Number One Player of Time and Space

Chapter 1172: Isn't it common sense that there are 5 k

Right now, there is no suitable candidate for contracting Corpse Ji, so contracting a major crime demon is a temporary emergency plan.

It's just a question of which great sin demon to choose for the contract.

There is absolutely no doubt about his strength to be ranked among the great crime devils. The real thing to consider is the price.

For the sin of **** contracted by Chu Tanaka, the price he chose to pay was his lifespan. Because the subjects of hypnosis were ordinary people, the price he paid was not too much.

But Luo Jie's ultimate goal is a super demon, and the price he has to pay is definitely not the kind of petty fights that Chu Tanaka did.

He would never consider the standard four-piece suit, so he could only start with the fifth hobby price.

In contrast, the price of greed is the easiest to accept.

It's just that the amount of gold in his hand is limited. Although he doesn't know how Greedy charges, no matter how he thinks about it, it's impossible to kill a super demon with only more than 20 kilograms of gold.

If the price-performance ratio is so high, Mihail Hachisuga, the mayor's son who blew himself up with a space-based weapon in the original book, wouldn't faint in the toilet?

Maybe multiply by 1000 again.

Except for the greed that only recognizes gold, the price of hobbies of other great sin demons is more or less not so easy to accept.

Such as the lazy sacrifice of happiness.

If a person loses happiness, his heart will inevitably fall into a dark and negative state. At the same time, he has to collect happiness for sacrifice, and almost 100% will fall into an endless loop of violence and sensory stimulation, or become a madman who kills and destroys. Or become a sluggish walking dead.

Another example is the satiety of the sacrifice of gluttony.

Sacrificing satiety is not sacrificing food, and what has been eaten will not disappear.

While being tortured by hunger and eating crazily, the stomach can't hold more food and can only vomit out. The picture is so beautiful that I dare not look at it.

This has to be in the case of enough food, what if there is no food nearby? Thinking about it makes people shudder.

As for sacrificing love, sacrificing teammates and so on, it looks beautiful, but in fact the consequences are no less serious than the previous two.

From this point of view, the problem seems to have returned to the original point, no matter what price, Luo Jie does not want to accept it.

Yes, if possible, he would like to **** for nothing.

"Sure enough, the contract devil is drinking poison to quench thirst..."

Luo Jie let out a long sigh, and was about to put away the book of great crimes in his hand, when his eyes accidentally fell on the unclosed pages, and suddenly he seemed to realize that something was wrong.

Lazy Belphegor?

Wait, why does the laziness in my impression seem to be Belial?

Although both of them have the reputation of being lazy, Belphegor is just a demon born and bred in hell, while Belial is one of the strongest fallen angels in legend, and the true master of Solomon's seventy-two pillars of demon gods.

Compared with the former, it is almost the difference between the fugitive princess of the empire and the daughter of the rich man's family in the country.

Unless... the great sin devil recorded in the book of great crimes in his hand is not the great sin devil in the kiss of the contract.

If you think about it in this direction, then everything seems to make sense.

Works that use Belphegor as a sin of sloth...what the hell?

Luo Jie suddenly thought of a possibility, and looked at the book of the Great Sins in his hand again. Sure enough, the background texture of the page recording the seven deadly sins seemed to hide another figure of a magic circle.

Without hesitation, he opened the book of great crimes, put those suspicious pages together, and a new demon summoning array gradually appeared in front of his eyes.

Sins of Vanity Belial.

That's right, since the Four Heavenly Kings can have five people, it is not surprising that there are eight people in the Seven Deadly Sins.

"Come on, let me see what the price of this hobby is...Huh?"

When he saw the handwriting that appeared under the summoning formation, Luo Jie was stunned for a moment, and then an uncontrollable ecstasy gradually appeared on his face.

The price of Belial's indulgence is flesh and blood.

To be precise, it is the flesh and blood of the contractor.

For ordinary people, this price is not as good as the four regular prices, but for Luo Jie, who has demihuman blood, it is like a tailor-made price for him.

Of course, out of caution, Luo Jie did not rush to summon Belial to sign the contract.

He first gritted his teeth, and carefully cut off a piece of **** flesh the size of a fingernail on his arm with Master Bei's knife, and then mobilized his mental power to activate the summoning circle on the ground.

The summoning array lit up with an orange light like hellfire, but it fell silent after only a flash.

The number of sacrifices is insufficient, and the summoning fails.

Luo Jie didn't take it seriously, and after confirming that the flesh and blood in the summoning formation had been sacrificed, he swallowed a Liangliang pill and performed death recasting on the spot.

The first thing he did when he woke up was to touch the wound on his arm.


Sure enough, as expected, flesh and blood belonged to the entity category rather than the conceptual category in the system's identification. Even if it was partially sacrificed, it could be restored again through death recasting.

Luo Jie's eyes flashed brightly, steady!

Warm blood dripped from the wrists of both hands as if for nothing, and all of them were strangely absorbed by the summoning circle on the paper.

Luo Jie's face became paler due to massive blood loss, but the flame-like orange light became brighter and brighter.

As the light faded, a black shadow with obvious female features appeared in the ashes of the magic circle.

It was a beautiful woman with long silver hair, one large and one small horns clearly marked her identity as a demon, and the rare golden and red child revealed the unique coldness and majesty of a king.

Contrary to its abstinence-style appearance, it has a nuclear-egg-level explosive figure, its limbs are covered with complicated and thick blue knight armor, but the center only covers three key points, making it difficult for people to have any doubts about the reliability of this equipment. sense of trust.

Seeing the demon revealing its real body, Luo Jie showed a faint smile.

He guessed This Book of Mortal Sins is not an item from the world of Contract Kiss, but from another animation, The Seven Deadly Sins.

The original work of the animation is just a meat fan used to sell peripherals, there is no plot, it is basically eight girls with the name of devil fighting around.

It is worth mentioning that this show is very graphics-intensive, and it is often left unattended, and the clothes of the characters in it cannot be loaded with textures, giving people a very bad viewing experience.

The silver-haired, strange-colored demon girl in front of me is the former Demon King of the Seven Deadly Sins, and she is also the first fallen angel, Belial, the crime of vanity.

"Your flesh and blood are delicious, and what I like most is the smell of the blasphemer inside."

The silver-haired demon sister Yu swayed in front of Luo Jie, and the silver claw on the right hand gauntlet raised his chin condescendingly.

"Tell me, what kind of contract do you want to sign with me?"