Not Cold [Interstellar]

Chapter 21

Xuan Mian stayed with Ke Wei for the whole afternoon, and when he helped Ke Wei deliver the newly bought furniture to his new home, it was already dark.

Among the unopened furniture in the living room, Ke Wei suddenly asked a question.

"Xuanmian, I remember that when I was just sent here, you and Zhong Yue reported the issue of Abbino's shortage of funds, but recently, it seems that you haven't been worrying about it. Has it been resolved?"

"It's solved. The boss was so miserable that he paid out of his own pocket before. Who knows that he suddenly made a lot of money a few days ago."

Ke Wei stopped the action in his hand: "Suddenly got money?"

Xuan Mian unsuspectingly confessed: "The boss only said that it was a huge investment, and he didn't tell me anything else. Although the amount of money is huge, we need to invest too much in Ai Bino. If there is too much money, the more the better."

Ke Wei nodded, but did not continue to ask. He looked around the living room and found a piece of furniture that took time to install and had no technical content. Ask Xuan Mian for help and install it with him.

Xuan Mian naturally agreed, and they sat on the floor in the living room together, unpacked the bulky packing box, and installed it to the instructions.

Probably because this furniture is so well-dressed, I figured out the trick, and the rest is a long repetition. I felt boring after repeating it to Xuanmian. I found a topic: "Suddenly I feel that I do something that doesn’t need to use my mind once in a while. pretty good."

Ke Wei responded with cooperation: "Is it because normal work is too heavy to relax?"

“I’m a researcher. No matter how much research work my boss gives me, I won’t be annoyed, because I really like to stay in the laboratory. But the boss is not only the central laboratory, but also owns Abino. Everything is left to me."

Ke Wei quietly listened to Xuan Mian's statement.

"With the rate of population growth, cities need to expand rapidly. But every simple urban planning decision has to consider too many related factors. Every decision will determine what the city will look like hundreds of years from now, although there is no need I personally draw up every plan, but whether it is implemented or not is decided by me. I don’t understand these things, and I don’t dare to fool around, so I can only learn and sell now, but I still do it every day..."

After a moment of silence, Xuan Mian sighed, "I feel stupid every day."

Ke Wei couldn't help but laugh, only thinking that Xuan Mian was a real treasure: "I have a little confidence in myself, these things are just that you are not good at it. Practice makes perfect, and Zhong Yue has high hopes for you when he asks you to do these things."

"Perhaps, but when I do these things, I'm really tired and scared. I really want the boss to despair of me sooner, let me go back to concentrate on scientific research, and don't worry about these things anymore."

Xuan Mian is very skillful. He quickly assembled the furniture in his hand, and still does not affect his thinking: "The person in charge of the energy side was still persuading me to put out more funds to build an electromagnetic storm power station... , Of course I know this is good. If you put it second, you don’t need to spend so much money to build other types of power stations, but after less than 20 years, you need to allocate funds to build new stations again.

He sighed again and complained: "The power plant is important, but the sewage treatment plant and garbage treatment station don't need money?"

"These infrastructures to deal with pollution are even more expensive. With limited funds, I prefer to build the best and most advanced facilities in one step. It will not be over decades, the management of Abino Or, do you have to worry about glacier pollution and air pollution again? Can you imagine what the pure white Aibiñol looks like when it turns pure gray? That's really terrible."

Ke Wei was thoughtful, but unexpectedly said: "Zhong Yue did not choose the wrong person."


Ke Wei smiled and said, "No need to belittle yourself anymore, you are indeed very suitable for this position."

Xuan Mian was stunned.

"You believe in Zhong Yue, and I believe that Ai Bino will not be a flash in the pan. You regard Ai Bino as your home, and seriously consider the development of this planet in a hundred years. You will not make short-term achievements or deal with Zhong Yue's errands. And make a decision that endangers this land. Although your experience is limited, your determination to believe in and love Ebino is the most rare."

"Oh..." Xuan Mian glanced at him and said unexpectedly: "In fact, sometimes I think you are not seventeen years old at all."

Ke Wei didn't say a word, and glanced at him.

Xuan Mian said slowly: "You have a gentle personality. It seems that there is nothing to worry you. You will not put things on your face, and you will not tell people, so that people can't see through you. I am older than you. It’s so big, it’s impossible."

Ke Wei said indifferently: "It may be that I was an orphan during the war and had no close relatives to my parents. I grew up in an orphanage, so I matured earlier."

Xuan Mian apologized immediately: "Ah... I'm sorry."

Ke Wei didn't expect Xuanmian to be so easy to talk, so he had an idea in his heart.

Ke Wei sighed and said quietly, "My parents left me a legacy. That is the last thing they left to me."

"I have not been willing to spend a penny in that account for so many years."

Ke Wei looked into the distance with a melancholy expression: "Now that I have come to the planet of Ai Bino, it is estimated that this account will be sealed in dust forever."

Ke Wei set up the atmosphere and asked melancholy: "Xuanmian, can't you really let me see my account?"

Xuanmian was very guilty when he said that he didn't hesitate for a long time, he said: "Then I will open a line for you, but I need to watch you operate the account next to me. You can only look at it, okay?"

Ke Wei smiled and said, "Okay."

So Xuanmian specially built a line for him. Under Xuanmian's supervision, Ke Wei successfully logged in to his account.

Ke Wei has three asset accounts in the Galactic Empire.

The first one was opened in the name of Ke Wei. All living expenses are paid from here. It is his most commonly used account.

The second account is the tax on the territory of Bishop Tans.

The third is the inheritance of Ke Wei's parents. During these many years, Ke Wei has never touched the money in it.

The account of Bishop Tans is not easy to move. However, Ke Wei has always taken care of the account of his parents' inheritance, but he really does not remember the exact number of the account when he was seventeen.

Ke Wei anticipated that there would be around seven or eight hundred thousand stars in his current account. He used the reason of "checking the account to miss his parents" to be a little nonsense, so he deceived Xuanmian.

His purpose is not here.

It's just that when Ke hasn't logged in to the account, the property overview page pops up...

Ke Wei almost lost his footing, Xuan Mian stepped on his right foot with his left foot, and directly fell over.

More than 14 billion stars lay in the account, quietly ignoring the entire universe.

Ke Wei himself was stupid.

What is the concept of these 14 billion stars?

He can buy more than a dozen planets every minute to build and play on his own.

Zhong Yue's seven-figure deposit turned into scum at this moment.

Ke Wei recovered from the shock. He thought for a long time before he said to Xuanmian, "Xuanmian, I also put some money into the planet Aibinuo, okay?"

Xuan Mian struggled to get up and hugged Ke Wei's leg without letting go: "Anything you say is fine, local tyrant!"

"It's just that I have one condition."

"Good good!"

Ke Wei calmly said: "Tell your boss, I'm going to take him, he will be my person in the future, you tell him to come back quickly."

"Well... what?"

"Call him over, and when you see others, I will pay for it."

Xuan Mian slumped to the ground.

Ke Wei kindly said: "You can have a lot of funds right away. The planning and design of your dreams will no longer worry about the shortage of funds. Think about the electromagnetic storm power stations, sewage treatment systems, and garbage disposal and recycling stations you and I mentioned. , Investment in hospitals and schools, funding for scientific research projects..."

Dr. Xuan got up, nodded, and shook his head again, leaving with a dreamy look on his last face.

Xuan Mian thought about it for half an afternoon, and finally made up a set of euphemisms, and made the decision to betray the boss with shame.

He dialed the communication request from his colleague, and Yue Lais of Capital Star picked it up: "Dr. Xiao Xuan, why do you think of calling me when you have time?"

"One thing, you need to go to the military channel as soon as possible and bring a message to the boss."

Yue Laisi changed his face: "What happened?"

"It's okay, you just told him..."

Xuan Mian regarded death as his home, and said with a machine gun: "Ke Wei especially wants the boss to think that he will be hungry and lose a lot of pounds until he can't eat! You tell the boss to go back and see if you don't go back, the boss's body can't bear it, so I hang up!"

The holographic video disappeared suddenly, leaving only Yuelaisi to face the air blankly: "Huh?"

It didn't take long for Zhong Yue to receive Yuelaisi's personal communication request for occupying the military channel again.

It's just that the situation is different this time. Before Zhong Yue had time to take advantage of Yue Laisi's false publicity, he was taken aback by the content.

"Ke Wei can't eat?" Zhong Yue was stunned: "Because I miss me too much?"

While thinking in surprise, the corners of his uncontrollable mouth raised: "Really?"

Seeing his boss's face full of joy, Yuelaisi said with a disheveled face: "Don't ask me! I don't know, it's all Xuan Mian."

With Xuanmian's character, he would not entertain his boss in such matters, which shows that this information is highly authentic.

Zhong Yue immediately said in a good mood: "I know, I will withdraw and go back as soon as possible and let him wait for me."

"Do you think I can't eat anymore?" Zhong Yue, who hung up the communication, was still thinking about it. Although he didn't think it sounded like Ke Wei's style, he had just forgotten his suspicion in just one second.

Zhong Yue's heart was pounding, it felt like returning to the time when he first fell in love with Ke Wei, the sweet joy in his heart made him feel uncontrollable.

He immediately set about changing his shifts, and couldn't wait to sneak back once.