Number One Game Designer

Chapter 443: To become a cultural person

When Hongyi did not release any E3 related news, it was the water of "GAME World" that came out first and "licked" it.

Shui Ran is worthy of being a veteran editor of the magazine. When he comes out, he is quoting classics. Others talk about games generally, which means studio history. Shui Ran starts directly from the distribution of interests in World War II, from the distribution of interests to policy preference, and then From policy tilt to industrial development, the reason why the Western world is one step ahead of the game is finally explained.

In the end, it is classified into the nature of E3, which is actually a game event led and dominated by countries across the ocean, and now Hongyi has its own size, which means that a small temple cannot accommodate the big Buddha, so this time The non-participation is likely to be a tacit understanding between the two parties.

As soon as the article came out, there was a lot of discussion.

Some people think that Shuiran’s chatting about politics through games is too unspeakable, and some people think that Shuiran’s words are indeed facts. In fact, Hongyi has been leading the entire gaming era now. Now Hongyi does not announce the game. No company dared to release new games is proof.

And when the rumors and gossip were everywhere, Hongyi Guanbo finally released his attitude:

"Hongyi Headquarters is expected to be officially completed in August. This year, the first Hongyi Carnival will be officially held here. As for ticket sales and participation methods, it will be kept secret for the time being. There will be more surprises at that time, so stay tuned."

Hongyi's official news finally suppressed this momentum and allowed players to discuss the Hongyi Carnival, which will be held in half a year.

Looking at the news now, Hongyi is determined not to participate in E3, and intends to formally start anew. Asian players welcome this. Some parts of Europe and the United States have confirmed that E3 will stand in the south of the manufacturer.

A producer who released a chicken-eating game that was well received last year said bluntly: “Hongyi’s R&D capabilities are already stretched. They put too much manpower into large projects, and there are no games to do now. If these games are in the future Waterloo, now the great wings of Connaught University may also disappear in smoke."

So a new round of scolding wars started on the Internet.

Boss Fang doesn't care about this at all. His current high-level Hongyi and Xiaolanguqin Lu Wanqi are inspecting Hongyi's new headquarters.

Because the area of ​​the new headquarters is not small, almost the size of a university town, the construction party drove two sightseeing cars to pick up the crowd.

Fang Xi sat in the car in front of him and pointed out with interest:

"The greenery here is good, and the open space over there is a bit big. I think I can put a statue or make a brass one."

"The artificial river dug here is also good, sister Gu, can we buy a small yacht, I think we can dig another artificial lake."

Gu Qin couldn't bear it and knocked on Fang Xi's head: "Carefully review, let's not say whether you are reliable or not, at least we have to wait for me to settle down before considering it!"

Boss Fang just didn't hear it.

Of course, the four building groups that spend the most time in the park are the four building groups. If divided according to modern functional facilities, the small group closest to the exit is the administrative building, or the administrative building area, which will be Hongyi’s business headquarters. All work releases, negotiations with partners, internal management of the company, etc. are all decided here.

The entire building community is relatively dense, with a total of three buildings, two large and one small. There are also several empty corridors in the middle of the three buildings. Since frequent docking work may be required here, it is best to deal with it this way.

The side of the administrative area is regarded as the achievement display area. The most used material here is glass. For example, the first thing you see when you enter here is a hall, where all the world champions of the "Eternity" series will be displayed in the future. As Fang Xi said, These people will be remembered forever, and this is also their hall of fame.

The achievement display area is relatively loose. There are displays, such as a row of glass cabinets. In the future, Fang Xi’s planning manuscripts may be placed in the future, and there may be internal things such as the artist's concept map; there is also an exhibition hall, war between people and insects. Fang Xi did not refuse the one-to-one model.

On the other side is the relatively important R&D area, where the security environment is the best, the buildings are relatively airtight, and the sound-absorbing materials have achieved the best noise reduction measures. After all, the creation is a quiet environment. Fang Xi has already done it for himself. Booked a favorite room.

Finally, there is the living and leisure area. A good company must not only solve the problem of employees' salary, but also include food and housing. It's that simple. But in general, everyone considers the quality of life, and Hongyi employees are not poor, so there is only one apartment building and a group of villas for the management to choose by themselves.

"So we may gradually move here from August to work." After the tour, Fang Xi made a simple summary statement:

"I know that some people like the environment where the building is looking up and looking down, so that everyone is like a big family."

"But I also think that as I lead you, you have got a higher salary and better treatment with your own efforts. You may need a more private working environment, so moving here is inevitable."

"I believe we will be more like a big family when we come here. Besides, your office can be a little better here. I don't think no one will refuse, right?"

Tao Junyi smiled and said: "In fact, everyone is waiting for this day. Moreover, boss, your office is less than 30 square meters now. Compared with a company with a market value similar to ours, we are considered shabby."

Fang Xi smiled and shook his head. In fact, he still prefers the younger ones.

"So it's just such a thing. I will breathe back when we go back. We officially moved here in August. If you have any comments or adjustments or need help with life difficulties, please report to Director You Yonglan in advance. Director You recently We also need to look at how many buses we have to buy ourselves, and set up a dedicated bus line in our park. We now have to take these, otherwise it is not convenient.

Xiaolan nodded to express understanding.

"After we move into the headquarters, will the foreign studios that belong to us move over? For example, Kirkel and the others?" Lu Qiu raised her hand and asked. Fang Xi glanced at her and wondered why she was usually a little taciturn and only busy with work. Ask this, could it be sentimental?

I thought so, but Fang Xi immediately replied:

"Our R&D environment is better, so I will seek their opinions. In principle, as long as we want to come, we will agree."

"That's one more thing." Liu Hai raised his hand this time:

"The local university in Beiyang wants to hire our management as a professor, boss, what's your opinion?"