Not Cold [Interstellar]

Chapter 1

In the vast universe, the galactic empire that inhabits human civilization has ushered in a grand celebration.

The lights on the stars of the capital are continuous, and the homes are not extinguished. Thousands of people are not afraid of the cold winter night. They are greeted by the falling snow and flooded the streets in costumes to celebrate their lifetime and have the honor to witness the coming of a millennium.

The world is so bustling and lively, but there is a place that doesn't fit into it.

The lights of St. Sophia Church are dazzling and brilliant, and the night cannot stop her extravagant beauty. There were guards with real guns and live ammunition lined up around them, and they were on guard.

Because here and now, the legions of the entire Galactic Empire and Vatican officials gathered in the church. They are holding a luxurious New Year's Eve banquet to celebrate their friendship in accordance with past practices, to mend the precarious and dying friendship after another year of torturing each other.

When the banquet was in a good state, the heavy door of the church was quietly pushed open, and a man walked out.

The guard at the door stepped forward and solemnly saluted: "Deputy Commander Zhong!"

Zhong Yue smiled: "Thanks for your hard work, happy new year."

The guard smiled happily: "Thank you, I wish you a happy millennium."

Zhong Yue nodded casually, and after walking a few steps, he suddenly turned back: "Do you have any...prom masks? Borrow me one, thank you."

The guard hurriedly took out a very simple black mask from his portable space, and said shyly: "I only have this. It's too crude. I'm really sorry. In your capacity, take this..."

"It's okay." Zhong Yue smiled: "I won't go to the dance party inside. I want to go out on such a rare day."

Snow fell quietly, and Zhong Yue walked down the long jade-white stairs of the Saint Sophia Church. At the end of the long stairs is a crowd of costumes, a noisy world of red dust.

This day is December 31, 5999 in the cosmic calendar. The imperial military power of this year still follows the ancient system, being divided equally by the three legions, and each other is restricted.

The more senior this clock is, he is only one of the three deputy commanders of the Second Army.

He is a golden bachelor in the eyes of the public. He is young and handsome, and he is promoted quickly. But at this time, no one can foresee what earth-shattering things this man will do in the future.

He will become a big man who is written in history books as a cloud and rain.

Zhong Yue will become one of the most outstanding military generals in human history. He bravely led the human army to fight against the Zerg, protect his homeland, and fight a legendary battle that wins more with less. In fifty years, he will become the soul of the empire, and will gather the power of the division of the Galactic Empire again, and gather power in his own hands.

Since then, he flexibly used his prestige to build momentum and entered politics with the army, breaking the political pattern that lasted for more than six hundred years. Since him, the history of the Galactic Empire has been rewritten by him.

People noticed this man walking out of the Saint Sophia Church, and couldn't help wondering his identity. His tall and tall man wore a dark gray formal suit with a simple fit. His handsome face was not happy or angry, and his silent appearance had an indescribable aura, which was very eye-catching.

Everyone watched him walk into the crowd involuntarily. However, Zhong Yue didn't want to be stared at. He was very familiar with the nearby terrain, and walked to the busy street outside the church. Within a few minutes, he completely disappeared from people's vision.

He walked a few blocks, got into the alley and shuttled quickly. He took off the dull formal jacket he wore in the church, revealing the burgundy shirt inside, and the close-fitting, stylish bright silver vest. He unbuttoned the collar to reveal some of the skin on his chest, and put his hand on it. An exceptionally ordinary black mask.

He hung his jacket on the floating street lamp on the side of the street, and walked into the next intersection with a bright color. The sound of melodious music came, and he made a mistake under his feet. He stepped on the beat to the rhythm and danced the dance of social tango. , Like a fish swimming into the crowd at the end of the street.

In this neighborhood, everyone wears masks, brightly colored clothes, and dances all kinds of dances.

We will welcome the arrival of the millennium together with countless joyful strangers.

"Ke Wei, I said that we will be welcoming 6000 years of the universe calendar soon. This is the first time for the two of us in the New Year’s Eve in the capital. I finally booked a hotel with such a good location. You actually want to stay in a hotel room. Not going anywhere?"

Ke Wei nestled on the sofa, wrapped himself in a thick blanket, showing only half of his delicate face, looking at the brightly lit street scene outside the glass wall, he said listlessly: "How long have I been discharged from the hospital? Now. It's so cold outside, I don't want to go out."

"Look here, from where you are sitting, you can see that the brightly lit is the Saint Sophia Church! In another hour, the church will set off the highest level of interstellar fireworks. We may be able to see this in our lifetime. Once again."


"Walk east for 20 minutes, and we can walk to the masquerade. This is the largest folk dance in nearly a thousand years~ the Renaissance era of antique earth, and the masquerade in Venice in the 16th century, people flocked to the masquerade. On the street, wearing a mask, dancing with strangers."


"Baby... Give me a reaction. Look, I have even our masks and clothes ready. Don't be so indifferent."

Ke Weiyang couldn't live up to the begging of friends, sighed, and compromised: "Then we watch the fireworks in the house. After watching the fireworks, I will accompany you to the street to play?"

"It's a deal! Haha, wait for me, I'll go out to buy some supper, or I will be hungry at night."

"it is good."

When the friend walked out of the room, the room was quiet again. Ke Weiyun looked out the window and suddenly opened a pair of peachy eyes.

He was across the street and saw a man on the street.

With Ke Wei's eyesight, he saw the man wearing a burgundy shirt, dark gray trousers, and a silver waistcoat with a slim waist. He was more than 1.9 meters tall and he was wearing a very ordinary black mask.

Ke Wei looked very attentively, but the figure of the man flickered a few times in the gap of the tall building across the street, and then disappeared.

He was stuck on the glass wall like a sticker. The blanket that he was reluctant to leave his hands all day long was still thrown on the ground by him, and he stepped on several feet without knowing it.

…is it you?

Ke Weixin thumped and thumped hard, until he was sure that he could no longer see the man's figure, and then recovered as if he had just woke up in a dream.

He turned around abruptly, looking at the mask and clothes he had thrown aside.

Zhong Yue stretched his arms, and a girl with short blond hair placed his hands around his body, spinning swiftly and lightly, and the hem of the long skirt was flowing.

This evening, on the snowy street, Zhong Yue used a mask to cover all the past, danced with strangers he had never met, and felt peaceful and peaceful.

"Sir, would you like to have a drink later? I'll treat you."

The blonde fluffed up her short fluffy hair, with a pair of charming gray pupils under the mask, and the red skirt wrapped her good figure, and sent out a seductive invitation.

In just a second, Zhong Yue smiled and decided: "I'm sorry, beautiful lady. Rejecting your invitation almost broke my heart."

The girl smiled, very knowledgeable and interesting: "It's a pity, may the glory of the God of Creation be with you, and wish you a happy millennium."

When the music came to an end, the girl turned and left without nostalgia. People in costumes on the street stepped on the rhythm and exchanged their dance partners.

On this beautiful festival, Zhong Yue has danced with five beautiful strangers, sharing the joy of welcoming the New Year. The clock was close to twelve o'clock a little bit. In this rare millennium, he was in the middle of the busiest crowd, but he felt a deep loneliness.

There is a piece of empty in his heart, and without this piece, he no longer has pure peace and joy.

The mask concealed his expression, and no one knew his sadness. He leaned slightly, and politely greeted the next stranger's dancing partner.

Is a male dance partner.

His figure is too good.

He was wearing silver-gray jumpsuits, and the upper body was cut close to the body. Under the thin fabric, white skin was faintly visible. His body was thin but not weak, and his lines were beautiful and smooth. The slender waist is outlined by the belt, and under the waist line are two long trouser legs, making the originally long legs look even more amazingly slender.

Black mid-length hair hangs on the side of the mask, and the silver mask is painted with gilt vintage lines, the oblique side is dotted with dark red fluff, and the slender bright burgundy feathers protrude obliquely outside the mask, arrogant and gorgeous.

Under the mask, black eyes shining with snow light looked at him. On this gentle night, that persistent gaze almost brought unspeakable affection, which was an invitation that Zhong Yue could not refuse.

He is so familiar with this beautiful body, every line has been touched and kissed by Zhong Yue, and then remembered with his soul.

Zhong Yueding watched him for a long time, when the main melody of the dance melody sounded, he put his hand on his back.

But he didn't want to start with a cool, delicate, smooth, Zhong Yue's fiery palm felt it as soon as he put it on, the clothes actually showed half of his back. Zhong Yue's hand, connected to his beating heart, was trembling hot almost at the same time.

Zhong Yue suddenly understood that he was alive again, no matter what choice Ke Wei made in the end...

My soul cannot be filled without this person.

Ke Weihe let out a sigh of relief. In such a cold weather, his clothes were so thin that he almost froze.

But when Zhong Yue's gaze watched him, he suddenly didn't feel cold. When his generous palm was attached, almost all of Ke Wei burned.

Ke Wei kept telling himself that this was the first time they met.

Zhong Yue didn't remember what happened in the previous life. When he was reborn and returned to his youth, he had the opportunity to start again with Zhong Yue. He had nothing to ask for, and he only wanted to protect this miracle with his life.

He must control his emotions, if he is too gaffe, it will scare people. He resisted the urge to rush into Zhong Yue's arms, and through a shirt, he could still feel Zhong Yue's full body and warm vitality.

Ke Wei blinked vigorously and forced away the water vapor from the corner of his eye, only to be so serious that he stretched out his hand and held Zhong Yue's back.

They began to dance.

Silent, careful, disturbed.

But it is as romantic and unforgettable as the flying snow and gentle lights, just like in a dream.

The bell rang at 12 o'clock, and the dance music stopped abruptly.

The fireworks flew into the sky and exploded, bursting out full of gorgeous brocades, lighting up the dark night.

They only have each other in their eyes.

At the turn of the millennium, under the sky full of fireworks, in the blessings of people...

Ke Wei stood on tiptoe, Zhong Yue looked at him.

The lips touched.