Nuclear Dragon

Chapter 361: Shillong's child?

Just when the fuzzy shadow immediately pounced on Siro, the fuzzy shadow suddenly stopped.

Time seemed to stop flowing, and the shadow of the confusion was motionless dozens of centimeters above Shillong.

Sillon also opened his eyes suddenly, the eyes full of golden particles staring straight up.

"Arman, don't do such stupid things. After fifty thousand years, your IQ has not increased a little?"

"Shillong! You are too cold!" Right above Shillong, the fuzzy figure gradually appeared.

It was an Arman with long silver hair wearing female underwear.

Seeing Shillon's look that seemed to be perverted and idiotic, Arman was a little dissatisfied: "Shillon! We are brothers! Why do you always refuse to sleep with me?

Haven't seen me for fifty thousand years, don't you want to get along with me more?

You never want to lick my scales! Even if fifty thousand years have passed! Are you sick? "

"!!!" Silom's eyes narrowed slightly.

"I'm sick? You are a pervert! I am ashamed to say me! Look at what you look like now? Even if you wear women's clothes during the day! Now you still wear women's pajamas?

Are you a male dragon! Does the male dragon know?

Damn it! If it weren't for my mother, she stopped me! I have to break your dragon legs! "

Shillong cursed and moved Arman directly to the ceiling.

"What happened to the male dragon? We are brothers!" Arman refused.

"It's brothers and we can't sleep together! I'm a normal dragon! I only like female dragons! Get away from me!" Silom cursed.

"Cut! Isn't it the mother?" Arman cursed.

The light on the body flickered, and the body began to show some changes.

The most obvious thing is that the chest bulges.

"Am I doing this? It's not much different from my mother! Let me go down quickly! Let's sleep!"

"Get out! Pervert!" Shillon cursed, trying to throw Arman this **** out of the room.

But immediately, a series of earth-shaking voices came from far away.



The voice was a sweet female voice, which made Sylón feel familiar, a little eager, a little excited, and a little impatient.

"who is it?"

He squinted his eyes slightly and scanned the sky far away through the house, and found a huge red dragon with a body length of more than 100 meters while flying and shouting.

This red dragon is exactly the nymphomaniac red dragon who has been away for more than 50,000 years! Julia!

This guy is not dead yet?

It should be Tiamat who provided her with divine power to increase her longevity. It was amazing. It was a female dragon, so Tiamat was treated specially.

And beside this female dragon, there is also a lich with a strong dark and dead spirit.

The lich was also very familiar. Shillon stared at the other party for 1 millisecond, and then remembered his identity.

It was the lich named Wickoff, well, a very clever and interesting lich.

This is Shillong's impression of it.

Shillon's figure flickered and disappeared into the room.

Under the starry sky, in front of a dragon and a lich.

"Julia, Vickoff, it's been a long time." Silom said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Shillong!" Julia yelled in surprise, and the whole body quickly rushed towards Shillong, trying to give him a big hug.

But what awaits Julia is just an invisible barrier. Her dragon face is against the invisible wall, and she can't move forward an inch.

"Shillong! I miss you so much! I miss you so much! It's been more than fifty thousand years! Ouch...

Do you know how I spent over fifty thousand years? I look at your portrait for an hour every day and miss you.

Day and night, year after year!

Nowadays! I finally saw you again! Ugh..." Julia's expression was very excited, tears dripping from her huge eyes.

"Your Majesty's deeds of defeating the Lord of Dawn have been circulated among many star realms and gods. It is really my honor to see such a great Majesty again." Wickev respectfully said.

"Oh? So, did you find me only after hearing about this?"

Xilong said unexpectedly, the entire star realm, galaxies are more than hundreds of billions?

He defeated the Lord of Dawn, and in the past few months, has he made trouble to the point where everyone knows?

"It was Ms. Tiamat who told Ms. Julia, let us know your trace, Majesty." Wickoff said.

"Tiamat? That old female dragon is so kind?" Silom said to himself.

"Siron! Do you know? It's fifty thousand years! Me! I have your baby!" Julia, who was in a slightly stable mood, suddenly said such a shocking sentence!

This directly deformed Shillong's calm face and the boss with his eyes open.

The movement has been found below, and Arman, Viola, Kama and other dragons who flew over are also startled, and even the arcane energy is almost unable to sustain.

The whole body began to fall, and Viola waited for the dragon to wake up when he was about to land.

Each body turned into a streamer and quickly came to Julia.

Viola and the previous three female dragons including Julia knew each other, and she also recognized Julia.

After arriving in front of Julia, Viola was pleasantly surprised: "Julia! My good wife! Are you telling the truth?"

"Mom! Don't listen to her nonsense! How could this female dragon have my brother's child!

Fifty thousand years ago! My brother never touched her! I swear! I watch Shillong every day! These female dragons definitely have no chance to attack Shillong! "Arman vowed to one side.

Shillon heard the words and glanced at Arman silently. This kid, is it okay to eat every day?

Silom took a deep breath and looked at Julia, who was excited. Maybe this dragon is really crazy, right?

Miss this handsome dragon becomes a mad dragon? It's really sad! Sigh!

The charm of this handsome dragon has reached such a point...

Silom shook his head and sighed: "A good dragon, why is it crazy?

I have never touched you, how did you give birth to Xiaolong? Conception in the void? Or conceived in lust?"

"I! I'm not crazy!" Julia said: "I really gave birth to your little dragon! That's our baby! If you don't believe me, ask Wickoff!"

"Huh?" Everyone turned their eyes to the Lich.

"Kakaka~" Vikoff's chin moved, and the teeth like white porcelain hit the teeth of the upper jaw, making a crisp sound.

"Your Majesty! Ms. Julia has indeed given birth to a dragon with your great blood!"

"As a Lich, are you crazy after all?" No one among the dragons believed Wickoff's words.

"I didn't talk nonsense! I really gave birth to a little dragon for Shillong! He is a male dragon, and I named him Sisolian Burning Wings.

He is now very strong, dark red, and very strong..." Julia seemed to fall into memory at the end, with a smile on her mouth.

Kama on one side coughed and interrupted Julia:

"Ms. Julia, it's useless to say these things now. If you give birth to a little dragon for Shillong, let the little dragon come out. We will naturally be able to identify it."

"Yeah! Where's the dragon you're talking about?" Arman shouted.

His eyes glanced back and forth in the sky behind him, and no other dragons were found.

Then there was a flash of light in his eyes: "Won't you say that he is not here? There is something important, can't you come over?

Humph! Find an excuse and find a better one!

Are you trying to divide my brother's treasure? I tell you! no way! "

"I... I really gave birth to a dragon for Shillong! Although he never touched me, I gave birth to him!"

"????" Zhonglong looked dumbfounded, you bastard, play with us?

Never met you! How on earth did you give birth?

"Ahem!" Vikoff coughed again: "Ms. Julia is a bit agitated now, and her thinking is a bit unclear, let me explain."

The dragons cast their eyes on the Lich again.

"You should have heard of the knowledge of magic creation in alchemy, right?"

"The devil made people?" The expressions of the dragons were slight. The dragons present were all old guys who had lived for more than 50,000 years.

Naturally understand this alchemy discipline.

"This knowledge is forbidden by the gods, don't you..."

"Forbidden learning? I am a lich, as long as it is unknown knowledge I am interested.

As for whether it is taboo, that has nothing to do with me. "Vickoff's jaws collided again, making a strange laugh:

"That is really interesting and great knowledge, it can be said to be the authority of the Creator!"

"You mean, you created a magic dragon with my blood?" Silom frowned, and couldn't help touching his chin with one hand.

This lich, the technology tree is actually so high?

The creation of humans by demons is equivalent to such things as artificial humans and human clones.

This kind of thing, the Dragon Empire is naturally under control, and the technology is also very perfect.

However, the difficulty of cloning to create ordinary creatures is naturally not high, but it is extremely difficult to create those powerful species.

Especially those creatures with super strong bloodlines!

The Dragon Empire tried to clone an ordinary dragon or cultivate an artificial dragon, and they all succeeded.

But when they set their target on the legendary veteran dragon, the starry sky whale, these monsters have the extraordinary bloodline of powerful power from birth, the result is a failure! failure! Countless failures!

All organisms hide their own genetic code locks in their bodies.

Only by overcoming the basic code lock can cloning be implemented! create!

But there are countless super code locks hidden in the bodies of these super creatures!

For ordinary humans, there are 2 password locks.

Then there are 50 dragons, 100,000 dragons directly, and 1 million star whales!

The stronger the bloodline, the stronger the natural code lock!

As for Shillong himself? Sorry, there are too many to count! And each lock is dozens or hundreds of times more difficult than the locks of other creatures!

When the scientific research team got the blood samples of Sillon for research, they were all shocked and stupid.

Because there are too many mysteries in this blood!

As for creatures with this kind of blood, researchers believe that there shouldn't exist at all, and Shillong is a life that shouldn't exist! It is the greatest miracle of life!

How can this clone, or create a descendant?

Even if Shillong was willing to find a female dragon to inherit the family, the scientific research team decided that it was impossible to succeed!

Based on the scientific research strength of the Dragon Empire, this is all judged.

How could the Lich Navikf succeed?

Raise a child of your own?

Shillong was the first to not believe it!

Perhaps seeing the people's unbelief, the soul fire in Wickoff's skull was shaking, and he was very excited:

"This is an accidental miracle! A miracle that cannot be copied.

Ms. Julia, your majesty, before you leave the main material world, began to carefully collect all of you.

Later, she came to ask me to create your child with her.

Thinking of creating a great dragon, I agreed. After you left the main material world and the city of tomorrow was broken, I went to a safe world with Ms. Julia.

It took countless resources to start the experiment.

We created some small animals at the beginning, and after some failures, I overcame the difficulties with my genius skull.

Then, we continued to study those powerful creatures, creating one magic creature after another.

I feel that I have fully grasped the authority of the Creator!

Just when I was proud of this and started the final step of planning to create a magic dragon with the blood of Your Majesty and Ms. Julia...

The experiment went smoothly beyond my expectations, but it was the first time it was successful! "

When Wickoff said this, the soul fire in the skull was beating more violently:

"This is unbelievable! A great dragon with your Majesty's bloodline grew slowly under my cultivation!

I was so excited about this, I thought I had already controlled the power equivalent to the Creator!

Just when I wanted to use this power to continue to create more children of Your Majesty, I silently discovered that this success could not be replicated at all!

I can not understand! I continued to experiment again and again, but all failed!

Obviously the steps are the same, but the result has always been failures, failures ceaselessly, until thousands of years later, I did not know the reason..."

Hearing this all the time, Zhonglong's eyes kept flickering, digesting the information in these words.

Wickoff’s voice seemed a little deep: "The dragon born by accident and with the blood of your majesty has nothing to do with my His birth was all caused by an ancient evil creature, with the help of It was done by me and Julia.

The one with the blood of your majesty is an evil dragon.

Sisolian was actually quite normal when he was a child, but he looked down on weak creatures. As long as he did not provoke him, Sisolian would not kill them.

But when Sisolian was over a thousand years old and his strength was fully mature, he began to go crazy. The child kept saying that he had heard the whispers of the world's oldest god.

It is said that the mortals living in the world are a group of parasites. Their existence is wrong. They have been destroying the world since they were alive. This existence must be eliminated...

And he claims to be the chosen dragon! It is the destroyer of destiny! Is the savior of the world!

Since then embarked on a road to destruction.

His symptoms are very similar to those of creatures entangled in evil, so I suspect that his birth may also be created by some evil. "

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