Offering Salted Fish To Master

Chapter 69

Liao Tingyan felt as if he had suffered a seven-year itch with the Taoist couple.

Sima Jiao was a little cold towards her recently, so he didn't drag her to soak together, and didn't double repair with her. Even if he couldn't sleep every night and his eyes were bloodshot, he didn't want to double repair and ease with her.

What's even more exaggerated is that he locked himself in the hall half a month ago, and no one was seen. This "who" also includes Liao Tingyan. Over the years, Liao Tingyan could see Sima Jiao whenever he wanted to see him, no matter what Sima Jiao was doing, but this time he couldn't, and Sima Jiao refused to see her.

"Do you think this is a relationship problem?" The special technique used by the red snails has grown up a lot in a few years. She looks like a twelve or thirteen-year-old junior high school girl-of course, her tone of voice is still that violent yellow. Old You Tiao said, "Men are all like this, you don't care what he thinks, pajamas are just for him, the Taoist couple, there is something that cannot be solved by double repair."

Liao Tingyan: "You have the ability to speak in front of Sima Jiao."

Red Conch immediately shrank his neck, "No, no, go by yourself. Who dares to see him now, he will be killed! His elderly people are more and more like burning people!"

A few days ago, a demon came from the demon realm, holding several spies who intended to break into the forbidden palace, and prepared to hand it over to the demon lord. As a result, those people walked to the front of the palace in Sima Jiao's retreat and burned up. The flame was colorless. The burned people didn’t react. They walked a few steps forward, and the flesh and blood on their bodies turned into ashes and kept falling down. When they walked to the steps, only a little bit of the burned people fell on the ground and instantly turned into white ashes. , The scene is strange and brutal.

Only Black Snake and Liao Tingyan could get close to the steps, but the Black Snake couldn't move forward after reaching the steps, and Liao Tingyan was the only one who could walk to the door.

Liao Tingyan sat on a huge branch, looking at the palace in Sima Jiao's retreat. She raised her eyebrows slightly, and even the special gags made by Russula did not make her smile.

The red snail looked at her eyes and patted her palms, "You keep this expression, it is better to be a little more melancholy, um, a melancholy woman with a clear melancholy, and then you can go to the temple gate to stand and pose, I dare Promise that soon the demon lord will come out of the door to coax you."

Liao Tingyan: "???" What is it?

Hongluo: "No, this expression doesn't work, I want the one just now."

Liao Tingyan rolled his eyes and lay down, "Forget it, he can do whatever he wants. His character and what he wants can't be stopped by others. I have to wait for him to finish it and tell myself. I."

Today's Yancheng is beautiful and sunny. The sky is clean and pure. The white clouds are piled up in a cluster and fall on the hills in the distance. The green forests have only thanked the large pink cherry blossoms some time ago. Today's new green is particularly tender.

The red cherry fruit that was originally a special product of the Demon Region, because she likes to eat it, a few years ago, Sima Jiao people moved those red cherry trees to Yancheng. Because of the poor growth, they also invited people from Gu Yuwu to help plant the trees. Every spring, the mountains are full of pink cherry blossoms, and at the hottest time in July, the cherry blossoms all over the mountain can be eaten.

Many demons and immortals live in Yancheng. They have moved here over the years because Liao Tingyan likes to eat all kinds of food. The biggest specialty in the city is gourmet food. There are more than a dozen streets around the city. There are specialty food shops all over the country, especially outside the palace where Liao Tingyan lives, the most famous food street.

A few years ago, Sima Jiao often accompanied Liao Tingyan to eat on the street. Liao Tingyan was eating and he sat and watched. Occasionally he would bring red snails or black snake silk, and black snakes were carried more often, because he and Liao Tingyan seemed to be biological in terms of eating.

One gurgling, one is tons and tons.

Those bosses on the street were scared and excited. Later, they got used to having a few words with Liao Tingyan. They discovered that the legendary demon master who killed people like hemp would not kill them casually-if they could make Liao Tingyan. The food you like can also get a lot of benefits. If you are particularly satisfied, you will even drop rare items, high-level pill spells, magical weapons and the like.

Not only the demons, but many immortals also followed up to open stores. As the so-called wealth and wealth are in demand, they opened the store here, and it made people send the best cooks. Liao Tingyan once felt like a BOSS who could drop rare objects, and all the people recruited came and brushed it together.

During this period of time, Sima Jiao was closed, and Liao Tingyan went to the food court a lot less frequently.

She spends most of her time lying on a tree behind the palace. This giant tree is extraordinarily tall and the viewing angle is very good. Here she can have a panoramic view of the entire palace, see the squares of the streets below, and the mountains full of red cherry trees.

This big tree is called fragrant agarwood. It is not an ordinary tree. It emits a faint scent in the sun. This scent can relieve depression and clear the heart, and make people feel soothed and relaxed.

Not long after they moved to the Yancheng Palace, there may be a period of time due to the frequent double repairs. Liao Tingyan was affected by the scorching flames in the Sima Jiao Ling Mansion, and he always felt tight in his chest, so Sima Jiao made people I found this tree and planted it. Since then, Liao Tingyan loves to lie on this giant tree every time it is sunny and sunny, looking for a branch with a good view to make a nest to sleep.

Black snake silk also loves to wrap around branches. Although this guy can become a human body, he has not grown up in the past few years. He still looks like that little baby. When Sima Jiao didn’t look at him, he loved him even more. With a snake body, Liao Tingyan followed him.

A line of giant winged birds flew from the far horizon. They flew into human-shaped characters, their wings were as white as clouds, and flied down in the wild goose city. It is a kind of spirit beast that many Xiuxian sects like to domesticate. They are generally used for delivery. For example, Liao Tingyan can recognize that they are birds domesticated by Gu Yuwu, because they carry vegetables, fruits and fresh fruits. The meat was sent to her by the brothers.

Only Gu Yuwu's goods can fly directly into the city, without having to fall outside the city and enter through the city gate.

In the past few years, many people in Gu Yuwu finally knew her identity, the Taoist companion of the Demon Lord. Unexpectedly, everyone was in harmony. No one dared to make trouble. At least no one dared to make trouble. A special exchange market was developed.


Sima Jiao created a comfortable and carefree environment for her. After she didn't need to worry about foreign objects, the only thing she needed to worry about was Sima Jiao.

She sometimes feels that this person is deliberate, this is scheming.

Liao Tingyan slept on a branch for a whole day and didn’t go down at night. She felt something in the middle of the night, like a thin thread gently pulling her heart, which made her wake up naturally from her sleep. .

The figure she knew very well was standing not far away. He was looking at the distant mountains and a sparkling lake. With his back hand, his long hair and hem will occasionally brush the oval leaves of fragrant agarwood.

‘Is he a vampire? Why does he always pop up in the middle of the night. 'Liao Tingyan suddenly had such a thought in her mind. She moved, and suddenly recalled a scene, as if it was also in the middle of the night, she was awakened from her sleep and saw a carved lamp by the bed lightly Shaking, Sima Jiao was beside her bed, half of her body was sunk in the night, and half was immersed in the ambiguous yellow light.

"Okay, ancestor, will you not wake me up in the middle of the night? Will you go to sleep right after you come back? I have reserved a place for you." She slumped there in pain.

"No way."

She rolled onto the side of the bed under the quilt with a sleep deprived face.


Liao Tingyan was stunned, don't remember where this happened...Is it in the memory she forgot?

At this moment, Sima Jiao who was standing there looked back at him, "I haven't seen me for half a month. Can't you recognize me?"

Liao Tingyan sat up cross-legged and watched him coming from the treetop, like a silent black cat in the night.

"Are you finished retreating?"

Sima Jiao: "No, come out and see you."

Liao Tingyan grabbed his hand, his hand was warm, exuding the heat of a normal person. He is not normal when he is normal.

"Don't you want to soak in water?"

"No." Sima Jiao said, squeezing her wrist, touching her ear with the other hand along her cheek, and finally stopped at the back of her neck, pulling her closer to him, "Unhappy? Why? "

Liao Tingyan: "..." You still have the face to ask why.

Liao Tingyan: "I feel you are doing something dangerous."

Sima Jiao: "So you're worried that I'm terribly worried? Want to get angry with me?"

Liao Tingyan: "..." She couldn't say this, and she couldn't get angry.

Sima Jiao laughed, took her hand and jumped down, and they walked like two night owls on the roof of the palace.

At dawn, Sima Jiao was about to go back to retreat. He took Liao Tingyan's hand and kissed her ring finger, then let go of her and said: "People have found you a beautiful white-haired spirit beast. , It will be sent to Yancheng today, and later you will go and play by yourself and have fun."

As soon as the voice fell, the figure disappeared.

Liao Tingyan stood on the roof, with a glimmer of light behind him.

"Who wants to play with white fur, you stinky black fur." ​​She said to herself, feeling that this day would not be possible.

The Yancheng is very lively today. The demon general sent an unusually rare snow fox. This thing is about to be extinct for some reason. I don’t know where they found one. The demon Lord specially asked it to send it to Dao. The couple relieved boredom and played.

The slapped snow spirit fox has soft and long white fur, wet eyes like black grapes, big and soft ears, a big fluffy tail, and tender fleshy claws. .

The plush cutie is a cure, the fox is a good physical and mental comfort, even the black snake is addicted to the hairball, and even willing to keep the body for half a day for a better hairball.

Such a thin Xueling Fox, following Liao Tingyan's food and drink for half a month, went from slapped fat to basketball big, and her pointed face became quite rounded. Because its call is Ang——, its name is Ang Ang.

There were red snails and black snakes around Liao Tingyan, and now there was another Xueling Fox, which became more and more enthusiastic. It’s said that the “dog” is the task of the black snake, and the Xueling Fox can only act as the “chicken” that flies up. These two IQs are half a catastrophe, and they are very similar to each other. They are staged next to Liao Tingyan every day. Chase the scene.

After ten and a half months, Sima Jiao came out of the palace and came out to find Liao Tingyan. Almost in the middle of the night, after forcibly waking her up, he stayed with her for one night and then disappeared in the morning. He almost doubted whether he killed himself, and now he has become a ghost that cannot appear during the day.

"Someone tamed some funny birds for you, wait for them to arrive, go and see." Before disappearing like dew, Sima Jiao left such a sentence.

During this day, many white birds flew in Yancheng. This is a group of graceful birds. The biggest feature is that they can temporarily transform into human form and dance in the sky wearing feather clothes.

Liao Tingyan: ...isn't this a song and dance troupe?

Sima Jiao didn't know when she was given such a song and dance troupe for her. As long as she shook the bell, the group of phantom birds that inhabited nearby would fly up from the mountains and forests to dance and sing for her and make her happy.

When going out to see Liao Tingyan for the third time, Sima Jiao suddenly asked her: "How about moving Gu Yuwu near Yancheng?"

Liao Tingyan squeezed his mouth.

Liao Tingyan: "Do you think I'm not busy enough?"

Sima Jiao pulled down her hand and held it in his hand, "Is it a busy time? You don't like it very much."

Liao Tingyan looked at him for a long while, stretched out his hand and hugged his waist, "Can I enter your spiritual house to take a look?"

Sima Jiao picked her up and knocked on her forehead twice, "No, you come in now, the soul will be burned."

How could it be possible that the two of them had entered the spiritual palace so many times, she would not be burned, unless the stinky guy went crazy to burn his own soul, and even the one who took her would be burned.

...Is it not?

Liao Tingyan rushed up to knock Sima Jiao's forehead, spread his teeth and danced his claws, "Let me in!"

Sima Jiao clasped her hand with one hand, tripped her leg, and pressed her head into his chest. Liao Tingyan struggled for a long while and couldn't get up. She slumped on his body. Hearing Sima Jiao's chest laughter shaking, she felt sad.

Really, this life can't go on anymore, Sima Master doesn't know why she seems to be looking for death, she suspects that she is going to become a widow.

Sima Jiao was quite happy, smiling for a long time without stopping.

With his attitude, it really didn't seem like a great event would happen. Liao Tingyan was a little confused, wondering what he was doing.

At the coldest winter of the year, Sima Jiao was completely out of the customs. He stayed beside Liao Tingyan, and it seemed no different from before.

After a heavy snowfall for three days and four nights, the wild goose city became white, some resembling the white winter city in the Demon Realm.

Sima Jiao woke up Liao Tingyan at night.

"Why?" Liao Tingyan asked confusedly.

Sima focused his head, "Yes."

What can be? Liao Tingyan was inexplicably, his clothes were untied.

Liao Tingyan: "???" Wait, why did this car start?


Sima Jiao hugged her and walked into the blue pool of water. There used to be a blood clot flower and a flame, but Liao Tingyan hadn’t seen that flame for a long time. She didn’t understand why she was there. Here, I didn't have time to think about it, I just subconsciously held Sima Jiao's neck, tried to put his forehead against his forehead, halfway through Sima Jiao was covered with one hand.

"No." His palms were hot, he first covered her forehead, then moved down to cover her eyes. Liao Tingyan gasped and grabbed his arm, feeling his lips blocked and the warm liquid coming over. Like some sweet and rich juice, as soon as this thing entered the body, a warm feeling surged over the limbs.

Liao Tingyan was ups and downs, feeling that his cultivation level suddenly rose up one by one, breaking through at a speed that frightened her.

Liao Tingyan: "Wait...wait, you...give me, drink, what..."

Sima Jiao just smiled in her ears, covered her eyes firmly, and did not speak. Liao Tingyan was a little angry, and thought what was this guy doing, turned his head and didn't want to drink, but Sima Jiao's hand clamped her head tightly, and she couldn't move at all.

As long as he wants to control someone, no one can break free, but Liao Tingyan was treated like this for the first time. She didn't want anything in the past, and Sima Jiao never forced her.

She was forced to swallow the liquid in her mouth. If it wasn't for the blood, she would think it was actually blood. As the liquid poured into her throat, she felt as if she had been thrown into a sea of ​​fire, and her brain was burned into a paste.

Obviously she was in the pool, but the water did not bring her a hint of coolness. On the contrary, they all seemed to have turned into flames and drilled into her body.

There was thunder outside, a very loud thunder, almost exploding above his head, Liao Tingyan was in a trance, feeling that his consciousness broke away from Sima Jiao's control and flew. There was violent wind and snow, thunderclouds, and electric lights dancing. She also heard a lot of noisy shouts.

Lei smashed down quickly and angrily, Liao Tingyan felt the terrifying power in the thunder, with a certain meaning that could not be said, she sensed some from this state, and she couldn't help but shiver.

Sima Jiao pressed her into his arms, he let go of her eyes, Liao Tingyan hugged his neck, and when he opened his eyes he saw a big opening in his chest, and the blood flowing inside was golden. There is no **** smell, only a little flower-like fragrance.

It's what she just drank.

Liao Tingyan wanted to hammer the man for a while, and for a while was frightened by the wound on his body. Reached out and blocked it.

"No." Sima Jiao kissed her hair affectionately, "It's going to start soon."

"What the **** are you telling me right now!" Liao Tingyan couldn't help screaming. What exactly is this person doing about thunderstorms, the aura that thunder carries is already extremely terrifying.

She was going crazy by this man. Sima Jiao looked at her anxious expression, but laughed loudly, raised her chin, and gave her the mutated blood. Liao Tingyan bit his tongue, bit what he caught, and wanted to kick him a thousand miles away. Sima Jiao pressed her back on the back of her neck and kept going.

"I have been suffering from all kinds of pain since I was born. The point you gave me doesn't hurt or itchy, you know." He let go of Liao Tingyan and wiped her lips with his thumb, whispering like a lover. Intimate whispers.

Liao Tingyan felt the blood in her body boil and was about to burn, "What are you...what are you doing?"

Sima Jiao stared at her, his eyes were gentle, gentle and crazy.

He said: "I refined the Fengshan Spirit Fire, into my flesh and blood, and in a while, these will all belong to you."

Fengshan Spirit Fire is a sacred fire. It was made six times in the Sima clan. The last time it was Sima E. In order to make the spirit fire into a pure fire, so that Sima Jiao could fuse the fire, she sacrificed her body and spirit. There is nothing left after being swallowed by fire.

As for Sima Jiao, he is the only lunatic in this clan who cultivates spiritual fire into his body, and is also the only lunatic who regenerates the fire with his own body.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt. I leave this fire to you. From now on, there is nothing in this world that can hurt you. My enemies have been killed by me. All I leave you with are the things and people you like."

"Why, you are good, why do you want to do this, I don't want to..." Liao Tingyan felt that he was crying, but the tears were evaporated by the heat on his cheeks.

It's so hot, why is she still unfamiliar? Why don't you scald this self-righteous pig's hoof to death?

Sima Jiao covered her face, "I couldn't last long, and people who couldn't last would be crazy like me. You know best that there is a fire that will never go out in my spiritual house. It has given me beyond everything. The power of you will also take away other things from me."

At the beginning of Gengchen Immortal Palace, he swallowed a new fire made by the Shi clan for many years, and almost overdrawn all his spiritual fire, and burned the core of Gengchen Immortal Palace and most of the monks of the Shi clan. From then on, he His body began to show signs of collapse.

Being strong comes at a price. The Sima clan is destined to perish, he will die, and when he dies, the fire in his body will also go out.

But he was not reconciled, nor assured.

So he tried for many years and finally succeeded in making himself a ‘candle’. When his body burned out and his soul burned out, he could change the fire and give it to Liao Tingyan. From now on, she will be the second him, able to possess more power than all living beings, but without having to endure the pain caused by the flames. This is a truly reborn fire, no longer the Fengshan spiritual fire.

"I want to die this day, but I don't want to give this life to it. I only love you in this world, so naturally I want to give it to you."

Liao Tingyan only felt uncomfortable all over, his eyes were red, and he bit Sima Jiao's hand uncomfortably, trying to bite off a piece of his flesh.

The aura from him rushed into her body frantically, and a red light flashed in the green pool water. It was a complicated formation that connected the two of them.

Thunder fell down and landed on the edge of the pool, but couldn't hit the two of them.

In this burning pain, Liao Tingyan suddenly remembered an unfamiliar scene, also full of thunder and lightning. She looked up at Sima Jiao's back, watching him stand in front of her and tear open the falling thunder, like a The indomitable hero is the kind of hero that Fairy Caixia said, who will step on the colorful clouds.

Bah, what a hero! She cried angrily, and the hand holding Sima Jiao kept shaking.

"You wait, when you die, I am a rich woman who has inherited countless inheritances. Once you die, I will raise hundreds of wild men!"

Smaggio laughed amidst the thunder, pinched the back of her neck, leaned against her ear and said, "There will be no one else, you will never forget me in your life."

Yes, she will never forget Sima Jiao in her life.

But how can there be such a man in this world who makes people love and hate.

"You want to be beautiful, do whatever you want, I don't want you to be happy!"