No Worries about Food and Medicine

Chapter 72: Sesame honey pill

Yan Rong wants to treat Miss Wu and leave a message, regardless of the consequences, only to be completely cured.

Yu Jinnian said not to be surprised that it was false. At that time, while Yan Rong was drunk, what he said in a mess was that he would die if he didn't save. In fact, he threatened Yan Rong's old and pedantic, and there was no truth in it. The Yan family is so old-fashioned, from the old lady to the eldest son, they all point to Yan Yuyao to marry. How can they tolerate the marrying of a girl who ca n’t give birth to a son? I poked my spine for a lifetime.

People have their own lives. Yu Jinnian ca n’t take the place of Yan Yuyao. He can only leave some terrible lies, even if it is to make Yan Rong feel guilty and sleep and sleep, remembering his five sisters who claim to be the most caring and loving. Just tossing and turning, fortunately it was a little breath to Miss Wu.

Unexpectedly, Yan Rong lowered his posture and came to him for treatment.

Yu Jinnian did not say it properly, nor did he say it wrongly, and hanged Yan Rong for a while, before the old **** sighed and said, "I will do my best!"

The words were heavy, and Yan Rong was also afraid. He went out to pull out the silver and asked Yu Jinnian to be extra careful. At this time, he didn't dismiss him as a prostitute who engages in backdoor activities with people. It seemed that he was like a recipient. Bribery of quack doctors.

Yu Jinnian collected the money, and sent the high-profile Duan Ming to see him off, but he was not in a hurry to work. How did he come? He went to Ji Hong ’s house to eat pears and apples. Eat freshly made snacks.

Ji Hong felt for a moment that he was n’t burned, but was more pregnant. He was pressed on the bed and waited outside. In the evening, he gave the spoonful of spoonful of medicine, and even the feet were washed by the teenager himself. After washing it, hug it in your arms and wipe it slowly with a soft towel.

He said not to be bothered, but he was very helpful in his heart, only to feel that he was more than half cured.

The next afternoon, Yu Jinnian finally acted unhurriedly.

He nested in the backyard and squatted in front of the kitchen cabinet near the stove. He moved things from the ground floor, opened the old cloth, and put out a few clay pots-inside it was steamed a few days ago and crushed again. Powdered black sesame. Sesame seeds are most afraid of moisture, which is not tasty when they are wet. They must be dried dry to have a vigorous fragrance.

He pours black sesame jars in the kitchen, Ji Hong walks in from behind, silently like a cat, scared Yu Jinnian jumped, almost broke the clay pot in his hand, he hurriedly raised his legs and used his knees Put the bottom of the jar against it and asked with a sigh of relief: "How did you get up, okay?"

Ji Hong held the jar with his hand and placed it on the stage: "Somehow, I suddenly felt uncomfortable, so I just asked Mr. Yu to come and see?"

He smiled and said that his face was white and ruddy, and his breath was soft and steady. Where did he feel uncomfortable? Yu Jinnian snorted and immediately pierced the man's lie: "I think you have a bad mouth and want to taste mine The bamboo shoots are fried! "He said so, but he shook his head, shattered his forehead to the back of his head, and tipped his feet to use his forehead to make up Ji Hong's forehead.

Both hands were washed to deal with sesame seeds, he didn't want to wash it again, so he had to use his forehead to measure Ji Hong's temperature.

The two faced each other nose-to-nose, they were too close, and they couldn't see each other clearly. There was only a pair of eyes like stars and moons in front of them. Unique care. However, it is one thing to think, but it is another thing to be helpless in the world. Yu Jinnian measured his body temperature and said with confidence: "Well, it should not burn."

Ji Hong wanted to say something more. The fake dude real guard Duan Ming came back with a stack of empty dishes and said it was the end, but in Yu Jinnian ’s eyes it was no different from acrobatics. He raised his arms flat and raised his head. I put on a plate, and there were more plates on the plate, and I counted them alive, let alone two or thirty. Yu Jinnian was stunned. His attention was instantly attracted to Duan Ming's acrobatics, and he eagerly asked for the tips of the dish.

Duan Ming was a piece of wood. He never found out that he had broken his son's good deeds. He also talked to Yu Jinnian modestly and pours out the fact that he had opened a blacksmith shop outside.

Seeing them chatting happily, they just forgot themselves. Ji Hong pursed his mouth, secretly picked up a bowl, and placed it on his wrist as before, but he could n’t hold it after stacking three, and he knew that he had shattered himself, so he had to stop.

Yu Jinnian talked about refining honey on the side of the pot. The honey was the date flower honey that I bought on the first day. It was more sticky and boiled.

The refined honey is also divided into three types: tender honey, medium honey and old honey. The main reason is that the boiled water is different and it is used to blend different medicinal powder. He poured a small pot of loose liquid jujube nectar into the pot, boiled it with fire, and kept stirring it with chopsticks until the blisters swelled in the honey liquid became evenly fine bubbles, the sound of the blisters burst It also becomes more thick, and the color changes from bright milky white to brownish yellow.

This is Zhongmi.

The boiled honey should be poured into a basin filled with ground sesame seeds. The powdered honey is mixed well, like kneading dough, but there are more hammer noodles than kneading, that is, using a mallet to mix the sesame seeds. The hammer is stronger.

After that, Yu Jinnian dipped his hands in sesame oil and sat down to prepare the wrong pill.

Ji Hong washed his hands and sat opposite him to help, asking, "What kind of food is this?"

Yu Jinnian was afraid that he was just ill, and when the wind caught the wind, he let him in and leaned on the hearth, roasting warmly and warmly, before answering with a smile: "It is the medicine for Miss Yan's five."

Ji Hongqi said: "Only sesame seeds can be used as medicine?"

"It didn't work," Yu Jinnian said, shaking his head. His hands had quickly rubbed out several black sesame dumplings, each of which was not much bigger than the fingertips. It was just enough for a reserved lady to swallow, "but It ’s enough for Miss Five. "

Although Ji Hong is a medicine jar, he has also read several medical books, but if he really wants to study it, it is naturally far inferior to the young man ’s medical knowledge. He does n’t quite understand what the young man said, but since he If he is so determined, he will definitely not worry about him.

So he comfortably picked up the balls.

He was good at seal-printing and he could paint, so the kung fu in his hand was still meticulous. After looking at Yu Jinnian ’s pill, he quickly got out of the same size and threw it together with the young boy. It was round and oily. Like twins.

Yu Jinnian felt that boring the **** was boring, so he said, "A Hong, do you talk about when you were a kid?"

"..." Ji Hong thought for a long time before speaking out. "When I was a young man, I read and read at home. There is nothing interesting to see."

"Isn't there one?" Yu Jinnian turned his head slightly and looked at it in a rare way. He didn't deliberately question Ji Hong, but he didn't believe it. How could a person grow up so big that he never encountered one or two It's a good thing that people laugh.

Looking at his expression, Ji Hong seemed really eager to know. It was easy to find a piece of it, and said: "At the age of ten, in the spring, the snow had just melted, and the plums in the yard had opened. I don't know where I came from. The yellow warbler who only misidentified the season fell on the pen holder next to the window and pecked at the snack on the table. "

Yu Jinnian: "..."

Ji Hong: "..."

After a long wait, without the following, Yu Jinnian was stunned. He wanted to ask "this is all right", but he thought of Ji Hong's family of miserable things. Although he didn't listen thoroughly, he roughly understood one or two- —The mother who has no status and no status, the second brother who passed away, the father does not love the mother, looks at the noble, actually looks like the fence of the sender-and ca n’t complain that a 10-year-old yellow warbler who steals can call him in mind After so many years, Yu Jinnian swallowed the words of the scenery and asked, "What then, that bird ..."

"... Fly." Ji Hong said lukewarmly.

I didn't say when I flew, why did I fly, but I didn't have a brainless sentence to "fly", but Yu Jinnian seemed to understand it, closed his mouth and didn't continue to ask, but his men were a little slow, still thinking about Ji Hongna Looks like a boring young time.

Ji Hong also found it boring. Both of them were silent for a rare time. No one spoke for a while, only the sound of grunting water on the stove.

There are already a lot of Wu Liu Hei **** in Zhu Bianzi, Yu Jinnian also fragrant in his hand, he squeezed another, round and autumn, pleasingly plunged into Ji Hong's mouth: "Eat more of this, to the kidney Okay, it ’s good for the hair too. Longevity and longevity, light weight and good health. ”After stuffing the balls, he said inadvertently,“ It ’s better to grow in the future! ”

Ji Hong chewed a sesame pill in his mouth, and the rich aroma went straight to the throat, and one swallowed it, as if it was all over the body. He tasted the sesame scent, aftertaste that this was a teenager comforting himself, so he could not help but looked at the past, he said: Who said no, the best thing is not to hit the water town by mistake And again, because of chance, I met a little thief who stole osmanthus?

What could be better than this?

What could be more interesting than this?

Yu Jinnian saw his eyebrows spread, and he was also happy. One by one, the sesame dumplings jumped out one by one, and when they saw it, they were filled with bamboo flats. Rao Shiji Hong did n’t understand pharmacology, and frowned. Miss Jiawu was so sick that she had to eat so much sesame ... medicine? "

He just woke up and looked down, it was indeed much. Not only is it enough for Miss Wu to eat, but there is still a lot left to reserve for Ji Hong.

There are still a lot of sesame honey cream in the pot. Yu Jinnian got a wit and changed the pinch method. He spread the sesame **** in the pot on the oiled chopping board, and evenly rolled it with a rolling pin to make it thin and flat, and a few knives. Cut into small square pieces, and then spread a peanut on the head of each square piece, instructing Ji Hong to help him roll it up one by one.

The rolled sesame roll is rolled in the fried soy flour again, and you're done!

The black sesame skin is wrapped in undecided peanuts in a red coat, and the yellowish cooked soybean flour is rolled on the outside. Yu Jinnian took one of his own to eat. When he first closed his teeth, it was fragrant and glutinous. It was bitten in the middle and it was crispy peanuts. Because it was wrapped with soybean powder, it was not very sticky. It ’s really one. A variety of foods, three flavors, so fragrant people can not stop.

Ji Hong also ate two, which was very appreciated.

This batch of sesame rolls was made for sale. Yu Jinnian took oil paper and cut it to a suitable size. Each sheet was covered with a pattern called Ji Hong. The nature of the painting was the shape of the small bowl he had previously thought out. Ji Hong painted all the paper on his hands until he was sour. When he finished writing, he could not help rubbing his wrists. He rarely complained: "The next time we will seal a chapter directly, Save so much trouble. "

Yu Jinnian just waited for him, and immediately hooked him, and then ran into a roll of sesame rolls. Sesame is a fine thing, not to mention there is a special honey that is specially refined, and the price will naturally go up, so a piece of oil paper only packs six, six or six Dashun, and it is nice to sell.

The sesame honey pill dried overnight and was sent to Yan Fu.

He previously said that Yan Yuyao's disease can be cured with only a single sesame, which is naturally not sesame, but the craftsmanship of the doctor. Yu Jinnian had treated such a patient before, but the symptoms were too different, so this time I could not be diagnosed for the first time. I was inspired by the splashing water that day. I thought about it a few times these days and thought about Miss Wu early If you do n’t get sick late, you will get sick every time you want to marry someone.

Yan Yuyao's disease is said to be sick, and it is different.

This is called hysteria pain, hysteria blindness, and there is no problem with the organic matter. The biggest problem is the brain. Yu Jinnian once jokingly told colleagues that this disease is more like a self-confidence This child is hypnotized, it is really "self-deception", even the brain thinks he is sick.

So pain is really pain, blindness is really blindness, pain and torture are really suffered all over, but in fact they are all the pain of finding food for themselves-it can be seen that people are really a kind of amazing things.

The treatment of this disease is difficult and difficult. The most important thing is psychotherapy. It is the patient's strong trust in the doctor, it is to relieve the mind, and it is accompanied by an optional placebo. Yes, it seems to be the work of the witch doctor.

Yu Jinnian filled the sesame honey pill with the white gourd medicine bottle and wiped it cleanly. The gourd cap was tied with red spikes, making it look like a real immortal. He was going to Yan Mansion, Ji Hong was going to follow. Yu Jinnian thought that since he was ill, he would be physically and mentally active when he went out, so he put him on, like a baby, wrapped in a thief.

When he arrived at the Yan family, if it weren't for Ji Hong's beautiful head, Yan Rong almost didn't recognize the bulging mass as the son of Li Guo.

That's how it was dressed in early winter. Don't freeze to death when the snow falls. Could it be that the three sons of Ji's family are so weak? Yan Rong turned around and looked at Yu Jinnian, who was glorious, and suddenly had a sympathetic thought in his heart. The people of sunset and sunset, Yo Mo, all liked the splendid things, just like his grandfather died before, and loved to keep one. The caged beautiful sparrow bask in the sun.

The son of that season liked a young boy like a sparrow, a round of tomorrow, and seemed to be forgiven.

Ji Hong was so dull that his cheeks were flushed. He followed Yu Jinnian to the backyard. Yu Jinnian went to see a doctor. He was arranged by Yan Rong to drink tea in the hall.

"Sir Yan seems to be troubled?"

Yan Rong was sitting on the side of the head, with a cup of tea in his hand, from breathing hot to cold, he also stared at the twisted tea stalk inside the tea cup, and then heard Ji Hong's interrogation rush through When God came, he discovered that Ji Hongzhan was hollow, and he was busy asking someone to make another cup. The fine Junshan Silver Needle, Fei Baihao, Jin Cuiya, and three sinking.

Ji Hong's fingertips were snow white, rubbing on the porcelain cup of Douqing. He still didn't like Yan Rong, but because Yan Rong's pot of wine gave him a more intimate and comfortable contact with the teenager, he was sweet in his heart, so he traced the roots and slowed down the people who delivered the wine. Complexion.

It's just that this stern Yan was so lazy that he didn't bother to admire his admired Ji Sanzi, and he rarely did not make a few twists and turns to talk about some scenes, and simply replied: "I am worried about the world, but I haven't answered the letter, and my heart is upset."

The two talked one sentence at a time, and Yu Jinnian clutched a bottle of gourd medicine in the next room to cure the disease.

Yan Yuyao is much better, and the previous things are slowly remembered, and Yu Jinnian also showed a little smile, only a dumb throat, it seems that she cried before. The three or five girls next to me were terrified. I just thought about the pain of my previous lady, and it made my eyes blind. I wanted to be cured, and I couldn't figure out how much sin I would suffer.

I do n’t want Yu Jinnian to pull out only three or two gold needles from the needle bag. After the candle lit up and flicked, one side was stuck in the tiger ’s mouth, the last one pricked the eyebrow, and a drop of blood came out. He secretly whispered a few words. If no one could hear clearly, he nodded on the forehead with that drop of blood, and it looked like a mole on the brow.

After pretending to be crazy, Yu Jinnian picked up a bottle of gourd and said, "This is a pill for healing, one in the morning and one in the evening, no more than three days, the headache is good; another seven days, the light is visible in the eyes; another seven days, Blind eyes can completely heal. "

He delayed the recovery time a little bit to make the disease look more difficult and more credible.

Yan Yuyao wept with joy, and two pairs of black and godless eyes groped Yu Jinnian's direction: "I believe in Xiao Shen doctor's words. When the eyes are ready, I will go to the store to see what the Xiao Shen doctor looks like. . "

Yu Jinnian took out the gold and silver bone teeth that Yan Yuyao had given him, and he was embarrassed: "I didn't send this thing out, I asked the guy to find it ... I didn't touch him." He said again, "Miss Five I also want to be broad-minded. I look at Master Yan ’s strangeness today. It seems that there are some plans. When I entered the door, I saw that he sent an errand boy to the south of the city, as if to send someone a letter. "

Yan Yuyao nodded, somewhat depressed, and seemingly unwilling and helpless to admit his fate.

The room was very clean, and the girl quickly panicked a "pill" to serve the young lady, so that she should stop thinking about those things. Yan Yuyao ate sweetly in her mouth, and couldn't help but appreciate Yu Jinnian's craftsmanship. Boasting that he can make such a sweet even medicine, it is really different from ordinary doctors.

Yu Jinnian could n’t tell him that it was just a placebo, so he pretended to be mysterious and said: “Do n’t look at the sweetness of this medicine, but the medicine is very big! If you eat more, you can turn a cow!”

Yan Yuyao was amused, covering her mouth with a bit of teenage girl's playfulness.

Instructed about the medication, Yu Jinnian returned to the front hall to find Ji Hong, the door of the small hall was half open, Ji Hong did not worry him, sitting behind the half-door sheltered from the wind, drinking tea calmly, he This foot stepped in, and suddenly a gust of wind hung from behind, before turning around, he was hit by a little man who ran to the front.

Yu Jinnian staggered two steps, saw Yan Rong took a letterhead from his hand, Yan Rong looked at it, suddenly sat down on the circle chair, bowed his head to cover his eyes, murmured a few words: "I was wrong , It's my eyes ... "

The corner of the paper hanged down, and the last sentence could be seen vaguely. It was strong and strong, and it penetrated the back of the paper, but it was written with soft words-no matter whether it is old or sick, it will be as painful as it is to care for life.

The embellishment is a "Cao" character.

When he came out of the Yan family, the sky turned cloudy and the wind started.

Ji Hong was walking in front of him, and there was already a thin sweat in his neck, and he was out of the alley where Yan family was. Suddenly there was no one around him, he looked back and saw the teenager standing in the alley. Under a dead tree, he looked up at the sky.

Clouds are coming and going, and even the sun is gray, except for the boy's eyes, which are as bright as amber glass.

Ji Hong stood still and asked from afar: "Why don't you leave? What do you think?"

Yu Jinnian looked at a cloud in the sky, the white flowers and flowers, which were blown by the turbulent wind, and soon dispersed, replaced by a dark gray. He was also swayed with heart blowing. What do you want? Thinking about something that is not so authentic, I want to fix someone down, using a variety of glorious means, both soft and hard, even fox and ape climbing, even if they are scolded and spurned, he is also very rare. give up.

He seemed to be horrified by Cao Nuo's things, like a startled bird, who repeatedly thought of himself, as if he was not so right with Ji Hong.

I haven't talked about falling in love, nor have I ever talked to men. For the first time in this life, Yu Jinnian didn't know if this taste was right. But he knew that Ji Hong had ice on the outside and sugar on the inside, and he easily licked his teeth and peeled off the ice film on the outside. He was not Cao Nuo, and he couldn't allow others to pick up the leak and eat his sugar. No one could do it. He tried to choke and put the sugar in his mouth.

Ji Hong is still watching him, not in a hurry.

Yu Jinnian stood on the spot and held out his hand, asking him to hug him.

As often as it seems, as long as he has no energy, despite lifting his hand, Ji Hong will lift him up without saying a word, from the ground, on the couch, on the chair, this time naturally did not disappoint him, Ji Hong walked back and forth Here, the young man was wrapped in a copy.

Smile asked: "What's wrong?"

Yu Jinnian buried his head on his thick shoulders, rubbed his chin, hid under a dead tree, and hooked with a few horizontal branches, pressed his collar with his finger and pulled it away A bunch of hair on his face, bite together, biting the lips red and burnt, like a pomegranate. Ji Hong's back leaned against the dead tree, and there was no leaf cover, and the black shadow of the twig branch fell on his face, and he ran across the lips of the two people, seeming to hold the flower branch.

Yan Rong ran out to chase Yu Jinnian, carrying a deer leg in his hand. This time the deer was not very easy to find. He was also destined to get two deer legs from an old hunter who was anxious to spend money, and left one for Yan Yuyao made up his body, and the other one wanted to give Yu Jinnian a medical treatment for his thanks. He didn't want him to push open the side door and show his head. He looked at the two people under the dried Begonia. He kissed fearlessly and fearlessly. Turning over and heating up, the face was steamed and steamed.

He was not used to it, but his first thought was not swearing, but he involuntarily picked his toes to look at the alleyway, fearing that someone might pass by and break this winter and spring scene.

Even if they look like this, they might be able to make the two-year-old begonia tree that has been withered for two years rejuvenate. Yan Rong thinks indiscriminately. Isn't the taste of mouth sticking so good? He had never tasted it, and he wanted to try it, but his thoughts turned back in a flash. Yan Rong was frightened by his obscene and unreasonable promiscuous thoughts, and he thought of the "Amitabha Master" in his mouth. His face hit the door wall.

"Go home?" Ji Hong sighed as he rubbed his waist. Some couldn't help it, even if he was sick again.

Yu Jinnian was not disheartened, but she was all kind: "Don't listen, don't indulge you, but the scars forget the pain."

He was talking about drinking and drinking, but he got sick violently. Ji Hong was secretly stunned by him, and he had nothing to say. The young man ’s reluctance about it made him become a prodigal act. Hold it down, breathe slowly and walk around with the teenager, go to the jewelry shop, and get the finished pendant.

The shop changed people in the shop, not the old boss last time, but a smart little Langjun who claimed to be the boss ’s son, born soft and very sweet, looking not much bigger than Yu Jinnian, single The two of them worked hard in the shop to get things, so he coaxed three or four young daughter-in-laws to buy his bracelet earrings.

Bringing the things, Xiao Langjun opened the inspection for Yu Jinnian himself, introduced them one by one, and finally looked up at Ji Hong, exclaimed: "Oh! Dude handsome grandfather! This monarch is like heaven, there are few recollections on earth. what!"

Ji Hong was accustomed to flattery, but Yu Jinnian did n’t care. No one took his word. He was not discouraged. He continued to praise his heart without changing his color. Having said that, I realized that I ran into a hard stubble.

Yu Jinnian grabbed a pearl earring and looked closely, suddenly hissing pain.

Ji Hong then pinched his finger and asked what was wrong.

Yu Jinnian shook his head: "It's okay, I was accidentally pierced by an ear hook."

Xiao Langjun knew that these two people were rich or expensive, and they could not let go of their wealth. They could n’t figure out where to start. At this moment, his eyes suddenly lit up, and they hurried to the cabinet and took out a long brocade box. It clicked open in front of Yu Jinnian, sitting opposite him like an old friend interview, praised: "Young man, look at this jade hairpin, superb white jade, look at this oil, look at this skin color, a little inside There is no such thing as a flower. Yuru is like a man, and a man is like jade. It is a icing on the cake with this son! "

Yu Jinnian glanced at it, picked it up and touched it. Just when Xiao Langjun smiled and wanted to discuss the price with him, he saw that he shook his head and put it back again: "Don't do this, bad."

Xiao Langjun is about to laugh, this is not good, then the villages in ten miles and eight villages are not good!

But business has always been like this.

With a smile on his face, he wiped the countertop and the floor again, took out several goodies from the town store and wiped them with a soft fleece cloth, and put them back in the cabinet to lock them. The wind was rising and rising. The black ravens in the sky were covered with blue halo. The air was so humid that it was disturbing. The rain was about to fall, and the store closed the store and was about to drop the board.

Seeing a thin, long shadow running in the wind, a small cloth wrapped in her arms ran in under the wind.

"Boss, I want to buy you a piece of jade, the kind that needs white jade."

Without chilling out of his body, he unrolled the silk cloth and laid out two pieces of silver.

The money was enough, and Xiao Langjun looked up carefully, and it was actually the unwitting young man who just shook his head and said that his family had bad things.