Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

Chapter 292

Spirits, cannons, cured meat and Ursus dance constituted the wild life of the Ursus people, and this wildness reached its peak when the first emperor of Ursas was alive.

Together with the old rivals such as Victoria, Letania and even Casimir, the Ursas were smashed to pieces, almost recreating the glorious Gaul Empire of the Ursas Empire, and completely carve up its territory and territory.

And in the conflict with Dayan, Ursus and the ancient empire also had victories and losses. After the Duke of Kosiche's attempt to occupy Longmen failed, the two families maintained a short-term peace.

Ah, what a happy and glorious day it was at that time. Until now, there are still many veterans who are still alive, thinking about that memorable time.

In the era of the first emperor, foreign races could also become generals, civilians had the opportunity to become marshals, farmers had surplus food in their families, and even infected people could find a stable job in their own communities, all of which made the emperor's prestige reach peak!

Everyone believes that Ursus will get better and better. No matter if it is Dayan, Dongguo, Victoria and Letania, Columbia or Casimir, they cannot compete with this behemoth.

The former emperor, who was in his prime, was also full of ambitions. Internal reforms, expansion in the south, expansion in the north, and a series of new policies began to be piloted. Even those who had different opinions did not dare to show it.

Let the queen... the first emperor died.

There was no warning, the cause of death was unknown, and the inner guards were silent about the death of the emperor. No matter whether it was the parliament, the nobles or the warlords, they could not get any explanation about the death of the emperor.

Although the hunk from the sky is good, the biggest disadvantage is that everything will be returned to its original shape without the hunk.

The new emperor ascended the throne, and the heir of the old emperor was also full of ambition.

He has lived in the shadow of his father for too long, but he also has his own political achievements and governance experience. After he ascended the throne, he quickly contacted the leaders of various factions, hoping that everyone would unite and overcome difficulties together, and try to show them his reliability. .

However, he is not his father after all.

Then, the era of great rebellion began, and it was still the same set of rhetoric used by the Qing emperor to punish the country's thieves. The royalists, old warlords, new nobles, old nobles, and the whole of Ursas were smashed into a pot of porridge. The war lasted for decades. The domestic situation Only barely stable.

The royalists defeated the old nobles, a large number of former heroes were wiped out, and countless new officers were promoted upwards, which prevented the entire Ursus Empire from falling into disintegration.

Although facing external enemies, Ursas still appears monolithic, and the torrent of steel formed by several army groups is daunting, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that Ursus is no longer as brilliant as it used to be.

The failure of the Wudong War was not because of how many brave soldiers there were in that small country in the far east, but because under the orders of the parliament and the emperor, the warlords of several armies and factions tried to shirk and argue with each other. It was difficult to move like a mountain, which eventually led to failure.

Ursus is still strong, and neither Victoria, Letania nor the emerging Colombia dare to confront this old empire head-on.

But there is no doubt that the Ursus is already a rusty and damaged car, and it has embarked on its own downhill road.

Whether it is the new emperor Fyodor or the speaker of the Imperial Parliament, Islam Witt, although they are all talented people, at best they can only slow down the descent of this broken car.

He creaks, but he is unstoppable, and all enemies who stand in his way will be smashed into dust, but his end is almost doomed.

The general trend of the country is always like this, but in the process, how many common people, how many poor farmers on the snowfields, and infected miners in black mines, lost their lives because of this?

No one knows, and no one cares, just like how many coniferous trees are struggling to survive under the frozen soil in the far north of Ursus.

If you want to melt this thick layer of snow, you must... a hot, intense fire that seems to burn everything and light up the darkness—a prairie fire.

Ursus Empire, North, Infia Province

1092, spring.

Weather, light snow.

Although spring has come, in Ursas, the cold of winter still hangs over here.

The sun was setting, and in this uninhabited extreme northern land, the night came very early.

Soon, darkness will completely cover this place.


Accompanied by a roar, in the snow-covered coniferous forest, in the path of a wild beast, a military motorcycle roared past, and the huge roar shook the snow on the treetops on both sides.

A man and a woman were sitting on the motorcycle.

The man was concentrating on driving, while the girl with long, smooth white hair was holding a white lollipop in her mouth, and she got into the man's arms with her whole body.

Gao Qi and Skadi are still on their way today.

It has been nearly a week since crossing the northern border of Kazdale and entering the territory of Ursus.

Although there is an Ursus Army Chen Bing on the border, for the two professional hunters, it is very easy to avoid them.

No way, it’s different from going to Casimir. For Ursas, a country with strict censorship, formal channels are too troublesome.

Along the way, Gao Qi stayed away from big cities and densely populated areas, and did not deal with the Ursas too much. He basically relied on the supplies in his dreams and hunting wild animals on the way to survive in the wilderness.

However, occasionally, Gao Qi still passed by some remote mountain villages to exchange information with the local villagers, and he quickly understood the current situation of Ursas from a perspective that he could not learn from books.

Ursus is a powerful sovereign country. Although the internal forces are severely divided, it is at least much safer on the surface than the chaotic Kazdel.

However, the people here are still living a difficult life. Compared with the Kazdel people who are afraid of bandits and robbers, the people here are more afraid of officers and soldiers.

Every time Gao Qi passed by some villages, the villagers would immediately hide in their homes, and after Gao Qi stated that the two were just hunters, not tax officials, pickets and infected refugees, most of the villagers would immediately treat them enthusiastically— Of course, it was after Gao Qi used animal meat as a thank you gift.

Although it is not likely to be in danger of life like the people of Kazdel at any time, the strict tax policy here is not only to make the people live and work in peace, but also to make the farmers' lives difficult.

However, Gao Qi can kill the superiors, but he has nothing to do with governing the country, so he can only complete his own tasks first.

"The coordinates Magellan gave me are a bit vague. They said they asked me to look for them nearby, and they said they left a mark. It's really difficult, so take your time to find them... Hey!"

Letting go of a handle of the motorcycle, Gao Qi's left hand dishonestly hugged Skadi in his arms, and while driving, he got into Skadi's uniform from bottom to top, skillfully Knead it up.

At first, Skadi didn't care about it, but facing Gao Qi who knew every sensitive point of her, she couldn't help but groaned in a low voice.

"Well, why..."

Although Kazdel doesn't have a Civil Affairs Bureau, and the two of them are just boyfriend and girlfriend in name, but they have long been old couples who know each other well, and I know your length, and they are still as shy as they were at the beginning.

"...After driving for a long time, my hands are freezing cold, so it's warm~~"

Before Gao Qi could finish his words, a cold sensation came from his waist.

"Hmph, wait for the puppet sister to scold you."

Skadi just turned around, gave Gao Qi a shy look, and stretched his two little hands behind him, moving up and down.

"Then what are you doing, Titi?"

Feeling Titi's little hand, which can usually catch mudstone rock giants as balls, is now extremely skillful in comforting, Gao Qi couldn't help speeding up the car.

"Well... keep warm, hurry up, I want to keep warm."

Pulling out Gao Qi's belt directly, Skadi then bent down and lay on the head of the motorcycle.

This cold and dedicated deep-sea hunter a year ago had already forgotten that he was actually only on a "holiday". Now Skadi has completely turned into a soft little wife.

Even though Gao Qi doesn't have this idea for the time being, the girls in the family have started to actively prepare for pregnancy under the guidance of Annalize, a pregnancy expert whose family mission is to have children—when the situation stabilizes, the matter of having children will be We have to bring up the charter.

"Ha... well, Titi, you have to sit still~~"

As a result, the motorcycle running at high speed began to accelerate, decelerate, accelerate, and decelerate.

Because it is close to the polar circle and it is inland, the warm sea breeze is far away from here. Only a large number of cold currents blowing from the north keep the place at low temperature all year round, and only a few months a year will melt the white snow. It is still cold.

The Ursus Empire has a vast territory, not only has more than 60 provinces directly under the central government, but also several governorships that are under the control of various army groups. This is the final result of countless interest struggles.

Yinfei Province, located in the north of the empire, is the largest of them.

Of course, the huge area often has nothing to do with economic superiority.

On the contrary, just like Siberia, Yinfei Province is obvious because it contains the most extensive and barren piece of land in Ursus - Yinfei Snowfield.

This place is flat and desolate, and most of the area is either white snowfields or lush coniferous forests. Although there are abundant forest resources and origin stone mineral resources, it is obviously not a good place for people to live.

Although there are still some economic benefits, the biggest role and significance of this place for the Ursus Empire is to exile prisoners and deal with infected people.

There are very few resident farmers here, and the wild is full of infected beasts. Even the tax collection team is very reluctant to go to this stupid snowfield.

Moreover, compared with the registered peasant households, no one is willing to find out the number of those black households and even the infected people who fled.

And the scariest thing is the "guerrilla" that roams the snowfields and keeps attacking mines and garrisons.

Of course, in the past two years, there seems to be an organization called the "Integration Movement", but compared to the guerrilla army with full combat effectiveness that defected from the regular army, no one cares so much about these mobs.

Although Ursas also launched a few times to clear the land, but the sky is high and the emperor is far away, no one is willing to go to this poor place.

The Imperial Parliament could only keep urging the local governor, and then let the various legions pick out some objects to be excluded, called bandit suppression, but exile.

Some of the generals and soldiers sent over were full of ambition at the beginning, but when they saw the black shadow of the mountain and the snow monster that froze their hearts on the battlefield, they were naturally frightened and shrank back in the stronghold. I don't want to go out and die.

As for the local provincial governor, he didn't intend to improve anything at all. He made a mess on the spot and lived a luxurious life in the capital. The Imperial Council also knew that this place was a pure mess, so it didn't care about things here in the end.

Therefore, because of the non-province, the name of the poorest province was confirmed. After one winter, I don't know how many people will die.


Although the motorcycle was loud, it didn't scare off a group of faint green lights around the forest path.

Ursus giant wolf, the strongest of the hundreds of species of Lupus known to Terra, they survived the bitter cold with thick fur and a huge body to resist the severe cold of the extreme north.

And likewise, because it takes a lot of calories to resist the severe cold, this top predator is also the most ferocious hunter.

After being thrown down by this giant wolf, the huge bite force can even bite through ordinary armor. If facing a pack of wolves, sometimes there may even be a situation where no one survives in a logging camp.


Soon, the leader of the wolf pack uttered a frightening howl, and swooped towards the prey ahead.

It seems to have already felt the taste of fresh and tender flesh and blood.

Then, Skadi, who was sitting on the motorcycle and straightening his trousers, suddenly turned his head towards the giant wolf, and his red eyes shot fiercely.

"Gao Qi, eat wolf meat for dinner!"

"Tsk...it tastes weird, the meat of carnivores is really not that good, so just eat it fresh."

Soon, a warm bonfire rose in the dense forest. Gao Qi took the saw knife in his hand, sliced ​​a piece of oily meat from the roast wolf leg on the grill, and stuffed it into his mouth. Finally shook his head.

"Well, I think it's pretty good. The hot sauce made by the puppet sister is also very delicious-won't you call them out for dinner?"

On the side, Skadi was putting his legs together and leaning against Gao Qi, obviously still reminiscing about the tenderness just now.

Just had a good love with Gao Qi, now she looks full of energy.

"Forget it, Annalize is still autistic. I will take my things back when I sleep for a while—not only to find Magellan, but also to find Senior Sister Maria... I heard from the villagers that many troops have recently marched north gone."

Sighing lightly, Gao Qi hugged Skadi into his arms, kissed her lightly, and licked off the seasoning residue from the corner of her mouth.

Along the way, relying on countless fragmented information, Gao Qi discovered that not only was he heading north to the Yinfei Snowfield, but also many Ursus troops were being mobilized.

They come from different factions, the spheres of influence are very different from each other, and the entanglement of interests is difficult to adjust. The emperor and a little bit of brains will never allow them to get together.

But there is only one situation that can bring them together—war, a war that requires Ursus to do his best.

And in the north of Ursas, the small country of Sami, even if there is a war, there is no need for Ursas to mobilize so many troops.

"Sure enough, the twenty or so inner guards who died in the Sunset Canyon... the demon thing is probably going to be a monster."

On the side, Skadi gnawed off a wolf leg, and lay directly on Gao Qi's knee pillow.

"Evil—the monsters you mentioned, Gao Qi, are those monsters that are somewhat similar to Haisi?"

Skadi is very smart, but her knowledge has brought down the average level of Agor people on her own. She has never had a chance with a technical consul in her life, and she has never bothered to understand the so-called superiors studied by Dr. and Kelsey. Just listen to Gao Qi's order.

However, when it came to his prey, Skadi still paid more attention.

"Well, almost, Haisi can quickly imitate and evolve according to the weapons used by the enemy, but demons are different. There are also some records on Kelsey's side. They are powerful because of their knowledge, and they do not have a complete entity. They will erode The stability of the physical world...feels a bit like memetic contamination, never mind, until then."

Gao Qi is basically sure that in Ursus, he will definitely have a good encounter with these so-called demons.

"As for the Ursus army... don't ask for cooperation, as long as they don't fight."

Thinking about the girls at home, Gao Qi didn't want to stay here for too long.

Although he also wanted to visit the integration movement, he felt that he, the incarnation of feudal superstition, was not in harmony with other people's revolutionary organizations—it can only be said that everything is just as it happens.

"Yeah, but... those two kids seem to have been spying on us for a long time, do you want to invite them over to warm up?"

Stretching a lot, Skadi turned over and sat up, lying next to Gauchi's ear, whispering to him, and couldn't help looking at a thick and immortal tree trunk not far away.

Not long after the fire was lit, the two of them noticed that in the darkness over there, there seemed to be two curious and vigilant eyes watching them from a distance.

Even if Gauchi didn't use his hunter instinct, he could still see the undisguised gaze of eagerness for the roast meat on their fire.

Although they couldn't see their faces, it was very easy for the two hunters to deduce their general information.

"It's two children, one is a bit timid, and the other is pretending to be calm. I remember that someone in the last village where I stayed said that there is a military mine near here... where did they escape from?"

After reasoning carefully, Gao Qi nodded, took out a torch from the fire, and took out another roasted wolf leg. Accompanied by the aroma of fat, he walked towards the side of the dense forest.


"Hush! Be quiet, he doesn't know we're-!"