Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 447: Cosmic class

Lan Mu's answer made them shudder, but they didn't understand.

Torbjörn asked in surprise, "For fun? What does this mean?"

Lan Mu calmly said: "It means literally, the civilization gap is more than two levels, do you think the plundering technology makes sense? As long as they want, they can directly read your undefended network and get all the technology."

"As for resources, besides life, what resources do you think the earth has that the wild planets in the universe do not have? Planets are trillions in the galaxy, invading you and plundering resources that are useless to them? "

"In the end is life. This thing is unique to the planet of life, but it is not enough to be a reason for war. At least the life race on your planet does not have this attraction. Do you think there are any otherworldly creatures on the earth? It is not surprising that any kind of animals and plants, even lower civilizations like yours can carry out basic biochemical techniques such as genetic modification and cloning, and it is necessary for higher civilizations to launch wars for some low-entropy bodies?"

Everyone swallowed their saliva and listened intently. Thinking about it carefully, the war is nothing more than some kind of benefit, and the resource technology becomes unattractive when the civilization gap is too large. Then the aliens invade them for the purpose of what?


Thinking of what Lan Mu said about the fun, they couldn't accept it. Was this alien incident in which they fought, and even panicked the whole people, turned out to be just for fun?

Lan Mu continued: "It's just for fun. This is a game of advanced civilization."

Torbjörn said excitedly: "How could this be? How could this be a game? Are they playing with us all the time?"

Lan Mu nodded and said: "It's just playing. The higher civilizations are using this method to gain fun and perform an aggressive drama. Perhaps their civilization is observing your every move, just like a TV station or webcast. In the program, watch your panic, surprise, distress, hard work, etc. behaviors. By observing these behaviors and guiding some behaviors, you can increase the effect of the program and gain a sense of pleasure from your reactions."

The people present at first heard the truth that seemed to be an understatement, but they felt chills in their hands and feet, and their minds were upset.

Their hard-working and fighting resistance, in fact, in the eyes of the enemy, is actually just the fun of the show that the enemy wants, a game to play.

Think about it carefully, isn't the sapphire detector behaving like this? If it is really for aggression, then even if it does not cause global destruction and destroy cities, then all scientific research institutions should be wiped out instead of just abolishing human weapons.

Combined with what Lan Mu said, they realized that this was actually just creating panic, just playing...

Torbjörn and the others were all stupid, in a trance. They realized that from the appearance of alien probes, to the human response and the establishment of the Global Defense Council, the various efforts to communicate with aliens, to the battles in the sky and the sea behind, all of this has actually turned out to be It doesn't matter.

The enemy just wants to see their reaction, like watching a big movie, a reality show...

Even if they succeeded in defeating the sapphire detector, it wouldn't make any sense. People didn't care. When they cheered for victory, the enemy might also clap their hands and applaud: "Awesome! Interesting, they defeated XX, I bet 50 cents, they will..."

The brains of Torbjörn and others are so desperate.

Lan Mu anticipated their reaction, but he did so, and said that, it was not aimless.

Some of what he said were fictitious and purely defined for the existence of the Blue and White Society, but some were actually phenomena that existed in the universe.

This idea came from the reminder of the Amon civilization. After communicating with Yun Suiyueshu, Lan Mu thought a lot, and finally figured out several situations between civilizations in the universe.

One of them is just like the Amon civilization. If it’s the primitive period, then play it for fun. If it has entered the stage of civilization and is relatively mature, then forget it. If you encounter it, take something silently, and then Leave without a trace.

Isn't this for fun? They dominate a group of primitive people, and there is no benefit. The only benefit is to satisfy the desire and hope of intelligent creatures for their own pleasure.

This kind of situation may be common in intelligent races, especially when society has progressed to an extremely high level, and ordinary things cannot satisfy them, this kind of civilization will pursue new self-satisfaction even more.

It's like rich people who have everything, money? right? color? No more, they want more fun.

For this kind of fun, they can trample on everything, despise lower civilizations, and even inadvertently despise them.

Perhaps Lan Mu thought too much, but he played with the lower civilizations for the pleasure of self-satisfaction. This was what Amon Civilization ‘told’ him.

Lan Mu asked the Amon civilization: "If they came to the earth in eight thousand years, when the earth was about to enter the space age, what would they do?"

Amon's answer was to extract something silently, and then leave quietly.

And before Yun Suiyue's answer, he said: We are a very kind civilization.

This sentence is actually a hint.

At first, Lan Mu didn't feel much about this sentence, but as a period of time settled, after Lan Mu pondered over and over again, he finally realized the unfinished meaning.

A kind and friendly existence like the Amon civilization will play **** games among a group of primitive people for fun. What about a civilization that is not kind and friendly? Will it be too much? Or even simply conquer?

But Yun Chronicles has said before that there is no benefit for higher civilizations to invade lower civilizations, and any resources and technologies that they rob are of no benefit to them.

So, under what circumstances will there be no benefit or reason for attacking or even destroying others?

There are only perverts, murders, and madness.

They don’t need any reason, nor do they want to get what you have. They just enjoy the process and satisfy their hearts.

And this is exactly the kind of "aristocratic civilization" in the universe that bullies the weak and small civilizations to satisfy itself!

They may really exist, or even many. Even the earth likes to bully others, or use a group of insects to make a war simulation, watching the insects fight each other, it is quite interesting, and then take pictures and post to the Internet to continue to meet the crowd.

There are also some perverted tycoons who specialize in creating all kinds of weird crime games to make them happy.

This is fun outside the material.

Then Lan Mu has reason to guess that in the game of higher civilization, it is still recorded after playing, and it is also a phenomenon that it spreads among civilizations of the same level to continue to gain greater vanity.

As long as the civilization gap is large enough... In the real universe, there may not necessarily be any great god-level civilization to formulate any order to create things such as cosmic public morals.

This phenomenon occurs in two situations on the earth. One is that the differences between different species and races smooth out obstacles.

The other is that between different classes, the huge class gap forms a gap, making the upper-level creatures look like higher creatures, free to dominate the lower-level ones at will. Of course, there are no racial differences between such classes on earth, so it is a rare case. Even if it appears, it is just taking advantage of the weakness of the law, using the weakness of human nature, or the powerful capital.

But what about the cosmic society? There are differences between race and class, coupled with the great distance from each other, and the power of absolute crushing.

The universe class was born, and this class must be divided according to the degree of civilization.

A great man on the earth once said: Class is everywhere.

In the fantasy of many civilizations in the vast universe, one can think of it as a dark forest. Every civilization is a hunter and also a prey.

It can also be regarded as a paradise full of order, where we communicate with each other, communicate friendly, establish diplomatic relations, and jointly explore the truth of the universe.

Both are too extreme, naturally there is a third!

It is precisely the most important key point in cosmological sociology that cannot be ignored, and that is class.

Assuming that there are many civilizations on a large scale of the universe, after adding the concept of class, what characteristics might the constituted society have?

First of all, there are many civilizations in the universe, and there are differences in culture and technology. Because of the length of development time, higher civilizations can even crush lower civilizations.

Such a huge degree of civilization forms a class divide. The same class has the possibility of communication, and there is also the possibility of war, because each other is in a competitive relationship and each other has what the other needs.

However, among different classes, the lower class naturally hopes to communicate with the higher class, but the higher class will most likely dismiss it. The races are different, so why should the high class talk to you as equals? Unless the lower class is too low, low enough to arouse sympathy...low enough to make the high class show love.

In other words, if the advanced civilization encounters a group of primitive people, if they don't like this group of primitive people, then they may be killed by a bombardment, as a group of noisy flies.

If you like this group of primitive people, then maybe treat them friendly, as if you are raising a Teddy who will please the owner.

However, there are exceptions to everything. If a lower civilization happens to exist near a higher civilization, then there is a high probability that the lower civilization will be directly ‘demolished’ for certain construction projects or the arrangement of defense systems.

As if a termite nest is blocking the key point of a highway construction project, the cost of a bottle of pesticide is much more cost-effective than a detour.

In general, the oppressiveness between different classes is magnified many times on the macroscopic scale of the entire universe, just like the difference between gods and ants, because there are huge differences in races and cultural forms. Sen coldly indifferent.

People on earth should be fortunate that Amon civilization that came here eight thousand years ago is also a humanoid carbon-based creature, otherwise human beings are likely to be wiped out because they are too ugly.

At the same time, we should also be grateful for the uniqueness of the earth, with the Pyramid of Doom, otherwise humans may also become caged birds.

Other weak civilizations are not so lucky. Higher civilizations can create a "bird in a cage" situation by locking down the foundation of the other's technological explosion.

To get rid of the class oppression of the "cage bird", you can only try to please forbearance and wait slowly for the opportunity until you break free from the cage or perish because you are tired of playing.

It is also because the chance of counterattack is particularly slim, so if there is no such thing as the great god-level civilization and order described by Lan Mu, one can imagine how desperate the oppressed civilization of ‘proletarian’ would be.

Not perishing for dignity means dignity perishes itself.


p.s: I'm also a big Liu fan, so I don't know how to spray. (To be continued.)