Number One Game Designer

Chapter 226: "Car Thief"

"Get a hammer and tissue!"

Who is the boss of the other side? Is it the kind of kids who watch small movies secretly and are afraid of being caught by their parents? of course not!

At this time, it is necessary to respond to Lu Wanqi's malicious speculation and righteous words!

"I just turned on the computer just now and I was thinking about the future of the company, worrying about the country and the people, and feeling sad."

Fang Xi didn't believe what he said, but Lu Wanqi seemed to really believe it.

"Still thinking about Sorrento?"

Lu Wanqi sat down, and the company speculated that this incident was a big blow to Fang Xi, because the first game show that Hongyi participated in at that time was the San Francisco Game Show. Although no one said it because of its small scale, several companies reported it. The media mentioned that Fang Xi and Sorrento hit it off right away and they had a very pleasant cooperation.

So now the company is speculating whether Boss Fang has encountered these intrigues in the mall for the first time.

Of course, this Fang Xi has to deny it, it is too early for a Sorrento to defeat Fang Xi's fighting spirit, and...

"Sorrento's two-to-three swordsmanship did not surprise me. I should have blacklisted him and his stupid colleagues."

"They want to end Hongyi's rule. The North American market is too important for them." Lu Wanqi continued.

"Well said, but it makes no sense!"

"Sorrento may feel that the time has come."

Fang Xi shook his head and closed the coffin:

"He is seeking his own way."

At the end of the entertainment time, Lu Wanqi also asked her righteousness:

"Recently, you may need to talk to several studios, and you gave them a general goal. Now several studios have reported that some of the questions are unclear. It is estimated that only you can answer these questions."

Nodding his head to show that he knows that this is also the tentative work content of Fang Xi recently. Whether at home or abroad, working for one year and Chinese New Year are often the most important time. It is the most important time to summarize this year’s work and make a plan for the next year’s work. Of course, there is also the most important bonus based on a year's work summary. This is something that everyone is worried about.

In the past year this year, Hongyi has added a lot of studios, so Fang Xi has decided to visit it formally around Christmas to get the bottom of his work.

A typical example is the studio that his parents bought for themselves in Europe. They haven’t seen Fang Xi’s face until now, and Fang Xi has arranged a new job for them in his heart. It’s not justified if he didn’t meet him a year ago. Up.

Another example is the Ghost Car Studio. In early December, the legal team sent by Chen Yu finally completed the transfer and settlement of the shares of Chicago. That is to say, Aoge and the others are officially employees of Hongyi, and regarding the new project , Ogg was very concerned about "GrandTheftAuto" when talking with Fang Xi in private. As a kind-hearted programmer who grew up with violence and crime in the sin city of Chicago, Ogg said to Fang Xi I am very interested in presenting the story of a sin city.

Because it has nothing to do with likes and dislikes, although criminals and gangs have made Chicago "famous", they have also made Chicago in a certain sense. There have never been those black and white factors in the world. For some people, they want to realize their self-worth. , There is only one way through the streets of Chicago, and after hearing Fang Xi’s suggestions, Ogg has been eager to move.

Therefore, after the studio was officially renamed "Ghost Car Studio" in Chinese from SNAIFKL, Oge, Di Long and Hanuo also formally submitted an idea proposal for "GrandTheftAuto" to Hongyi.

What's more interesting is that after Hongyi received the proposal from the three brothers, the staff simply made a translation and put it on Fang Xi's desk:

Chicago Ghost Car Studio Game Proposal: "Car Thieves"

Fang Xi was surprised when he saw the cover: Ogg and the others, the name of the game, do they want to make a simulation game? It wasn't until after opening it that Fang Xi woke up: Ah, GTA.

The draft made by the Ogg brothers was rather scribble. They just expressed an idea to make a sandbox game, mentioned that this was a proposal from Fang Xi, and also expressed concerns about the trend of realistic crime games.

There is only one sentence from the inside and out: Our studio can't handle this, please send someone from the headquarters to help!

Now the younger brother finds Fang Xi’s dignitaries, Fang Xi can only find Xiaolan’s dignitaries, and Xiaolan basically hides Fang Xi now, otherwise Xiaolan will have a big head when he is asked to recruit people. .

When Fang Xi was in school, there was a sentence describing the contradictions in China’s modern society. Modifications can also be used here:

"The main contradiction of Hongyi now is the contradiction between the growing demand for games from people around the world and the backward productivity of Hongyi."

To put it bluntly, the current market growth rate is too fast, and Hongyi's expansion rate is too slow. It is a veritable trouble of happiness. Why did Fang Xi buy a foreign studio? Because the Huaxia market is really unavailable for the time being... Game talents who are willing to rely on Hongyi have already entered Hongyi, and those who are unwilling to enter will not be able to recruit for a while, and the school recruitment for the graduation season has also been carried out. Once, there are still at least four months before the next school recruitment, so Fang Xi recently bought several foreign studios because he has taken a fancy to these somewhat successful game development talents.

If you buy and build this year, you can start research and development on the project next year. If you don’t have a big game, you can start testing and preparing for publicity the next year.

When this kind of market is still close to the blue ocean for Hongyi, talents can be cultivated slowly, and efficiency is the most important thing.

Therefore, Fang Xi decided to take a trip in person for the needs of the dignitaries of Oge and his studio for technical support.

"Going out for a while?" Lu Wanqi was a little bit reluctant.

For her, Fang Xi rarely stayed in Beiyang in the second half of this year.

Both the e-sports matter and the later trip to the United States took a lot of time, and Lu Wanqi has always been in the Beiyang City headquarters of Hongyi because of the total value planning of "Eternity".

Although I was determined to take care of Fang Xi’s most valued "Eternity" game in the rear, and let this game sit on the world’s number one throne for at least ten years, now I see Fang Xi gradually improve With business expanding to the world, there is less and less time to rush around, Lu Wanqi still feels a little uncomfortable.

Fang Xi knows what she is thinking by looking at Lu Wanqi's expression. Have you seen a pig climbing a tree and haven't seen a pig crawling on the ground? This kind of plot has been seen dozens of times on TV, and Fang Xi took the initiative to hug:

"Next year you will come to my side to help me, control the value of "Eternity" for another year, and stick to it until the end of the World Championship at the end of the year?"

This is considered a promise, but girls often eat this set.

Lu Wanqi nodded pitifully:

"Then, speaking counts?"

"Well, what you say counts, I'm an overbearing president."

"Hmph, then you are outside..."

Fang Xi immediately understood:

"Guaranteed to guard your body like a jade!"