Official Immortal

v10 Chapter 4063: Attack

Gang Pian'er's excuse is obviously untenable-Boss Chen called, no matter how many reasons there are, how dare you not come?

Even if you really can’t leave, can’t you send someone else? But Tie Shou had no intention of telling him too much, "If you don't come, maybe there will be suspicions, you can weigh it yourself."

Gangpian was really frightened this time. He covered more than a dozen small coal mines. Recently, the price of coal has risen. He has made some money and his future is promising. So he gathered two desperadoes to win their hearts. Here, he is not very afraid of Mad Men and Seventeenth class-but iron hands make him a little jealous.

Because Dong Yi was shot, he must be called to a meeting. He really resisted this. Don't you think about my family background? So even under the banner of Chen Taizhong, he would not go.

I don't know the surname Chen, so why tell me to go to the meeting? If I get anxious, I will play hard with you. Who is afraid of whom these days?

He wanted to fight fiercely, but he never expected that Chen Taizhong was much fierce than him, and the ribs did not go. In less than an hour, someone had his neck cut at home, without even a warning sign, and he started killing.

Of course, people can prove that Secretary Chen spent the whole morning in the carbon factory, and it seems that it has nothing to do with the case, and the inspection cannot be sure whether the ribs died in an accident.

But those who are on the road don't talk about so many evidences. Zìyóu confirmed that it is too common. Not only Gangpian thinks so, but the person who called to inform him also thinks so.

This is definitely Chen Taizhong's handwriting-and only the secretary has such a terrifying killer move.

It was Shunchang's rebellion. He finally realized that no matter how much desperation he had in his hands, it couldn't compare to the five poison secretary's cruelty and disobedience.

So he immediately contacted Tie Shou, and he didn't expect to tell him there-he didn't go, so he was suspicious. After putting off the phone, he drove the car and ran, instead of running outside, he ran to Yin.

Regrettably, when he came to Yinping, the stalls were all gone and everyone left. Chen Taizhong couldn't even contact him. He carried a black leather bag and went to the hospital to see Dong Yi.

There was 200,000 cash in the bag—it’s certainly not enough to buy life, but first of all, it’s sincerity... Chen Taizhong stole a blood sample from Jǐngcha and drove directly to Tonghai City. He called Han Tian on the way. "Fifth, did you pass the words I asked you to pass to Tonghai last time?"

"Boss Chen, how dare I delay your business?" Han Laowu smiled on the phone, "I heard that a little guy shot him?"

"How do I think you are a little gloating?" Chen Taizhong snorted coldly.

"How is it possible?" Han Laowu continued to laugh, "I have finished Lao Lan's information... Send a text message to you? That guy is going to die, I can only help you to perfect him."

"Come here," Chen Taizhong used the mobile phone number, an anonymous Shenzhouxing, "Are you sure that Lao Lan did this thing?"

"Ten days have passed, he didn't come to the house to apologize, he is not him," Han Tian is also a testimony to this, he asked suspiciously, "District Chief Chen, I remember you used to be like this. Ink."

"People always change," Chen Taizhong was a little embarrassed when he heard it. Where did he say any evidence before? Once he doubted the other party, he had to use means to torture, and he first held a Dao meeting today, and then he doubted the land and sea people, this method is a bit too regular, even a bit pedantic.

About... This is the price of maturity, right? He also didn't think that this was a completely bad thing, "In this way, you will tell the other party on my behalf that I can arrive in Tonghai tomorrow morning. I will hand over the four people at that time and talk about the rest."

"It's probably useless," Han Tian sighed. "Anyway, I'm going to tell you... Lao Lan is someone who won't go back once he decides. There are a lot of sea bumps in his hands. ."

Haipengzi is a person who touches the sea. Just like the pearl-pluckers, they dive into the seabed to make a living. If you want to have a big harvest, you have to go to the deep water. In order to dive deeper, you have to jump heavily. After a while, so called Hai Pengzi.

This is a very dangerous job. Since the end of the 1980s, coastal areas began to be covered by sea, and Haipengzi has gradually withdrawn from the stage of history. Even if it is going to fish now, there are oxygen bottles and the like. , It's not that dangerous anymore.

Those who can do sea bumpers are the masters whose heads are pinned to the waistband of their trousers, and they must not be afraid of hardship. Like when Chen Taizhong played foreign trade smuggling cars, the order of the "foreign trade port" was maintained by some sea bumpers.

Those Haipengzi, as long as they have a little head and catch the opportunity, many people have already made a fortune.

However, the evolution of the Chinese language is rapid. The profession of Haipengzi has disappeared. However, the master of foreign trade, dumping goods on the offshore boats, is also called Haipengzi—at least on the land and sea side. .

Over time, Hai Pengzi has become synonymous with desperation-you can call it that if you don't touch the sea.

Han Laowu’s words were to remind District Mayor Chen that there were more desperations over there, but Chen Taizhong didn’t care. He hung up the phone and continued on the road. After not going too far, the text message on the phone rang “didi” .

Han Tian was quite prepared. He sent over 20 text messages to introduce Lao Lan's general situation, including related industries and places he frequented. However, he only knew one place where he lived. Hu Jiaji's villa-it is the well-known residence of Lao Lan, more than 20 acres of land, and it is heavily guarded.

The other short messages are the information of several key personnel under Lao Lan's hands, as well as industry, residence, and related information, including two people's mobile phones.

After taking a look, Chen Taizhong memorized all the information in his head. With a squeeze, the entire mobile phone and M-card instantly turned into a ball of powder, and the palm of his hand turned into a goose-egg-sized ball, condensed but not scattered.

The next moment, he put down the car window and threw the ball in his hand freely out of the window. The ball turned into a piece of smoke and silently spilled on the ground. The Audi car galloped away, bringing up a large amount of smoke... While driving, Chen Taizhong pondered information about Lao Lan. In fact, even Sheng Xiaowei was no stranger to this person and told him something.

Lao Lan’s surname is Hu, a member of the Hu family in the suburbs of Tonghai, a real local surname. Lu Hai people have always been xenophobic and group. Hu family is no exception, and this family is really big enough, and some people ran to Taiwan before liberation. Bay and Hong Kong.

At the beginning of the reform and opening up, the Hu family came back to admit their relatives and made suggestions that foreign trade is very profitable.

But the Hu family is really too big. If the clansman is over 20,000, there are always close relatives. Lao Lan belongs to the kind of grandma who doesn't care for his uncle. In the early 1980s, he was sentenced to prison for intentional harm. However, he was under eighteen years old at that time and he was sentenced to only five years.

After he came out, the Hu family's foreign trade business was already in full swing. Knowing that this kid could fight, the Hu family let him go to sea as a coolie.

At that time, foreign trade business was not well-regulated, and there was fierce competition among peers. The foreign trade group dominated by the Hu family also encountered such a situation-in fact, they were all engaged in smuggling, and the conflict of goods resulted in damage to their interests. It's a life and death situation.

When Lao Lan went to sea for the first time, he encountered something like this. The incident happened in a hurry. There were more than 30 knives in his body. There were more than 30 knives in his body. He was stunned. There were two guys who were cut into the sea. , Never come back.

This battle established Lao Lan’s reputation. Because foreign trade was an illegal and criminal act, no one accused him of murder. Later, he went to sea several times and encountered some minor things. He didn’t have to do anything else and put on his coat. Stripped, revealing more than two dozen self-returning scars on his upper body, "I live so many more days, I have already earned...Come on."

After the Hu family in Hong Kong and Hong Kong heard about it, they specially led him to visit and worshipped a Hong Clan leader as their teacher. In the words of the Hu family, this is because there are brothers in Europe, America and Southeast Asia.

As a result, Lao Lan’s power expanded rapidly. He originally didn’t have Lan in his name, but he gave himself the nickname Guo Shanfeng. Later, after he gained his identity, he envied the way other people put on airs and asked them to call him "Brother Lan." Later it was raised to "Master Lan".

The prestige of this foreign trade transaction did not last long. Lu Hai deserves to be a very hug place. As the conflict intensified, everyone finally sat down and discussed carefully-how we can cooperate to monopolize this market.

Later, the opponents of foreign trade were replaced by officials, and the Hu family went ashore and used the original funds they had accumulated to enter other fields-and Brother Lan grew into the underworld shelter behind the Hu family.

However, at that time Lan Ye had a dispute with Hu's family. He felt that things on the sea should not be done, so he wanted to make up his mind to integrate the underworld through the sea and even the whole land and sea.

The Hu family refused to agree—the danger of this matter was too high, so we said that we were able to hold you out because the whole family contributed. If someone bullied us, we could resist desperately, but others didn’t provoke you. Why do you integrate people?

My position is earned with one stroke! Brother Lan doesn't care about this. Before he showed his amazing combat effectiveness, he was a coolie-now you say you are holding it out?

Later, he really hit a piece of space on his own, and there are several Hu family children on hand, so this Lao Lan was born in a big family, but the relationship with the clan is not so close-more than 20,000 Hu family... how much is this? Branch?

Of course, it’s definitely not far to be far away. Anyway, this old Lan has a lot of smell on his body... This time, at six o’clock in the morning, Chen Taizhong drove to Tonghai, and when the car reached a quiet corner, he stopped to look around and found no Attention, the Audi car was returned to Xumi Jie as soon as he raised his hand.

In an away game, there are many possible unexpected factors. It is better to be cautious. He doesn't want his car to be damaged or stolen, or to cause accidents...