Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 362: A dead end plan

There is no interpreter to stop it, and facing the Self-Defense Forces, it is like being in an uninhabited state.

Lan Mu walked along this road, and the streets were full of stunned soldiers, which was obviously caused by Ling Qi's breakthrough.

Soon, Lan Mu sensed Lao Fang and others, and rushed to another fierce battlefield.

"Da da da!"

The gunfire here can be heard from far away, and the whole city only reverberates like war.

Fang Moqi led the team into the military port, and Sanada, who was guarding there, looked like a lunatic, and didn't know how to keep a low profile.

Fang Moqi, who has eagle eyes, used a sniper rifle several hundred meters away, and directly beat him to the upper body.

After a battle, Fang Moqi broke up the Self-Defense Forces and captured the military port.

However, he didn't stay long, and after destroying the communication equipment, he wanted to support Reizaki.

Even if relying on the eagle eyes to avoid the large forces, in the end they still fought an encounter with the army.

"Lizaki! Why are you here?"

Fang Moqi's one-eyed overlooked the earth. God's point of view quickly discovered Ling Qi and hurriedly shouted through the communication device.

Ling Qi's people appeared from behind, flanking the Self-Defense Forces, and the united Fang Moqi once again defeated the army.

"The boss is over there."

When the two met, Ling Qi explained the situation, and Fang Moqi was relieved.

"Understood, you take everyone back to the military port and use the MPI submarine to go to the sea to find a submarine named "Jellyfish". Be sure to get close to the other side and make sure you can sink the submarine before you can shoot. You use the MPI submarine to let them Take it lightly and give you a chance to get closer. We only have this chance! Make sure to wipe out all the people in that submarine!"

Misaki Mozaki looked solemn and asked, "What happened?"

Fang Moqi said: "It's too late to explain. The more time goes on, the less chance it will be. If the people on the sea floor know that the naval port has fallen, they will definitely not let any submarine approach them."

Ling Qi nodded. Just as he was about to take everyone to the military port, he suddenly saw Lan Mu flying over.

When Lan Mu saw Fang Moqi, he asked: "Support will be here soon, why should I rush it for a while?"

Fang Moqi said, "I'll stay and explain, you go first, Li Qi!"

"Observe the order." Lan Mu signaled to Ling Qi to go. Fang Moqi was the highest commander of this operation. If what he said didn't work, then how could the Blue and White Society give orders.

Soon, Fang Moqi and Lan Mu were left.

"Let's go, did Gomez explain something?" Lan Mu asked.

"Yes, that's the plan for the rise of the subcontinent! It's crazy!" Fang Moqi said angrily.

Lan Mu listened quietly, and Fang Moqi continued to say: "Rihe Country uses a containment object called the'God's Staff', which can change the terrain anywhere on the planet! For example, create a volcano! The land rises. ! Uplift the mountains or something!"

"Just point to the ground and keep raising the scepter, and the earth will rise as you wish, whether it forms a peak, a continuous mountain range, or a plateau! On the contrary, he can also create basins, large lakes! Even inland seas!"

When Lan Mu heard this, thought of Gaia's ability, she signed the land contract, and she could do the same.

But there are still differences. First of all, Gaia can only control the earth on the earth, and her control is more handy, not just as simple as swelling and sinking.

However, Gaia's ability is very limited, and she will suffer from damage to the ground. She can't mess around at will. It is okay to modify the terrain in a small area. However, once Gaia does things like changing the continental shelf, she will also be backlashed!

As for the so-called rod of god, obviously this is not the case, and because of what the rod of **** does, it will affect Gaia's body instead.

That is to say, once the plan of Japan and the country to build the mainland is successful, Gaia will definitely suffer real damage, rupture of internal organs and hemorrhage.

"But these things, haven’t we already expected them? Nihwa wants to ascend the sun and the bottom of the sea to form a new land, so that Nihwa Island will merge into the Asia-Europe plate and become a large peninsula. Don’t you come here to stop them? So many days have passed, why rush for a while?" Lan Mu asked.

Fang Moqi shook his head and said, "Our previous analysis was wrong! What they want to build is not a peninsula, but a subcontinent!"

"It is impossible to raise the bottom of the sea out of thin air. If a place is raised, a place will collapse! This will inevitably affect the Asian continent itself. While they are building the continent, they are also destroying a continent!"

"The drastic changes of the continental shelf and the rise of the undersea land will cause the continental coast to sink! Eventually sink to the bottom of the ocean! That is to say, when the sun and the sea disappear and become a continent, large areas of East Asia will disappear and become the ocean!"

"Japan and the country did not intend to merge into the mainland at all, but to form a new continent on its own. It is smaller than any continent, but a subcontinent with only one country, just like India..."

Lan Mu looked at Fang Moqi, who was filled with righteous indignation, and realized how serious the consequences would be.

"You mean...In this plan, the Chinese Congress... sank to the bottom of the sea?"

Fang Moqi almost roared: "To be precise, it includes the Korean Peninsula, parts of the Russian Far East, as well as the Liaodong region, North China, and East China... It is not only China that has been devastated, but more. The Northern Dynasties and South Korea, and the land sinks of the whole country!

"About today and tomorrow, due to the changes in the mainland, there will be frequent earthquakes in the northern coastal areas of China and North Korea and South Korea. The earthquakes will be dense and the magnitude will be higher each time, causing serious economic losses and casualties."

"And this is only the initial stage! In two days, the tsunami will hit the land, which is caused by the high rise of the land. Because of the deliberate guidance, Japan and the country will not be attacked by the tsunami. The first to bear the brunt is South Korea and the North. After that, Qilu Province and the coast of the Bohai Sea."

"The tsunami is just an appetizer. The real catastrophe is the last two days. At that time, the new world began to emerge from the sea, and millions of square kilometers of land in the four countries fell below sea level and became a new ocean. This will be the greatest in the history of human civilization. A terrifying disaster! The number of victims will be hundreds of millions!"

Lan Mu's eyes were like torches, and he had completely understood.

At this moment, he automatically made up for the picture in his mind, overlooking the earth, Asia did not know how many tens of thousands of years of the continent has undergone major changes.

It is still that huge, but there is a missing piece in the northeast, where the Pacific Ocean floods it.

And the place that was originally Japan and the country is no longer a small island country, but a newly born subcontinent, still facing China across the sea.

It was previously envisaged that Japan and the National Assembly would merge into the mainland and become a land country. Now, where do you want to do something so unprofitable in Japan and Japan? Creating a large area of ​​unowned land adjacent to other countries will inevitably lead to multi-national disputes, and it will be great for joint development at the end.

Japan and the country are taking such a big risk, and it is absolutely impossible not to want to swallow it alone.

But the subcontinent is different. There is only one country on the entire New World, which is connected to its territory. And the neighboring country either sank and destroyed the country, or its vitality was severely damaged, it was impossible to grab a territory separated by the sea from Japan and the country.

At that time, everything will be surrendered to natural disasters, and even if other unrelated countries have guessed the truth, they will not be able to fight against them on the grounds of "you sunk the continent with containment objects." The only person who could retaliate directly was Hua but Hua Guo was already overwhelmed by its own care and the loss could not be estimated.

"Damn, this is MPI? Is this your reasonable use of containment?"

Lan Mu was really angry. It can be said that anyone who gets the rod of God would not think about this usage. Sacrifice the continent of others and create a continent for yourself? How frantic is this to come up with?

It can be said that none of the holders of the containment objects will do this kind of thing. They will have a good time with the containment objects, and they will not even want to do such things.

Only with a government background and a group of MPIs of the nature of a chaebol alliance can they think of such a horrible profit-making plan.

Think it's enough that all countries in the world can't sanction it? This is not paying attention to the Blue and White Club at all... Really think that the Blue and White Club is the same as CANC?

"Japan and the country's subcontinent rise plan? Do you really think you can rise?"

"You are looking for a dead end!"

……(To be continued.)