cured! The little doctor named Yu is cured!"

"It's really powerful, so three or two times ... Alas, I have a cousin who choked to death while eating vegetables. If there is a small magic doctor, he won't be able to ..."

A group of people are clustered together in groups of three or five, and there are some things that are verbose.

Yan Rong's face was not good. Xu Shi hadn't let go of the two men's troubles, and because one of them was uncertain that he was eager to see the uncle Ji Luan, he was even more gloomy.

He couldn't figure it out, how could such a talented person know the etiquette get to the south and get entangled with a tender young man, is it really the Jiangnan wind and the soft water, and Rao who is a generation of high mountains can't escape This ruin of nephrite Wenxiang?

Ji Shuluan's man should be like his poems and rumors, like ice and jade bones, out of the ordinary, just with some weak sickness, it should be affectionate, Hui is very necessary Injured people.

The last thing I should do is to play tricks!

Yan Rong was sick of this kind of thing in his heart, and even more so, this kind of thing happened to Ji Shuluan.

He filled himself with a cup of tea under grievance, and the tea slipped hotly across his throat, and stabbed his pharynx. He frowned "sizzle" and rubbed his neck and swallowed.

Luo Qian heard that it was "Little Magic Doctor with Surname Yu", and guessed that it was Yu Jinnian. He walked through the screen following the guidance, and it was indeed him!

At that time, Yu Jinnian was laying his legs on the couch, leaning his upper body against the short table, and picked out a small person-shaped hot cake from the dessert dish, and pointed at the small bowl of hot flowers behind him with a frown. Ji Gongzi sitting watching.

That season son nodded, and seemed to whisper something naughty, so annoyed that the younger brother raised his hand and stuffed the little cookie man into Ji Gongzi's mouth.

At this time, Yu Jinnian only noticed Luo Qian, he was busy and seated, and greeted him with a smile: "Mr. Luo, I didn't expect you to be invited?" Seeing Luo Qian's head was full of sweat, he oops All in one, he jumped down and gave a place for Luo Qian to sit down. He turned to the other side of the short table and huddled with Ji Hong.

He squeezed Ji Hong with his ass, and Ji Hong was not bothered. He shunned his back and let it go to the corner of the couch.

Such a series of movements seem random, but only two extremely close talents can do it. If there is a little gap, the face will show some impatience. Luo Qian only saw Ji Hong once in front of the pharmacy that day, and it was raining in the sky. He came to pick up his brother and returned home. At that time, the two acted very close and failed to walk Something was introduced. See you today. Luo Qian couldn't help but look at Ji Hong more.

Yu Jinnian said: "This is my brother."

Ji Hong bowed his head and also called: "Mr. Luo."

Luo Qian only thought that he was a righteous brother and righteous brother, so he didn't explore much. After greeting each other, he went straight to the topic and asked Yu Jinnian, "I heard that Mr. Xiao has done his best again."

Yu Jinnian said implicitly: "Where ... it's just a critical situation, I can't care about it."

Luo Qian said anxiously: "The last time Mr. Xie said that he really listened to Jun's words and won a decade of reading! Hearing Mr. Xiao revealed another skill, he could cure this food choking into the airway. It's not a secret I have been diagnosed with many kinds of emergencies, I think I have some experience, but I can only save six out of ten, it is always a pity ... but I do n’t know what the trick of Mr. Xiao ’s method is. "

Yu Jinnian was busy holding his salute hand and said, "Education is not daring, but it is a first aid. I will give Mr. Luo a look." He said, looking around, looking for someone to cooperate with the demonstration, Ji Hongcai He stood up and was pressed by him, "You don't want it, you are too tall."

Ji Hong: "..."

"Chen Li, you come." He called the little medicine boy.

How to embrace from the back, how to make a fist, how to shock, all told Luo Qian carefully, as to what is the principle because it involves anatomical things, such as how abdominal organs, lungs and diaphragm move Yes, I was afraid that I could n’t understand it for a while, but I said it. I was afraid that I would be shocked by the world and I would n’t mention it.

Regarding how to do it for adults, and how to do for babies and children, Luo Qian remembered it one by one, and wondered afterwards, "This is the way Mr. Xiao realized by himself?"

Yu Jinnian laughed: "This is not the case, this method is called the sea--" He suddenly gave a meal, almost spoke a foreign name, and changed his mouth busy and said, "The Hai's first aid method was encountered by the boy by accident. It was taught to me by a doctor named Hai Fan. "

Luo Qian was surprised for a while: "Mr. Xiao is really a strange encounter!"

"Huh, huh, yeah ..." Yu Jinnian said with a dry tongue, he was afraid that Luo Qian would ask for something else, and hurriedly pulled the saucer, "Today is the tea tasting party in the spring breeze, this refreshment is very good, sir Try it. "

Luo Qian was not polite with him, he took a golden bell and ate it, and said, "It's really good, Mr. Xiao's golden bell is very popular in Xin'an. This opportunity, but to buy more back. "

Speaking of conversation, Luo Qian got up and said goodbye, went back to think about the Hai first-aid method Yu Jinnian said.

Yu Jinnian couldn't sit still anymore. He had wanted to see what the so-called scribe meeting was like, but he was disappointed. However, a group of poets poured acid water on each other and then packed up and prepared to go home.

When he stayed, he failed to stand firm for a moment. Ji Hong quickly stroked him and bent over to pick up Yu Jinnian's shoes.

When Jiang Bingren walked in, he saw Ji Hong lowering his head and putting shoes on the boss's feet. He felt sour in his heart and leaned his arms against the screen. The wind said coolly, "This is outside, you are not avoiding people like this, nor afraid of being hurt. Joke! You do n’t know, what do the people outside say about you? "

Yu Jinnian was not happy anymore. He took the shoes on and put on his feet. He stomped on the low foot and stomped: "I didn't hear it, why do you have to repeat it?"

Jiang Bingren was angry: "You ...!"

Yu Jinnian wondered again: "It's really weird. You have been ridiculed recently, what the **** are you doing?"

Jiang Bingren didn't actually want to quarrel with Yu Jinnian. Yu Jinnian had just saved Yan Rong. They were all big benefactors who were proud of them. This kind of kindness is to let him go to the door to thank him. He didn't know what to do, his mouth was faster than his brain, and at the same time he spoke out the cool words. He looked at Yu Jinnian, sipped his mouth, and didn't refute anything, he said: "Nothing ... you have to go back , I will send you in sedan. "

"No, go to exercise more." Yu Jinnian pulled Ji Hong away.

"Wait." Jiang Bingren called them, and pulled a little guy to guide Yu Jinnian. "The newcomer Louzhou Jinzao'er is coming later. It's not very common. Ask them to give you a basket and take it back to eat."


Yu Jinnian thought that the so-called golden jujube would be a specialty big red jujube, but when he saw it in the backyard, it was actually a basket of small kumquats, each of which was golden and small, with green leaves and moisture. The taste of kumquat is different from other oranges, tangerines, and oranges. Xu is always able to chew together with the meat of the belt. He always feels that there is a strange aroma. He likes it, so I saw this The thing was greedy, and it was very boneless that Ren Xiaolu filled him with a big basket.

He pinched one to Ji Hong, Ji Hong frowned for a long while: "... eat directly?"

Yu Jinnian carried the basket: "Ah, try it quickly."

The skin of this golden jujube is thin and sweet, with a slightly acidic aftertaste, a fragrant aroma, and fragrant teeth. Yu Jinnian chews it with great taste, but Ji Hong is tangled in the face-Jin Zaoer is a south fruit, this one loses from north to south It was not easy to transport, so many of the golden dates that arrived in Xiajing were made into salted preserves, but those who entered the Liguo government were even more delicate and tricky. Therefore, Ji Hong had never eaten golden dates before. The question "Is it possible to eat it raw?"

The two chewed one by one and walked out. When Chunfeng was proud of the door of the building, he collided with a rushing servant who rushed in and out. Something fell off his waist, and he didn't pay attention.

At this time, Yan Rong ran down from the second floor, and then came to the door. He saw that Ji Gongzi and the two had gone away. He hesitated for a while. After all, he didn't chase any more, but he looked down and lay on the ground. Put a small fan ...

When Yu Jinnian walked to the west of the city, he felt that the fan was gone. He searched along the way again, but he couldn't find it all at once. He felt annoyed and lost his mind. I had to promise to write to him again, so I had to go home.

As soon as I got home, I changed my clothes, and put the jade-colored garment into the cupboard like a baby, and then went straight to the kitchen with my sleeves.

He saw that Ji Hong was not used to eating raw golden dates, so he made some sugar oranges.

It is to cut the golden jujube in half, pluck out the little seeds, and then boil it slowly with rock sugar. The boiled sugar has a ruddy orange color and a sweet taste. The thick syrup wraps a grain of jujube. It can be eaten directly as a snack or sealed in a jar. It can be stored for three to five days. Moreover, the raw kumquat is cut and soaked directly in the wine, which also has a special flavor.

Yu Jinnian and Ji Hongyao were eating sugar and golden dates on the couch, and discussed going to the meat shop tomorrow to buy a lamb leg for wine making.

In the other room on the east side of the city, where the oranges are like beans, Yan Rong opened the small fan he picked up. The bamboo bones were plain and unpretentious, but the fan shop was just a low-end paper fan that no one wanted.

Then I looked at the words above carefully, and I couldn't help looking.