Number One Game Designer

Chapter 207: Bahuang Liuhe is the only one (seeking s

However, in this intercontinental competition final, Fang Xi's first word was that he lacked skills.

As the organizer, guest, and contestant, at the same time, because of the topicality caused by Fang Xi, Yige also thoughtfully arranged Fang Xi for the opening match of his group. It was almost inevitable and filled Fang Xi's voice. The "Throwing Thunder Nut" has nowhere to tell.

The players and the audience are very happy to watch.

"Eh eh eh, at this opening ceremony, Mr. Fang is standing above him, so young."

"Of course Mr. Fang is young. He has just graduated for two years. Mother, he is really envious and jealous.

"Being beautiful, rich and capable, I don't want to be born."

After appreciating the singing and dancing of the image spokespersons of the three opening competitions, the players again ushered in the time for Fang Xi to speak.

After all, as the developer and owner of the game, it is inevitable.

"Fang always seems to be a little busy today. It's been an hour since the beginning of the show, and now he has to go up and talk."

"Yes, everyone else came to play today, but Fang always feels like he's in a triathlon."

"Twenty-four of that year, I rushed to the venue and stood like a boss."

And as the players thought, soon after announcing the start of the game, they really saw Fang Xi putting on the game uniform. The players responded with a burst of kind laughter, and the stadium was full of jovial atmosphere.

This time, the uniforms of all the teams are specially designed by LN. It is basically a style, and then prefixed with the nationality and team icon, and the ID is the large team icon behind it. The color matching is selected according to the team logo and personal opinions.

The Dragon Gate of Fang Xi's team chose the simplest black and white. Fang Xi took the lead in the stage, and the dragon head icon on the black background and white line was about to move, as if to choose someone to eat, and his ID: FAKER was embroidered on the top.

The audience in front of him cheered like a tsunami, and the spotlight behind him was like a landslide. Fang Xi also experienced this much-anticipated pleasure. For the first time, he felt the sound of blood running in his veins. This ID is telling myself:

To win! To win happily! Win with an absolute sweeping trend!

Everywhere, Lin Rongchang couldn't wait to ask in the headset:

"Lao Fang, how do we fight this? I'm up to you!"

"No." Fang Xi moved his wrist and looked at the "darkking" team in North America that was opposite. He didn't know what tragic thing was going to happen, and said with a grin: "Just lie down."

With the voice of the commentary, the game officially began.

"Okay, let's surrender our eyes to the game. The blue team is the Dark Kings team in North America. They chose to ban the Shining first, and then it is the Longmen team's turn. Oh, they chose to abstain!"

The commentators are a bit numb. Each commentary is the master of UBM's strong memory. Of course, knowing the various things that happened before the game and Fang Xi's ruthless words, I thought Dragon Tu team was in front of the limit, but now they just gave up. The rights of ban people, they already had a hunch, and then sure enough:

"Team Longmen gave up their second ban right."

"Team Longmen gave up all ban rights. They can see that there are three empty bans."

"Is this really good?" The venue also began to whisper. Fang Xi's attitude of being improper before the game, and still being improper during the game, really surprised most people. He thought that his arrogance before the game was already the limit. It's a bit too arrogant to tie your legs up in the game now.

Arrogant? Fang Xi licked his lips. He was already a little excited. What should he do, then he locked on the determined female soldier:

"The day the sword is recast, when the knight returns. Fight for me, Riven!"

And this lock once again made the commentators frown:

"The Dragon Gate team locked their mid laner, Riven, this is a typical physical damage warrior who can also play as an assassin, but in this way, the Dragon Gate team has no magic damage. This is popularly called The'chopper team', because if the game does not end in the early stage, and the opponents only need to pile up physical defenses in the later stage, this kind of team will not be able to play. It is another arrogant choice."

The commentators have already begun to feel that they have been insulted, even if you are playing games, you should not be so arrogant.

Turning to the DK team:

"Oh, the DK team chose the style of play that FANG showed in the China region three months ago, the classic support stream lineup, or the players like the name: global stream. And this lineup is quite good at the early pull. After the sixth level, it will enter a strong period. It is a very mainstream lineup now."

Yu Jiashu in the audience also frowned and watched. Of course, he knew that the Chopper Team would only choose this kind of team when the team below the silver level had infighting, and this...

It doesn't matter to the other side Xi, let them know today that under the absolute power gap, any strategy and tactics are useless!

He even wanted to post a post on the Internet last time and space:

How does Riven play cards? Waiting online, very anxious.

And today he let the opponent know that since the cards can support the whole picture, then as a balance, how weak is his laning ability!

The mid laner of the opposing DK team is also very confused. Look at the top laner: "Riven mid laner, have you encountered it?"

The top order shrugged.

"Is Riven good?"

The top order desperately recalled in his mind and answered:

"No, her damage is relatively average. Just be careful not to get knocked into the air by the third Q."

DK's mid-laner heart let go. When people relax, they will naturally think more. If this DK team wins the Longmen team and wins against the producer FANG, then what is waiting for yourself, is it not US dollars, beaches , Bikini? No, no, no, how can one bikini be enough? I want ten!

Until a deafening voice announcement brought him back to reality: FirstBlood!

Looking at the second-level female warrior holding a broken sword, standing on her corpse leisurely making up the knife, DK's single time was a little bit overwhelming: What about me?

Fang Xi shook his head, then looked at Riven a little excited, then frowned.

He shook his head because the current "professional players" were so unconscious about second grabbing.

Excited because I find that I am really strong now! Lightspeed QA is like eating and drinking water, and anticipating hiding skills are like watching slow motion!

The frown is because I knew that I would wait for Riven in the finals. Now I always feel a little bit of a sledgehammer.

Take a long breath, but now that this is the end of the matter, let's just kill it!


The three-level jump tower was ignited and hung up and flashed away. The DK mid laner looked desperately as his blood was burned out, and the screen was black and white again.

The replenishment of Level 4 Riven consumed one set, and one set was forcibly taken away from the tower!

Level 6 Riven instantly killed the jungler who came to support and swept the cards to death!

Looking at Riven standing in front of the tower with five heads.

Look at the cards that are only three levels under the tower, shivering and afraid to show the experience of the tower.

The commentators feel that their brain circuits are not enough:

Riven hurts so much? How can this person predict so accurately? Is the damage calculation not bad? Is the brain of FANG really a computer?

Riven is a super single kill hero, what will happen if he gets a lot of resources? That is just like a bulldozer, directly leveling all the way!

When the game was only eleven minutes away, the DK team was forced to be blocked by a Riven on the high ground to defend the high tower, which basically declared the end of the game.

Fang Xi, who then went home and took out mercury, used a five-tower five kill to push the atmosphere to a climax!

The players in the hall feel that their eyes and brains are not enough!

Longmen team, win!

Of course, there is a post-match interview. The beauty host asked the audience's confusion: why the Longmen team can win so easily.

Fang Xi grinned: As you can see, Faker is unmatched.