Official Immortal

v10 Chapter 4064: Provocation

Tonghai is actually a lazy city. The time difference here is more than half an hour earlier than Hengbei Tiannan and other places, but there are still no people going out right now, and it's not like a city with extremely developed commerce.

Chen Taizhong walked almost two streets before he found an early stall, sat down and ordered a bowl of salted tofu nao, and ordered two noodle nests. After eating, it was still early, so he ordered another bowl of aleurone, plus two mao. egg.

After eating these, there were more people on the street. He took a look at the time and found that it was 6:40, so he walked slowly on the street for a while, found the Tonghai Telecom Hotel, and registered a luxury suite with his ID card.

When you come to a hostile place, you can only walk so many ways. If you can't find the offices of other provinces and cities in Tonghai, you can only find the hotels of the government departments. In these places, the locals want to exert influence, but also not convenient.

After arriving in the room, he took the landline to call Xu Chunliang, and cared about the recent developments of the Science and Technology Commission. Director Xu was puzzled, "How did you go to the sea?"

"It's almost the same as going to Lake City," Chen Taizhong hung up, then called Yin Jinghua to find out what Huang Lao had eaten in the morning and how he was doing.

Yīn always answered his question, and he was also suspicious, "Too loyal, where did you go? This area code...yes, it's definitely land and sea."

"Come and do something, it's not in officialdom. There are a few little thieves who don't open their eyes." Chen Taizhong smiled casually, hung up the call, and he called Nick again-I wiped it, the machine was not turned on. International long distance.

He took the landline in the house and made several calls before using his cell phone to call Zhi Guangming, "You tell Tonghai Laolan, I'm here, in Room 201 of the Telecom Hotel, I will give him an hour... Come here now."

Zhi Guangming already knew about this messy thing, but he really didn't have the right to talk. The Guangming Group of the head was also known in Luhai, but he washed his mud legs and went ashore after all, and he is still talking with the surnamed Hu. The host of upmix is ​​different.

In particular, this Tonghai city is also a separate line in the land and sea, not only the people outside the province, but also the people inside the province.

So what he can do is to say hello to help, but he emphasizes one more point, "Okay, then I must say, if you are too loyal, you can protect yourself. If you want to be ruthless, then you will be ruthless, and we will lose money..."

"As long as you have money, there is nothing you can do in Luhai," he said nakedly, "how much money should be paid at that time, how should I say it, you don't need to be heart, I will take it don't eat Just lose it right now."

The Guangming Group’s staff was rescued by Chen Taizhong alone. The chief executive also took advantage of the Mongolian art to deal with the unfinished building. At present, he is living very well in the blue sky. The current chief executive is less vigorous, but in the officialdom There are many more contacts.

"If you want me to suffer, at least I have to have another Christmas?" Chen Taizhong laughed dryly. If he could be promoted to the Golden Immortal of the Purple Mansion, that guy named God, he would not take it seriously, "Okay, then I will wait for you. news."

He was in the room, waiting from half past seven to half past eight, but no one came. When the time was up, he stood up and left-buddy gave you a chance, you don't cherish it.

When he walked out of the hotel, he first bought a map of Tonghai at the newsstand at the entrance, then looked for a slot that no one noticed, and walked away from the courtyard. When he arrived near Hujiaji, he released the Audi car, slowly. Drive to Laolan's villa.

The villa was built on a small mound on the edge of Hujiaji, not even a hill, it is a small mound, the highest place is not higher than 20 meters, but here, it is already very high.

The villa is not high-profile, hidden in a patch of red flowers and green trees, but the doorway is a large hardened pavement, and the area is more than two hundred square meters. There is also a gatehouse at the door of the villa with four characters written on it, "Shanfeng Other courtyard".

Really rich and powerful, Chen Taizhong smiled coldly and stopped the car to the side of the road, rolled down the window, and looked up and down the villa.

What he didn’t know was that this road was built by the Shanfeng other courtyard. It was more than 100 meters away from the main road. It was all repaired by the owner of the other courtyard. The place where he is stopping is actually already in the other courtyard. jǐng ban area.

So as soon as he stopped the car, the security guard from the other yard came out and said unceremoniously, "Walk around, this road is private, don't be uncomfortable."

Put this in Europe and the United States, it is indeed very bluffing. Once you have entered someone's place, the master can drive you away noble and coldly-you have entered my private territory.

But in China... it's really meaningless to play this, even if it takes up such a large courtyard, how dare you even stop traffic? Chen Taizhong smiled and faintly spit out a word, "Get out!"

"Are you looking for something?" The security guard was just about to rush, and suddenly saw that it was a license plate from a province, and finally endured, "This is a private realm, you better leave as soon as possible."

Going up this road, there are still a few villas, which are also private residences of leading figures in Tonghai. Everyone is not afraid of people from other provinces coming to die, but since it is a zhèngfǔ official car like Audi... it's better to be in peace.

Chen Taizhong still didn't eat this set. He sat in the Audi car and opened his head. After looking at it for a while, he seemed to feel uncomfortable. He took out a telescope and looked at it with both hands.

"It's Chen Taizhong's car." Someone in the villa has already found out the owner of the car through the license plate. It is impossible for Tonghai people to know such a person, let alone fear - but in fact, it is not the case.

Something happened to Yin Ping, and Chen Taizhong vowed to retaliate, saying that Lu Hairen was suspicious-this news really spread so quickly, even Sheng Xiaowei's concubine Gao Qiang called, and it is best to exercise restraint in order to communicate with Hairen.

It is not necessary to restrain the horse, but Lan Ye's attention to Chen Taizhong has also risen sharply, so it is normal for the security to recognize the origin of the Audi car.

"I really dare to come," a guy with a full face muttered softly.

Not only did Chen Taizhong dared to come, he still wandered around the door of the villa for more than an hour, but although no one cared about him in the villa, no one came out to talk about the length.

Really wanting to face him, Chen Taizhong drove away, found a place to put the car away, took out a Shenzhouxing card, stuffed it into a brand-new mobile phone, and walked away directly.

When he came to a hotel, he dialed a number. He felt that the person was not here, so he hung up the phone, changed to another hotel, and continued to dial that number. Finally, someone answered the phone, "Nima, who, it's early morning."

The one who answered the phone was the general Erhu under Master Lan, known as Brother Tiger. He was a cadre who had followed Master Lan and killed for many years. Now he has his own situation, which is to release water-specializing in various usury transactions.

"Little Tiger?" A weird voice came from the phone.

"It's your Lord Tiger, let it out if you have any farts," Erhu replied coldly.

"Have you bought the cemetery?" The phone chuckled, "I'll give you an hour, hurry up, I won't be there in the afternoon."

"I'm **** your uncle," Erhu yelled, before he scolded the other side badly, only to find that the phone had been pressed there. He was stunned for a while before shook his head, "This fucking...something is wrong." "

About half an hour later, Master Lan called. His voice sounded a little solemn, "Erhu, what weird call you received today, remember to tell me."

"I just received one," Erhu said, frowning, and hung up an unfamiliar phone in the morning. After a while, he called and threatened him and told him again, "Cut, I want me to buy a cemetery. ...Don't let me know who did it."

"He wants you to buy a cemetery too?" Master Lan's voice became harder.

" do you call it too?" As soon as Erhu heard this, he immediately felt a little cold on his body.

In fact, after eating this bowl of rice, he also took a few disgusting calls like hiding his head and hiding his brain. At first, he was so furious that he wanted to find someone, but then he got used to it. It was nothing more than an eggless mess. of.

The phone call this morning didn’t feel very good to him, but he is still used to forgetting it. Now, listening to Master Lan’s words, he immediately reacted. This problem is probably a big one. Who did it?"

"Chen Taizhong from Tiannan is here, and spent a good time at the gate of Hu's Family Courtyard in the morning," Lan Ye snorted and said coldly, "It doesn't have to be him, but that guy has a bad intention."

"The intention is not good?" Erhu sneered, "That is to say, a foreigner, Brother Lan, or... I planted him lotus?"

The lotus is not so good to Brother Lan slapped his mouth when he heard it, and letting a division-level cadre disappear is not a matter of scratching his head, but Chen Taizhong’s... There are too many, and they are well-trained ones.

In this matter, we still have to look at what the surname Chen intends to do. Lao Lan has not yet decided how to deal with that guy. There are a lot of people in the middle, but after the arrival of the surname Chen, he did not visit directly. It was to make him meet in the past, which made him extremely unhappy.

When communicating, it is necessary to emphasize the priority, not only in the officialdom, but also in the underworld. At the beginning, Chen Taizhong asked Han Laowu to go to Beichong to apologize. This is not a big deal for Lao Lan. The insult-why are you so high?

Now that the servant is coming to Tonghai, or he is ordered to come home, where is Lord Lan willing to eat this set? What made him even more annoyed was that Chen Taizhong actually wanted to probe his head at the door of his villa-who are you going to threaten?

However, even so, he finally did not make up his mind to fight with the other party, "Erhu, be careful when you come in and out recently, and bring a few more people..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a soft call from the other side, and then the phone disconnected.