Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

Chapter 305

After breakfast, after chatting with Talula, Gao Qi went out again, and the sky was already bright.

Walking slowly in the village with a thin layer of snow, Gao Qi watched the members of the integration movement running around, making preparations for the next operation.

Many farmers walked out of their homes with hoes on their shoulders, preparing for the next spring plowing, and they all had Origin Stone crystals on their bodies without exception.

Gao Qi's appearance did not attract too many people's attention. He tightly covered every exposed place on his body, so that no one would find out that he was not an infected person, so as to avoid causing trouble.

The total number of people in the integration movement is large, and no one will find a stranger. This also means that this organization is extremely easy to be infiltrated, and it is far less rigorous than the guerrillas.

Perhaps right now, many details are hidden in it, but Gao Qi has no ability to find them all.

[Miss Puppet, Her Lady Queen, and King of Knights, what do you think? 】

Gao Qi looked into his dream. As usual, the King of Knights and Annalize were sitting on the coffee table drinking tea, while Miss Doll was making a sweater for Rosemary beside them—she could Love the two kids in the family.

The milk tea mixed with tumour's milk and Victoria black tea was steaming hot, which made Gao Qi feel a little greedy after just eating a rough meal.

【Well, kind hunter, I should have read it right. If it wasn’t for what you said, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to perceive it. There is a darkness hidden in the depths of her soul...but it’s too vague, and I can’t even tell which soul belongs to it. Who. 】

Stopping the knitting needle in her hand, a trace of doubt appeared on the face of the puppet lady.

As a puppet endowed with life, she has gained a little bit of humanity, and she has a very clear perception of the soul, but even she can't see Tallulah's current state.

【Hmph, don't need to think about it at all, her soul is undoubtedly her own, but it has been infected by other powers—Knight, your soul also has my power, but... a little bit of it . 】

Gracefully holding the teacup, although Annalize was occasionally deflated, most of them still maintained the appearance of a cold queen.

As she said, as knights and queens, Gao Qi and Annalize have exchanged blood with each other, and each other's power has also entered each other's soul.

Even though compared to Gao Qi's current huge existence, the power that really belongs to the filthy blood clan is only a small part of it, but it cannot be removed, and it is the best proof of the relationship between the two.

[Obviously, a part of that girl has been changed, maybe it's the origin stone skill, maybe it's a psychological suggestion, maybe it's something else, it might even be related to the superior...Hey, let me tell you, those women are already I have reached the limit of my patience, you are not allowed to harm other people's girls again, I will really be angry, really! 】

【Yes yes yes... tonight obediently wait at home~~】

[Go to hell, stinky pervert! Back then I shouldn't have bothered with you! 】

The next second, in front of Gao Qi, a teacup flew out of the dream. Gao Qi quickly grabbed it in his hand, and then took a sip of the milk tea in it—she gave several dream residents all the dream rights, the queen My lord, the hostess naturally likes to throw things and hit people.

But Gao Qi knew that, after all, Her Majesty the Queen would honestly wait for him on the bed tonight—her heart at home was not to the same degree as W's.

【Okay, okay, Miss Knight Wang, your master called us to the north, probably because of the ghosts we encountered before—what do you think? 】

Looking at the former Casimir Knight King, who was fishing and watching the show, Gao Qi sighed helplessly. He never thought before that it was Maria Senior Sister who used her "relic" to teach this little knight Ways to defeat the gods.

But now, if he wanted to come to the north to find Maria, he naturally had to ask her only apprentice.

[Well, I'm afraid you, Gao Qi, are more aware of Master's character as an old man. However, there has never been a place where she is waiting for you. You can only go to her—but, judging from her goals, it is likely that we have to deal with it. , no, is what you have to deal with. 】

The King of Knights has retired, and the **** she should fight is slowly recovering in Gao Qi's dream, and she does not plan to continue working. After all, Gao Qi has more experience in this area than her.

[By the way, then what, if you want to be my master, please hurry up and work hard, I also really want to see my master have a happy home - I am optimistic about you, Mr. Gao Qi~~]

Now, the biggest goal of the King of Knights is to quickly match up that master who talked about Gao Qi a lot back then, and this overly "fraternal" Mr. Hunter.

After all, relying on her observations in the dream for so long, this Mr. Hunter is almost a perfect choice for a spouse, no matter in terms of character, strength, ability, or... function.

As a result, the King of Knights himself, who watched this guy distribute dog food every day, was a little...

[Ahem, there will be, there will be, well, let's not talk about these gossips, we will probably have a chat in a while, what the **** did we encounter. 】

The pace under his feet quickened a lot, and Gao Qi recalled the dark shadows he encountered before, and couldn't help but have some associations.

In Terra, there is no existence identical to those strange creatures, but... maybe there are some things that can be very similar.

"Nightmare border...I don't want to go to that place again."

Soon, Gao Qi walked to the other side of the village. The village itself is not very big, and Gao Qi walked there within a few minutes.

Here, there are many marching tents that are neatly arranged. One by one, well-dressed, but lack of maintenance, and there are many worn-out equipment, soldiers are running quickly among them.

This is the camp of the guerrillas, and the people living in it are naturally the shields of the infected, the guerrillas who are active on the snowfield.

The clothes they wore were somewhat similar to the Ursas fighters they met before, but they seemed to be specially modified for the purpose of distinguishing them, and many labels belonging to the guerrillas were added, which highlighted a lot of personality.

Gao Qi has seen many armies, and he can tell at a glance that these guerrillas have extremely high discipline, even if they are just putting on airs, they are much better than members of the integration movement.

Tough, powerful, high-spirited, and as cold as winter, the guerrillas, led by the patriots, seemed to have become an iron army. Even the troops under Teresia were slightly inferior to them.

The guerrillas were brought out by the patriots from Ursus' legion. During the Great Rebellion, many people felt sad and desperate for the status quo of Ursas. Whether it was for Ursus or their own interests, many people I chose to stand on the top of the mountain.

But now, those rebellious old nobles have been hanged on the execution ground of Fort St. Jun, only patriots and guerrillas still stand here.

Those confused recruits back then have turned into tough and unyielding veterans, and most of them have already died, but even if they start training from scratch, the soldiers here still give people high spirits.

"Perhaps we should let the integrated movement popularize relevant training more, but we can't just rely on training, but also let them agree from the bottom of their hearts..."

Although he said he hated politics and would not interfere with the Integration Movement and Tallulah, Gao Qi finally began to conceive of a transformation method for the Integration Movement.

However, for him, the primary goal is to destroy the superior who invaded the real world, as well as—the darkness buried deep in Tallulah's soul.

Gao Qi's sensitivity is different now. Even not long ago, when he was saving Amiya, he accidentally ran into another clone controlled by the "Black Snake", and let him catch it. .

Gao Qi feels that whether it is the northern strangeness or the black shadow entrenched in Ursus, there seems to be some similarity between each other.

"Hey, what are you thinking, then who—Gauchi?"

Suddenly, behind Gao Qi, a slightly hoarse, but pleasant enough female voice sounded.

"Ah, Miss Frost Star, I'm here for a meeting with Mr. Patriot. Are Magellan and Titi here too? I can't find the direction of the meeting room."

Turning his head, Gao Qi put on a friendly smile on his face, and looked at the white rabbit whose left eye was covered by white hair and the big ears stood upright—it made people want to rub it.

"If you dare to touch it, I will freeze your hand off first."

Although he knew that he might not be Gao Qi's opponent, but after seeing Gao Qi's undisguised gaze, Shuang Xing gave him a glare, and mercilessly let out cruel words from his mouth.

"No way, I dare not touch it, am I such a frivolous person?"

Smiling awkwardly, Gao Qi walked to Shuang Xing's side and walked side by side with her.

If you don't let him touch it now, who knows in the future—anyway, this white rabbit, Gao Qi is sure to trick the Tower of Babel!

"Hmph, you are so glib, your smile looks just like Tallulah's."

With a cold snort, Shuangxing suddenly thought of something, put his slender hand into his pocket, and took out a somewhat crude, red candy.

"Come on, eat a piece of candy, don't dislike the shoddy, it's not so easy to eat candy here - remember to pinch it, don't touch my skin."

Looking at the red candy, Gao Qi couldn't help but smack his lips, he knew what it was - spicy, absolutely super spicy!

"Then—thank you?"

Without thinking too much, Gao Qi put his hand on Frost Xing's slender hand, took the candy, and slapped it hard without listening to Frost Xing's words.

There is no doubt that under the extreme cold, Gao Qi's skin, which does not have much defensive power, was instantly frozen with a large scar.

"Hey, you bastard, I didn't mean—you wait, I'll give you medicine!"

Almost instantly, Shuang Xing's big ears stood up, and he instinctively touched the medicine in his arms.

But in the next second, her movements stopped again, and he saw Gao Qi injected another tube of blood into his leg, and his frostbitten fingers quickly returned to rosy.

"Hey you-"

Gray eyes stared at Gao Qi, Frost Star looked at Gao Qi, and threw her prank candy into her mouth.

"Hmm...so spicy, woohoo, so spicy—thank you for the candy, shall we go?"

His expression twisted for a moment, Gao Qi stuck out his hot red tongue, made a grimace at Shuangxing, and then strode forward.

"You bastard... what a weirdo."

But at this time, Shuang Xing lost all interest in playing pranks, rolled his eyes, and quickly followed.

"Didn't you say you don't know where the conference room is? What are you doing so fast?"

This guy is not even afraid of frostbite, so what's the point of being spicy?

[However, he seems, really not afraid to touch me? 】

Recalling the people who were frostbitten by him after awakening the Originium skill, Shuang Xing looked at Gao Qi's back and couldn't help but look at his hands.

She instinctively had a feeling, it seemed that if this guy was around, the time in the future might not be so boring.


Finally, this event finally came to an end, without a single six-star being distorted, the first six-star was released directly! awesome!

As for the plot, I'm really, really satisfied, this is a serious story with a beginning and an end - nine out of ten.

The detailed plot evaluation in the next chapter is really great.

28. Demons—enemies of Ursus.

Soon, under the leadership of Shuang Xing, Gao Qi walked through the camps one after another, and came to the largest tent.

"What race are you, I've never seen a person whose recovery speed is visible to the naked eye...Are you sure it's not the origin stone healing skill you are good at?"

Along the way, Frost Star, who was shocked by Gao Qi's recovery ability, kept staring at Gao Qi's arm with a rather strange expression.

Terra is not a world of swords and magic. The development of medical technology represents the limitations of healing spells. Most of the healing effects brought by Originium skills are to enhance recovery. This kind of rapid recovery, even infected animals cannot do it. arrive.

"Ha, everyone thinks that I'm an Agor like Titi, but it's true—do you want to guess?"

Waving his unscathed arm at the white rabbit, Gao Qi showed a distorted smile on his red face—a hot red one.

"You usually eat this? It's a bit heavy."

Among other things, Shuangxing gave himself this candy, which is really spicy, not much worse than the devil pepper produced in Sargon.

This is a kind of "candy" made by kneading alcohol, chili, pepper and various spices. It has everything except sugar. For the Ursas, no matter how scarce the supplies are, this kind of refreshing There will always be something.

"Do you think I don't want to eat other things? You just felt it too. My body surface temperature is terribly low, and I have lost my sense of touch. If I don't control my Originium skills, I will instantly let myself lose my sense of touch because of the lack of energy." Die warm—the only good thing is that I can quickly cool down the scalding hot soup."

Shrugging his shoulders, Frost Star seemed to be quite open-minded about his tragic fate.

"My sense of taste has long since disappeared. I can only feel the spiciness. Tallulah said that the spiciness is actually a pain rather than a taste... I think she is right."

The big fluffy ears on the top of the head are shaking, and Frost Star's expression is still frosty, but it is much softer than before—maybe it is Gao Qi's distorted expression after eating the spicy candy, which makes her a little happy when she succeeds in pranking .

Although she has lost her sense of taste, smell and even touch, Shuang Xing still occasionally has some fun to remind herself that she is still human.

In the guerrilla camp, she was a little more relaxed than in other places, and now that Magellan and her father were sure that Gao Qi was a harmless existence, Froststar was also a little less vigilant.

"Besides, you said that others regarded you as an Agor...I only heard that there are more Agors in the Eastern Kingdom. Could it be that you are a spy of the Eastern Kingdom—forget it, it would be even better if you were, I wish Usa It's over soon."

Looking at the man taller than himself and his own ears, Shuangxing frowned, gave Gao Qi a word, and turned to walk towards the tent.

"However, no matter how strong your resilience is, don't touch me casually. It seems that you are not a person who has lost feeling like me. The feeling of frostbite is as painful as scalding. Do you understand—ah!"

However, before the cold words were finished, Shuang Xing suddenly felt a warm, even hot touch on the back of his neck.

The whole person was like a frightened rabbit, or in other words, it was a frightened rabbit. Frost star jumped on the spot, turned around, and glared at Gao Qi with beautiful gray eyes.

As for Gao Qi, watching the frostbitten fingers recover slowly, he dispelled the tiny flames above.

— No wonder Tallulah can’t touch the Frost Star, even if she is a user of the Flame Origin Stone skill, she will still be frostbitten the moment she touches the Frost Star.

"Okay, now we're even—didn't you say you don't have a sense of touch? Isn't that very sensitive~~"

And looking at Gao Qi in front of him, Shuang Xing covered his fair neck, his pale face seemed to show a fleeting blush because of the warmth.

When he was randomly selected by the Ursus soldiers as the target of execution in the mine, Frost Star awakened the Originium skill for the first time.

Her out-of-control Originium skill instantly reached a level that was colder than Beiyuan's cold temperature, almost killing herself and freezing the entire mine.

But at that time, the guerrillas came to the mine, and the tall figure protected Frost Star in an embrace made of metal, which made her desperate to survive and barely survived.

For more than ten years after that, because of fear of frostbiting others, Frost Star never touched others again, even just shaking hands was a luxury for Frost Star.

And the companions of the snow monster team naturally understand Frost Star's physical condition. Even though they respect her very much and treat her like a big sister, they still can't get close to Frost Star because they are not strong in Originium skills.

However, on this recent day, Frost Star had skin-to-skin contact with other people three times!

"Well—go to hell!"


A minute later, Gao Qi raised the heavy thermal curtain of the marching tent, and a gentleman stretched out his hand to the side.

"Miss Shuangxing, please go first."


On the side, Shuang Xing walked into the room with a sullen little face, his big ears circling quickly in the air, completely unable to tell whether he was in a good mood or a bad mood.