Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 112: Bifang

"Master, there is no private jet... but there is a flight from Jinling Airport to Shennongjia in an hour."

Bai Ze said while driving the car.

"Shennongjia... Shennongjia... Damn, don't die Lao Fang!"

Lan Mu sat in the back seat, always maintaining the state of a lich, wearing a hood.

The power of darkness in his body throbbed more and more, and Lan Mu could clearly sense that Fang Moqi's physical condition was very poor.

At this time, an hour had passed, and the power of darkness was still there, and the throbbing became more and more rapid.

"You are an extreme hunter! Since it lasted for an hour, you will definitely be able to survive for a few more hours!"

Lan Mu was anxious, seeing the car on the highway, there was still a short distance from Jinling.

Even if you arrive at Jinling, you have to wait for the plane one hour later, and it will take at least two hours to wait for the plane to fly to Shennongjia!

For at least three hours, God knows if Fang Moqi can hold on to that time!

Lan Mu didn't know what crisis Fang Moqi had encountered in Shennongjia, but judging from the power of darkness, Fang Moqi's physical condition continued to deteriorate, and it might not last for three hours!

"What to do? What else..."

Just as Lan Mu was worried about Fang Moqi, he suddenly forced to withdraw from the form of the lich, and the cells of his body were quickly renovated. This familiar feeling was just that a new transformation was about to appear.

The seventh day after the Lich! The new transformation came so soon.

"What is it? Whatever it is... Give me something that moves instantaneously!"

Accompanied by Lan Mu's low roar, his body quickly deformed and quickly turned into a blue crested crane.

The red crown and white beak, the whole body is azure blue feathers, dotted with red markings, the tail is even more red as fire.

Standing on one foot, not small, nearly one person tall, the narrow car suddenly became crowded.

Lan Mu opened his mouth and let out a low groan, and the scattered clothes ignited spontaneously. Soon it ignited the leather cushions in the back seat of the car.

"Lord...Master? You have become a bird!"

Bai Ze was astonished. He heard the crackling sound of "Bibibi... Bifang!"

Soon, Lan Mu's mind was linked by Lan Mu's spirit, because Lan Mu found out that he couldn't speak.


"Able to fly! Great!"

"You continue to rush to Shennongjia to stand by, I will fly over first!"

After speaking, Lan Mu directly pecked the car windows. With a cry, he squeezed out and spread his wings. Soaring straight up, soaring in the sky.

Fortunately, there were no other vehicles on the highway, and no one saw this mysterious flying crane.

Bai Ze stared blankly at Lan Mu's sacred bird flying away. The blue body and the tail wing flying behind him struck a beautiful light and shadow in the sky. Flying like a sky fire.


The car was still on fire and smoke was billowing. Bai Ze hurriedly parked the car aside. Find the small fire extinguisher that was carried with the car and quickly put out the fire.

The flames burned Lan Mu's clothes. The ID cards and mobile phones carried inside were all burned to coke.


"So fast!"

Lan Mu was flying in surprise. The divine bird he turned into was extremely fast, and his body was red and blue, as if a ball of flame was flying.

He flew higher and higher. The surrounding scenery also passed quickly, and the head of the crane broke through the air and made a whistling sound.

When he came to an altitude of 600 meters, he flew even more unscrupulously. In order to reach Shennongjia as soon as possible, he tried his best to speed.

The whistling sound became more and more acute, and finally disappeared suddenly, and his ears were hazy, which was a performance of breaking the speed of sound.

Before and after he released his mental power, his speed was basically the same as the speed of sound through calculations, and even exceeded it occasionally.

"If you maintain this speed... you can get to Shennongjia in about an hour!"

Lan Mu flew unscrupulously, looking from the ground, the sky was like a red dot-like bolide flying over.

"Wow! Meteor! Make a wish!"

When he passed the sky above Wuxi City, a couple was chatting about love on a certain roof.

Seeing Lan Mu flying by, no one knew that this was a divine bird, the other side was 600 meters high, it was a small spot, and it quickly disappeared into the night.

Wuxi is also a big city. At twelve o'clock at night, some astronomy enthusiasts like to watch the stars and observe space at night when the weather is good.

The scene of Lan Mu flying by was captured by an astronomy enthusiast, who was stunned.

"It seems...a bird?"

The astronomy enthusiast rubbed his eyes, and the thing that flashed past in front of his telescope just now, because it was too fast, only left an afterimage.

I wanted to catch the target again, but found that I was already flying far away.

"Impossible? I must have read it wrong..."

Astronomy enthusiasts can't believe that there is any bird in this world that can fly so fast.

However, he didn't know that the speed of the bird was surpassing the speed of sound a little bit.


Jinling Military Region, stationed in Wuxi Air Force Command.

Two fighter-bombers of a certain type were sailing at an altitude of 2,000 meters. This is the ongoing night flight training of a certain Wuxi Air Force base.

This is a special flight training to improve the quality of the pilots' all-weather rapid response and rapid attack.

After a pilot made the flight maneuvers required by the training, he contacted the command center.

"Call the Wuxi Command Center, Baiying 20 asks..." The pilot was half talking.

The air traffic control in the command center waited for a few seconds, but did not hear anything below.

"What's wrong? Baiying 20, why don't you speak? Over."

The pilot then continued: "Received, I...I saw a bird."

"Avoid that bird to prevent bird strikes, over."

"Received! But don't avoid it, because it is in the airspace one kilometer directly in front of me, and the speed is faster than me, and it is moving away."

The air traffic control said inexplicably: "The speed exceeds you?"

The pilot said quickly: "I'm sure I'm not mistaken! There is a big blue bird flying, and its speed is very fast..."

"Faster than me! My current speed is 300m/s, and it is at least...340m/s!"

The air traffic control said, "You mean there is a big bird flying at the speed of sound at an altitude of one kilometer?"

"I'm sure! It has flown far!"

"Your current mental state must immediately terminate the night flight training, I now order you to return, Baiying 20, return immediately! over."

The pilot said: "Received! It is returning home, but it is really faster than me!"

"I suspect that your cranial pressure is too high and you have hallucinations. Return immediately!"


Lan Mu turned around and glanced at the plane turning around and leaving, and breathed a sigh of relief.

He was flying too high just now, and suddenly a bomber whistled behind him.

Fortunately, the opponent's speed is not as fast as him, and the gap widens, and the opponent has no choice but to return.

The speed of his flight is indeed a bit weird, but fortunately the bomber did not attack him.

"Go higher..."

Lan Mu pulled up the height and quickly reached two kilometers, followed by three kilometers.

"It doesn't seem to be different."

Lan Mu continued to ascend until he flew to an altitude of nine kilometers, without feeling cold or anything.

"I have always said that there is a big cold current at high altitude, why do I not feel so cold at all?"

His body remained hot all the time, and the red crown on his head burned like a flame, and it was blown by the cold wind but not scattered.

Blue sparks floated from the feathers around the looming, like faint blue fluorescence.

"It seems to have become a firebird..."

Lan Mu Anxin flew at an altitude of nearly 10,000 meters, constantly approaching Shennongjia at the speed of sound.

At this altitude, no radar can detect him, and generally no aircraft will be encountered.

It's just too dark. Except for the clouds, overlooking the earth is the bright city scene at night.

High above, mountains and rivers are at your feet, and the huge city is like a slap on the ground. From this perspective, the towering buildings are indistinguishable from the peace.

"What kind of creature have I become? A bird flying at the speed of sound is unheard of..."

"Red crown and white beak, blue feathers and fire feathers, standing on one foot, strange fire all over..."

Lan Mu was taken aback for a moment and thought of a legendary strange beast.

The divine bird that was once the Yellow Emperor Guard Car...Bi Fang! (To be continued.)