Obey Your Orders

Chapter 2: 002 (repair)


Alo woke up in a dizzy moment, opened his eyes, and what he saw was the lush trees and the sunlight falling from the gaps between the leaves.

There is a mechanical sound in my mind repeating over and over again: "The connection is disconnected, the controller is lost. The connection is disconnected, the controller is lost. The connection is disconnected, the controller is lost..."

Alo groaned, feeling that his brain became more painful under the catalysis of this voice, and at the same time he slowly recovered.

Why is it daylight in a blink of an eye? And here—what is this place?

Allor got up from the ground and looked around.

The woods are endless, and there is only the sound of wind and birds in my ears.

There is no forest on their base planet, or is he taken to other planets by his companions? But if this is the case, you won't leave him here alone, right? And it’s too peaceful here...

Alo looked at his body again. The black battle suit was covered with blood stains, but because the clothes themselves were black, the blood stains were actually hard to see, and many other places were already torn apart. Thinking of the figure that he saw before fainting, Aluo was awe-inspiring. It was Lan Ye, right?

He didn't know what Lan Ye looked like, but the moment he saw that person, Allo had an extremely strong intuition in his heart.

How can you faint at that point?

Alo was annoyed, and recalled the specific scene at the time—it seemed that something exploded underground, the ground collapsed, and the heat surge came up. After all, he was still alive. Isn’t it a blessing to be alive?

Allor took off his helmet and took a few breaths of fresh air.

Let’s find a way to figure out what this place is...

Allo was thinking like this, and the harassment sound of the machine in his brain changed.

After the beep, the mechanical voice said: "Restore factory settings..."

…Factory settings?

Alo touched his head, a little confused.

Just about to walk in a random direction, there was a sound of footsteps behind him. Alo looked back vigilantly and saw the bush shaking. After a second, a cloud of shadows rushed out and fell in front of him.

Allo took a step back and made the action of drawing a gun, only to feel for a moment before realizing that he had no weapons on his body.

Fortunately, he soon saw that the child who threw himself in front of him was extremely thin and dirty, not threatening at all.

The little boy got up from the ground, shook his head, looked up at Alor, his eyes dull.

Allor: "..."

Allo stared at the child for a few seconds, put away his alert movement blankly, turned and left.

The next second, he, his sleeve was pulled.

Alo looked back and saw the child pulling him, frowned and said, "Let go!"

The little boy blinked and looked at him.

Allo jerked his hand away, but the little boy could not grasp his sleeve, was taken a step forward, and fell to the ground again.

Allo also turned around again and planned to leave.

But at this moment, the mechanical voice in his mind said a word that made Allo stunned.

"Restoring factory settings...Factory settings have been restored...connecting with the new controller."

New controller? where is it?

Allo didn't even react, his head was hurting like a needle stabbed, and the pain made him unable to stand still. The mechanical sound continued.

"Connection failed... Try again... Connecting with the new controller... Connection failed... Try again... Connecting with the new controller... Connection failed..."

—Please don't try it, okay? !

Allo rolled his eyes in pain and fainted again. Before fainting, he faintly heard the little boy crying.

—History is always surprisingly similar.

When Allor was dizzy again and opened his eyes, his eyes were still lush trees and sunlight falling from the gaps between the leaves.

Allo scolded and **** in his heart, rubbed his head and got up, while the inexplicable boy was lying beside him.

Allo stood up, still suffering from pain in his head.

He "hissed", rubbed his head, and murmured in his heart.

Who is the "new controller"?

He remembered that the captain said that these soldiers, as the controlled persons, cannot be more than 0.5 light-years away from the manipulator. Since he can control him, he must also be a member of the Finney Empire. After all, the other party can control them only if they have the matching stuff in their heads. And since there is a new controller, does that at least mean that he is not far from the military headquarters?

While Alo was thinking, the boy also woke up, got up and rubbed his head.

Allo glanced at the other person, just about to look away, suddenly a shadow passed over their heads.

Alo heard an unfamiliar but familiar language, and someone shouted above his head: "Found it, here it is!"

Allo froze and raised his head, and saw a huge bird flapping its wings circling twice in the air and then falling down, while the bird was carrying three little boys on its back.

This kind of scene is not very common in the Finney Empire, and Alor, who had just left the battlefield, almost immediately thought of the Clichy, and reflexively became vigilant again.

When the dirty boy saw each other, he crawled behind Alor in fear, grabbed Alor’s clothes and hid.

The three boys jumped off the bird's back, and when they saw Allo, they looked jealous. One of them said to the boy: "You even found a helper?"

"It looks so weak!"

"Wow, Clyde, it's shameless to ask an adult for help!"

Allor: "..."

—Children fighting?

Although he still doesn't know what his current situation is, Allo is not interested in playing with the children, and impatiently pulls away the boy's hand, warning: "Don't follow me."

As soon as he said the words, he thought of the language spoken by the other three boys.

Suspicions flashed through his mind, Allo switched to their language and said again: "Don't follow me."

The three little boys didn't hear Allo's first sentence clearly. And hearing Allor's second sentence, the three boys suddenly became excited. They were still a little wary of Allor, but now they are all right, and they all yelled.

"It looks like they don't want to help you at all, Clyde, come over!"

"Don't pester others!"

"Yes, don't harass others!"

The little boy looked at Allor with red eyes and bewildered.

Alo was choked by the other's pitiful eyes and hesitated.

With this hesitation, the giant bird flew toward them, and the huge wings flapped a few times to lift up the fallen leaves and dust.

Allo was taken aback and quickly stepped back two steps to get away, while the giant bird was clearly aimed at the little boy and flew close to the ground. The little boy quickly squatted down holding his head, shivering.

The three boys looked at the little boy and laughed.

"Clyde stand up, so scared, but can't get along with the insects!"

"Yeah, stand up!"

"Because of this, you can't have your own insects until now!"

When he saw the giant bird, Aluo was suspicious, but now he heard the word "bug beast", his expression completely changed.

Under what circumstances, where did he come?

The little boy wanted to stand up in fear, but the giant bird turned his head and flew over again. The little boy squatted down and hugged his head tightly again, and there was a faint cry.

The giant bird sang and the three boys laughed loudly.

Allo was thinking seriously, and suddenly, his muscles tightened suddenly, and at the same time, a consciousness flooded into his mind.

-"help me!"

Alo's eyes widened suddenly.

-"help me!"

The induction brought by the external consciousness made Allor know who the source of consciousness was for the first time.

He stared at the little boy who was squatting on the ground holding his head in amazement, his feelings of being solemn disappeared in an instant, and he said angrily: "You are ordering me?!"

His new controller is this kid? !

impossible! Unscientific!

It makes no sense!

Allo's voice stunned the three boys who were having fun.

And the command in Allo's head continued: "—Help me!"

"Save you bighead!" As soon as Allo finished cursing, his head hurt again.

Allor: "..."

The Finney Empire has implanted two matching machines for soldiers and generals. Most soldiers are controlled by | and the generals are basically controlled by them.

As the controlled party, they cannot refuse the order. Once they swear to disobey the order, they will face the outcome of brain cracking or bone fracture.

On the surface, it is a "command", but in fact any strong appeal can make this kind of manipulation show its effect.

Allorian scolded a few swear words, and shouted very conspicuously: "I obeyed! I did so, right?!"

The pain in the head disappeared.

Aluo angrily walked towards the flying giant bird, still cursing in his heart.

How could it be manipulated by a child? This kid can't be a Finney Empire soldier at all, right?

Even if the Klischs are born with signal glands, there is no reason that even metal machines can conquer them. After all, the effects achieved by the two are the same, but the essence is not a thing at all!

Is the machine made by the Scientific Research Department too unreliable this time? !

The giant bird swooped down, and Allo came up on him. Under the bewildering gaze of the three boys, he bravely reached out and grabbed the giant bird by its neck and dragged it down!

Although the giant bird looks fierce, its fighting power seems to be limited. After being dragged by Allo, he was dragged to the ground after a few flutters. Allo turned around and hugged its neck tightly to its head and came fiercely. With a few punches, the bird rolled his eyes and fainted. In the process of beating, he noticed that there was a metal sign hidden under the feathers of the bird's neck with a few words engraved on it.

Alo didn't take a closer look either, he loosened his hand, turned his neck, made a "Gada" sound, and the three boys who were dumbfounded shrank for a while.

Behind Aluo, the little boy let go of his hand when he saw it, and stared at Aluo with tears in his eyes.

The three children recovered and became angry.

One of the leaders yelled: "You, you, you knocked out my Phils! You, you have to pay me!"

Allo gave the child a cold look.

The other party: "..." The eyes were red, and the tears came down.

The child choked and patted the two friends around him: "You, you call yours too!"

The two little friends were a little bit embarrassed, but they didn't want to behave as if they nodded their heads after hearing the words, and then whistled.

A few seconds later, a wolf jumped out from the bush behind Allor, and a leopard ran down from the cliff on the side.

The wolf and the leopard fell between Allo and the three children, posing for an attack against him, with threatening sounds rolling in his throat.

Allo took the initiative to walk over.

The leopard leaped forward and was dodged by Alor. At the moment of the mistake, Alor grabbed the leopard’s tail, and pulled the leopard extremely fast and forcefully, blocking him in front of him, and was directly rushed. The coming wolf knocked to the ground!

Allo turned on the wolf's back. The wolf bounced a few times and wanted to throw Allo off, but Allor's legs clasped the wolf's back, and his hands clasped the wolf's neck. The force came out from the wolf's throat. Sobbed.

The three children were frightened by Allor's ferocity.

Leopard got up, shook his head, and rushed towards Allor again.

Allo jumped off the wolf's back, but his hand did not loosen, and the whole wolf turned over and fell to the ground.

At this moment, the leopard leaped high and leaped over the wolf that was between it and Alor. Alor raised his leg and kicked the leopard fiercely, kicking the fierce beast directly to the cliff behind.

The two children who had summoned the beast were completely shocked when they saw this, and begged: "Don't fight, don't fight, Jianguang will come back soon, don't fight, I'm sorry!"

The three children cried and cried together.

Allo's veins bulged, whose head hurt again due to the cries of the three children.

He strode to the three little children.

The huge shadow enveloped the three little things.

The little ones were silent, with their red eyes wide open, and looked up at the "giant" Alo in fear, and did not dare to move.

The deterrent effect is excellent.

Allo pointed to the three-headed beast that was already dizzy and couldn't get more dizzy, and asked: "You raised these three things?"

The three children still looked at him motionlessly with wide eyes.

"Answer?" Allor asked impatiently.

"If, if you say'yes', are you going to kill us..." one of the children asked choked up.

As soon as his words were asked, the other two children wailed miserably.

Allor: "..."

Alo: "I will really beat you up if I cry again!"

The three children shut up.

Allo frowned and looked serious: "I ask you, can you control those three things?"

Three children, look at me and I see you, the leader answered timidly: "Yes, they are our insects and beasts, of course we can control them..."

Allo's heart sank suddenly, and now he can be completely sure.

Regardless of whether it controls other creatures through signal glands or not, he only knows that only the Krish family in interstellar society is born with this ability.

Looking at the current situation, he even felt that he was very likely to be on Krishna's star.

He might have fallen directly on the enemy planet!

Alo stiffened, and at the same time thought of another question.

He had never heard the Clichy before, and the language he had just spoken was taught to him by a strange man he had met in the orphanage, and that strange man was named Caleb.

Because there were too few things to play when they were young, and the dean didn't allow them to play outside the orphanage, Allo took learning this unfamiliar language as a game and was very interested. The dean also stopped Alor from contacting Caleb at first, but later gave up and only told Alor not to mention this person and this language with other people.

After being sent to the military, under intensive military training, Allo quickly forgot about Caleb's things.

But I didn’t expect to use this language on this planet...

So, what Caleb taught him was the language of the Clichy clan?

Is Caleb a Krishite?

In just a short time after waking up, Allo faced many situations he had never thought of before, and he couldn't digest it for a while.

The three children saw him froze in place, and after making eye contact, they took the opportunity to summon their three newly awakened beasts and turned and fled.

"Wait, you guys stop—" Alo returned to his senses, and wanted to stop the three little ones to ask something, but the little ones had already sat on the giant bird again and flew away.

Allo wanted to chase, but his thigh was hugged. When he looked down, he saw the little boy looking up at him with admiration in his eyes.

Alo looked at the back of the giant bird again, gritted his teeth and gave up, anyway he couldn't catch up at this speed.

The problems should be solved one by one.

Allo said to the little boy: "You let go of your hand first."

The little boy let go of his hand very obediently this time, and stood there obediently.

Allo said solemnly: "Be obedient and get rid of the control over me."

In fact, he didn't know whether the controller could release the control of the controlled person at will, he tried to say so.

Sure enough, the little boy looked at him blankly.

Allo became angry and asked, "Do you not know what you have done? What are you doing while watching me!"

The little boy flattened his mouth and showed aggrieved face.

"I will beat you if I don't unlock the control!" Alo narrowed his eyes and threatened.

The boy stretched out his hand to hug Allo's thigh again, leaned his head on Allo's thigh, and said aggrieved: "I don't know..."

Allor: "..."