Offering Salted Fish To Master

Chapter 84: Threesome

The woman in a long skirt walked slowly on the beach. Her back was slender, and when she looked at the sea, she felt lonely and alone.

However, it's just the appearance.

Liao Tingyan looked at the sea level in the distance and thought to himself: I don’t know what Aunt Zhou will eat today. I saw that she bought cuttlefish in the morning. It should be stewed soup, but it is reasonable to say that cuttlefish are better cooked.

So angry! If it hadn't been long since coming to this world, and the character couldn't be changed easily, she would directly ask for spicy cuttlefish!

There was a heavy rain last night, and there was a strong wind in the middle of the night. I didn’t stop all night. At this moment, there were some fragments of small fishes, shrimps and shells on the shore, all of which were hit by the waves of last night. Coming up.

Liao Tingyan thought about lunch and walked further and further along the coast.

Then, behind a reef, she saw a mermaid.


Why is there a mermaid in this world?

Is something like a mermaid real? Liao Tingyan was so shocked that he backed away a few steps before remembering—since he can travel into this world, it seems that there are mermaids in this world.

She leaned over and found that the mermaid seemed to be dead, motionless, and the scales on its tail were almost dry. It was the same color as a peacock feather, with a little blue in the green. If there is light shining on it, it should be particularly beautiful. But now it's a little dim because of drying up.

Could it be that the big wave hit the shore last night?

Liao Tingyan substituted the mermaid into the stranded dolphins, considering whether or not she should call the police. She approached with a cautious attitude of observing dangerous creatures, and quickly touched the tail of the fish.

Liao Tingyan: "!" I touched the mermaid's tail! Okay, this crossing is worth it.

She touched the two mermaids and remained motionless, and slowly grew courageous, and turned to look at the mermaid's face. The mermaid's hair was like seaweed covering his face, with some water weeds on it. Liao Tingyan couldn't see clearly, and carefully pulled away the dark long hair.

It's really a mermaid with a handsome male face. When he grows up like this, he must be a good mermaid. Since they are all dead, don't call the police and let him go into the sea for safety.

Liao Tingyan touched her hair, tail fins, and chest again. She was curious enough before dragging him into the sea. Her body is a little worse than before, and she can't drag such a big mermaid. She rested twice in the middle. In order to move better, she had to hold the mermaid's arm and let his chest close to her. The cold temperature made her further confirm that this was indeed a dead mermaid.


She finally walked into the sea, thinking whether it was deep enough, she suddenly felt the dead mermaid in her hand move, and then her hand hurt, the mermaid plunged into the sea, while Liao Tingyan was pulled by one hand and followed in. Hai, she didn't even react, and was carried into the sea by that mermaid.


The mermaid was awakened by the touch. He felt the burning pain on his body from dehydration, especially the tail part of the fish. The sea breeze was blowing the dry and painful tail like a knife. He was photographed by the big storm last night and fainted accidentally. He didn't expect to faint for so long.

He is used to marching in strong storms, but it was the first time he was so unlucky that he was photographed on the shore.

He didn't open his eyes because he noticed an unfamiliar breath around him. It was a human kind. The killing intent in his heart skyrocketed instantly, but he didn't have the strength, so he could only hibernate quietly.

The human touched his tail cautiously, moved his hair again, touched his ear fins, and his suppressed and tense breathing made him hear clearly. It was a very weak human being. The mermaid moved his hand with sharp claws, considering whether to kill this human altogether. His fingers should be able to cut her throat or scratch her belly.

But he didn't expect that this human would actually carry him back into the sea. When humans encounter mermaids, they have always been caught, but any mermaid taken away will not end well, he knows this very well.

But this human being, thin and small, sees his eyes without greed, moves his hair and tail slightly, just like a small fish in the sea curious about him, letting the boiling killing intent in his heart disappear inexplicably A lot.

His burning tail touched the sea, and the cool sea instantly made him feel comfortable. The mermaid jumped into the sea at that moment, and dragged the human down.

At that moment, he wanted to drag this human into the sea to drown, so he pulled her tightly and pressed her into the water.

She seemed to be frightened. She looked at her with eyes wide open. The white skirt was floating under the water, and several blisters appeared in her mouth.


A few blisters came out of Liao Tingyan's mouth. She felt that she was going to die, so she **** in her heart. Is this mermaid fishing or hunting? Did he lie there on purpose? Seeing you have a little white face, how can you do such shameless things?

There are fish killing people here, does anyone care!

The sea is the territory of the mermaid, he wants to kill her easily. Liao Tingyan thought that it had not been a few days since she had crossed over, and she hadn't had time to enjoy the big seaside villa, nor had she had time to spend so much savings, hadn't tried the taste of being a rich woman, and she became angry in an instant. She struggled wildly and caught The mermaid's long black hair like seaweed, ignoring the other's grumpy little white face and furiously, bit his face in one bite-and then she choked to death by herself.

Before fainting, Liao Tingyan shouted loudly in her heart: "If I die! I wish you will never find a wife! You cunning mermaid, little white face!"

Maybe her curse had worked. She found that she was not dead. She woke up on a desolate shore. The soaked Liao Tingyan sneezed and looked around blankly. Where the **** is this?

This seems to be an island, still a small island, and it took her about ten minutes to walk around the edge. So this is to let her survive on the desert island? She glanced at her white tender hand, which is Survival on the Deserted Island, it is clearly PUBG.

She immediately lay down on the beach.

So tired, just go back and die before.

Not long after she lay down, someone nourished her with water.

Liao Tingyan sat up and saw the little white-faced mermaid in the sea not far away. He held a fish with a billowing belly in his hand. He squeezed the fish's belly and nodded the water to her through the fish's mouth.

Liao Tingyan: "..." Damn you.

She grabbed a handful of sand and threw it towards the mermaid. Not long after the sand was thrown away, she was blown up halfway by the wind. The violent little white-faced mermaid showed a mocking expression upon seeing this.

Liao Tingyan: "..." I have learned the lesson. Next time I encounter a strange creature, I should call the police as soon as possible. It will not end well if I deal with it privately.

Also, enough! Zi your sister, you are addicted to Zi Shui Zi, right? ! Apologize for the round fish in your hand!

Liao Tingyan got up, walked forward two steps angrily, and then stopped vigilantly again. Does this guy want to arouse her and drown her again? This dog is driving a cunning mermaid, unbelievable.

The mermaid seemed to have guessed what she was thinking from her expression and let out a sneer, then he raised his hand and threw the other arm-length fish at Liao Tingyan. Before Liao Tingyan had time to hide, he fell into the beach with a scream. She got up and looked at the live fish that was still shaking her tail, staring at the mermaid in disbelief. Did you use such a big fish as a weapon to hit me? !

Why don't you just use stones?

Liao Tingyan was so angry that she grabbed the fish with both hands and smashed it back. Unfortunately, her head was not good enough, and she only threw it into the shallow water. As soon as the big fish returned to the water, she wore her tail to run, and was caught by a mermaid not far away. He stretched out his hand and quickly grabbed it back.

He seemed to be a little angry too, frowning at Liao Tingyan, and with a cold face, he threw the fish onto the beach with a slap. This time Liao Tingyan avoided. She looked at the fish at her feet and thought with her arms akimbo. It's not good this time. If you have the abilities, hit it again, see if you can hit me!

The mermaid saw her provocation and showed a complicated expression. Anyway, his face was full of contempt for "Is this man a fool?"

His peacock-blue fish tail swung in the water, and his whole body disappeared into the sea like an arrow.

As soon as he left, Liao Tingyan squatted down. She sat on the beach panting, looking at the unlucky fish who was also panting next to her. Well, this seems to be a kind of fish that she has eaten. Aunt Zhou bought it two days ago. It seems to be quite expensive. She remembers that the meat is good and there are few thorns, and it does not have a flavor when eaten raw...Huh? Eaten raw? eat?

Liao Tingyan finally found out what was wrong. Yes, if the mermaid wants to hit her, why not use rocks but fish? Is it possible that this is not to smash her, but to bring her to eat?

Stared by that unlucky fish with a dead fish eye, Liao Tingyan finally recollected, and then grabbed his hair and fell into a daze. No, didn’t that sinister violent mermaid want to drown her, why not? For her?

She thought that mermaid would leave her here alone, but in fact he came back soon, still stopped at that position, separated from her by a certain distance, one in the water and one on the shore.

The mermaid looked at the untouched fish at her feet, and threw another fish at her feet.

Liao Tingyan hesitated and asked, "Give me food?"

She found that the mermaid couldn't speak, but he seemed to understand her, and he snorted through his nose, and dropped several fishes to her one after another.

He didn't seem to be very bad either. Liao Tingyan got closer and shouted, "Could you send me back!"

"Oh!" She was hit in the forehead by a shell. Look again, the mermaid swims away again.

Liao Tingyan grabbed the shell, touched his forehead and shouted, "Ah--" So angry, what is this fish doing?

Then she found that there was a round pearl in the shell. It was not the original pearl of the shell, but a clean and beautiful shell. A pearl specially placed inside, glowing with a soft light pink luster.

Liao Tingyan: "..." The mermaid is really hard to understand.

In the evening, Liao Tingyan was sitting by the beach, feeling hungry and thirsty, but she couldn't eat the fishy raw fish next to her, and there was nothing to eat on the island.

She looked at the pink and blue sunset in the sky, and saw a mermaid jumping out of the sea. His peacock blue fish tail was shining under the last rays of light. It was very dreamy. This scene was like a legendary scene. Liao Tingyan was stunned for a long time without regaining his senses, his heart was full of touch-it was so beautiful.

Then the mermaid approached and awakened her with water.

He saw the fish that didn't move by her feet, and he twitched his brows. That looks like a very uncle, like some ancestor is pointing the country, although he didn't say a word, Liao Tingyan felt that he was saying: give me food.

It may be because of the scene just now, or it may be because of her personality. She can't be nervous for too long to relax. Liao Tingyan suddenly carried the dried skirt and walked into the sea, slowly approaching the mermaid.

The mermaid didn't move. He leaned on a rock and looked at her, as if he didn't pay attention to her weak chickens.

Liao Tingyan approached him, "I think you are a good fish."

The mermaid squinted at her: "Hey."

Although he can't speak, but this scoff is really the essence.

Liao Tingyan suddenly reached out and grabbed the mermaid's arm, crying: "I want to go back! I'm going to starve to death! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Help!"

The mermaid did not expect that she would suddenly cry, and she was about to leave when she planted in the water next to him. Liao Tingyan hugged his tail and said, "Take me back, brother fish, please! Otherwise you will leave me here and starve to death Well! Ouch! Ouch! I want to go back!"

I don't know if it was because of being impatient with her quarrel, the mermaid stared at her for a while, finally lifted her in his arms with both hands, and then dived into the sea.

Liao Tingyan held his breath, wondering if he felt that he was going to drown him because of the quarrel, or did he decide to send himself back?

The mermaid did not swim deep. Liao Tingyan saw his face in the water, his cold white skin and long hair like seaweed in the water, really like a confusing water monster.

She quickly felt out of breath and pulled the mermaid's hair, then the mermaid hugged her and waved her tail to the surface.

Liao Tingyan: "Huh—" She gasped, feeling that she was betting right. He probably didn't want to drown her, but was really ready to send her back.

On this darkening night, she was held by a mermaid and swam in the vast ocean. There is no land around, and the sky is full of stars. All she can rely on is a silent mermaid. Humans’ innate fear of the ocean makes her hug the mermaid’s waist tightly. When she gets tired, she changes her neck. In short, desperate to hold him tightly, for fear of being dropped by him halfway.

His huge fish tail swayed in the water, and sometimes it lightly patted her leg, and she couldn't help but look down. The fins that are closed when on the shore are spread out when in the water, and there is a particularly dreamlike beauty.

Mermaid is so beautiful.

She didn't know the time, only that the stars in the night sky were getting brighter and brighter. When she almost fell asleep in the water, she finally saw the familiar beach. He really sent her back.

Liao Tingyan felt that she had strength again, and ran from the water to the shore. When she reached the shore, she turned her head and took a look. The mermaid was in the dark water. Seeing her looking over, she dived into the water, and the tail of the fish was photographed in the moonlight. A moment on the surface of the sea, there was a splash of water.

Liao Tingyan held a round pearl in his hand and decided to forgive the mermaid.

Maybe, I will never meet again in the future.

...It is impossible not to meet.

She later installed a monitor under a rock by the sea, thinking that if the mermaid came closer, she would know.

Two days after it was installed, she saw the mermaid on the surveillance screen. His face leaned in front of the monitor, as if he knew what it was. When facing the screen, he knocked on the monitor screen with sharp fingers, as if knocking on the door.

Through the surveillance screen, Liao Tingyan felt as if he was looking at him. The mermaid lost a shell in front of the monitor, and there was also a round pearl inside.

Liao Tingyan: "...?" What are you doing?

The mermaid came once every two days, wandering around in front of the monitor, and then dropped something in front of the monitor. There were pearls, rubies and sapphires, and even gold necklaces. No, where did he come from? Could it be found from a shipwreck in the sea? Liao Tingyan couldn't help but guess. After a while, the mermaid dropped a box.

Liao Tingyan guessed what was inside, and couldn't help it, and ran over to the monitor to look at the things that the mermaid had left there.

As a result, as soon as she bent over, she was dragged down the sea by the mermaid that sprang from the water.

At the moment of falling into the water, Liao Tingyan felt a groan in his heart. I was deceived into the sea by this mermaid again! Those things he deliberately dropped were "fish bait"!

Unfortunately, it was too late to know.

Liao Tingyan was held by the mermaid swimming in the water and saw a proud and proud smile on his face.

He held her for a while and swam in the water before putting her ashore, making it impossible to figure out what he wanted to do.

This happened several times afterwards. Liao Tingyan was not afraid anyway. She thought it was very interesting. She learned how to swim. The mermaid taught her. Although he shouldn’t teach her to swim, he should be teasing her deliberately. play.

After she learned to swim, she felt that the sea had become another peculiar playground, and the world in the water became clear for an instant. There are too many strange creatures on the seabed, even in shallow water, it looks like a seabed forest. Liao Tingyan swam after a group of colorful fish, and found a big fish more than one meter long in the distance. He was so scared that he swam back and hid behind the mermaid.

The mermaid turned to look at her, as if despising her for being timid. Liao Tingyan didn’t care. She hid behind the mermaid and pushed him to take a look. The mermaid was lazy just now, and suddenly jumped out. He grabbed the fish and dragged it back, letting Liao Tingyan look at it. Enough.

He is like a ferocious predator on the bottom of the sea, ordinary small fish are not afraid of him, but some dangerous big fish will run away when they see him.

Liao Tingyan went crazy once when he left the mermaid and swam out to the deep sea alone. She saw a shark there, she was so scared to death, she was frozen there, unable to move, watching the shark swimming ferociously.

That was the first time she heard the sound of a mermaid. His voice was completely different from that of a human. It was a peculiar scream. Liao Tingyan's mind was dizzy when he heard it. The shark that came towards her was even worse than her. It was miserable, and he rolled over in pain in the water on the spot, as if he had received a special attack.

The mermaid swam over quickly, with anger on his face, sharp fingers tore the shark's belly open, the blood was immersed in the water, and a large piece of sea water was stained red in a moment.

Liao Tingyan was hugged by the mermaid and kept away from that sea area. Somehow he hadn't recovered. The mermaid yelled at her angrily, as if to lose his temper at her.

Later, she went to swim in the sea again, and the mermaid followed her behind. Seeing that she was going to swim in the deep sea, she pulled her back by the leg.

Liao Tingyan didn't know what was going on with this mermaid, she didn't dare to think about it anyway, she thought it was a cross-species love relationship.

She reflected on it and felt that she hadn't had such a heavy taste before. It's not her problem to think about it, it's the mermaid's problem. If he is a person, she likes people.

She knew that the mermaid's name was Jiao. Probably, when she asked for the name, he made a sound similar to "jiao". Out of selfishness, Liao Tingyan called him "jiao" without authorization.

Jiaojiao, puff hahahahaha! It's really funny!

In the summer evening, Liao Tingyan wore a T-shirt and shorts, carrying a small bench, brush and other things to the beach to clean up the mermaid. After getting acquainted with him, Liao Tingyan had to clean him up every once in a while. If the crevices of scales on his body were not cleaned, a kind of small aquatic plants and various parasitic plants would occasionally grow, as well as claws in the crevices of his fingers. The flesh and blood residues left by hunting in the area must also be cleaned up regularly.

The most important thing is the hair. Liao Tingyan washes the mermaid's hair for the first time. A small fish, a shrimp and a starfish are washed out of his hair.

Is the starfish okay?

Liao Tingyan: "..." You can grow an ecosystem!

He washed him with an odorless pet shampoo. After washing, braided his handful of long hair into a long braid, and then she brushed the gaps in the mermaid's tail while smiling, "Rapunzel, hahahaha!"

The mermaid sat there lazily, holding the chubby little fish to nuzzle her with water. Liao Tingyan had been prepared and lifted the water gun to nuzzle her.

Liao Tingyan: "A new storm has appeared! Sizzling!"

Mermaid: "..."

At night by the sea, the mermaid sang for her.

He is a very proud mermaid. He usually refuses to say anything. He sings to her when he is very, very happy. At that time, his singing was gentler than moonlight and more beautiful than all the music in the world.

In the sound of his singing, she kissed him sideways and whispered to him: "I must have liked you in other worlds."

Otherwise, how could he be so easily fascinated by him.

(End of mermaid story)