Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

Chapter 16

Patting his thigh, the young Inquisitor immediately stood up, shook his head, and shook off the water droplets hanging from his hair and the feathers behind his head.

The water-repellent properties of Lebanese hair are very good.

"Damn, you promised to monitor those two Agors."

Patting his face, the judge hurriedly stood up, stepped on the standing water, stuck his head out from the corner of the wall, and looked at the house where the "outsiders" lived yesterday.

There were still some noises in the house, and a few figures could be vaguely seen through the window.

"There is also a citizen child... What are the plans of these Agor people?"

Using the most professional Inquisitor skills to hide himself in the dark corner, let the black action uniform blend with the shadows, the young Inquisitor looked at the house with vigilance.

Yesterday, when he saw the woman in the red dress, he was subconsciously stunned. It wasn't because of her stunning beauty. The judge's training had already made him resist the **** of ordinary people.

The judge was surprised because he found that the man who claimed to be a hunter and the woman who claimed to be a wandering singer were in fact Agor.

Of course, the means of differentiation are not that complicated, and ordinary people can see the difference between the Agor people.

On the continent of Terra, the Liborians have their own feathers on the ends of their hair, the Felin people have pointed ears on the top of their heads, and the Sakota has a halo like a fluorescent tube floating above its head...

Those blasphemous Sarkaz demons have twisted horns and are almost born infected.

Only the Agor people have no obvious racial characteristics, or in other words, no characteristics are their characteristics.

After smelling the faint smell of the ocean on the other party's body and observing that the man and woman had no other racial characteristics, the judge immediately became nervous.

The Agor people are the most vigilant existences for the Iberians.

What's more, the Agor woman in the red dress seemed to have just landed a short while ago.

After the great tranquility decades ago, Iberia went into decline. The coastal areas withered a little bit, and the once prosperous south declined overnight. No matter how hard you try, you can only watch the cities become dead cities.

Those Agor people who migrated from the sea to the land and thrived here immediately became the object of suspicion.

In recent years, all kinds of strange-shaped monsters have appeared near the coast without warning.

They are like hunting wolves, often attacking the few townsmen along the coast. Even if they are lucky enough to be rescued, most of them will become mad or stupid, which is why Iberia has set up emergency treatment equipment.

Scientists tried to analyze the creature, but each time a sample was captured, the monster quickly degenerated into a pile of rotten flesh.

There are strong and weak monsters, some judges have also died because of this, and there are many voices split within the judges.

The radical faction believes that all Agor people should be arrested and thoroughly investigated immediately. They believe that the technology carried by the Agor people from the ocean is the culprit behind the great silence, and those monsters are also brought by the Agor people. .

The teachers of the young Inquisitor belonged to a moderate group. Although they were also wary of the Agors, they still relied on facts and evidence to judge, and only believed in their own eyes and laws.

As for the young Inquisitor himself...

"Teacher, if you let me see with my eyes, I will."

He took on this task as a test of being able to act independently after studying with the Grand Inquisitor for several years.

"Let's go, Brother Hunter, let's go!"

At this moment, the door opened, and a cute little girl in a black dress jumped out.

Clenching the weapon in his hand, the Inquisitor hid in the shadows.

Not all Agors are strong, and some are even weaker than children. Compared with the seemingly weak and harmless woman in a red dress, the judge is more wary of the so-called "hunter."

"If he still goes out with that dangerous weapon, he has to follow him closely."

At this moment, a slender-looking cane protruded from the house, and it didn't seem to be that dangerous.

"Ha, the weather is really weird, there's still a sun before dinner... Have a good time, Anita."

After complaining about the ghost weather on the beach, Gao Qi put a small metal cane on the ground, and reached out to rub Anita's dry black hair.

"Well, I'm full. I haven't eaten so much in a long time. Sister singer, are you going out too? Are you going to sing? Do you need me to take you to the pub?"

After eating a meal that Gao Qi invited, Anita was simply filled with trust points, bouncing beside Gao Qi and Skadi, with some liveliness that belongs to children.

"No, no, if I have the chance, I will sing."

Skadi shook his head lightly and asked Gao Qi to help translate the words, while holding the weapon box in his arms tightly.

Thanks to Skadi's mechanical sword, which also has a simple transformation function, it can barely fit into a box, and Gao Qi can announce to the public that this box contains a saxophone.

As for what the instrument called "Saxophone" looks like, Skadi himself doesn't know.

However, she didn't care about that either.

"Let's go quickly, the treatment equipment on land uses Agor technology, which can clearly show whether the subject is contaminated by Haisi. If there is no problem with your blood during this test, I will be relieved."

Chong Gaoqi nodded, and Skadi also wanted to check for Gao Qi and himself as soon as possible to see if there was any problem.

As the last deep-sea hunter, she actually doesn't care much about herself.

However, Skadi hoped that no one else would suffer in vain because of those Haisi who chased after him and avenged their gods.

"Gao Qi, your words are fine these days. It shouldn't be a big deal. Even if there is pollution, it can be treated."

With red eyes looking at Gao Qi, Skadi said seriously.

"As for me, the symptoms of contamination in deep-sea hunters are not obvious. Once detected, they need to be cleaned up immediately."

Skadi recounted to Gao Qi the rules he had learned among the deep-sea hunters.

Once the deep-sea hunters are discovered, they tend to transform into sea heirs. Before the patrolling guards arrive, other hunters need to deal with their compatriots who have gone mad.

In the team of deep-sea hunters, Skadi has experienced a lot of such things. Her former comrades turned into demons that devoured flesh and blood, and she personally killed several of them.

Taking a few steps in front of Gao Qi, Skadi and Gao Qi's black eyes met, and solemnly handed him the weapon box in their hands.

"It's still the same as what I said before. If I have a problem, I hope you will execute me and use my weapon. This will ensure that my death is thorough."

Skadi has only been with Gao Qi for less than ten days. In her opinion, the two of them are at most the same traveller.

According to the social thinking of the Agor people, Skadi didn't even think that Gao Qi would regard him as a friend.

However, if she is really the last deep sea hunter, and she will be contaminated by Haisi in the future...

Then she hopes that the person who executes herself will be Gao Qi.


But then, Scotty felt a sudden knock on the top of his head.

"Um - what are you doing?"

Although it was so light that it was almost imperceptible, it still made Scotty a little stunned.

Picking up Skadi's cyan pointed hat from the top of his head, Gao Qi arched his knuckles and tapped Skadi's forehead lightly.

"Don't make things like execution and murder so simple, Skadi, don't say that nothing has been found yet, there is really a problem. I can't go ahead and kill such a lovely hunter as you."

Looking at Skadi with a smile, Gao Qi turned around, leaning on the extremely light-looking Civilization Staff, turned around, and walked towards the distance.

"We're already friends, Skadi, I can't let this go - Anita, lead the way."

"Okay, brother hunter, come this way."

Anita looked at the two adults with a smile, flirting and flirting, and happily ran forward.

"Ah... hat! Hurry up and give it to me!"

Only Skadi, after being stunned for a while, immediately stomped lightly, quickly chased after him, and grabbed his hat back.

For Skadi, it feels strange to have an empty head.

[Also, he said I was cute...]

Thinking back on Gao Qi's words, Scotty, I'm a little happy.

[Also, are we friends? That's how he sees me, that's great. 】

Thinking of this, Skadi's pace became much brisk.

And while walking not far away, in the narrow street, one of the countless dark forks, Gao Qi suddenly stopped.

"Ah, good morning, Mr. Judge, thank you for keeping us and the citizens safe all night. You've worked hard—let's go and warm up quickly, rheumatoid osteoarthritis is very dangerous."

Taking off the black hunter hat on top of his head, he bowed deeply to the silent corner. Gao Qi and his party continued to lean on canes and walked towards the other end of the city.

Skadi's red eyes also swept to a corner of the darkness, neither joy nor sorrow, whether it was a warning or ignoring.

After a while, in the dark and lonely road, a sentence came out, a little nervous to himself.

"He discovered me long ago—these Agors are all monsters!"

The Inquisitor's skills are indeed very good, and he may be able to deceive the battle-hardened warrior and the powerful but brainless Hai Si.

However, for two hunters, two powerful hunters who make a living by hunting, he is still a little too tender.

"Teacher... Can I do it well?"

The young judge was also a little unsure.

20. Familiar strangers.

[Telescopic cane.

Workshop weapons are generally used by hunters on duty.

This sturdy cane sword is deadly, and the blade can split into a whip.

Hiding the weapon in the cane and choosing to use the whip to beat the monster can be said to be a kind of mercy, in order to prove that the bloodthirsty hunt can never erode the noble soul. 】

Exchange price: 1000 Echoes of Blood.

Leaning on the metal telescopic walking stick that he specially swapped out, Gao Qi walked slowly on the flat road in Yanfeng City.

"It's almost here, it's almost here, Brother Hunter, in front of you is the research station where the researcher sister lives!"

And Anita, who was full of energy after eating in front of her, was walking quickly with her short legs to show Gao Qi the way.

Although I was barefoot and did not wear shoes, fortunately, the roads in the mobile city were smooth and firm, and there were basically no small stones that would poke my feet.

Compared with most city residents who are timid and afraid to contact outsiders, Anita, the youngest child in Saltwind City, is the most courageous.

It's no wonder that in the game's plot, Anita is so enthusiastic and proactive. She gets along with the bounty hunter Skadi a few years later, and she is not afraid of her, a fierce looking man who punches through a 40-centimeter steel plate with one punch.

And Skadi himself also walked slowly beside Gao Qi, looking at Anita who was jumping in front of him, and seemed to be a little relieved.

No matter how advanced the technology of the Agor people is, they are also born by their mother, and there are also children running around on the streets.

Even in the past, every time he returned from hunting sea heirs, Skadi would make time to go out for a walk to relax.

Just like now.

Now Scati feels very relaxed. Although he has also started to learn Iberian, he is pretending to be dumb most of the time, and completely regards Gao Qi as an external thinking circuit.

You don't need to talk to those troublesome characters, and you don't need to think about how to explain your identity. When you see someone, you step back behind Gao Qi, and only when you are fighting, then throw your arms and swing your big sword to **** people - it can be said that it is very Happy.

"Your cane doesn't look like an ordinary cane?"

Looking at the tall man beside him, the cane in his hand that could be placed on the ground in front of him and was completely unsuitable for assisting walking, Skadi asked curiously.

Not all Agor people are like deep-sea hunters. They have extremely strong physique. Many compatriots are not as good as land people in terms of physical fitness, and there are not a few people who use crutches.

However, looking at the sharp lower end of the cane, the small holes poked out on the hard pavement, Skadi's fighting instinct told her that it was definitely not just a cane.

In this regard, Gao Qi just smiled and did not hide it at all.

"Yeah, this is the weapon used by the hunters of Yanan in the night vigil, but when I went to Yanan, most of the hunters were either crazy or dead, and some were half-dead, and there was no need for a night watch."

Lifting the telescopic cane, Gao Qi flicked it gently, and there was a mechanical transmission sound from the cane, which seemed to stretch a lot, but quickly returned to its original state.

"Britain, I mean, the gentlemen of Victoria like to use this kind of civilized rod to show their gentlemanly demeanor. Generally speaking, there is a rapier hidden in the cane, and there is a corresponding fighting skill - Patton."

Many of Terra's countries have the shadow of one or several Earth countries.

In addition to the submarine civilization like Agor, Iberia, a country that likes to build an invincible fleet for free, and has a system of the Inquisition, is obviously Spain, which has always been bad.

Although she and Skadi didn't know much about countries on land, and couldn't tell the difference between Britain and Victoria, the land of steam, Gao Qi gave her standard terms for her to study in the future.

"This weapon is deliberately crafted to be so delicate and elegant, in order to always remind the hunter that it is a noble savior, not a bloodthirsty beast who has fallen into hunting."

The retractable cane can also be deformed. When it is retracted, it is convenient to stab monsters ASS. When it is extended, the whip shape and sawtooth attribute can better cut beasts.

However, the reason why Gao Qi exchanged for the second weapon was not because he didn't want to use a meat saw.

Facing the unrelenting judge who kept staring at him all the time, Gao Qi decided to keep a low profile.

Compared with a giant machete that looks particularly scary, a small walking stick that looks a little more civilized is not so ferocious.