Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

Chapter 277

Although she is a hybrid of two dragon clans, she is not a king, nor does she consider herself a king.

She used to be. It's just a Gestapo who worked for the Ursas and oppressed the people for the nobles, an executioner, a gendarmerie chief, a noble officer, a conspirator, and a sorcerer who is good at creating massacres.

And now, she intends to live and fight for others.

Tallula glanced at her desk, there were many books on it, and a piece of letter paper was spread out, on which was densely written a letter that would not be sent, it was a letter to her sister.

Later... she might have a chance to send these letters.

Then, she flicked the long black tail behind the military uniform, pushed open the wooden door of the room, and looked at the outside world.

"Talulah, you're awake!"

"Are you up, boss?"

"Sister Tallulah! Good morning!"

In a small snow-capped village, rows of dilapidated wooden houses are covered with snow and icicles, surrounded by a coniferous forest more than ten meters high, and many residents wearing coarse clothes are cleaning the snow on the road in front of the door.

The snowflakes are still falling, auspicious snow heralds a good year, but for the people in this snowfield village, if this year's spring plowing is affected, it will be another sad year of disaster.

However, when everyone saw Tallulah, they still greeted with a smile. Besides the farmers, there were also many warriors with knives and bows, and children running back and forth.

If there is something rare in common, they all have ore crystals on their bodies. They are the untouchables who were rejected and cleaned up in Ursus, and are only suitable for working hard to death in the source stone mines—infected people.

This village is not a village registered by the Ursas government. It does not need to pay taxes, and no one knows about this village.

To be precise, this village is just a secluded place built by exiled infected people. Once it is discovered by Ursus' patrol team, the result is doomed.

All of them will be captured to the nearest Originium mine, and they will spend a painful life quickly in fatigue and illness. Of course, it is more likely that they will be executed at will by the Ursus army—in Ursus, The human rights of the infected have never existed.

However, with Tallulah and her team here, people can worry less and relax more.

Because...the integration movement is here, they fight to protect the infected.

The Integration Movement, this little-known small organization, is the armed forces of the infected established by Tallulah.

In this cruel country, Tallulah, who used to serve as a military policeman and executioner under her adoptive father, killed her adoptive father, Duke Kosiche, and fled his duchy several years ago.

Along the way, as an infected person, she was used to the oppression of the infected people in this country. They were miserable, desperate, and numb.

Therefore, Tallulah decided to resist. In the sojourn family, the grandfather of the infected person was killed by the picket team of the infected person in order to prevent Tallulah from being discovered. Anger was at its peak.

She killed the pickets and fled the village.

Later, she pulled up the oppressed infected people, relied on farm tools and weapons from the last century, defeated the group of military lords showing off their might, liberated one after another the infected people's settlements on the edge of life and death, and attacked mines one by one. field, let more and more people join it.

And as more and more infected people began to join this team, the infected people were surprised to find that besides accepting it, they had a second choice about their own future and life, which was to fight to the death with that bastard!

Relying on a far-sighted scholar she met in the mobile city, Tallulah gave this infected organization a name.

Integrate the movement.

The meaning of the name "Integration Movement" is to integrate the loose forces of the infected into one, and unleash abilities beyond imagination!

To this day, although the Integration Movement is still extremely fragile compared to the Ursas regular army, it is already a force that cannot be ignored.

Looking at the temporary stronghold of the integration movement, every infected person can smile calmly without fear, Tallulah feels full of motivation to continue walking.

"Good morning, Natasha, where is your teacher? Have you seen her?"

Stretching out her seemingly slender but actually extraordinarily powerful arms, she rubbed the round ears of a cute little Ursus girl in front of her. Tallulah smiled and asked where an acquaintance was heading.

"I don't know, we don't have class today, we are on vacation! We are going to play with Big Bear! But the teacher should be here—ah, the teacher is here! Over there, run quickly, or she will have to assign more homework !"

The child seemed to have inexhaustible vitality. After seeing the pair of conspicuous antlers not far away, he immediately ran away with his little friend.

"The little ones... good morning, Alina, let me get it for you."

Seeing the slender and beautiful black antlers in front of her, wearing coarse clothes, and the gentle, gray-haired Elafia girl, Tallulah immediately smiled and went up to her, and helped her pick up the basket full of wild vegetables.

Alina, Tallulah's best friend, is also the nicest and gentlest girl she has ever met.

When Tallulah just started her escape and lived in that small village, Alina, an ordinary peasant girl, was by her side all the time, and it was the same after the integration movement was established.

She doesn't know how to fight, and as an infected person, she only has a little Originium skill, but even so, she has been supporting Tallulah in her own way.

Although she has never been to school, Tallulah always feels that the wisdom in Alina's head is not inferior to that of herself who has read poetry and books.

"Talulah, you don't need your help with such trivial matters. Have you finished the herbal tea I made for you? You have been too tired recently and need to recuperate."

Seeing Tallulah approaching, Alina also showed a gentle smile, and the two walked forward together carrying the vegetable basket.

"Of course I drink. Alina, I dare not drink what you gave me, but you are the one who needs to rest more. Drake's body is very strong... Besides, I have been busy recently, so I can't help it."

Looking at the sun in the sky, which was somewhat blurred by the snow and fog, Tallulah couldn't help but sigh.

"I don't know why, but the Ursas military's military activities in the northern snowfield have become more frequent. This place has always been an abandoned wilderness, but all signs indicate that they are transferring the army to the north, which is particularly unfavorable to us. "

Thinking back to the scouts sent from various locations in the past few days about the mobilization of the Ursus army, Tallulah felt one head and two big, and the speed of the tail shaking behind her back became faster.

"The most critical problem is that they don't seem to be here for the integration movement. The most elite armored artillery divisions of the Fourth Army have begun to move to the north... This shows that those warlords have even begun to compromise with each other. I don't understand what they want What to do."

Ursus is by no means monolithic. When the first emperor was alive, Ursus was in a period of glorious external expansion. They destroyed the Gaul Empire, suppressed Letania, and took away a large amount of land from Casimir. The dragon gates of the country are all controlled by Ursus, and no one dares to resist the rule of the former emperor.

At that time, the Ursas were the absolute overlords of the world, and foreign soldiers other than the Ursas were also eligible to become generals, fighting for a belief under the banner of the former emperor full of glory.

Although the treatment of infected people is not as good as that of ordinary people, it is far from being as bad as it is now. They will be quarantined, but it does not mean that human rights do not exist at all. Originium miners are a serious profession, not a more miserable death penalty. penalty.

But with the death of the first emperor, the current little emperor succeeded to the throne. He did not have the prestige of the old emperor, and the whole Ursus fell into endless disputes.

Royalist faction, new aristocracy, old aristocracy, warlord faction, and parliamentary faction are divided and cooperate with each other. Several armies support themselves, and friendly troops are as difficult as mountains, and the whole country begins to go downhill.

This is also one of the reasons why the integration movement still exists. The snowfields in the northwest of Ursas are too desolate, and the land is barren and cold. Except for cold-resistant crops such as moss, other vegetation is difficult to grow and the supply is not smooth. It has been a place of exile since ancient times. Only fools will take the initiative to go here.

No group army is willing to come here to garrison troops. Even if the integration movement is now well-known, the ones sent to attack them are small groups of troops that have been squeezed out by other factions.

The stronghold of the hostile faction was attacked by the integration movement. Some people were too happy. How could they help the brothers?

But now, more and more troops are mobilizing towards the north. Even if they are not coming towards the integration movement, their space for activities is constantly being compressed. This situation is extremely unfavorable to the integration movement's actions.

"Could it be that the emperor of Ursus is going to attack the Sami people? I'm afraid Yan Kingdom and Dong Kingdom will be happy, which is also a good thing for us..."

Frowning slightly, Tallulah has been bothered by such things these days.

"Who knows, I'm just a country girl, and war issues aren't my thing—but you know who to ask, don't you?"

Alina blinked her big eyes at Tallulah, smiled and pointed in a direction in the village.

"That gentleman is the best teacher, isn't he?"

Not far from the village, many heavily armed fighters were eating breakfast uniformly. Compared with most integration movement fighters, they were uniformly dressed and well-trained.

And among the group of warriors, there was an exceptionally tall and straight figure, holding a nearly three-meter-long metal halberd, silently sending moss porridge under the metal mask.

Patriot, this is a name that all Ursus soldiers fear extremely, but respect extremely.

As early as decades before the integration movement was established, this Wendigo, a foreign soldier and Ursus battle hero when the first emperor was alive, took the Ursus veterans out of the army with the new emperor's rise to power. A guerrilla attack broke out in the snow field, attacking the Ursus army, liberating the mine and the infected.

They were called guerrillas, and they had joined the integration movement more than two years ago, but Tallulah knew that the two sides were just cooperating, not really having the same goal.

At each meeting, Tallulah's plans and ideas for the integration movement have never been recognized by the Patriots. He will not explicitly express his opposition and respect Tallulah's decision, but Tallulah always feels that, I still didn't do well.

"Hey...I admit that I don't want to communicate with Mr. Patriot. I tried to seek Mr. Patriot's approval, but at least I haven't succeeded yet. It's really difficult."

In front of this old Sarkaz warrior with unknown years of war experience and hundreds of years of age, Tallulah always felt that she was an inexperienced and very reckless young man.

"Then go and try again, we are still young, aren't we? Learn, communicate, discuss with Mr. Patriot, and finally decide what is right - young and old do not represent the truth, you need to distinguish right from wrong, Is not it?"

And Alina, as usual, encouraged Tallulah with a smile.

"Okay, okay, then try again, I'm leaving, thank you for teaching me, Teacher Alina~~"

Nodding, Tallulah lightly rubbed Alina's antlers with her own dragon horns, looking very intimate.

"Okay, okay, don't talk too much, you are getting more and more glib—by the way, bring this to Frost Star, it's the chili noodles you bought."

As if coaxing a child, Alina hit Tallulah back with her antlers, and gave her a packet of chili powder.

"See you later~~"

Smiling and saying goodbye to her best friend, Tallulah took a deep breath, cheered herself up, and walked towards the guerrilla camp.

As soon as Talula approached the guerrillas, a snowball hit her from a distance, and it just turned into snow water out of thin air in midair.

"Hey, White Rabbit, don't be so aggressive!"

Looking at the girl Carters with long silver hair, a stern face, and a horizontal scar on the bridge of her nose, Tallulah waved her hand kindly. As usual, she just rolled her eyes.

"Hmph, there must be nothing good about you—give me the pepper, my dad just happened to be looking for you, Petrova seems to say that she has caught a strange captive, I'll go and have a look."

Gray eyes glared at Tallulah, this white rabbit who not only felt cold, but also exuded a colder temperature than winter, snatched the chili noodles from Tallulah's hand.

Yelena, code-named Frost Star, is a member of the guerrilla team. The snow monster team she leads is the most elite warlock in the integration movement and Tallulah's reliable comrade-in-arms.

Of course, outside of battle, this icy white rabbit is really hard to get along with, just like her Originium skill, she is always a icy guy.

"To be honest, you definitely look better than Alina when you smile. Do you want to try it? Well, don't hit it, don't hit it, I know, I'm leaving now."

Accompanied by a crackling storm of ice crystals, Tallulah continued to walk forward.

Soon, she came to a mountain.

"Mr. Patriot."

It was a giant. Even among the tall Sarkaz, his height was beyond common sense. His twisted long horns were like several dead ones, entrenched on both sides of the metal helmet.

This is the patriot, Bodrokasti, the shield of Ursus. During the period of great expansion, he and his fellow clansmen were loyal to the first emperor. He killed countless enemies of Ursas with his long halberd, and got the "Captain" The highest rank in the Foreign Legion.

In the end, only himself survived among his kindred.

But now, he has become Ursus' most feared enemy.

His whole body was covered with heavy metal armor, even heavier than the decks of some armored vehicles, and the shield, which was about the same height as Tallulah, was enough to easily withstand heavy artillery bombardment.

These Ursus army power armors have been in disrepair for a long time after being separated from the maintenance of army technicians. Tallulah was fortunate to have seen the fighting posture of the patriots before the armor was completely destroyed.

The mountain in front of him was just a jump, and it crashed into the enemy line like a moving city. Even the elite shield guards and veterans of Ursus were as fragile as paper in front of him.

But now, the power armor has lost its power and has become a simple thick armor, but the Patriot has turned into an indestructible mountain just by relying on the brute force of his body. No one has ever been able to break through his defense

The strength of a patriot stems from his long experience in war, and also from his blood.

He's a Wendigo, an ancient offshoot of the Sarkaz people who, legend has it, feed on human flesh and whose bodies have been cursed to become so powerful that their bodies are twisted and even lost their human form.

Tallulah didn't believe that righteous patriots would eat people, but he never took off his broken metal mask for reasons unknown.

Tallulah has never experienced that glorious era, but she knows that this upright old man is full of anger towards the current Ursus, and in this regard, the two have a rare common ground.

"You're here, Tallulah, sit down."

Patriot spoke slowly, his voice became low and hoarse due to ore disease, but there seemed to be invisible power in his words.

Seeing Tallulah in front of him, Patriot nodded, under the helmet's visor, a dazzling red light radiated.

"Well, this is—Originstone skill? Ancient Sarkaz language?"

Tallulah found that on the snow in front of Patriot, he was using sharp, non-human claws to outline twisted runes on the snow.

"Yes, I have been away from Kazdel for too long, and the only connection I have with it is these words, but not long ago, I felt a surge of origin stone energy from Kazdel's direction - that belongs to the royal family. Descendants, the power of Her Majesty Theresia."

After the rune was drawn, the patriot lightly tapped on the rune, and a bright color like blood instantly filled the rune in the snow and condensed in the hand of the patriot.

Although he has always crushed his opponents with pure strength, Patriot is actually a powerful warlock, and his understanding of Originium skills far exceeds Tallulah's.

"Teresia, the chairman of the Kazdel Military Council? I've heard of her. She seems to be a prince who is loved by the people, and she seems to be regarded as the hope of unifying Kazdel?"

Recalling her past and the political knowledge she learned under a certain bastard, Tallulah quickly thought of the head of the government of this neighboring country.

"I've heard a lot of rumors recently. I heard that not long ago, she established a Tower of Babel organization, not only recruiting Sarkaz people, but also hiring infected people from various ethnic groups to work for it. At the same time, we are also researching ways to fight ore disease... It is very inspiring to think about it, not only us are fighting for the infected in the world."

Although she knew it was impossible, Tallulah still wanted to chat with this Sarkaz leader named Teresia, and she might gain a lot.

"However, the Northwest Snowfield is thousands of kilometers away from Kasdale. Can Originium skills be transmitted so far? Then she must be an incredible sorcerer."

Facing Tallulah's question, the Patriot just shook his head.

"Talulah, the world is not as narrow as our eyes can see. The land under our feet hides even more terrifying secrets, which even I cannot know."

The ancient Sarkaz runes exuded a coquettish red light. This radiance condensed in the palm of the patriot, and began to outline many symbols that looked like words and shapes.

Tallulah doesn't know the function of this origin stone skill, so she can only speculate based on experience.

"Mr. Patriot, are you... looking for something?"

For this question, the Patriots did not answer directly.

"Her Highness Teresia's spell energy pulse spread through the origin stone veins in the earth to every pure-blooded Sarkaz. She experienced a fierce battle, and her opponent... was a horror beyond our imagination."