Number One Game Designer

Chapter 317: Their own minds

Of course, Fang Xi didn't mean to open a pig farm to treat the players as pigs. After all, he was not named Ding, and he did not have such a strong heart to speak and laugh freely.

"So I think our Honghu platform can still be optimized." Fang Xi said. "After all, our aim has always been to make the game better for players, so I think there are some aspects that we should put on the agenda."

"Improve the player experience..." Lu Wanqi recalled the words of Xiaoxi Xi, thinking that Fang Xi was paying attention to the news of the host today, thoughtfully:

"Do you want to be a handle?"

"Bingo!" Fang Xi looked at Lu Wanqi up and down: "That's what I want to say. When have we been so inspiring?"

Lu Wanqi glanced at Fang Xi strangely: "After all, I am also Hongyi's senior game director. I still have this knowledge."

"Video games in the modern sense are generally described separately, which is a behavior that affects the screen on the monitor through the operation of the player."

"So in this process, it can be roughly divided into two parts, the game peripherals and the game software. Now, Hongyi has taken the game software to the extreme, that is, the Honghu platform."

Fang Xi nodded. Just as the host platform is essentially a platform, his own Honghu can also be regarded as a platform, but the difference is that the host's platform is independent, so the game can be freely priced, and the Honghu platform is essentially a PC. The platform is not entirely his own, and it is also the root cause of Fang Xi's bad mood now.

"Our Honghu platform now allows players to communicate and share freely, and provides help for players to make mods by themselves. At the same time, it also allows some producers who are not suitable for this industry to earn a little money to promote the prosperity and development of the market."

"We, we really have infinite merit."

Fang Xi’s daily self-praising that Lu Wanqi has become accustomed or even immune:

"Let’s talk about the optimization of the Honghu platform. The game is essentially divided into hardware and software. In terms of software, our Honghu platform has achieved the ultimate, so we should worry about the hardware. Gaming peripherals."

"The peripherals of the game are divided into input devices and output devices, of which output devices..."

"Stop, stop." Fang Xi made a stop gesture: "Baby, you should use nouns directly, don't use these to refer to."

Taking a strange look at Fang Xi again, Lu Wanqi continued to explain her thoughts:

"The output device is the display, which requires a strong level of craftsmanship. It is not impossible for Hongyi to do it now, but it is obviously not cost-effective, and players obviously do not have a great demand for game-specific displays."

"But in terms of input devices, PC games lag behind the host. The input devices of the two are the keyboard and the controller. Except for playing some competitive games, the experience of most game controllers is significantly better than that of the keyboard."

Fang Xi nodded. The question Lu Wanqi said was the first thing he thought of tonight. Although VR equipment is still under development, it should be more than enough to use the excess manpower of the VR studio to study a handle.

Since the day when the Honghu platform was launched, many players have expressed the hope that Hongyi’s games can support controllers, but the biggest problem is that the controllers on the market are not uniform: there is currently no company dedicated to PCs. Production, because the market is not uniform, there are only three major console manufacturers that make controllers, but the problem is that their controllers can only "perfectly" fit their own consoles, and if you play on a PC, there will always be sporadic buttons. conflict.

"Although the VR Lab has not made perfect VR glasses and handles, it has also developed several new small technologies. You will bring my request to them next Monday. I believe they will not refuse."

Lu Wanqi nodded. What she likes is Fang Xi's look like everything is under control.

"What about our cooperation with Ren's?" Lu Wanqi smiled and said, "It seems that someone is not as intimate with Ren's cooperation as expected?"

There is no need to deny this, Fang Xi nodded:

"It's a modern society, and all cooperation has to add a prerequisite, that is,'limited'." At this point, Fang Xi shook his head again:

"The last time I went to Tokyo, Satoshi Kimijima proposed to me to exchange shares of two companies, and I rejected it."

"Share exchange?" Lu Wanqi was a little surprised: "Although the Ren family has been going downhill, and the current new host has not been launched at that time, the skinny camel is also bigger than the horse. Are their conditions at that time too excessive?"

Hearing this, Fang Xi denied: "Satoshi Junshima said that if I wanted to, he could persuade the board of directors to exchange 12.5% ​​of Ren's shares in exchange for 7.2% of Hongyi's shares in my hands."

Lu Wanqi's eyes widened. This is already a very good condition. The outside world has many comments on Ren's, but the word "arrogance" is always indispensable, but such an arrogant company is willing to exchange higher shares for Hongyi. Lower shares, which firstly shows that they are really optimistic about Hongyi, and secondly, they want to get shares of Hongyi regardless of the cost, that shows...

"They want to expand Hongyi's internal influence through share erosion? Or replace it?"

Fang Xi nodded approvingly: "This is basically a scheming. If it is normal like me, and building such a large company from scratch, it will definitely not be afraid of challenges. Ren's release of such a bait will definitely not miss it."

"However, they probably didn't expect me to be mentally clean. For me, my Hongyi must belong to my Hongyi 100%. I don't want to share my company with another person."

Lu Wanqi digested the content, and then slowly said: "So you and Junjima Satoshi, the conversation between you and Satoshi Junjima just now as if they were relatives on the phone is fake. In fact, you two want to eat each other's bones?"

Fang Xi smiled at this statement: "His thanks and my help are of course from the sincerity."

"But we want to annex each other sincerely."

"It doesn't matter whether you appreciate it or not, this is modern warfare."

Lu Wanqi's eyes widened. She probably hadn't recovered from the meaning of this sentence, and immediately noticed the meaning of Fang Xi's words and swallowed the other party...

"Do you want to annex Ren's too?"

"Who doesn't want it?" Fang Xi did not deny it.

"But there is a more direct way to annex the other party, with less hidden dangers and better results. Rather than using shares to erode this kind of trick that is not on the table but also known as a financial means."

Although Lu Wanqi doesn't know much about finance, she also knows that there is only one such method mentioned by Fang Xi, and that is acquisition:

"But it's impossible for Ren to sell it?"

"No, they will." Fang Xi smiled meaningfully: "But not now."