Number One Game Designer

Chapter 140: DLC: Battle Royale (I didn't expect it,

On the third day of the E3 exhibition, Fang Xi finally waited for his first opportunity to appear on stage.

From the third day of this E3 exhibition, there is only one main stage, and the main stage of this main stage is that each producer takes turns to take the stage, or ten minutes or one hour. This is an opportunity that everyone dreams of to show the world. Your game. The organizer then arranges the order of these games according to the games reported by each party. There is no intuitive standard for these arrangements. It seems more like the organizer has packed some highly anticipated masterpieces evenly for a few days in order to attract attention. . The same is true for Fang Xi. According to the schedule sent to him by the organizer, there are two opportunities to be on stage today and one each tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. In a sense, among the producers present, he is considered very productive.

Hongyi's own exhibition area has been set up, and there have been a group of diehard fans who have inquired about the specific location, but in Fang Xi's opinion, there are not enough people. At E3, there are too many people in your exhibition area, which can be more intuitive. See your success or failure of E3 this time. And every opportunity to go on stage is an opportunity to grab the audience. The audience is like a bargaining chip. Before the end of E3, the more chips you have in your hand, the greater your chance of success in the game.

Standing in the background, Fang Xi glanced at the note in his hand. It was 15 o'clock. This was the time arranged for him by the organizer. Relatively speaking, it was relatively advanced. Now, what is going on in front of him is a game production from France. Human, a game about the Necromancer spreading the plague in the Middle Ages. Werewolves, vampires and other traditional European elements that Fang Xi looks drowsy.

"Hey, buddy, you will be on the stage right in front of me, right." At this time, a hand was slapped directly on Fang Xi's shoulder and he was startled.

Seeing Fang Xi's reaction, the owner of this hand, a young man smiled embarrassedly:

"Hey, it's not intentional, but it is said that every time E3 routines, people waiting in the background will chat, emmm relieves tension, I guess."

As a long-time veteran driver, Fang Xi didn't have much nervousness. Instead, he looked at this young man a little nervously.

"Be on stage at 15 o'clock." Fang Xi shook the note in his hand.

"I am 15:40, oh, the organizer has given you a lot of special treatment, for a full forty minutes." The young man was a little envious.

"Where are you from?" Fang Xi just chatted with him when nothing happened.

Some people have a strong desire to talk when they are nervous, and they use talk to cover up their nervousness, such as the young man in front of Fang Xi. When Fang Xi asked, he just said it all.

Canadians, inspired by their own country’s climate, have a good idea for a survival game. This time, E3 will be shown on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is also to attract investment. According to him, he can’t afford the development of the game by himself. cost. Fang Xi in the middle also took a look at his demo, a very stylish game.

The host on the stage was already introducing the game "Legend of Survival", and reminded Fang Xi that he should be on stage now. He took out his notebook and tore off a piece of paper. Fang Xi scribbled down his phone call. Explained:

"After contacting me, I will invest for you."

Then he stepped onto the stage under Mengxin's stunned eyes.

Fang Xi breathed a sigh of relief. There were also many fans of this game in Europe and the United States, and he also saw many overseas students rushing to the scene to support him.

She smiled stiffly, then rubbed her face with her hands, and Fang Xi smiled embarrassedly:

"Sorry, I'm a little nervous, let's get to the point."

Simple and rude as always.

"The organizer ESA told me that I can only introduce the road to survival this time on stage, so let's talk about this game."

"First of all, I am very happy to tell you that this shooting game that I am personally most satisfied with has officially passed the federal approval and classification." He Fangxi echoes that the CG on the back screen also has an M+ logo at the beginning. . "After the end of E3, this game will officially land on the North American market on July 1. I hope you will enjoy it."

The shaking cheers told Fang Xi that his own was indeed very popular abroad.

"This time, of course, it is not fried rice. The landing in North America is just a small news. I like E3 because I can see new things in every game here, such as the road to survival, the new things I prepared."

"Super-large, the only super-large DLC currently available. The launch date is synchronized globally. It is still July 1. This new DLC for survival, I named it: Battle Royale. Let’s take a look at the demo. The video is ready, I believe the video can be more convincing than my dry language."

A demo video of the game was also shown on the screen behind him.

Parachuting, landing, searching for abundant supplies, a variety of available vehicles, shrinking safety zone, and zombies cruising outside the safety zone, only one player can survive and win in the end.

For this game mechanism, all first impressions are cruel without exception. With hundreds of people, only one player can win. It seems difficult?

But then the demo video showed players a variety of ways to win, the most intuitive is also the kingly way of victory, through good marksmanship to directly kill all other players and ultimately win.

By searching for materials, using unique and rare materials, shielding chips to hide outside the safe zone and act with the zombies, and finally win by surprise.

There was even the best start and just lay down, and the safety zone was finally reduced to the head, lying down and winning.

In short, this is a game in which only one person can survive, but you can survive by various means.

From time to time, Fang Xi will explain on the side. For example, you can play all the weapons in the game in the story mode of survival.

For example, about the model of Battle Royale, you can read the novels of Japanese novelist Takami Hiroharu to get a detailed understanding of its meaning.

For example, in this mode, Hongyi also set up a short storyline, players who are interested can explore it by themselves in this mode and so on.

In short, this is a brand new competitive mode, and Fang Xi encourages players to survive in various ways, including lies and betrayals.

As a demonstration, the demo video demonstrated the ending of a false alliance, and then stabbed in the back by the other player who had already prepared.

This is a not-so-good game mode, but it is refreshing enough, which is Fang Xi's definition.

This is a game mode that can win victory through various means.

In the eyes of Pim and Afeng, this is a good material game, because it can be won in various ways. Isn't that the meaning of the existence of non-technical streamers?

In short, Fang Xi's debut appears to be very successful.

However, there are also some minor controversies at the scene, such as whether this model is too violent.

You must know that the original battle royale novel is very controversial in Japan. Although this novel has been widely circulated, it has not won any awards. It is the No. 1 classic violent literature, and the adaptation of comics and movies has also been Banned.

However, Fang Xi didn't care about these, and the problems that the players caused could eventually be solved by the players themselves.