Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

Chapter 303

After that, there will be a character that no one can imagine! !

I just found out that there are a lot of skins, and I didn't change them at all after I bought them... This is probably because people are stupid and have too much money.

25. Integrate Motion with Spark

Soon, the pleasant breakfast time is over.

Although it is almost impossible to cook without rice, Alina, a girl who can do almost all housework, is indeed a wonderful woman. Although she can't cook any delicacies in the integrated sports camp where supplies are scarce, it does make people feel happy in the cold spring. I felt a touch of warmth.

Simple food, but enough to satisfy, in this poor and desolate place, it can even be said to be a big meal.

After eating, Magellan was still full of enthusiasm, ready to take the two of them to prepare a new residence for Gao Qi and the others.

When she is the only guest, she can temporarily live in Tallulah's small house, but this time not only Gao Qi and Skadi are there, but also hundreds of miners, it is obviously unrealistic to borrow.

The fighters of the integration movement intend to build enough houses for these new members during the rest period when the next battle begins, so that they can settle down.

However, Gao Qi temporarily declined the little penguin's invitation and let Skadi set off with her alone.

The little penguin is obviously still a little scared, this superman who used to kill killer whales everywhere in the Rhine Life headquarters, but...you have to get used to it early, and the natural enemies have to live in harmony. In the future, the Tower of Babel will have seal operators and As for the polar bear operators, it can only be said that they are taking care of each other.

But now, in Tallulah's simple wooden house, it was quiet again.

"Okay, the kids are asleep, I have to go to class, you entertain guests at home, don't always work, go for a walk every hour - don't talk too loudly, and wake them up again. "

After cleaning up the messy dishes, Alina arranged Sasha and Ino into her room, and comforted the two little swans and snakes who had been wandering for a long time and lay on the bed.

Maybe it's because Alina is too friendly, and her good figure, although not too plump, is full of maternal breath, the two children who are new to a strange place and are still a little bit confused, quickly comforted by her They embraced each other and fell asleep, falling into a deep sleep.

Taking off her apron and putting on a set of barely warm clothes, Alina walked up to Tallulah, stretched out her hand and tapped her dragon horn.

"You haven't rested since you set off yesterday morning. Before noon, no matter how much work you have, you must sleep. Understand? No more overtime work is allowed! Don't think that you can be brave just because you are Drake."

Although she acted a bit annoyed, Alina's blue eyes were still full of smiles, like a playful fight between friends and girlfriends.

"Yes, yes, yes, I know, we won't talk for too long, you should work harder, Teacher Alina, don't catch a cold~~"

Sitting opposite Gao Qi, the white-haired little dragon girl Talula also showed a happy smile that Gao Qi had never seen in the game. She stood up from the wooden stool and snapped her fingers lightly.

An erratic flame rose from Tallulah's jade-like fingertips and floated around Alina's body, causing the temperature around her to rise immediately.

"Slick...Talk to Mr. Gao Qi, he is much more stable than you—Okay, Mr. Gao Qi, if Tallulah says something stupid afterwards, I apologize to you in advance for her, and see you later."

Gazing at Tallulah, Alina lowered her head and touched the long antlers on Tallulah's head twice with the curved antlers on her head. The expression was not so much complaining, but loving.

"Hey~~ Go slowly, be careful not to slip."

Tallulah, on the other hand, watched Alina open the door and leave cheerfully, and proudly patted Gao Qi's chest at the side.

"Don't look at her like this. Although she often says harsh words, Alina is actually a very gentle and good teacher, and her housework is also the best in the entire integration movement!"

On the other side, Gao Qi, who didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, just smiled silently.

That's great, Tana Tie Tie!

Gao Qi, the former doctor, has singled out this pair of CPs since Chapter 8. Now he can see the intimate interaction between the two girls, which makes Gao Qi very touched. Under the intimate interaction, I just eat the beautiful scenery in front of me.

Well, in fact, Gao Qi also singled out mud rock x Lily of the valley, Dr. Wx, Kelsey x Warfarin, Serea x Hemer and the most traditional deep-sea lovers group, but now...

CP is one thing, and wife is another thing, no one stipulates that wives can't stick to each other, right!

Even if someone posts it, they can be Gao Qi's wife - I can love you and your best friend at the same time!

At least in the few days before they left, Serena and Hemo stuck together very tightly every day. The two female schoolmasters kissed each other while teasing Gao Qi with jerky movements. I can't forget—the plan to create a younger sister for Ifrit may be several years in advance.

However, at least for now, Gao Qi doesn't have any bad thoughts about the young red dragon in front of him. It has nothing to do with the leader for the time being.

She is not as calm and sophisticated as the leader of the integration movement before, nor is she full of gloom and arrogance like the villain Black Snake that Gao Qi knew. Now Tallulah is full of enthusiasm, and her gray eyes are full of passion. hope.

It is also such a person who, together with Alina, an ordinary Ursas village girl, can establish the current integration movement step by step. She naturally has a charming personality that makes people fascinated.

"Alina, she has always been snarky, and you should be able to tell that she is actually very gentle—ah, sorry, did I digress?"

It was rare to have an audience, and Tallulah couldn't help showing off Alina a bit more. After a few compliments, she finally realized her gaffe, and covered her mouth in embarrassment.

As the leader of the integration movement, Tallulah needs to always lead by example. Even if she is usually easy-going, she tends to look a little more serious in front of soldiers, and it is true that she rarely has the opportunity to praise Alina in front of outsiders.

Before, in front of Magellan, Tallulah had once shown off the girl who had been walking with her since several years ago. This time, facing Gao Qi, she couldn't bear it anymore.

"It doesn't matter. Having an excellent companion is something worth showing off. Our Titi is also very cute—although she is a little bit strong, it's always easy to crush my bones."

Facing Tallulah's actions, Gao Qi smiled slightly, expressing his complete understanding.

He also likes to show off the progress of those around him to outsiders. For example, Ifrit has grown a centimeter taller, or Rosemary has recently started learning derivatives—she is really smart.

"In short, it's rare to have a confidant in life, a friend who understands one's own personality, which makes people both scared and happy, right?"

Looking at the white-haired Drake girl in front of him, Gao Qi suddenly felt that she was actually a bit like himself—the kind of person who is usually out of shape, but can stand up at critical moments.

"Oh...you are right, it is indeed my luck to meet a friend like Alina."

Hearing Gao Qi's words, Tallulah froze for a second, showed a beautiful smile, and nodded in agreement.

"However, let's stop the gossip, Mr. Gao Qi, we can talk again when we have a chance."

Restraining her smile, Tallulah sat upright, and the tail of the dragon that was swinging back and forth calmed down.

Almost instantly, she changed from the female college student who seemed to be fighting with her roommates to the rigorous and serious leader of the integration movement.

"Okay, Miss Tallulah, then I will also formally confirm my identity - Rhine Life's dispatched commissioner, Babel Tower's field operator, mainly responsible for dealing with incidents related to the infected, avoiding the harm and disasters caused by the superiors, and Find out the relationship between the origin stone and the superior."

Although during the previous holidays, Gao Qi seldom did business, and spent most of his time with his children or his girlfriend, but this time he was on a business trip, he still seriously applied for a lot of power from Her Majesty Theresia.

No one can bind the old hunter and make the half-higher serve her - except the wife-to-be.

"His Royal Highness Teresia did not make a specific request, but she will definitely allow me to contact another organization that fights for the infected. I have already applied for the right to speak on behalf of the Tower of Babel—in other words, I will Represents the Tower of Babel."

His elbows rested on the table, and Gao Qi's palms overlapped in front of him. In Tallulah's eyes, he also changed from the kind man just now to a sharper one.

"The Tower of Babel is committed to solving the problems caused by various infected people, and hopes to create a home for the infected and non-infected people to live together. When necessary, we will still use force, and we are happy to cooperate with any organization with good intentions. cooperating."

Putting on the hunter's three-cornered hat again, Gao Qi would occasionally be so serious.

"In other words, Tower of Babel is willing to contact and provide assistance to an organization like the Integration Movement that fights for the infected—Of course, I hope Miss Tallulah, you can explain in more detail what the 'Integration Movement is' '."

Gao Qi can't predict the future. When he left the Tower of Babel, Gao Qi didn't expect that only half a month later, he would sit in this warm cabin and talk face to face with Tallulah.

However, regarding what he wanted to do, he had already thought about it long before he went to the Tower of Babel.

The Reunification Movement and the Tower of Babel, two organizations founded by idealists and fighting for similar but different ideals, both eventually collapsed due to the conspiracy of others, and countless good people died in vain.

Gao Qi can't see good people die, he wants to change all this.

So, if one organization cannot support itself, how about two organizations or more people unite to fight for a common ideal?

Hearing Gao Qi's question, Tallulah hesitated for a moment, and then slowly spoke.

"What is a Consolidation Movement... Mister Gauchi, that's definitely a good question, and I've been thinking about it since I first had the idea more than three years ago, but even today I've never gotten one Really satisfying answer."

Shrugging her shoulders, Tallula's thoughts seemed to return to the small village where she escaped from the prison and temporarily hid three years ago.

There, the grandfather and grandmother who were both infected took her in, a strange girl who had never met and was still wearing an Ursus military uniform.

But when the picket team of infected people appeared, the grandfather who was an infected person deliberately reported himself in order to save himself, and was beaten to death by the soldiers of the picket team.

At that moment, a fire ignited in Tallulah's heart for the first time. She killed a high-spirited picket team member, but finally fled there under Alina's persuasion. Just for self-protection, selfish and ruthless.

Can justice be called justice when justice must be done by violence?

Tallulah didn't come up with an answer, she only knew that in Ursus, the so-called justice can only be done by violence.

Along the way, she did not know how many tragedies she had seen. The infected were driven and hunted wantonly, like wild beasts and prey, but the soldiers and slave owners who committed violence shouted "Your Majesty bless" just like the infected.

Tallulah knew that this was not right, this was not right.

Infected people don't ask for much. Every infected person knows that their life is not long. They don't want to live extravagantly. Even if there is only a place where they can die peacefully, they will be satisfied.

But Ursus was not going to grant them even this last mercy.

So, since the infected have nothing to lose, why do they not fight to continue to live?

So, Tallulah lit the fire. She didn't even know how long the fire could last in the storm called Ursus, but Tallulah would keep burning until it was completely extinguished.

"Once someone goes to plunder us, we will unite and fight them back. The infected are powerful, and this power is stronger than anyone imagined—we infected will regain their lives, bread, and fire little by little."

"The infected should develop their own cities. If Ursus does not allow it, this Ursas should be changed! Exile, flee, leave the country, and finally just be displaced. Infected want to regain their dignity, need strength, need Unity requires a change in the status quo."

In front of Gao Qi, Tallulah spoke softly from the beginning, and gradually became impassioned, and her voice was filled with an indescribable power.

Gao Qi could see that the red dragon's heart was burning with fire.

It was the ideal flame. Before that, Gao Qi had only felt this power when talking with Theresia.

But compared to Her Royal Highness who has become calm and introverted after a hundred years of hard work, Tallulah's blood is more intense. She tried her best to make herself appear more mature and stable, but her youthful mentality in her twenties was hard to hide.

"Our goal is to unite the infected in Ursus, no, the entire land... Maybe we are in different places, but our resentment towards our situation is the same."

"My friend in a certain city called this kind of behavior "integration". He called on the infected to unite and called himself the "integration movement" around the same belief to protest the cruel rule of the infected by Ursus now— Not with slogans and flags, but with fists and knives!"

"The life of an infected person is very short, but I hope to use the remaining years to ignite this fire, and then let one infected person after another pass on this fire until it completely changes Ursus, or it is extinguished!"

The impassioned speech lasted for a long time, and when Tallulah spoke too quickly and took a breath between the words, she suddenly remembered that there was an audience she had just met not long before her.

"Ah, Gao Qi, sir, I, I am talking too much to myself, sorry, I am not hostile to non-infected people, and I did not intend to offend you."

She immediately looked at Gao Qi who was listening carefully, and Tallulah's excited expression calmed down. She remembered that Mr. Gao Qi, Miss Skadi and Mai Mai in front of her were all healthy without ore disease. people.

Anyway, Gao Qi is just a guest from Kazdel. Although he is very powerful, he is not the leader of the organization after all. Tallulah feels that it may be a bit difficult for him to understand what he has said.

At this moment, Gao Qi applauded at the right time, making her blush with embarrassment.

"Ah, this, this is actually just an idea, and Mr. Patriot didn't agree, and I don't have any professional background...I figured it out by myself in the past few years."

Except for Alina, Tallulah did not tell other members of the Integration Movement about her life experience and experience. After all, they certainly did not want an heir to the Duke of Usas to be their leader.

"No, what you said is very good. Practice is the only criterion for testing the truth. The conclusion you draw from the practice of the integration movement is definitely not just talking on paper, is it?"

After listening to Tallulah's words, Gao Qi was a little surprised, even...shocked.

Although her theory is still a bit raw, but...the embryonic form of a revolution has already taken shape.

If Gao Qi was still a young keyboard warrior on Earth, but now, as a well-informed old hunter, Gao Qi knew that Tallulah had taken that crucial first step.

Although the idea that sprouted in her mind was simple, it might really ignite a fire as she said.

Moreover, it is not knowledge based on scriptures, but a program that fully conforms to the current situation of Terra society and adapts measures to local conditions.

Tallulah might, indeed, be a formidable revolutionary.

The premise is yes - there is no terrible darkness to swallow her up.

However, Gao Qi can still do some things, for example... remind Tallulah and guide her a little bit.

After all, when he was in college, he listened carefully to the lectures.

"Your idea is very interesting, Miss Tallulah, but I have also traveled to Terra and met many people in the current social situation. I still want to ask you a question."

Putting up a finger, Gao Qi smiled and began to ask the red dragon in front of him.

"Miss Tallulah, please tell me, what do you think is the most terrifying disease in the world?"


It will be updated on Tuesday, and you will be able to draw cards soon~~~ There are only a few dozen yellow tickets to draw the last two ten-link coupons. This time, we must work hard without spending a penny! Resolutely not krypton gold!

26. Poverty and chronic diseases.

What is the most difficult disease to cure on Terra?

"If you say that the biggest disease Terra is facing, Mr. Gao Qi, I have to think about it, whether it is bureaucracy or slavery, but if it is a real disease—then besides ore disease, is there a second disease?"

After hearing Gao Qi's question, Tallulah raised her eyebrows a little strangely, and looked at the smiling man.

"Besides, you are serving in the Tower of Babel, and your deep understanding of ore disease should be higher than mine."

Talula could clearly feel that Gao Qi didn't mean this, and she quickly began to seriously think about the deep meaning of his words.

After all, Gao Qi's impression on her... is unfathomable.

Her life as the leader of the Ursas Gendarmerie made her very good at observing words and expressions. Even if a general pretends to be a civilian, the temperament revealed in his every move will not deceive people. Even if he deliberately hides it, Tallulah can detect it. Gao What hides beneath that plain exterior.

Even without looking at his peculiar teleportation ability, the strange weapons he took out casually, and the powerful companions recognized by Mr. Patriot, Tallulah realized Gao Qi's extraordinaryness just by seeing him the first time.

"Yeah, is the ore disease terrible? The ore disease is really terrible."