Number One Game Designer

Chapter 75: Fang Xi

Fang Xi found that he was gradually becoming a tool man.

Relying on the characteristics of his own cheats, Fang Xi now collects petitions from players of several games in the space every once in a while, organizes these opinions and sends them to various departments for improvements in the next version, and comments on Fang Xi’s changes. Every time it was said to be fruitful, it was changed to the player's pain point, and the effect was immediate, so other people admire Fang Xi's vision of the game more and more, and some even claim that Fang Xi's vision of the game is as accurate as a scalpel! Fang Xi just smiled at this kind of dog licking quotations, although in fact he can't wait to yell at people: if you can talk, you can talk more!

The game planet and the Q version of Reaper in the space are growing well. As Fang Xi can see, the three smaller planets of the three page games gather together and slowly rotate. The size of the killing planet is still small, hanging in a solitary corner. There is a light that is not dazzling but can not be ignored. The Q version of Grim Reaper still takes a bite every day when he comes in by himself and then goes to sleep. Fang Xi always has the illusion that he is here to feed...

When the Honghu game platform was launched, there was no celestial body to light up. Fang Xi guessed that it should be because the platform is not a game in nature, but a faint silver belt appeared in the sky, connecting all the games together, except that it was missing. After "Killing Planet" where the right to operate is not in his own hands, it is obvious that this is the visualization of the Honghu platform.

When Fang Xi officially launched the Kunyang game, the space once jumped out of the "Reaper server full function unlock progress 17." Now the other two web games are still 17, after Fang Xi saw this number, he was a little bald, no Know what this standard is. The good news is that "Left to Survive" also unlocked a gift pack when the progress was 50% completed. This time, it is a special game upgrade pack that shows the effect achieved by "optimizing the player's online experience". It’s very scientific: Recently, the R&D team has suddenly learned a series of obstacles such as online and voice teaming. Now, although the road to survival is only more than 60% in progress, the online related functions have been completely completed within two weeks. Now, Fang Xi has seen the power of the Reaper server. Does the golden finger of feelings bring others to know?

And this first real masterpiece that Fang Xi has high hopes for, has also begun to produce the most important single-player storyline. In this area, for the expressiveness of the game story, Fang Xi also referred to the usual techniques in previous lives and borrowed the facial capture technology of the film and television shooting base to present the actor's expressions in a delicate manner.

For Fangxi Yu, the most famous Meimo and Resident Evil in the past life are both very focused on single-player plots. The plots are beautifully made. When the single-player plots have the lowest difficulty, the players will feel immersed in the game. A great single-player movie is about the same, but this is not the effect Fang Xi wanted. For the current Fang Xi, now that he has already made excellent online features, it is a pity not to use it in the single-player plot. Therefore, Fang Xi does not intend to use the extreme single-player autistic plot like Resident Evil, but will Raccoon City is made into a sandbox, and the plot is advanced in the sandbox.

Such a game uses many ideas and has his own ideas. Fang Xi is looking forward to the final presentation of this game.

"President Fang, the film and television company said that if we insist on the requirements for actors, then actors may not be easy to find." Chen Yu from "Seven Swords" came in and reported.

At that time, two of the "Seven Swords" people chose Fang Xi to survive. Chen Yu was one of them. He was taciturn, but reliable, and was also one of Fang Xi's most comfortable deputies.

Fang Xi rubbed his head with a headache. The single-player plot of the game is actually similar to the film’s casting criteria. Therefore, the protagonist must be attractive. At the same time, Fang Xi hopes that the actors themselves must be proficient in English for the sake of overseas markets. Multilingual is the best, and there are definitely requirements for appearance. So this kind of person is not easy to find. After thinking about it, Fang Xi had no choice but to retreat:

"Then tell them that actors should be separated from dubbing. The actors are still demanding. The acting skills must be delicate. It is best if the face is a little bit mixed. There is the kind of aesthetic that is mixed between the East and the West. It is best for the voice actors to have more than three languages. "

Chen Yu recorded Fang Xi's request, and after confirming that it was correct with Fang Xi, he went out to contact the film and television company for a matchmaking.

On the other hand, Fang Xi sighed, "Good things are hard to come by", and continued to examine the script.

Of course, the story of the single-player game has been written by an editor since a very early time. It is still Fang Xi who has written the main story, and the rest of the editors fill in the side story and other things. And Fang Xi, who has written about these editors, must be reviewed again, saying that it sounds good to keep the tone of the story consistent, but in fact it is to prevent individual editors from dying.

If you compare a game to a cake, then the single-player storyline is undoubtedly the cream on the top layer of the cake. The core storyline about the protagonist is that the strawberry on top of the cake is not wrong, so it is absolutely right to be on top of the cake. Mouse droppings are not allowed.

And this strawberry can no doubt be made meticulously by Fang Xi himself, and it will be up to him whether he is a cook to satisfy the player's taste.

This time Chen Yu came back faster than before:

"President Fang, the film and television company said that it has found several suitable candidates, and I hope you can choose them."

"So fast?" Fang Xi was suspicious, "Didn't you say you couldn't find it before?"

Chen Yu turned over the record book: "Before they had a few suitable actors for the appearance requirements, but they have been stuck in the dubbing area and they are not up to the standard. This time we let go of the dubbing requirements, and they are basically considered to be. It's appropriate."

Fang Xi nodded to express his understanding: "Book a ticket and we will leave in the afternoon."

Recently, the moba team has been advancing frantically. Lu Wanqi is too busy to come to Fang Xi. Fang Xi went to look for her several times. The office is full of drawings about the data model, so now Lu Wanqi can’t walk away. Let Chen Yu go with him.

Chen Yu's calm face showed no expression at all, nodded in response, and then went out to call to arrange ticket booking.

The film and television company we are cooperating with this time is also in Haifang City. It belongs to a medium-sized company in the industry. Fang Xi thought while packing things up, should it be time to set up an office in Haifang City? Otherwise, it's not a matter of flying around all day.

And if you still do games in the future, facial capture equipment, as well as your own studio and recording studio are definitely needed. Outsourcing can solve the problem for a while, but you cannot always rely on outsourcing.

While thinking about the future, Fang Xi sorted out the materials to be seen on the road, and prepared to set off.