Official Immortal

v10 Chapter 4031: Strange speech

When Chen Taizhong said this, he paused for a while to let everyone digest the content, and then spoke again.

"Of course, you understand...Xiao Zhan also understands this. This is a blundering accident. It was nothing more than a robbed order. It was a ragged collector. The person who robbed the order had the identity of a half-public family, and The cousin of a deputy department, if the two are reversed, there is no such thing as insider trading. Chen Taizhong, I am suspected of making a fuss."

"You think so, I can't be wrong, but there are so many demonizations of officialdom and cadres in society. Is the so-called insider trading really insider trading? I don't think it is all, but ordinary people think so. of."

He paused and then spoke again, "So this method of resolving and dealing with errors by relying solely on internal ventilation is inappropriate. You may think that Xiao Zhan has only made a small mistake. I call it true. , Deliberately having trouble with you... Then I ask you, are you really aware of the impact of your mistakes?"

"Just the loss of a list triggered the insider trading argument," Chen Taizhong said with a sneer. "If it weren't for the strict rules set by District Chief Xu, Director Yu might report that a few baby fish were lost privately... Set it up."

"Don't dare, I really don't dare," Yu Haiyang smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying in his heart that I have to read the exam. Will you let me go?

"You definitely don't dare now," Chen Taizhong snorted, "but if you lose a list, you can't face it. The cover gets bigger and bigger, and in the end... it may actually cause the loss of state-owned assets. This strange development is How did it happen?"

"District Chief Chen is right," Lin Jilong didn't want this to be a big deal, but when he heard Chen Taizhong say this, he couldn't help nodding, "There are hidden dangers that need to be taken seriously."

"You must be strangled in the bud," Wang Yuanyuan nodded, and she glanced at Xiao Zhan, "As a national worker, don't do evil for a small amount. Your mistake is not just a violation of the procedure... Implementation, what do you want this program to do?"

"You never know how serious the consequences of violating the procedure will be," Chen Taizhong nodded. He was talking about it, so he took the words, "Xiao Zhan, you can think of it because you lost a piece of paper. Does it cause zhèngfǔ to be scolded, to make the people lose confidence, and to lose state-owned assets?

Nima...Obviously, what hasn't been lost yet, you are unfolding from God, and there is nothing wrong with the sin, Yu Haihe secretly slandered in his heart, but did not dare to have any expression on his face.

Your explanation is too reluctant, right? Xiao Zhan was really dissatisfied with 10,000 in his heart, but so many people attacked him, even if he was a deputy district mayor, he couldn't resist - this is why Chen Taizhong didn't want to show up on the party committee.

But he couldn't show anything, so he could only give a wry smile, "At that time, I just wanted to breathe out and find out who was behind the scenes, I'm sorry... District Chief Chen, and Hu Ju, I'm also sorry for your trust."

"The black hand behind the scenes is currently impossible to find, and may never be found," Wang Yuanyuan said coldly. At this moment, she behaved abnormally cold, "This is another topic, you still don't want to talk about it."

"But I really feel wronged," Xiao Zhan narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth.

"You can only see your own grievances, but you can't see the grievances of Yuejin Zhang Erwa," Chen Taizhong sighed and stood up. "You can find the person who framed you, just ask me to complain. This promise is valid for a lifetime, but now... I hope that you will leave quickly. If you don’t take the people to heart, don’t blame me for not taking you to heart."

He left the office, Wang Yuanyuan and Qi Ying followed, but Director Yu chased out on the back, still holding the stack of banknotes in his hand, "Director Wang, this...this money, please follow the process."

"Send it to Chen Wenxuan," Chen Taizhong snorted, and replied without looking back, "Let him choose a few integrity pacesetters in the district. This is a bonus."

As soon as he left, Lin Jilong followed. The jeep followed the Audi and ate ashes, but the muddy water was really not far from the area zhèngfǔ. Secretary Lin came in shortly after he arrived in the office.

What Lin Jilong wants to respond to is the problem of the feed factory in the integration zone. This is also an old saying-as mentioned earlier, Sanlun is the base camp of the former executive deputy district mayor Zhao Haifeng, where the breeding industry is relatively developed and it is also an important transportation route. It is much richer than other places in Beichong, but there are no large-scale feed factories there.

When Secretary Lin was the mayor, he was in the heart of cao. The three wheels consist of three mountains and one river. Just like a three-wheeled car, the name of the three wheels has something to do with this. Small, the three mountains are not high, and the raw materials for feed are abundant.

Lin Jilong has a complete set of construction plans. Now he is short of money. The feed factory is supposed to belong to the industrial port and Bai Fengming is in charge. Xu Ruilin may be qualified to care, but he wants to start his own industry and does not want to be swayed by the district.

The leader who does not watch out for picking peaches is not a good leader. Chen Taizhong can feel that Lao Lin has confidence in this feed factory, but he is afraid of interference in the district, so he will talk to him directly-he knows it personally, the vision of District Chief Chen , Will not be put on this fly camp, otherwise the power plant construction will not be the turn of Bai Fengming to speak, and the ramie factory will not say anything to Xu Ruilin.

"If money can solve the problem, then it's not a problem... You can do it first. If you are short of money, you can talk. If not, I will introduce you a joint venture partner," Chen Taizhong said lightly, and then he suddenly remembered a little bit, "I heard Are you upset?"

"Hey, just get used to this thing," Lin Jilong waved his hand indifferently. "If you raise more, there must be bacteria. Just feed more medicine... You don't need to feed medicine, you can survive. Good gene."

Co-authored to your mouth, there is still a saying that the survival of the fittest? District Chief Chen knew that he was ungrounded, so he could only remember these words silently, "Well, I think it is good to build a mobile chicken coop in Xiaojia Village. There is too much land there, I don’t know what you think..."

Moving the chicken coop...what is all this and what? Lin Jilong frowned at first, but after listening to it, he felt that the idea was really good. If you really want to say it, it doesn't matter where the chicken house is built. Just throw the chicken manure in the ground, but after thinking about it, raise the bottom. Long, if it worked in the past-that is, the most convenient way for the chicken coop to get into the ground.

Especially after the disaster in Xiaojia Village, there are many places in Pingchuan where you can't grow anything. In such a place, it is best to build a greenhouse, not to mention that the land is the most lack of fertilizer.

The two were talking. Liao Dabao knocked on the door and came in. He nodded slightly at Secretary Lin, and then handed Chen Taizhong a piece of paper. "Boss, I got a fax."

Lin Jilong knew that the faxes that could be delivered at this time must have some content, so he stood up and went to the drinking fountain to collect water. Unexpectedly, Chen Taizhong slapped the table severely behind him, "Deceptively too much."

"District Chief?" Secretary Lin looked back in surprise, and did not dare to say anything more.

"It's none of your business, you go first," Chen Taizhong waved his hand, but he was furious. The piece of paper in his hand was really irritating-it was a copy and fax of a newspaper.

What is written on it? The main title is "An official's remarks: Pepper does not smell of pepper, which is seriously inconsistent with the construction of socialist civilization," and the subtitle is "The pepper growing in capitalist society cries."

I'll do it, do you dare to write it out of context? Chen Taizhong really wanted to hold the author and beat him up.

But it is undeniable that he did say that at the time. Of course, it was just an excuse in haste, just to support Li Yuntong, but he did not expect that some people really took this remark as an excuse.

His first feeling was that there was a rush of heat on his face, because these words were very naive no matter how they looked at it. Pepper certainly doesn't talk about criticism and self-criticism, and it has nothing to do with the construction of socialist spiritual civilization.

If he is a reader, seeing this title, the first impression must be: This cadre is a brain-dead, right? Can you say such a naive thing?

In fact, in addition to the title, the report is also seriously distorted. The article said that in a comprehensive farmer’s market in Supo City, Tiannan Province, a merchant was operating in his own stall, and suddenly there were several that were neither industrial, commercial, tax, nor municipal The stranger wants to seize the owner’s goods.

The cargo owner naturally had to explain it seriously, but the other party did not listen. Later, another young man came here, punching and kicking the cargo owner while yelling—"I am a national cadre. Seriously not in line with the construction of socialist civilization!"

"This national cadre" not only assaulted the consignor against the market staff who came to discourage them, but also used his jǐng force to take away two market managers at one time, probably by lynching. .

"I can't help but ask, do state officials have the right to beat people casually? And for such ridiculous reasons, there are still such naive and weird officials in a society under the rule of law? I can't help but fall into deep thought--this What's the matter with society? What is wrong with the country's cadre management system?"

Finally, the author of the article said that he will continue to pay attention to the follow-up development of this matter.

Chen Taizhong was deeply irritated. Those adjectives such as "childish" and "wonderful" were like slap after slap on his face. This ridiculous sentence indeed came from his mouth. But he was just looking for a reason to intervene.

Moreover, crushing discarded pepper into powder for sale is naturally inconsistent with the construction of socialist civilization. What is hateful is that the reporter seized his original words and did not give any explanation. Instead, he emphasized "innocent traders". Inexplicably beaten by state officials.

Especially what made Chen Taizhong angry is that this newspaper is not "New China North News", but "Subo Metropolis Daily"...