Number One Zombie Wife

Chapter 352

Zhan Beitian said, "I haven't dealt with his affairs. After I deal with them, I will release people."

That day, after returning to City B from outside, he needed to stay in a different space in order to see Nantian, so he didn't have time to interrogate Zhang Le.


Before Zhang Le's father asked, Zhan Beitian said, "I'll go and see Zhang Le now."

The cell is not accessible to ordinary people, and Zhang Le's parents dare not go with them.

Mu Yifan looked at the middle-aged couple behind him. "Zhang Le also shot his brother because Mu Yifan killed his brother. I don't think you should punish him for this."

"He was kept in prison not only because of this incident, but also because he repeatedly disobeyed the order. If he is not punished, he will do so in the future. He cannot kill you this time and will use other methods next time. To hurt you. "

Mu Yifan didn't say any more, and stopped as Zhan Beitian came to the door of the cell to prevent Zhang Le from being too excited after seeing him. He heard Zhan Beitian's interrogation at the door of the cell.

Chapter 263

The cell in the camp was originally a room where students used to store sporting goods.It was converted into a cell after becoming a camp.

It was empty inside, that is, there were no beds, no tools for torture, and no soldiers to guard. Usually, it was only used as a place for introspection by those who made mistakes. However, few people would be sent here to reflect.

At this point, Zhang Le was holding her body and shrinking into the corner.

Because of the cold weather, the whole person is constantly snoring, and because they have not eaten for many days, their lips are dry and their faces are a lot thinner.

He heard the door open and quickly looked up at the door of the cell.

The dazzling light shot in, and Zhang Le narrowed his eyes. It took a while to pass by before he could see who came in.

He froze slightly: "War ... Major General ..."

Zhang Le quickly got up, but because he didn't walk and eat for many days, he was unstable and fell back to the ground.

Zhan Beitian took out a bottle of water from the space and handed it to Zhang Le.

Zhang Le looked up at Zhan Beitian's indifferent face, hesitated for a moment, then took over the water and swallowed madly.

When he felt much more comfortable, he whispered and asked, "Mu ... Mu Yifan, how are you?"

That knife, he was directly inserted into Mu Yifan's chest. If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely not be able to live, but after Mu Yifan was stabbed that day, he could still be like a okay person, then he should be alive.

Zhan Beitian asked softly: "Are you more concerned about how I punish you?"

"I'm not wrong, why punish me?" Zhang Le jumped up excitedly, yelling with bloodshot eyes, "Mu Yifan killed my brother, what's wrong with my revenge for my brother? Major General Zhan As a superior of my brother, you should know how my brother died so badly. Why do you still care for Mu Yifan? Is it because you like Mu Yifan? "

He wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes: "My brother used to boast about your grandfather's selflessness and was better than his brothers. He said that as long as he was in the team, he would swear to follow you, but how about you? Brother? After my brother died, you kissed me and the person who killed him. Are you worthy of your dead comrades? "

Zhan Beitian tightened his brow: "Where did you learn that Mu Yifan killed your brother?"

Except for himself, it was only Mao Yu who knew Zhang Yue ’s true cause of death, and only when they leaked it out, Zhang Le would know about it.

Zhang Le glared at him angrily, without snoring.

"Is Mao Yu? Or Xianguo? Lu Lin? Sun Zihao?"

Zhan Beitian said the names of the four of them, not to say they didn't believe them, but to think of trying Zhang Le: "If you don't say, these four people will be punished with you."

When Zhang Le heard it, he quickly said, "It's not what they said, it's not about Captain Lu's business. Besides, you have to punish, and you should also punish my brother who died. You punish some soldiers who are loyal to your soldiers. You will chill everyone when you do this. "

Zhan Beitian sharply accused: "Except for me and them, no one will know what is happening in the army. Since it is not what they say, but who is listening? Don't you know that what is heard is most likely not true? You never thought, you are likely to kill the wrong person? "


Zhang Le panicked.

He really hadn't thought about it. When he heard that Mu Yifan was killed by his elder brother, reason had long been buried by hatred.

Zhan Beitian pressed again: "Who told you in the end?"

Zhang Le stared at him sharply and said, "Yes ... Ms. Rong Xue told me. She said that she had heard Captain Mao in their conversation and learned that I would ... I would only admire Yifan started. "

Rong Xue?

Zhan Beitian squinted his eyes: "When did she tell you?"

"When in K City."

Zhang Le saw the cold light flashing in the eyes of Zhan Beitian, and he asked quickly: "Major battle, is it difficult ... Is Miss Rong Xue lying to me?"

Zhan Beitian looked at him: "Don't lie to you, you don't have to worry about it. As long as you remember it clearly, it is the murderer who killed your brother. I will not let him go."

"Major general ..."

Zhan Beitian severely interrupted Zhang Le's words: "Zhang Le, you just said that you were not wrong, that means that you have not carefully reflected on the consequences of your actions to the team in these days of being detained."


Zhang Le refuted.

In addition to his hatred of Mu Yifan these days, there is also a scene where he stabbed Mu Yifan's heart with a knife. He never thought about what consequences his own behavior would bring to the team. .

Zhang Le whispered: "Major general, what are the consequences of my actions?"

Zhan Beitian said coldly: "First, you do n’t listen to the command and you do n’t go back to City B with the team. The consequences will make people who return to City B with you worry about you. I'm in danger. "

Zhang Le busy explained: "At that time, I thought that Major-General Warrior and Captain Mao had satellite communications before sneaking out. At that time, as long as Major-General Warrior gave Captain Mao ..."

The more he talked, the more guilty he felt, and his voice became softer and quieter: "Just call and report peace."

Zhan Beitian continued if he hadn't heard what he said: "Second, you have repeatedly ignored the arrangements of the superiors, violated the orders of the superiors, and have no discipline. Just these two clauses are enough to punish you. "

Zhang Le knew that he was wrong, so he did not refute.