Obviously, He Has a Crush on Me

Chapter 38: The so-called "last sword"

Mu Sheng went to the group of brothers and sisters for a turn, and it didn't take long before three or four people lined up to discuss with Lin Shu.

Lin Shu came to Lu Ran with a particularly contemptuous expression, and whispered, "The crowd tactic is the lowest tactic. Do you think the more people who challenge me, the more likely you will win?"

"Then you think you can't win?" Lu Ran asked indifferently.

"They can't get a lot from me." Lin Shu snorted lightly and went on stage.

Then there was the sweaty chariot race. Lin Shu PKed those challengers one by one, and he really didn't let them get ten points.

Mu Sheng touched his chin and said to Lu Ran, "Sect Master Lu, what should I do? I think this Lin Shu is really like a chicken blood. It's not easy to deal with!"

And Lin Shu was also sitting on the bench, drinking water, looking at Lu Ran with a look of "you have run out of ammunition and food".

Mu Sheng patted Lu Ran on the shoulder, said "you wait", then walked to Chen Lu's side and called softly, "Senior sister."

"What's wrong?"

Mu Sheng pointed to Lin Shu's direction with his thumb and said, "Senior sister, why don't you go up and have a try?"

"With Lin Shu? He's a boy." Chen Lu said with a smile.

"Didn't the younger sister also compete with him? In the fencing hall of Haichuan University, she lost to him 15-12."

Chen Lu immediately showed a surprised expression: "What did you say? Little Junior Sister also took 12 swords from him?"


"It was Lin Shu who let her do it." Chen Lu said so, but in his heart he thought that with Jiang Nuan's level just now, it might be possible.

Mu Sheng told Chen Lu about the bet at Haichuan University, and then added: "Lin Shu can't wait to poke hundreds of holes in the body of the younger sister, how can she let her?"

As soon as he said that, Chen Lu's brows twitched.

Mu Sheng knew that she was excited, so he continued to "fan the flames".

"Senior sister, you see, little junior sister couldn't win against Lin Shu at that time. If you can win, even if you lose 15-13, it's an honor! If you lose, you won't be ashamed."

Chen Lu thought about it, then went to Lin Shu's place, and really put forward an invitation to practice.

"That Lin Shu, don't mind having a game with me too?"

"Miss? Are you joking? With me?" Lin Shu pointed to himself.

"Why, I dislike my low level, why not Lu Ran and Mu Sheng?"

"How is this possible?" Lin Shu sighed, "I just think that even you are in command of Mu Guiying in the wheel battle with the wind, so I am convinced."

"What is Mu Guiying in command? I haven't planned to be a widow yet!" Chen Lu kicked Lin Shu with his toes.

This male versus female match was taken as a lively event by everyone.

Jiang Nuan came to Lu Ran with chocolate in his mouth, and asked vaguely, "Why did everyone suddenly challenge Lin Shu?"

"Lin Shu said that in our arms, no one can beat him except me." Lu Ran said lightly.

Jiang Nuan bit off the chocolate with a bang.

"This guy is blind and conceited again? I need to clean up." Jiang Nuan shook his head, waving chocolate and said, "Senior sister, come on!"

This "Senior sister, come on" sounded a bit complicated in Chen Lu's ears. She didn't know that this was Jiang Nuan's "schadenfreude" because she felt that she couldn't win against Lin Shu in Haichuan? I still think she will lose miserably, so that's why she "come on".

Chen Lu quickly attacked, and gave full play to the hotness of participating in the league. The first few swords caught Lin Shu by surprise, and the students below clapped and applauded.

But soon, Lin Shu recovered, and the confrontation between the two was comparable to men's fencing.

Jiang Nuan held up the chocolate and forgot to eat it, either stretching his neck or sighing for Chen Lu's loss.

When the match reached 12-8, Jiang Nuan remembered that the chocolate in her hand was about to melt. As soon as she was about to eat it, she felt someone lightly clasped her wrist. A piece of chocolate to bite.

She turned her face to the side and saw Lu Ran with his head lowered. His breath swept across Jiang Nuan's wrist, and suddenly it seemed like countless ants were crawling on his heart. Before he could understand what was going on, Lu Ran had already Raising his head, he bit the rest of the chocolate between his lips, and with a slight touch of the tip of his tongue, he completely absorbed it.

Jiang Nuan looked at him stupidly, until the chocolate wrapping paper between his fingers almost fell off and was caught by Lu Ran.

"That's me...I've eaten..."

And it's almost crushed.

At this time, Lin Shu slashed diagonally and scored the 14th point.

Lu Ran's chin lifted: "Watch the game."

Jiang Nuan found that he couldn't concentrate at all, so he couldn't help but look at Lu Ran's side face.

Chen Lu didn't plan to give up easily at all. Her attitude was to treat any game as if it were the curtain call of her life. Another sword.

In the end, Chen Lu lost to Lin Shu 15-10.

Lin Shu gasped, shook his head, and said, "Girls today... they really don't have the temperament of little fairies. One or two are developing in the direction of men!"

Chen Lu patted Lin Shu's head from behind: "You still have so much **** after winning, be careful that we will stab you to death with one sword and one sword."

"Come on, if it wasn't for your coaches watching, I'm afraid you guys would have stabbed me to the west with countless swords!"

Lin Shu puffed out his cheeks and breathed a sigh of relief, sitting on the bench holding his neckline.

Mu Sheng bumped Lu Ran lightly: "I said Sect Leader Lu, it's almost right? If we go on like this, it's time for lunch, giving him time to recuperate, and all our previous efforts will be in vain."

Lu Ran nodded, looked at Jiang Nuan, and found that she was still holding the chocolate wrapping paper, wondering why she was in a daze.

He came to Jiang Nuan's side and called softly, "Xiao Nuan."

"Ah? Lu Ran?" Jiang Nuan raised her head.

That "Xiao Nuan" made Jiang Nuan's heart feel as if it was suddenly wrapped in a pair of warm hands and lifted up.

"Let's compete with Lin Shu. We may win him here, and you are the only one left." Lu Ran said.

Jiang Nuan's blood boiled when he heard this!

"Do you think I can beat Lin Shu?"

"Well. It might have been a little worse before, but now it's probably okay. But if it doesn't compare now, there may be no chance in the afternoon."


"He recovered after eating and drinking enough." Lu Ran said bluntly.

"It turns out that the previous wheel battle... was to consume his physical strength?" Jiang Nuan suddenly realized, and then said, "Aren't we invincible in this way?"

"When he provoked, didn't he think about the result?" Lu Ran said lightly.

Jiang Nuan moved his neck and thought about it, it would be good to let Lin Shu collapse, no matter what method he did.

"Okay, I'll challenge him." Jiang Nuan rubbed his fingers under his nose and walked over.

Mu Sheng looked at Jiang Nuan's back and whispered, "I'm a little worried, Lin Shu knows the level of the junior sister, he may not be able to fight."

"He will fight." Lu Ran replied.


"He doesn't care about his face in front of anyone, but in front of Xiao Nuan, he doesn't think he will lose his face. So if Xiao Nuan challenges, he will definitely face it."

Mu Sheng looked at Lu Ran, shook his head and said, "I've never seen such an unscrupulous and mean-spirited side of you."

"To treat an enemy gentleman is to treat one's own villain."

"I agree with this point of view." Mu Sheng nodded.

Jiang Nuan came to Lin Shu, Lin Shu narrowed his eyes and raised his head to look at her: "How is it, brother?"

"I don't know." Jiang Nuan shrugged and shook his head.

Lin Shu said with a smile: "How can I not know? Mu Sheng and Xu Zitian both lost to me. All of you who are in high spirits have come up to compare with me, and I haven't seen anyone win."

"Isn't there Lu Ran?" Jiang Nuan said.

Lin Shu was about to roll his eyes as soon as he heard the name "Lu Ran", but in front of Jiang Nuan, he still endured it.

"Otherwise, will you come with me?" Jiang Nuan said with a smile.

"You?" Lin Shu immediately understood what was coming, leaned diagonally, his eyes crossed Jiang Nuan's side, and landed on Lu Ran's body, "Isn't Lu Ran who asked you to come?"

"He's not my dad." Jiang Nuan crooked his mouth, thinking to himself, you still know that you can't win against me now, so you don't dare to fight?

"Come back after dinner in the afternoon."

The expression on Jiang Nuan's face suddenly darkened: "I'm going back to do my homework in the afternoon."

"Your father is too lenient to control you, right? You can enter the national youth team level properly, and let you waste your life on homework every day?"

Jiang Nuan sighed and said, "If you don't have the strength, forget it. Next time I have a chance to practice with you."

When she was done, she turned around.

Mu Sheng looked at Jiang Nuan and turned around, and said to Lu Ran, "Look, I said Lin Shu was not stupid and would not agree to the younger sister."

Lu Ran didn't speak, Jiang Nuan raised his face and winked at him.

Sure enough, Lin Shu's voice came from behind Jiang Nuan: "Wait, I'll compare with you. But I won't be merciful, don't blame me when you cry."

Jiang Nuan turned around immediately, patted his chest and said, "I'm not you, how can I be so unconcerned?"

Lin Shu couldn't help but raised his sword and poked her in the back.

"Looks like I really need to fix you."

Jiang Nuan's confrontation with Lin Shu instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the club.

Those who were waiting to finish the morning practice and prepare to eat lunch suddenly all took their hearts away and gathered around.

Chen Lu also squeezed into the front row, she wanted to see how far Jiang Nuanneng and Lin Shu fought this time.

Jiang Nuan had long known that Lin Shu was powerful, and Lin Shu was prepared to face Jiang Nuan.

"I feel so angry." Xu Zitian said sullenly.

"What are you angry about?" Mu Sheng asked curiously.

"Don't you think that the seriousness of Lin Shu's treatment of junior sister is obviously different from that of us?"

Mu Sheng couldn't help laughing: "Otherwise you go up and compare with the younger sister to see if you can win?"

"I don't think I can win..." Xu Zitian thought about it and gave a pertinent answer.

"So don't blame Lin Shu for treating little junior sister more seriously than you."

"What's wrong with them? They have to fight against Lin Shu in one or two places? If this is spread out, they won't say that we bullied Lin Shu." Coach Huang asked worriedly.

Jiang Huai guessed that the students and athletes in the club knew what Lin Shu said at Haichuan University, so they all wanted to come to him for "face"?

Jiang Huai thought about it and said, "Lin Shu, why don't we play again in the afternoon."

Lin Shu shook his head and said, "Jiang Nuan said she was going back to do her homework in the afternoon. I'm fine, let's start!"

Jiang Huai looked at Jiang Nuan and wondered what medicine she was selling in her gourd. This girl has never been so motivated to study!

Coach Huang saw that Lin Shu had no problem, and as the referee, he let them start the game.

The first sword was a competition of speed. Lin Shu didn't mean Jiang Nuan was a girl who wanted to save face for her, so he rushed forward and saw that he was about to land a sword on Jiang Nuan's shoulder. After being pulled away by Jiang Nuan, Lin Shu immediately alerted, and sure enough, Jiang Nuan quickly started to attack.

The battle between the two was in full swing, each sword was closely tied to the heartbeat of the audience, and dry sparks burst into the air.

When Chen Lu saw Jiang Nuan slashed forward and hit Lin Shu, she was stunned.

She had experienced Lin Shu's speed and strength just now, but Jiang Nuan could make Lin Shu overwhelmed. Chen Lu had a feeling that Jiang Nuan who was fighting against her was not Jiang Nuan at full level.

The scores of the two rose alternately, and in the end, even Jiang Nuan led Lin Shu by a sword, reaching 14 to 13.

"I'm so nervous... I'm so nervous... Little Junior Sister must win! Otherwise, our previous preparations will be in vain!" Xu Zitian folded his palms together, and looked like he was begging the gods and Buddhas all over the sky.

Before the start of this round, Jiang Nuan was arranging his shoelaces.

She thought her heart would be beating like a drum, but she didn't expect it to be calmer than she thought.

In the last sword, how will she win against Lin Shu?

Or, should she want nothing at all?

Lin Shu on the opposite side was ready, and he knew very well that the so-called "last sword" was the one with the most pressure.

The more you think, the more you prepare, and the more you encourage yourself, the more factors you will lose.

In fencing, there are too many instances where the last stroke slowly becomes the opponent's "last stroke".

Compared with the mentality of the arena, Lin Shu believes that he is better than Jiang Nuan.

He silently looked at the girl in front of him, but he had more inexplicable feelings in his heart.

Every sword she made against him was a moment in his life that could no longer be replicated.

Jiang Nuan stood up slowly, subconsciously looking in Lu Ran's direction.

She knew that it was a bit ridiculous to do so, and she always looked for the so-called affirmation in Lu Ran's eyes.

But in every game of hers, Lu Ran could not stand there in the same way, he had what he had to do and had his direction.

Just, when you are still looking at me, please give me a little of your indifference, your calm.

When you face simplicity, how do you resist this sword after another?

At this moment, Lu Ran, as if knowing her inner tension, raised her hand, placed it on her chest, and tapped her fingertips.

She understood what he meant.

He was saying to her: Let it be.

What should come will come, there are thousands of possibilities in this world, how can you think about it all in these short seconds?

Jiang Nuan exhaled and clenched the sword in his hand.

Both of them took the initiative to attack, like rushing out to fight to their heart's content, the collision of two forces, no one engulfed the other, but splashed out a bigger wave.

Just as Lin Shu pressed down Jiang Nuan's sword, Jiang Nuan quickly retreated away from Lin Shu's attack. Just as Lin Shu was preparing to kill Jiang Nuan, Jiang Nuan saw the empty fencing hall again in his mind, icy cold. The bright lights and warm air are intertwined into the unsuppressed desire and enthusiasm in the bottom of my heart.

Jiang Nuan rushed out the moment Lin Shu bent his knees to accelerate.

This sword has no skills, no fake moves, no so-called strategy and tactics, just a certain feeling in the back of my mind.

She had a hunch that it was this moment that she had to grasp, she had to grasp it!

A sword struck, seemingly light, but only Lin Shu, who tried to lift the sword to resist, knew that it was vigorous and powerful, like a pine cypress on the edge of a cliff stabbing its head towards the sky.

The tip of the sword slapped Lin Shu's shoulder, and Jiang Nuan rushed over from his side.

The fencing hall was extremely quiet.

Everyone looked at Coach Huang, waiting for their judgment.

Jiang Huai was stunned, his daughter's decisiveness and no turning back made him suddenly very excited, and after this excitement, he felt more guilty.

She is such an excellent child, she wants to be outstanding, but what he thinks about is the price of excellence. He would rather her be ordinary than think that she will achieve greater achievements than him.

As a father, how mediocre is he in front of his daughter?

Jiang Nuan was still panting, she was still thinking about her sword, her mind was blank, all relying on her own instinctive reaction.

Lin Shu stretched out his hand and picked up the mask for Jiang Nuan. He chuckled lightly: "You know that if you came to challenge me early this morning, you wouldn't be able to beat me, right?"

"I know." Jiang Nuan stretched out his hand and tapped Lin Shu's chest, "It's not me that you lost to, but the whole 'Huaifeng'."

"Sounds like I still have to be convinced?"


Before Jiang Nuan's words were finished, Lin Shu pressed down her face shield again.

"You can't win by force, so little girl, stop 'nonsense'!"

Carrying the mask and sword, he came to Lu Ran and pulled the corners of his lips.

"If anyone tells me next time that Lu Ran is a gentleman, I won't use a sword, but directly beat that person into a dog with my fist."

Lu Ran didn't say anything, just stretched out his hand towards Lin Shu: "Go back early, otherwise it will be even more sad in the afternoon."

Who knew that Lin Shu didn't shake hands with him, but threw down "I'm happy", turned around, and hugged Jiang Nuan.

"Jiang Nuan, I'm weak right now, please help me screw the cap of the mineral water."

"Fuck you!" Jiang Nuan deliberately hit Lin Shu with his elbow.

When the afternoon practice was over, Lin Shu still had no intention of leaving, but followed Jiang Huai's car.

Jiang Nuan said unceremoniously, "Hey! Why haven't you gone home yet?"

Lin Shu was not at all embarrassed, and replied, "Tomorrow afternoon! It's just over three hours to go back by train, why do you have to hurry!"

The father who was driving reached out and patted Jiang Nuan: "Xiao Nuan, Lin Shuyuan is a guest, you are so rude! Do you think I didn't see your wheel fight this morning?"

Hearing what Dad said, Jiang Nuan stopped talking.

When she got downstairs, Jiang Nuan felt queasy thinking about having dinner with Lin Shu. She approached Lu Ran and asked in a low voice, "Hey, are your parents at home tonight?"

"at home."

Jiang Nuan was like an eggplant beaten by frost, and whispered to himself, "Can't you come to my house for dinner..."

Jiang Nuan lowered her head, not knowing that Lu Ran was watching her from behind.

When entering the elevator, Jiang Huai patted Lu Ran on the shoulder and said, "Lu Ran, you can have dinner at our house tonight. It's so rare that all of you young people are here. How wonderful."

Jiang Nuan's eyes lit up, and she immediately followed her father: "Yes, yes! Come to our house for dinner tonight! My mother must have made delicious food!"

"Okay." Lu Ran nodded.

Jiang Nuan then exhaled forcefully.

When the floor arrived, Jiang Huai stepped out of the elevator first, but Lin Shu leaned in front of Lu Ran and said, "Actually, I don't really want to eat with you."

Jiang Nuan heard it, and said unceremoniously: "Otherwise, don't go to my house for dinner. Opposite downstairs, there is a bowl of beef offal noodles for twelve yuan."

"It's still the food that your mother cooks more to my liking."

After speaking, Lin Shu followed Jiang Huai with his pockets in his pocket.

When he opened the door, Jiang Nuan saw a pair of unfamiliar sneakers at a glance.

"Hey, did someone come to our house?"

At this time, I heard Jiang Huai cry out with joy: "Oh! Jianming, why are you here!"

As soon as Jiang Nuan heard the name, he immediately stuck his head in.

"What's the matter, I can't come to see Master?" A simple and gentle voice sounded like the first melting of winter snow.

He stood up and greeted Jiang Huai.

Jiang Nuan's eyes widened, looking at Jianming, he always felt incredible, isn't he in the imperial capital, why did he suddenly come back to Nanshi?

"Hahaha! I'm afraid you kid can go to the Three Treasures Hall!" Jiang Huai immediately stepped forward and gave Jian Ming a hug, and then said to Luo Chen who was bringing the chestnut stewed chicken to the table, "Jian Ming is here, what are you doing? Don't even call to tell me!"