Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 603: Bizarre Murder in Space

Lan Mu picked the smallest body, which would make his jump time very short.

The IELTS fleet fought a full-scale war with the four-bar stellar defense system. This time IELTS did not escape. His task was to fight to the death.

As the most important galaxy of the Four Bars civilization, the war is extremely fierce.

Tens of millions of warships crushed and destroyed the IELTS fleet. Space was filled with lasing energy, high-quality bullets, and various exquisite weapons.

Every battleship exploded, it was a firework in space.

Ignoring this gorgeous demise, Lan Mu began to jump in the direction of the cantilever of the Sagittarius.

In just five seconds, the IELTS fleet was reduced by half, and Lan Mu disappeared in an instant.

"Sure enough, it is a springboard for three hundred light years... This civilization has pushed the force field technology to its limit. Through the combination of artificial planets and force field generators, it has created a super-gravity field with a constant star rating."

Just like Pfeiffer’s guess, the four-bar civilization took thousands of years to build an interstellar jumping channel.

A total of twenty-four times of jumping, a huge area of ​​stars unfolded in front of him, the starry sky here is very different from the earth.

"The next one is the territory of four bars of civilization."

Lan Mu didn't rush to take the last step, but flew to the depths of the pitch-black interstellar void at sub-light speed, and waited.

If he rushed past now, he would undoubtedly be violently attacked from the other side of the tunnel.

At this moment, there is still an hour before his mandatory period has passed, so why not wait a moment.

About ten minutes later, a fleet of 20 million warships appeared here, a chaser of the four-bar civilization.

"Is the IELTS fleet completely wiped out... The speed of the battleship jumping is much slower than I personally... That said, the IELTS didn't last for even a minute..."

Seeing that the chasing fleet was about to jump away, suddenly stopped jumping and chased in Lan Mu's direction.

"You found me? You can't win..."

Lan Mu was extremely calm. When he was in the Ultron state, he could predict the battle win rate as long as he understood the opponent's technical strength.

It is a pity that if he fights against these fleets here, his win rate is less than 10%.

More importantly, he finally jumped over, this body must not be scrapped here, otherwise it will be in vain.

"I have a way...but it's better to be an illusion."

Lan Mu held the Ship Slasher in one hand and touched his heart with the other.

The alloy in his heart suddenly unfolded, revealing a small factory inside.

"It's still an Edman alloy body, and it doesn't matter if it is smaller. In this case, the antimatter refining device is unnecessary, and nuclear energy is more convenient..."

"The sub-light speed drive can't be put down, it must make room for the computing system..."

"Quantum communication is a must..."

Lan Mu uses his body as a lathe, and the source of materials is this body.

Playing with one hand in the body, one by one delicate devices were made.

This was his basic ability, and a small Ultron was born in a blink of an eye.

Passed his consciousness into Little Ultron, and left an intelligent program in his previous body, and then got into the kingdom of God on the sword.

According to his wishes, the intelligent program rushed towards the enemy at the speed of sub-light, holding the ship-cutting knife in his hand.

In this empty vacuum, an array of twenty million four-tier battleships was cut across by one person holding a knife.

The neatly cut surfaces made the battleships split in half, but they did not explode. Even if the whole was cut open, it was immediately repaired.

"The last struggle, this is our most elite Red Wing Fleet. It does not accurately destroy our obliteration furnace. This kind of slash is useless at all."

"I mean, speed up immediately, keep the same speed and parallel, and then crush him."

"Ultron" made a fuss for only a few seconds before being hit with precision and vanished.

His 30-meter-long ship-cutting knife was flying at high speed, and was soon overtaken to capture it.

"It's solved. Fortunately, he didn't destroy our springboard, otherwise he wouldn't be able to pursue it."

"The cantilever of the centaur also has our territory. Where else can he escape?"

The Red Wing Fleet easily handled Lan Mu and was ready to return.

At this time, the battleship that had captured the Ship Sword suddenly sent a message.

"Report to the Marshal, this ship-cutting knife is suspected to be a Tier 5 weapon, we can't analyze it..."

"I've guessed it a long time ago. Weapons that can be made without any damage under the anti-matter extinguishing bomb can only be made at least at a mature level 5. Strange, is there a level 5 civilization in our cantilever?

"Impossible Marshal, the opponent's technology is only Level 4 at best, and it is very immature. There is only one possibility for them to get this weapon, and that is the gift or legacy of a certain level 5 civilization..."

A ship-cutting knife has aroused the attention of the four bars of civilization.

In fact, the importance of this knife is even higher than that of this sudden invasion war.

"Our sub-cantilever should not have a fifth-level civilization. Compared with the entire galaxy, it is too remote and lacks key research data to master the unified field theory. In theory, it will never reach the fifth-level without entering the large cantilever."

The four-bar civilization has been stuck at level 4 for too long, too long, and they basically figured out some of the potential requirements for entering level 5.

One of the key research data of the so-called unified field theory is the neutron star data. They must observe the neutron star at close range and establish a perfect mathematical model.

Second, they must capture a special dark matter quantum, and this quantum is almost absent in the Orion Cantilever!

Because dark matter can only interfere with gravity, the closer it is to the center of galaxy, the more complex and abundant dark matter components are.

Many dark matter can help them improve the unified field theory, which is the key to entering the era of elementary particles.

The material of the Orion subcantilever comes from the large cantilever, but for the kind of quantum that is colorful in the large cantilever, there is almost no Orion cantilever.

This makes the civilization born in this cantilever naturally unable to step into the fifth level.

"Perhaps the invader is just lucky enough to get the legacy of a passing fifth-level civilization?"


"What's wrong? Is there anything new? Answer immediately."


The flagship where the marshal was staying was stunned, and the battleship that caught the ship's sword did not respond for a long time.

"What happened? Did that ship-cutting knife cause any experimental accident?"

"No, Zhi Nao didn't respond! Something happened!"

Immediately, a nearby battleship approached the past, tried to connect, and went in for investigation.

Unexpectedly, the inexplicably lost battleship suddenly accelerated, entered the range of the gravitational field and began to jump.

"What's the matter? Zhi Nao rebelled?"

Rao is a four-strand civilization, but he did not expect that there will be enemies hiding in the ship-cutting knife...


As the last stop of the jump channel, there are actually only two directions, one is the galaxy on the other side of the channel, and the other is a certain springboard transfer station for the return flight.

The Red Wing Fleet was divided into two teams, followed by jumping over.

"I am the marshal, immediately intercepted the battleship 1646451."

After chasing into the colonial galaxy with the cantilever of the centaur, there is also a fleet guarding, and immediately helping to intercept it after receiving the order of the marshal.

The rebellious warship had no way to escape. The precise water drop attack directly destroyed the jumping engine on the warship, as well as the sub-light-speed curvature engine.

The battleship lay quietly in space, allowing countless battleships to surround it and approach it to take over.

"Don't send a mechanical unit, it is likely to be controlled... dispatch independent troops to check in!"

Soon, a group of Four Gangmen, who seemed to have evolved from marine life, entered the mutiny battleship, and as a result, they were shocked by everything inside.

"Report Marshal, all crew members sacrificed! Mainly they were killed by blunt weapons, some were killed by particle beams, and a small part...was chopped into pieces by high-frequency slashing."

The marshal immediately reacted: "High-frequency slashing, this weapon has been eliminated, ah! It's the ship slicing knife!"

"The murderer!"

The investigating team was at a loss, the entire spacecraft was empty, all mechanical units were on standby, and the main control brain was in a... daze?

"Who is the murderer? Call up the cabin log immediately..."

"..." Zhi Nao was still in a daze, completely motionless, ignoring its owner's question.

The four bars team asked again with a solemn mood.

"Wisdom brain, are you willing to destroy yourself?"

The omnic rebellion is a difficult problem that carbon-based biological civilization will face, so I would rather kill the wrong one, no matter who the murderer is, destroy the intellectual brain first.

Unexpectedly, the brain didn't answer, all the mechanical units suddenly moved, weapons were aimed at them, and the four sticks were frightened to destroy them manually.

Under a lasing shot, the main control core of the brain was destroyed, the communication equipment was also broken, and all mechanical units immediately continued to stand by.


The team checked carefully, and the main control brain had been scrapped cleanly.

"Report the Marshal, the brain has been cleared, and it can be determined for the time being. It seems to have broken away from the root program we set initially."

"Where's the ship sword?" The marshal was still confused.

"In the laboratory...Marshal, will this knife kill automatically?"

"Not necessarily. After all, this is the product of Level 5 civilization. Even we can seal intelligent programs in the atom. Maybe this knife triggered some mechanism just now..."

The more the Four Gang people guessed, the more mysterious it became. The space accident was really weird. All the crew members were attacked and killed in a short time, but their brains didn't respond.

"Okay, you can withdraw it now. It should be just an intelligent accident. After returning, we will immediately investigate all intelligent brains. In the future, our investigation needs to be more..."

Before the marshal finished speaking, the flagship intellectual brain reminded him: "Communication has been interrupted."

"Interruption?" The marshal looked at his brain in surprise.

"The communicator was destroyed, or a powerful signal intruded into the internal motherboard of the communicator." Zhi Brain analyzed.

The Marshal realized that the second accident had occurred, and immediately locked all weapons on the mutiny battleship, and then sent a small team again.

The second team went in to investigate, and quickly replied: "Marshal...The first team was wiped out...their bodies..."

"Come back! Don't stay back!"

The marshal hurriedly yelled, and if this team stayed, there would definitely be another communication interruption and annihilation.

This matter was too weird. He had already thought that it should be the ship-cutting knife issue, so he should withdraw quickly, and then fire the cannon to directly blow up the battleship.

"By the way, during the previous war, did that knife show suspected space technology? Can it capture water droplets?"

"Yes...Marshal, you suspect..."

When the marshal thought of nodding, he heard Zhi Nao say indifferently: "Communication has been interrupted..."


"Damn it! Fire! Fire!"


p.s: I suddenly remembered a title of Secondary Two, please forgive me. (To be continued.)