O Pretends to be B For The Violent Admiral

v1 Chapter 49: Secretary and explosion

"Luo Ran!"

Lucas was still chasing after him, fierce.

Luo Ran covered his ears and ran forward. Two adult men-one was the empire general and the other was the empire secretary-general. They ran down the stairs one after the other, and the guards looked stupid.

Then Luo Ran successfully boarded his own aircraft-slipped away.

All in all, even though Luo Ran lost thoroughly in this battle, he at least knew that the blind date that had been going on all the time... was really caused by Lucas.

But if Lucas was caught in this way to make things difficult, at most he would tell him that even if it is blocked, it should only stop at blocking it.

But Yu Han's mother was originally in contact with Luo Ran's parents, and now even the family members are too old to communicate.

It shouldn't be... right?

Although Lucas is hardcore, his attitude is not very aggressive.

Luo Ran always felt that he had missed something, but the blind date was a trivial matter after all, and Luo Ran didn't care anymore.

...But Lucas made him mind even more.

The original relationship is getting worse and worse, but now it's even more...

Luo Ran covered his face and nestled in the sofa of the aircraft.


But the two of them didn't talk about this topic again the next day.

——Something happened to the UNK Special Research Department.

In the Special Research Department, an Alpha injected with UNK suddenly went out of control and had a mental breakdown, injuring two Beta researchers and an Omega refiner. The two Betas only suffered skin injuries, but the Omega’s mental power was destroyed and appeared. A mental gap, I haven't awakened yet.

Not everyone can be as lucky as Luo Ran. Most of the Omega spirits have been caught in this way, ranging from mental problems to life-long vegetatives.

Omega with mental breakdown will have hallucinations, severe pain, weakness, etc., while Alpha is the opposite. Alpha with pheromone problems has no sense and self-control. They will attack everyone around them madly.

Alpha, whose mental power is out of control, is a researcher at the Institute and also a subject who voluntarily joined the experiment. Now he has been suppressed and mentally guided.

The injured A-level Omega was the youngest son of Major General Moka's family in the Imperial Capital Army. Major General Moka's family is not planning to let it go. They have sued the research institute and decided to fight the government hard.

Lucas is the leader of the military, and all military masters listen to him.

So now that such a thing happened, Lucas would not stand by.

In the conference room, Lorraine, as Lucas's representative, was standing in the front and speaking at the moment.

"This is Ann Moka." Luo Ran pointed to the photo on the screen behind him.

"As everyone knows, the laws of the empire have always blessed and protected the inherently weak Omega. Therefore, if the accident happened, the government did not give the Moka family an explanation, I am afraid it will chill the hearts of the military."

The director of the research institute-Shi Xiuqi, a fat middle-aged man frowned and said, "Catch the violent Alpha to justice, and let him pay compensation."

That Alpha was just a civilian, and he had no worries about dealing with it.

Luo Ran paused and frowned: "This incident is not entirely the fault of that Alpha. Because he was injected with UNK, he has lost all his judgment ability and reason. It is also true that the mistake is automatically attributed to the innately powerful Alpha. A kind of injustice, the head of the research institute believes that the mistake in this matter is the research itself, and UNK should not be used by humans."

Luo Ran then showed that Alpha's psychoanalysis report, he really didn't mean it.

And the Alpha also said after he recovered that he was willing to give Ann Moka compensation, including money and pheromone soothing. In short, he would work hard at the requirements of the Moka family.

"So the problem is not the person, but the problem." Luo Ran then showed the report of the project leader-Xia Zhi, and the representative of the medical department-Shen Xiluo.

“Dr. Xia’s responsibility is to ensure the safety of the project, and Dr. Shen’s responsibility is to ensure the safety of all people involved in the project. Now they have made it clear that this project is not suitable for further progress.”

The report is all very obvious data, which was compiled by the summer solstice and everyone staying up all night.

The report stated that UNK has six times more energy than ordinary ice mines, but at the same time, the radiant energy it emits destroys Alpha and Omega pheromones.

And UNK cannot be refined by machines, which indirectly indicates that UNK can no longer be used.

"This..." Shi Xiuqi glanced at the eldest prince Zhou Mingyu, frowning: "This is just an accident. It is an accident. Not everyone will be affected by UNK's radiation out of control."

"Director, please read the report and clarify the data." Luo Ran pointed to the screen and said: "Dr. Shen has conducted countless tests and recorded clearly how much UNK radiation damages the human body, the human body's bearing capacity and long-term consequences ."

"Long-term exposure to UNK can cause AO's mental breakdown and even death. This is an indisputable fact. There is no solution at present, but it cannot be ruled out in the future."

Shi Xiuqi said, "Yes, there are side effects. But you don't know how effective UNK is. We can't stop exploring because of the accident. I am younger than Dr. Shen and Dr. Xia, and they dare not continue to sit down. , But I dare."

The second prince Zhou Mingjing frowned and said, "Before UNK, the ice mine had abundant energy."

Shi Xiuqi said: "It is enough, but now that we have UNK, is it possible to give up the way to make the empire more advanced? Since it can be better, why stop here?"

Because of UNK, the empire was divided into two factions-

Insisting on continuing to develop UNK, the great prince's party of empire's interests, including Shi Xiuqi and Lucas's brother, Siryl.

There are also two princes and one party who advocate the use of ice mines, abandon UNK, and protect the spiritual power of AO.

Originally because of the imperial prince, the internal empire was somewhat divided, but now it becomes more obvious, and each is the master.

This also made Luo Ran a little surprised. The second prince had been in the army and his personality was cold and tough, but he advocated protecting people in this matter.

Or as Lucas said, it is because of being on the battlefield that he is more attached to life.

However, Lucas watched indifferently throughout the whole process, and Luo Ran only explained the situation as objectively as possible.

Even if the two have thoughts in their hearts, they will not stand in line. If Lucas really stands, then he is standing not with UNK's decision this time, but with the Crown Prince's party.

The second prince glanced at the eldest prince and sneered: "Life is more important than energy. There are talents and empires. Energy is only for people. I hope that the elder brother and the director will not put the cart before the horse."

The prince shook his head and said: "Second brother, you are short-sighted. There are people who have an empire. The empire must be strong to protect the people. The empire must progress, and progress always requires a little sacrifice. The benevolence of women will only make the empire be affected by others. The planet is crushed."

"Brother, who still doesn't know that you are for the benefit of UNK." The second prince said with a straight face: "This accident is a wake-up call. I hope you can recognize it. UNK is not energy, but drugs. Human beings will become in contact with it. It is stronger, but with side effects, the side effects will be superimposed and it will kill you. In other words, if the empire is greedy for the power of UNK, sooner or later it will be backlashed!"

The dispute between the two became more and more intense, the smell of gunpowder in the meeting room became more and more intense, and the atmosphere was on the verge of breaking out.

Shi Xiuqi interrupted: "His Royal Highness, you are wrong. It is not only energy, it is also something that can make the empire invincible! We can't fear UNK's unknown power because it is too powerful, we have to overcome it! We can control this power, then the imperial soldiers can use it, and the star invaders can be solved easily! Our soldiers are the strongest existence in the interstellar!"


Lucas, who had not spoken all the time, suddenly patted the table fiercely, and everyone was shocked by the intensity.

Lucas's face was cold, and his voice was not too big or small: "I see who dares to use UNK on my soldiers."

The first prince frowned slightly, and the second prince said with a soothing expression: "Yes, neither soldiers nor citizens are tools or weapons."

UNK has determined that it will endanger AO's mental power, and long-term use will lead to weakening of the body's functions, and eventually the spirit will collapse and die.

"Admiral, don't be restless." The prince glanced at the stone, and said calmly: "Our main purpose is to refine UNK and make it an energy source. As for the issue of mental power, I think we need to keep going. Only through ground research can new solutions be found. Both the empire and us must rise to the challenge."

"Continuous research?" The second prince raised his eyebrows and sneered. "Are you choosing a few hapless Alpha or Omega to keep injecting UNK for research? It doesn't matter if you use it, find a new one?"

The prince frowned: "Second brother, you are too extreme."

"Lucas, you have to know what will happen if this UNK is taken by the star bandit." Siryl glanced at Lucas and said: "The soldiers of the empire dare not use it, the star bandit naturally dare , What shall we fight with them then?"


Lucas gave a heavy laugh, crossed his chest and cocked his legs and said, "Don’t fart in front of me if you haven’t been on the battlefield! Do you think that the soldiers of our empire are like you are like you? The people under my hand, as long as With a sword, we can fight even if the opposite star takes the elixir! We are not afraid!"

Lucas said: "My soldiers are not weapons, not tools! Stop telling me about drugs, I will let the Empire win, but not for the lives of my people."

Even if Lucas was just sitting comfortably, the momentum on his body was still overwhelming Shirell, as if he had an extraordinary attitude as long as he sat aside, and no one in the conference room dared to get up. refute.

After a while, the eldest prince smiled and broke the silence and said: "Admiral, I can understand your feelings, but if UNK falls into the hands of Xingkou, it will be really tricky. The newsletter I received this morning, I want to go. I should have known earlier than I did that a new polar ice mine was discovered in Huangxing M4, which has been quickly occupied by the star bandits, and the M4 garrison has also been captured."

Lucas naturally knew that the barracks headquarters was the distress signal received in the early morning.

"Going out." Lucas said with no ups and downs: "I will leave tomorrow. I will personally take people to clean the M4. The military department is already preparing."

"It's not a way to go on like this." One of the big prince's supporters said: "We already know now that the polar ice mine is not created by falling ice. It may appear on a barren star with an extremely cold climate."

The second prince raised his eyebrows: "So we control evil with evil? Opposite is the devil. We also turned our soldiers into the devil?"

The people on both sides continued to quarrel, but Lucas still waited and watched.

But from Lucas's modest reaction, although he only spoke to his soldiers, he could also see the tendency. When the second prince spoke, he also intentionally or unconsciously assigned Lucas to his camp.

After arguing for a long time without a decision, on the contrary, the emotions of the people on both sides became more and more excited, and finally the dispute between the crown prince was involved, so the meeting had to be temporarily suspended.

After Lucas and Luo Ran left the meeting room, Shi Xiuqi and the duke on the side of the second prince ran to find out.

The Duke smiled and said: "My daughter Nina has been particularly fond of the story of the general and the secretary recently, but I like you guys."

Shi Xiu smiled and didn't smile: "It's all about the children playing and making trouble on the Internet, why should the Duke care."

Lucas was so bored, he pulled his face straight and turned and left.

Luo Ran smiled and said, "Well, I also go online when I am free."

All in all, an accident has caused countless disturbances, but no matter what the chaos in the capital, the most urgent and important thing for Lucas is the star invaders of the M4 barren star.

After the meeting, Luo Ran and Lucas immediately went to the military headquarters.

The preparation time is tight and Lucas will set off early tomorrow morning.

Luo Ran returned to the company, took out thick cotton gloves and coats from the warehouse, and put countless warm mats in the mecha.

Before leaving, Lucas was a little surprised after seeing it.

"It's not necessary." Lucas rolled his eyes. "It's not a big deal to bear it any more."

Luo Ran just smiled.

In the early morning, the sky was gray and Lion 01 was transported into the battleship. Lucas stood by the door of the battleship, glanced at Luo Ran and said: "I'm going to leave."

"Yeah." Luo Ran nodded.

Luo Ran has seen this scene too many times, and has given Lucas too many times, and is used to it.

Sent from a young age to now.

He always did this, watching Lucas set off on a battleship in the dark and chaotic early morning, and then saw Lucas triumphant in the fireworks and sunshine.

"Luo Ran."


"When I solve M4, I have something to talk to you when I come back." Lucas licked his lips and said, "You wait."

"What...?" Luo Ran said: "Can't you say no now? Or the general terminal..."

"Hush." ​​Lucas patted Luo Ran on the head and said: "I have to think about it again."


"Ritual." Lucas opened his hand and said, "I'm leaving."

Luo Ran had a pause, then stepped forward and hugged Lucas, leaning on Lucas and whispered: "I wish Admiral a smooth trip."

In the past, he embraced frankly, but now Luo Ran's face is a little red.

Especially in this position, Lucas' heartbeat can be heard.

"Well, lucky charging is complete." Lucas released Luo Ran, "See you later."

Lucas turned to the battleship.

Luo Ran watched Lucas's back disappear into the hatch, and then the battleship closed the iron gate.

Then countless battleships, aircraft and mechas set off.


In the next few days, Luo Ran really had no time to rest.

UNK's affairs are so many that it almost takes up Luo Ran's time, not to mention the absence of Lucas who is in charge of the overall situation.

"Secretary Luo!"

Rong Duo submitted the report to Luo Ran, "from the research institute."

"Thank you."

The latest batch of UNK sent from Luobing will arrive today. This is the last batch that Luobing needs at present and UNK's cargo supply will be suspended.

However, Xia Zhi’s proposal was to let Luo Ran take the guards to temporarily protect the latest batch of seizures, and wait until the top to make a decision before making any plans, otherwise it would be another storm after being sent to the research institute.

Luo Ran got up and said, "I'll go to the dock, and Xiaoduo will help me sort out the official documents I will use today?"

"it is good!"

The Xinggang Wharf is on the outskirts of the city, very close to the military camp. As a place for military cargo transfer, it is heavily guarded everywhere.

Now that the ice-falling transport ship has just landed, a large group of people are carefully moving the packs of bags down and transferred to the imperial cargo ship.

There are UNKs inside.

"It's coming!" Xia Zhi was standing by and taking a checklist. "Just look at it together."

Xia Zhi casually picked a package for inspection.

Luo Ran handed Xia Solstice scissors.

"Wait." Luo Ran's eyes drenched.

"What...?" Xia Zhi also saw the red light in the sac, and was still a little stunned.

"Xia Xia--!"


Red clouds exploded on the dock, and the sound shook the nearby trees.




Lucas was standing on the deck looking at the stars in a daze, and when he turned around, he saw Wang Qiuyang's expression very, very bad.

"What? M4 was sucked into the black hole?" Lucas raised his eyebrows.


"It's Secretary Luo... something happened."

Lucas had a meal.

"But it's okay! People are okay!" Wang Qiuyang hurriedly said: "People are fine."

Lucas's complexion was worse than Wang Qiuyang, and he said solemnly, "Say."

"Luobing planted a bomb in the newest goods of the Empire. When Secretary Luo and Doctor Xia went to check, they opened the bag and opened the mechanism. A lot of the goods in the dock were exploded. Fortunately, Secretary Luo and Doctor Xia were standing there. On the high platform, Secretary Luo reacted quickly and took Dr. Xia and jumped together, so basically the injuries were not serious, just skin and flesh."

"Bomb?" Lucas shouted angrily: "The sensing system of customs and plank road is broken?! The machine is gone? The person who inspects the goods is dead? TM What kind of skin and flesh wounds are you talking about!"

Lucas immediately drew out the terminal to call Luo Ran, and then remembered that he should not be able to answer it. Lucas was a little anxious while holding the terminal, his expression on his face was stormy, as if to eat people.

"Currently under investigation... It should be that there was a problem on the Luobing side, and the goods were subcontracted on the road by our internal counterparts. The specific government has already begun investigations." Wang Qiuyang said: "Admiral don't worry... Injuries are not a problem, now there is another thing..."

Wang Qiuyang said bitterly: "After the explosion, I don't know why, Secretary Luo can melt and refine UNK with bare hands."

Lucas was stunned.

"what did you say?"

"Just... melt UNK with your bare hands." Wang Qiuyang also felt magical, and said: "Now the capital is in chaos..."