Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 601: The outbreak of war

The truth about the destruction of the stunned clan civilization is really unexpected.

The real murderer didn't even know that he had accidentally ruined a civilization.

Seeing the stunned clan look lost, Lan Mu could understand it completely, and he couldn't accept this reality even if he changed it.

If the earth is destroyed by stray bullets, Lan Mu will go mad.

He would rather his opponent be extremely powerful and use his best to destroy the earth with the most brilliant attack than he could accept this inadvertent coincidence.

The former at least respects you, so they use the strongest means to destroy you.

Inferior skills, convinced. Died under the most tragic attack, there was nothing to say.

The latter is a sad joke, a worthless death.

"Master, please allow me to be a **** ke...Stunned tribe. After discovering that civilization, I personally left the Blue and White Society..." the shocked tribe's captain said solemnly.

Lan Mu asked: "What are you going to do?"

"Declare war! I will only represent my own civilization and declare war on the murderer!" The captain said seriously, including the other stunned races behind him.

"Huh?" IELTS laughed at the first one: "I heard you right? It can emit a beam of energy that decays over 8,000 light-years and can destroy planets. How can it be level 5? You alone? Declare war. That's ridiculous."

The stunned clan retorted: "No, this must be done. It is just for our dead compatriots to obtain the meaning of sacrifice. We can accept that under the cruel war between civilizations, we will perish due to defeat. But absolutely. I can’t accept it, so I die unclearly, and disappear without any sense of existence."

"It's even more ridiculous. Compared with that civilization, you are like the difference between a **** and an ant. I have never heard that an ant will declare war to the god. The reason is that the **** accidentally ruined an ant nest... Wow, I think it’s too cute to imagine you stupidly declaring war in front of a behemoth.” IELTS is really ridiculous, extremely ridiculous.

The stunned clan said angrily: "Your civilization is destroyed, don't you seek revenge everywhere? Facing the four-strand civilization, don't you hate it and want to destroy it?"

"But I know that I have this ability. Survival is the first pursuit of civilization, rather than being a supporting role in a cosmic joke." IELTS disdainfully said.

"Civilization needs continuation, and I am personally insignificant. Although my declaration of war must fail, at least I told the other party that you destroyed my civilization and let them know our existence. No matter if they laugh at that time or whatever, at least remember Now that we are destroyed in their hands, even if it is spread by future talks or jokes, but at least remember! This is the value we deserve." The shocked clan captain said.

To put it bluntly, the stunned tribe cannot accept that civilization is destroyed, but they don’t even have the qualifications to be remembered, and even their compatriots died inexplicably, and the murderer didn’t even know...

They would rather let their opponents know about this in a very ridiculous way, at least they declared war for revenge, at least they can say that the war was lost in the hands of a fifth-level civilization, rather than disappearing worthlessly.

"It's really humble value." IELTS said, his values ​​are in serious conflict with the stunned tribe.

Lan Mu shook his head. Although he understood the stunned clan, he had his own temper.

If it was Lan Mu, he would find a way to become stronger until he got revenge. But the stunned people are desperate, they think revenge is far away, or even impossible. So I plan to use a joke-like way to let the opponent remember himself and gain a bit of value for the dead compatriots.

Lan Mu interrupted the dispute over the values ​​of the two sides and said.

"I don't even know where they are... Don't mention this for now..."

"Stunned tribe, I'll just say it once, listen!"

"When you join the Blue and White Club, you will live as a member of the Blue and White Club, and die as a ghost of the Blue and White Club!"

"We have never opted out of this option."


Lan Mu suppressed all trivial matters.

Because a war involving three fourth-level civilizations is about to break out.

The huge fleet leaped into the star system with four bars of civilization frontier stations, and received extremely stern and proud broadcasts.

This is not an administrative area, it is just a border of the site, but immediately there is a fleet jumping over, intercepting the IELTS fleet as the vanguard and preventing him from jumping.

"Jiufentian area to the direction of the cantilever of the centaurs and horses are all prohibited from jumping, otherwise it is deemed as a declaration of war."

Faced with such a warning, IELTS did not reply, instead let the two billion warships turn on the jumping engine.

The gravitational wave, which represents the beginning of the jump, leaves an anomalous area of ​​gravitation in space, which the opponent can immediately detect.

Of course, IELTS is not so stupid as to jump in front of the enemy, it is tantamount to being a target.

Almost at the same time, the other billions of warships rushed towards the 50,000 warships that looked like a pitiful four-bar civilization.

Various high-energy attacks fired directly, and the two sides fought instantly.

One billion warships intercepting 50,000 warships can completely protect the 2 billion warships behind from jumping safely.

However, in just five seconds, the billions of warships ahead suffered heavy losses. Their high-energy rays were blocked by the high-power protective shield, and the enemy's return attack was only 40,000 shuttle-like weapons.

It was a smooth surface, reflecting the starry sky illuminated by all the light, accelerated by gravitational waves to three thousand kilometers per second, and shuttled everywhere in the IELTS fleet.

This is the kinetic energy weapon made by the absolute zero material.

On the scale of space, those huge and numerous fleets are basically like paper, piercing through the heavily-protected obliteration furnace of positive and negative matter casually. When the obliteration furnace loses its stability and explodes, the battleship will be instantly destroyed, and it will even affect other nearby battleships.

On average, ten ships are destroyed every second, and forty thousand are shuttled at the same time. At least 144 million warships can be destroyed in one hour.

This hasn't counted the 50,000 warships that were eliminated by other attack methods.

Fortunately, the number of IELTS fleets was large enough. In the first few seconds, he asked Lan Mu, who was next to him, to take action.

"I will solve it here. It is enough to leave tens of millions of warships. Other warships will also jump along with your main force. I need you to rush all the way to the hinterland of the four bars of civilization, and involve the main force that attracts them to pursue, for Feifu The fleet is open."

"How about abandoning billions of warships at the beginning?"

IELTS hurriedly said: "Understood."

With that said, while the opponent was puzzled, a large number of warships withdrew to the rear and began to jump.

The four-bar civilized border fleet is inexplicable, and the inside is puzzled.

"We have encountered this before. It seems that we don't have one more friend, but it has attracted covetousness."

"It's just a dead end, but I didn't expect that there would be a fleet of billions of dollars."

"More warships are starting to jump. Are you planning to sacrifice 50 million warships to gain time for the 3.5 billion warships to escape?"

"They are likely to jump to our administrative galaxy. They look down on us too much. A billion yuan drags us down, but 50 million wants to stop us? Let the water droplet directly rush into the enemy's flagship array."

Although they only had 50,000 warships, they didn't pay attention to 3.5 billion warships at all. They immediately saw through the materials of the IELTS warships and the crude goods.

The whole process, from the start of the fight to the present, has only passed more than 20 seconds, and the unstoppable water droplets rushed through the intercepting fleet like a bamboo, directly hitting the jumping array.

But at this moment, a silver light flew out of a certain flagship, like a knife light, and instantly hit a drop of water.

The water droplet was knocked out in an instant, and flew towards the distant sky at the speed of light. The four-bar civilized fleet completely lost its control.

The water droplets, which were still fierce and powerful just now, quickly disappeared from the field of vision.

"Is that light?"

"No, it's a sub-light-speed machine unit that uses super-high-speed impact to knock our water droplets away..."

"Why do we lose control of the water droplets?"

"An unknown strong signal wave was detected, which blocked our communication control."

"That machine unit is an intelligent life, can our brains be unable to deal with it?"

"Not at all, that is a very strong intelligent life."

At the beginning, the four-bar civilization was still very calm, but they found that after losing more than a dozen water drops in a short period of time, they became anxious.

"Damn, how can you be so flexible?"

"Hurry up and ask the marshal for support!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lan Mu made another move that surprised them extremely.

Every time you slash the water droplets, the water droplets will disappear, as if they have been collected in another space.

I saw that the other party became more and more proficient, shuttled through 40,000 drops of water at the speed of sub-light, leaving a blank line wherever he went.

"He is stealing our drops!"

"This is space technology, how could it be possible?"

The sub-light speed is too fast, and Lan Mu is fully capable of multi-threaded operation, appearing in various places on the battlefield extremely quickly, blocking a large number of water droplets.

IELTS finally leaped away with billions of warships and rushed to the administrative area of ​​four bars of civilization.

Although there are six administrative galaxies on the Orion Cantilever, in fact, to reach the galaxy where the high-speed passage is located, it only needs to cross twice.

Lan Mu and the others chose the shortest path.

"Sure enough, it is hard, the hardest material of the fourth-level civilization, the sub-light speed impact plus the best metal, it only causes slight damage to this material."

"Fortunately, I left the gate of the kingdom of God on this piece of metal, shielding the other party's gravitational wave signal, I cut it down again, and shot it directly into the kingdom of God, which is very convenient."

"It's just that the reverse force can't be removed perfectly... Sure enough, Edman Metal can withstand sub-light speed flight, but it can't withstand sub-light speed impact... With the impact of water droplets, the Best Sword is okay, but my arms and even my whole body are fine. Are all experiencing serious wear and tear."

After cleaning up thousands of water droplets in a row, Lan Mu felt that this body would be scrapped if it hits again at sub-light speed.

So he stopped, anyway the task had been completed.


Suddenly, a light and shadow shot in an instant, piercing Lan Mu's brain in an instant, and Lan Mu's brain exploded directly under this terrifying impact.

Then another shot came and passed through the waist, tearing the Edman alloy in half.

There is also the right arm, which was also exploded by the third launch, and Best Metal floated in space with the hand on it.

"If you attack at the speed of sub-light, I know you also have this trick..."

Just now, the water droplets were accelerated to sub-light speed and hit Lan Mu.

This kind of direct attack is not necessary for manipulation. It is equivalent to a sniper bullet in space Unexpectedly, Lan Mu did not set any weak points for this body at all. At this moment, the research can think and think normally. Manipulate the remains of the body.


Knowing that he couldn't leave, Lan Mu controlled his body to decompose it every inch, and it suddenly turned into 50,000 Edman alloy warheads!

The other limbs are combined into a side accelerator, which advances at the sub-light speed against the alloy warhead of the body, forming a light curtain in an instant!

At the same time, the severed hand and the Best Ship Slayer Sword held on it also burst into waves that began to jump.

Edman's alloy warhead shot fifty thousand battleships at sublight speed. This was Lan Mu's final attack at the expense of this body.

In the fireworks exploding violently in a piece of space, the wrist holding Best Metal jumped off the next galaxy.

Lan Mu's Ultron consciousness also left.

……(To be continued.)