Not Cold [Interstellar]

Chapter 34

Everyone in the command room had different expressions, and they looked suspiciously at Ke Wei standing in the corner.

Ke Wei didn't care about everyone's gaze, but only looked at Zhong Yue. Zhong Yue stood far away and looked at each other with Ke Weiyao.

Ke Weijing couldn't understand the expression on his face for a while.

In command of the army, Zhong Yue would never hand it over to others casually like a joke.

Ke Wei finally understood.

Zhong Yue is not suspicious of him...

He is already determined.

Zhong Yue entrusted the army to Ke Wei because he was familiar with Ke Wei's military level, and on this warship, there was indeed no more suitable candidate than Ke Wei.

He dared to use Ke Wei, only to explain one thing-he, like Ke Wei, has the memory of the previous life.

After the unexpected shock, Ke Wei's heart was...fear.

When did Zhong Yue know?

...How much does he remember?

Zhong Yue took a deep look at him last and never looked back.

"This...this is not in compliance! This person is not an active soldier at all!"

"Why did Deputy Head Zhong assign him?"

After Zhong Yue left, one after another questioning sounded in the warship.

Ke Wei stepped onto the podium, his trembling hand clenched his fist and placed it on his side.

He was panicked for Zhong Yue, and at this time he was about to force himself to calm down again for Zhong Yue.

The wing worm outside the warship was attracted by the anesthetic worm, and the offensive has been suspended.

The two armies are about to turn, and the best time to pinch the Zerg is about to come.

Zhong Yue could have been in the command ship, fighting with the Legion and the Legge. But at this time, all the sergeants who were qualified to command in Leigh's army had lost consciousness, Zhong Yue had to go there in person, using his authority to open the first ship and gain command.

If Leigh's army is allowed to rush into Zhongyue's army, Zhongyue's army will be directly in danger, and the panicked soldiers of Leigh's army will rush into the formation, giving the Zerg a chance to attack. @∞好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

"Is Deputy Commander Zhong crazy? How could a civilian be allowed to command?"

"Kick him off the podium! That's not where he should go!"

"You can question me later." Ke Wei's voice is not high, but everyone can hear clearly: "The deputy commander Zhong is about to leave the warship. Now, we must take immediate action to provide the rear support."

The first objector stood up: "Please show your military rank, otherwise we dare not let you lead the army of Deputy Commander Zhong..."

Ke Wei pointed outside the warship and interrupted him: "Look."

"Deputy Commander Zhong wants to pass by himself. Look at his path in the past. How many zergs are on the road. Can anyone of you count the number clearly?"

The real-time monitoring inside the warship showed that Zhong Yue was already preparing for the cabin. He was alone, not even leading the commando.

Ke Wei looked at everyone: "Zhong Yue is ready. I can keep him from getting hurt, and even let these insects not touch his spacecraft with a single antenna. Who dares to give me the same guarantee?"

This is indeed a boast of going to the sea, Zhong Yue, one person and one boat, wants to quickly pass through these tens of thousands of winged insects and anesthetized insects. As soon as he leaves the warship, he will be surrounded by layers of Zerg, and it will become very difficult to provide support from the rear.

Being able to avoid dying halfway is the result of Zhong Yue's accurate judgment and superior driving skills, and collisions with Zerg, being affected, and accidentally injured are simply the most normal situations.

The officers were very surprised and couldn't help but look at Ke Wei again.

But there are still people who are not convinced: "Such harsh conditions, I don't believe you can do it!"

Ke Weiping quietly said shocking words: "If you hurt him, I will apologize."

"If someone refuses to accept me, you can come up and replace me. But if you let Zhong Yue scratch a little oily skin, you will immediately break it yourself."

The audience was silent, and finally no one dared to raise any objections.

After waiting for two minutes for Zhong Yue to leave the cabin quietly, the elevator platform finally moved, supporting the spacecraft he was in to rise, and at the same time the upper cabin door opened.

He knew that Ke Wei had already made arrangements.

Zhong Yue's small spacecraft flew out of the warship and entered the perilous universe.

Ke Wei issued his first command: "According to my request, change!"

The solid formation just now changed quickly.

The warships that lined up on the outermost periphery when they were tiled quickly moved closer to the middle, while the airships that were originally in the middle of the queue started their engines and moved forward at full speed.

Four combinations and one, the team gathers inward. The new formation has 8 airships in each row, and the team is broken up into a long belt of 25 rows, following Ke Wei's instructions to break through.

"If it is intercepted by the Zerg, the warships in the same platoon will use the laser beam of close-range combat weapons to help teammates get out of trouble.

"Don't leave the team, don't be greedy for war."

Ke Weiyun pointed out that Rufei issued more detailed commands, staring at Zhong Yue's spacecraft.

Zhong Yue's spacecraft had already flown out, and Ke Wei wanted to clear a way for him.

"Pay attention to defense from the side, don't be disrupted by the Zerg formation, and continue to advance at full speed."

"The first line of fleet fired up..."

Ke Wei murmured: "I am in charge of the long-range command ahead."

He buckled his fingers and fired the first ion cannon, exploding the insects in front of them into powder.

When he saw the first ion cannon explode, Zhong Yue fully opened the engine and rushed out with all his power.

Piles of fire ignited by Zhong Yue's side, but he didn't worry that these artillery fires would miss his spacecraft.

He didn't worry that these huge bugs would grab his plane and tear his spaceship apart in the air.

He had told others early that Ke Wei's long-range shooting was extremely accurate, and he never went empty or made mistakes.

Not to mention, he and Ke Wei have a tacit understanding of battle.

When he partnered with Ke Wei, he could rush forward without any scruples, because he knew that Ke Wei would be behind him and solve all his worries for him.

Under the protection of Ke Wei's burst of fire, Zhong Yue moved quickly and flew towards the Leige fleet.

Dense zerg, explosive fire, debris and dust.

The afterimage of Zhong Yue's spacecraft was reflected in Ke Wei's pupils. In one minute, he fired more than two hundred ion cannons.

Every ion cannon exploded beside Zhong Yue. Solved the crisis around him, but didn't hurt him at all.

The battlefield is changing rapidly, precise calculations, perfect predictions, tempered experience, and the tacit understanding of the executors on both sides are indispensable.

Ten minutes later, Zhong Yue finally got out of this dangerous line, arrived safely, and successfully docked with the main ship Leigh.

The officers in the command center watched this wonderful charge and cover, knowing that Ke Wei would definitely implement Ke Wei's military order with admiration, and no longer questioned him.

After another three minutes, he used the authority of his deputy commander to rewrite the military order issued by the Leigh warship.

By the time Ke did not see the Leige warships turning collectively, he had already understood that Zhong Yue had succeeded.

The video of the communication was connected, and the officers who watched their allegiance to Deputy Chief Zhong were still alive and cheered in unison.

But the situation on Zhong Yue's side is really not optimistic.

He took over the command of the Regal fleet with his own authority. During the liquidation, he found that Regal had led out two thousand spaceships, and only less than one thousand warships could be dispatched.

More than 600 ships have been destroyed, and nearly 400 airships have lost contact with the main ship, and their whereabouts are still unknown.

With 3,000 warships facing a dozen or so times more enemies than his own, Zhong Yue felt that the battle was not terrible.

Zhong Yue drew a circle on the regional star map: "Ke Wei."

Ke Wei only glanced at it and said, "I understand."

Ke Wei led the fleet straight away, and Zhong Yue's 1,000 warships approached from the side.

They tore apart the Zerg's net of heaven and earth from a corner, and launched the first round of flanking.

Mo Bai walked into the command room and looked at Ke Wei on the podium.

He and Zhong Yue can understand each other's intentions with just one look, and they have a tacit understanding that does not require words.

There is a natural majesty in the appearance of Ke Wei standing on the command platform. The surrounding officers have begun to respect Ke Wei's opinions and consciously execute his orders.

At his age, he actually has an influence in the army.

Silly brows furrowed deeply and looked at Ke Wei in disgust.

He has regretted it, he should be killed by Ke Wei at that time...

Shouldn't be soft-hearted.

Mecha can not be used for melee combat against anesthetized insects. They use ion cannons and laser rays on warships to fight alternately.

The battle is fierce, but there is hope of victory. Where Zhong Yue points out, the Second Army can be invincible.

This fierce battle was laborious and time-consuming, but the morale of the sergeants was so high that after a long time they were still not tired.

Until the main ships of Zhong Yue and Ke Wei received a red alert from the military—

"The main army of the Second Legion has lost contact signals, and the First and Third Legions have reinforced to the last coordinate."

A line of small characters under the alert: "The second legion commander confirmed the death, the deputy commander Wang Feng confirmed the death, and the whereabouts of Chief of Staff Hoshalen is unknown."

Zhong Yue stayed quiet for a long time before he said: "There are six thousand warships over there, the whole army... is annihilated?"

Ke Wei couldn't believe it: "How could this be?"

It really shouldn't be like this.

In their previous life, at this point in time, they had never encountered a Zerg invasion on such a huge scale. The old regimental commander would not die in battle, and the Second Army would not suffer such a traumatic blow.

Zhong Yue thought for a moment, and said: "Ke Wei, I will give you the command of the fleet here. I'm going to the Hunter's Seat to search and rescue the lost comrades."

"No!" Ke Wei refused without thinking: "The situation over there is too chaotic. You must not have an accident right now, let me go!"

Zhong Yue is now the last qualified commander of the Second Army, and he must not make a mistake.

As soon as Ke Wei's words fell, the officers in the command center asked for orders and asked for their own troops to rescue them.

Zhong Yue was upset by the quarrel, and shouted: "What is the noise! ​​Everyone is shouting, just like you, how many deaths, do you know?"

The old regimental commander and deputy regimental commander died in battle, but Hoshalen, the chief of staff who had lost contact with half of his feet into the Zhongyue camp, had to be saved.

The situation is now obscure and difficult to understand. The main army is already fierce, and the only one who can lead soldiers to search and rescue and come back alive, except that he has this ability, is only Ke Wei.

But he was reluctant to take the risk by Ke Wei.

If the other side really has fallen across the board, how can he send Ke Wei to death?

Zhong Yue insisted on carrying out the task on his own, and met Ke Wei's fierce opposition, and his subordinates refused to give in, making the situation stalemate.

Just as Zhong Yue decided to slash the mess with a sharp knife and arbitrarily give the order, the messy command center suddenly inserted | a cold voice came in.

"Stop fighting, you can't."

Mo Bai stood in the corner with a calm expression: "I'll go."