Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 430: Wish and crime

When the world’s large-scale destruction weapons are destroyed, human beings, in a sense, have become good babies without resistance to capital.

In Lan Mu's view, the world only needs to study civil technology, and military power does not need to exist.

He knows that he is treated as an alien, but it doesn’t matter. He is now like a sword of Damolis hanging over the world. On the one hand, it is a deterrent. As long as his apostle is there, even if he does not show up, people will never show up. Dare to civil war.

On the other hand, it is also a kind of persecution. When human beings are under strong pressure, they will definitely burst out with amazing potential. The big explosion of science and technology will come.

He made this scene, invisibly creating an ‘enemy’ and a goal for all mankind.

Although it is much less oppressive than the doomsday, but with a scientific atmosphere, technological development will never slow down.

Lan Mu left all the scientific research bases and particle colliders of mankind, and did not lock down their technology. This is actually very surprising, and he can't figure out his purpose.

How can aliens invade the earth and destroy weapons instead of destroying all scientific research facilities? This clearly leaves a way out for mankind.

Blasting down the last military factory, mankind is left with only infantry weapons, regressing back to the era of the main army battle.

At this moment, Lan Mu flew to some place in Australia and stayed in this vast Gobi.

His every move is still under the monitoring of the Global Defense Council, and everyone is relieved to see that he has not continued to cause sabotage.

"Sapphire seems to be on standby. Do you need to send an army over?"

"No, it doesn't make sense. We can't stop what it does."

The council has nothing to do with him. This is the first time that human beings have fought against aliens, and the extremely frustrated feeling of powerlessness is torturing everyone.

The people became more turbulent and the society was in constant turmoil. All kinds of negative remarks emerged. The people were even divided into chanters and self-help groups.

The Criticists’ argument is very ideal. They believe that the aliens have not aimed at harming mankind so far, which shows that the aliens actually want to incorporate humans into the other’s civilization system and become a kind of nation. This incident is actually a kind of cosmic civilization. The great integration is positive and worthy of praise.

As for the self-helpers, they were originally desperate people, but when they gradually calmed down from their despair, they found that the situation did not seem so bad. Perhaps human beings have a chance to resist, and they can escape by stepping back.

So he began to advocate self-help. After all, human beings still have the hope of technological development and the possibility of breaking out of the solar system.

But at this time the board had to make a proposal because of Hawking's firm decision.


"Everyone, the third vote begins, whether to allow the euthanasia of the respected Professor Hawking."

As the chairman of the council and former UN Secretary-General Canaan said, his expression was very weak, and the sudden turn of the earth made him feel tired.

Killing a great scientist is the most absurd proposal in the world.

It is not only the heads of state who have the right to vote, but also the four leaders of the Church of Science and the eight deacons.

As the person involved, Hawking was also in a wheelchair quietly waiting for the result of the vote. There is no doubt that as one of the four universities, he also voted for himself.

However, this incident was too shocking, and no one could bear the crime of killing a great scientist. Even if the Church of Science unanimously supported Hawking’s martyrdom from the second vote, the pass rate was still lower than 40%.

Seeing that the votes were too divided, Hawking and his children left the council lobby.

Walking out of the council building, a deacon of the Church of Science chased up.

"Hawking, forget it, this is a vague conjecture." said the elderly deacon scientist.

"You go home first, I'll talk with my old friend." Hawking left his children. The three children are not too young. After hesitating for a moment, he still obeyed his father's request. They rejected the absurd decision made by their father to commit suicide. They rejected his death experiment in three votes, which made the three children feel a lot easier.

Now, only the old deacon was left pushing Hawking's wheelchair.

The deacon said: "Putting hopes on the dead and sacrificing a top scientist for this is a resolution that the council cannot pass. Hawking, our scientific research center has been preserved, and we are fully using the particle collider to study microscopic data. As long as we develop high-energy weapons, we will have the capital to fight against aliens. This is what we scientists should work hard on."

Hawking wrote: "Developing high-energy weapons? You know how far we are. I'm just a theoretical physicist and can't help you. Instead, I need your help, old friend."

The deacon said, "I know what you want to say. If I do that, I will be a murderer, and it's the kind of heinous crime."

"No, this is an experiment. There is a saying in the East, it is called Chao Wen Dao, you can die in the evening. If death can see another truth of the universe, how beautiful is this for scientists? Newton and the others are just that. With such a pursuit, they went to study theology in their later years. I think their doubts were answered after death." Hawking wrote.

The deacon said: "You are already dreaming, Hawking, although I can understand you, I really can't."

Hawking wrote: "Please, I am stuck in a wheelchair for half my life. Even death requires the approval of the whole world. Only you can help me, old friend."

The deacon was so entangled that he could only express his silence.

Hawking wrote: "I only want to die for myself once, even if the Hubble I saw is just an alien scam, I recognize it. Even if there is only one in ten thousand chance of seeing the kingdom of God, the palace of scientists, It's my own decision."

"Please help me...I can't even commit suicide."

In the end, the silent deacon took him to a rest room in the council building.


An hour later, the council is actively discussing several new proposals for the Church of Science.

"Several additional projects on CERN were formally approved."

"However, even if the ten large-scale particle colliders in the world are fully tested, it is estimated that they will not have a breakthrough in three years. Time may not be too late... Even if the aliens will reach the earth in a hundred years, we will imitate Even if the alien’s accelerated particle cannon project is successful before the enemy comes, it’s probably not as powerful as it can be. It is particularly reluctant to deal with the sapphire detectors in Australia, let alone the subsequent alien forces."

"This is just one of the projects. More resources are tilted towards the aerospace industry. Everyone, escape may become our greatest opportunity."

"In fact, it is unrealistic. As long as our escape speed is not higher than the enemy's speed, it means that they have a 100% chance of catching up with us."

"So what else? Do you think we should put our hopes on the chanting speech?"

During their heated discussion, Hawking's three children and students broke into the conference room.

They were not qualified to participate in such an important meeting, but they brought a very shocking news.

"What? Professor Hawking was taken away and has not been contacted so far?"

"What's the matter? Find out!"

The board of directors temporarily put aside the meeting, and various secret service personnel began an investigation.

After investigating in just three minutes, it was discovered that Hawking's friend brought him to the lounge, and did not say hello to anyone, and even invited everyone in the lounge out.

According to an employee, the door was locked.

"This is not right..."

"Oops! Go and save people."

The secret service personnel hurried to the lounge, and when they broke through the door, they saw Hawking still lying in a wheelchair in a classic posture.

As for his old friend, a deacon of a certain science church, he was sitting aside at this time, bowing his head and said nothing.

"What are you holding? What happened?"

The secret service personnel leaned forward and found that Hawking had been asleep forever.

As for the deacon's hand, he held a syringe.

The deacon said in a low voice: "He failed. Thirty minutes passed and nothing happened. He walked quietly."

"Unbelievable, you killed Professor Hawking!"

The secret service personnel immediately arrested the deacon, and the other party did not resist in the slightest.

The council quickly understood the whole thing, and everyone didn't know what to say.

This thing is too bad. The deacon of the Church of Science, a respectable scientist murdered another great scientist.

The council didn't know how to announce Hawking's death to the world. This was a disaster.

Everyone gradually felt that perhaps Hawking's original purpose was just suicide, and everything he said was a nonsense made up for death. A professor of psychiatry speculated that he might have developed a mental illness slowly in a wheelchair for a long time, and he had already thought of softly, but everyone was deceived by his optimism and appearance. Now he takes this opportunity to finally Persuaded a friend to kill him and completed the act of suicide.

There is no doubt that the deacon committed the crime of homicide, and the nature of it remains to be studied.

"It's so stupid. The proposal didn't pass. How can you execute death without authorization?"

"You have committed a crime against all mankind!"

Facing the condemnation of others, the deacon raised his head and said firmly: "He will not deceive me, I believe him."

A leader solemnly said: "Then why nothing happened? People must disappear after death. As a scientist, you believe in pseudoscience. It's incredible."

"He just failed..." The deacon smiled bitterly: "Forget it, just take it to satisfy your friend's wish..."

"But you will bear the blame for this!"

The result was there, even other scientists expressed puzzlement and blame.

The deacon said, "I admit it."

The council is in discomfort, and the Church of Science is also disgraced. They don’t know when to announce Hawking’s death. At least not now, otherwise the society that has finally been gradually controlled will become It is no longer a disbelief. What happened to Hawking, regardless of whether he was telling the truth or not, the objective fact that nothing happened is here.

Like the previous sages, Hawking died silently. It was so normal, no different from a mortal.

It is conceivable that the deacon’s behavior will be recorded in the annals of history, and he will be scolded by thousands of people when he is alive, and he will be'famous' after death.

At this moment, the solemn lobby of the council, as well as the puzzled and glaring facial makeup of everyone, gathered a huge amount of pressure, pressing this equally great scientist too much. Although he believed so much in his old friend Hawking, he still felt regretful and even suicidal thoughts at this moment.


"Report! Report!"

"Australia...A black hole appeared over Australia!"


……(To be continued.)