Number One Game Designer

Chapter 546: Gossip for a living

Before Hongyi, there were fewer than eight game companies like Donghuang Yinling in China.

Three years have passed, Donghuang has not changed, but the world has changed. Now a Hongyi is more than a thousand times that of Donghuang. Today, companies of the size of Donghuang have sprung up in China like bamboo shoots after a rain. , The output value of games in one place in Wangjing City alone is higher than the output value of games in China as a whole three years ago.

People's lives seem to have not changed. The city is still busy, fighting with colleagues, eating and watching movies with the other half.

The difference is probably just that Fang Xi proposed a new possibility for ordinary people's after-dinner entertainment life, a younger possibility.

I vote for the world as a peach, and the world repays me as a Lee. This is what Boss Fang thinks of his own Hongyi.

As for Dong Huang? Boss Fang rarely thinks that Dong Huang is his opponent. There are many ways to defeat an opponent. You can choose to defeat all acquisitions head-on. You can also choose what they do and do better than them. You can crush your opponents. You can even pretend to be a leather bag company. Make a big order, and then make the difference from it, let the opponent pay for the underwear directly with a single order.

Of course, you can also enrich yourself and strengthen yourself. When you are thousands of times stronger than your former opponents, they will change from your confidant to a wisp of dust on your heart, without using your hands, the wind blows, they I don't know where it is floating. This is the best way to defeat them.

Life is nothing more than wealth.

Fortune and fame, these two things are like two side dishes on the big table of life. When you are hungry and hungry, these two side dishes can fill your hungry internal organs no matter which one they are. And when you eat the food in your mouth away from the feeling of being hungry, most people, or almost everyone will covet another delicious side dish.

In a sense, Dong Huang is undoubtedly one of the hosts and guests on this table. They have gained fame and wealth. They are like gluttonous diners. They want more when they get something. It is best for this kind of people. Fang Xi’s punishment was Fang Xi’s carelessness.

This kind of carelessness will inadvertently show them more wealth and greater fame. The world that Hongyi displays will fascinate the people of Donghuang and make them understand their current two dishes: "Fame and reputation. Wealth" is the same as chewing for them.

And cruel things are also here. Fang Xi showed them such a world, then walked by them mercilessly and told them that you would never have such a height in your life.

In this case, Weibo’s third-rate chicken soup is very accurate: The biggest pain in life is not not getting it, but not asking for it.

Although President Qiu himself applied for Hongyi's stage, he felt calm, but the whole circle quickly got news:

There is basically no need to keep the distribution map of Hongyi’s infield confidential. Hongyi also opened a website for real-time updates. Most players don’t care too much about this list. This thing can definitely be determined when the carnival officially starts. In the end, ordinary players only need to look at a final list and select the ones that are of interest.

However, in various media, people are basically staring at this list in real time. There is no way. You have to do this if you want to make a big news. Keep watching and catching fish. This principle has never changed.

An editor refreshed and glanced at it before eating, and then saw the refreshed new information:

On the map of the venue, beside a not-so-remote aisle, a medium-sized booth was changed from green to yellow, which had not been signed before, indicating that the booth has already been confirmed by the exhibitor. Move the mouse over and stay on the small grid. The information was also clearly announced.

Game name: "Moon Shadow Qi Tan"

Game type: RPG

Developer: Wangjing Donghuang Games


The editor who had already opened the notepad and was about to make a copy made a "click" without holding the pen in his hand, and fell to the ground with a crisp sound. This is definitely a piece of news that can attract a lot of people's attention today!

It only takes two minutes for a news to be discovered by the editor and posted on the Internet. However, it usually takes half an hour for a news to be seen by most of its audience from the moment it is posted on the Internet.

Unexpectedly, this news has attracted the attention of many people.

First of all, it needs to be explained that the biggest reason for the decline of Donghuang Games in the past three years is that the player group has not changed significantly. Which group of people was three years ago, and there is not much difference after three years, because Hongyi gradually turned the game into Socially, the Honghu platform may now be the community with the most user groups in the world. Players here have not only shared the game's correlation, they talked with people about the impact of the game on their own lives, talked about the artistic style used in the game, and talked about why The process of going to school to learn these arts. This is no longer just a game. Fang Xi has already done what he wants, relying on a complete and vibrant community to firmly tie those users who belong to Hongyi to Hongyi's side.

This is the fundamental reason why Dong Huang was left behind: they couldn't manage their own community, and they didn't want to join Hongyi's community, so they had to be marginalized.

The news that this editor posted on Weibo aroused the curiosity of players in a small area: Where is the former Donghuang?

For Mr. Qiu, seeing the news on Weibo makes his mood quite complicated: he is not a trusted executive trained by Dong Huang, and he has no affection for Dong Huang. He was just a marginal person in the game industry before. , But I also know how beautiful Donghuang once was, and now that I see the title of this tag, I feel more about the impermanence of the world: people who went to Donghuang three years ago said that they would lose all competition in three years. Strength, it is necessary to sell tragic love cards to get a respite in the future game market. Most people who heard this at the time would only think it was a very boring joke.

But this kind of emotion lasted for a minute, and he changed a more high-spirited mentality:

If Dong Huang had not become like this, it would be difficult for him to enter this company with his qualifications, and a dilapidated and ruined company that will grow old is just a good thing for someone like himself who enters the master halfway through. He couldn't have a good start, in his position, all the achievements made from now on will be seen in everyone's hearts that cannot be denied! And even if he makes mistakes, the unlucky ghosts who have left will be responsible for the mistakes he made.

This may be the worst time for Dong Huang, but it may be a better opportunity for him!

"Check the list of Beiyang City and calculate the plan again. There must be no baskets. This is very important to us!"