Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

Chapter 312

Even if she narrates to herself in the attitude of the most bystander, Gao Qi can still hear the anger and sadness hidden in her calm and rational words.

Kelsey is not a doctor, so she can't accumulate work pressure on her cold side, and then use her crazy side to resolve it. The evil deeds she has seen for thousands of years have become a burden in her heart.

This is why Kelsey remains absolutely rational, or at least pretends to be absolutely rational. If she lets her subjective emotions go a little bit, she will be overwhelmed by loss and despair in an instant.

The Kelsey Gao Qi knows now is not the same as the Kelsey in the original work, but Gao Qi is sure that if she is experiencing the blow of the destruction of the Tower of Babel, she will not let her become that indifferent big lynx. lynx.

But at least for now, Kelsey still has a lot to care about.

"Kelsey...does she even care about me? After I involved her in my own vengeance for all the crimes and hunts—well, maybe she never cared about that, none of us really understood her."

Hearing Gao Qi's words, Lilia was slightly moved, but in the end she just sighed lightly.

"Being able to tell you these things shows that Kelsey has a lot of trust in you, so I will try to trust you, Mr. Gauchy - Magellan has said a lot of good things about you during his stay with me, I can at least be sure that you are a professional."

Gao Qi knew what the "revenge" that Ms. Filmin said meant.

"Okay, let's not talk about these things, let's go—by the way, this is Skadi, my lover and partner, this is Tallulah, the leader of the integration movement, this uniform is just... seized here?"

In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, Gao Qi first introduced the identities of the two people Lilia didn't know.

Although the soldiers of the integration movement were used to the old uniform Tallulah was wearing, for Lilia, who had the same feud with her husband as Ursas, it was the costume of the enemy, and it was not good to cause conflicts.

"Integration Movement...I understand what you mean, don't worry, Mr. Gao Qi, I no longer have any hatred for Ursus, there are hundreds of people implicated by me during the Pine Heart Valley time, The revenge I should have done has already been done, and there is no need to implicate anyone with unnecessary grievances."

However, for the nervous Gao Qi, Lilia showed an exceptionally beautiful but sad wry smile.

Twelve or thirteen years ago, for Lilia's request, Kelsey risked herself, pretending to be a nurse who was "only good looking", and assassinated the former staff officer of the Fourth Army who participated in the raid on the research institute at that time, Vanya Grand Duke.

Unlike the nominal king like Gorefiend, who is actually a landlord, there are not many grand dukes in the Ursus Empire, but each of them is a real duke, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers under his command. It can be said that it is the existence of a truly extremely human minister.

Even at that time, Grand Duke Vanya, as the old aristocratic faction, had already lost power in the struggle of the great rebellion. The new emperor could execute him at any time on the grounds that he went out with his left foot, but he would never allow outsiders to assassinate him.

However, in the Pine Heart Lily Nursing Home, Kelsey killed the Grand Duke and completed a meaningless but enjoyable enough lynching for Lilia.

Before that, she fostered her daughter Luisa in Chernobog, and was destined not to see each other for life.

Afterwards, no one knew where the future Rhodes Island operator, the strict Miss Yaye—that is, Luisa's mother—had gone.

Maybe she left Ursus, but was chased by the emperor's hounds and killed in Sami territory, maybe someone else died, but she still lived in this world.

But now, Gao Qi can confirm that the future operator's mother is still alive, but her life is not very good - to be precise, very bad.

From her empty eyes, Gao Qi couldn't see any vitality and motivation that normal human beings should have, like an empty abyss.

Even when chatting about Kelsey and the past with Gao Qi, the tone of the film woman hardly fluctuated, as if she was talking about a stranger, and she didn't care about the few people in the car.

Revenge is always pleasant, but the emptiness after revenge... As an old hunter who has seen all kinds of things in Yanan, Gao Qi has seen this kind of situation too much.

"This is not the place to talk, come on, go to my place, at least I can make you a cup of hot tea, Simone misses Magellan so much, we can discuss what we are facing - see, I am free now, It's more suitable to contribute to the survival of mankind, isn't it?"

Soon, Lilia and Gao Qi placed various instruments on the sled, and fixed the sled behind the vehicle with a traction rope.

Although Lilia was only a young woman in her early thirties, her appearance and figure were extremely beautiful, but her despair made her look extraordinarily haggard, and the brown hair on top of her head was also disheveled, obviously it hadn't been taken care of for a long time.

"My life should have been taken away a long time ago. Nine years ago, I was studying the nature of demons in Sami, and wanted to leave something for Kelsey before I died, but the emperor's eagle dog found me—I I know that I will definitely die, so I calmly wait for my own death to come."

Opening the back door, Lilia looked at the huntress who was sitting indifferently on the car seat, with her arms crossed and her eyes hidden under the brim of her three-cornered hat.

"However, by coincidence, a lady hunter just happened to find me and became interested in my research. It was hard for me to believe that the emperor's sharp blade would break under her treacherous weapon. Ms. Maria asked me to Unworthy life extended a bit—mind if I sit by?"

Facing her thanks, Maria, who has always been aloof, just nodded slightly.

"I don't mind, but it's already crowded here, you can try—and, Gao Qi, don't look at me with that disgusting look."

Noticing Gao Qi's expression full of surprise and relief, Maria raised her head and glared back at Gao Qi, but the stern expression seemed to soften a little.

"It's just an employment contract. Her research on demons is extremely valuable and will benefit our hunt."

"Yes, yes, we are professional hunters, and we don't have any extra emotions—I still have your senior sister's favorite beef jerky here, do you want some after we go?"

As for Gao Qi, he can only follow this Miss Hunter who has a different heart, right, right, just like what he said before, no matter how indifferent or indifferent he usually behaves, even if Maria dies once, she will die again. Resurrected, her kindness and warmth have never changed.

"...drive and waste less time."

"M, Miss Maria—it's so crowded, it's too hard, it hurts."

For this, Maria just stretched out her hand to lower the brim of her hat, and leaned hard to her side, sandwiching bread with the little killer whale, and squeezed Talulah in the middle.

"...Forget it, come on, Tallulah, just sit on me, Gao Qi usually hugs Ifrit like this."

But soon, Skadi's slender hands wrapped around Tallulah's waist, letting her sit on his lap.

"Well, Miss Skadi, uh-okay."

Feeling a bit ashamed by this action, Tallulah blushed a little, and subconsciously wanted to struggle, but the power that belonged to Drake that she was proud of did not shake Skadi at all, so she could only be held down obediently. On Skadi's thigh—what a force!

"Okay, whether it's work or life, we can chat while walking, time waits for no one - we and Tallulah were attacked by demons last night, and I successfully drove them back, but we lack understanding of demons now , I would like this information from you."

Back in the driver's seat, Gao Qi and Lilia looked at each other through the rearview mirror.

"Since Senior Sister Maria believes in your professionalism, so do I—Ms. Lilia, I hope you can tell us everything you know about this creature."

In this way, everything made sense. After the revenge was completed, Lilia decided to devote the rest of her life to the career that her teacher Kelsey had joined. Lilia, who was killed, survived.

However, the current Lilia is like a walking dead.

Gao Qi felt that, for the sake of the Rhodes Island medical officer and Kelsey's good student in the future, it was necessary for him to cheer up Lilia—just to repay her daughter for cleaning the office for him in the future Kindness.

"Being able to study such dangerous things for several years in the north of Beiyuan, there is no doubt about your professionalism."

Facing Gao Qi's kind words, Lilia just smiled and shook her head.

"There is no need to compliment an old aunt like me, Mr. Gao Qi, I was going to do this, after all... I am a scientist."

Then, she finally puffed up her chest, shook the mongoose ears on the top of her head, and opened her mouth slowly. There was a gleam of light in her eyes. Even in the midst of despair, she never forgot the one she loved the most. cause.

"As for demons, I believe you already have a preliminary understanding, but compared to these strange beings, over the years, I'm afraid I have a terrifying conjecture - within Ursas, there are also similar forces that are using and Summon these daemons, causing them to continually invade the south."

Having said that, Lilia lowered her voice.

"This is just a guess. Have you ever heard of a legend about Ursus—"The Immortal Black Snake"?"

As soon as the words fell, the pupils of Gao Qi and Talula suddenly shrank into a small dot.

Facts have proved that bad people and bad things always like to appear together.


The second stage of the event has started. I managed to make a few shots today, and it feels okay. Except for the Frost Self-Destructing Man, there are no difficult monsters in this event itself.

But compared to these, I still care more about meat pigeons. There are more and more new cakes, and meat pigeons are getting more and more interesting. I really want to play now!

35. Frontline, Legion, Snakescale.

Because it is not in the north of the snowfield, in the south of Sunset Canyon, outside the boundary of the woodland.

At this moment, it was dusk, near the Tropic of Cancer, the sun fell down the mountain early, and the shadows of the dead coniferous trees were stretched long on the ground.

This is the most desolate restricted area of ​​life in Ursas. Although the non-snowfield is poor and cold, it has a lot of biological resources, rich in wood and various tundra creatures.

But here, there is no sign of any animals or plants, not even a wolf howl.

The pitch-black trees have been dead for decades, and the yellow grass leaves have long been crushed into powder. The land here cannot see any vitality, as if it has been hit by a natural disaster.

No, it's not natural disasters. Although natural disasters are terrifying, they are also a part of nature. Apart from humans, the animals and plants in nature have long learned to live in harmony with natural disasters. Overrun by vegetation, Originium worms, and infested mobs.

However, there is nothing on this land, only...death and violence.

Here, decades ago, it was a tragic battlefield. Countless artillery fire from the sky buried soldiers and strange monsters under the frozen soil.

Boom boom boom boom——

Accompanied by a burst of mechanical roar, the long-dead trees were easily crushed, and the forklift made of high-strength alloy piled up these obstacles and completely crushed them with heavy crawlers.

This kind of heavy-duty engineering equipment is different from those used on construction sites. The body alone is as high as three or four stories.

If this kind of big guy is placed in the urban area, there will definitely be a bunch of Ursus wine mengzi who are panicking around, and they will never get tired of watching it tear down the house and drink.

However, the black antifreeze paint of the forklift, the white double-headed eagle logo, and the "3" printed on its chest all proved that this construction machine belonged—the Ursus Empire.

Ursus Regular Army, Third Army, a pillar of Ursus military power.

This legion has been established for a long and long time, participated in a series of battles including the Battle of the Four Emperors, and made many outstanding achievements.

A group army has hundreds of thousands of people, and each group army has one or even several provinces as its base, which is equivalent to a big warlord. Naturally, it is impossible for all members to go to Yinfei province.

But this time, the troops heading to Beiyuan were the most elite members of the Third Army—the Shadow Blade Squad.

This army is good at stealth combat, ambushes, detours, interspersed, and soldiers who have abandoned heavy equipment can rely on auxiliary exoskeletons to march 100 kilometers in a day and night. Soldiers, quickly disguised as one of the enemy, disintegrate the enemy from within.

In the Battle of the Four Emperors, relying on their flexible and maneuverable speed, this army was ahead of the reinforcements of the Gaul Empire and blocked the battlefield of the decisive battle between the two sides. He became an enemy army, sneaked into the Gaul Empire's army formation, and detonated the source stone explosives depot, which added a crucial weight to the victory of the war to a certain extent.

And because of this exploit, even if there were defeats in later battles, the Third Army was not too much held accountable by the late emperor.

Of course, for more reasons, the third army is controlled by the main combat faction of the empire.

Their eagerness for war coincided with the theory of the late emperor's infinite expansion. No matter what, the late emperor would not abandon the sharpest blade in his hand, and still valued these meritorious generals.

However, with the death of the first emperor and the ascension of the new emperor, the good days of the Third Army came to an end.

The political ideas of the new emperor and the previous emperor were different. Fyodor did not agree with his father's ideas, and hoped that in the form of internal reforms, Ursus would be reined in before falling into the abyss of eternal doom, and Ursas' vitality would be restored as soon as possible. Rather than relying on endless conquest wars to squeeze the country and exhaust the last strength of this behemoth.

Obviously, this is not good news for the commander of the third army.

"Ah, Speaker Witt, my friend, welcome, I hope our busy construction of fortifications has not spoiled your mood."

A lean Ursus, wearing a brand-new and crisp military uniform, walked towards the visitor in front of him.

As an Ursus, he was a little too thin. In front of the tall typical Ursas with a cane in front of him, he looked particularly short, thin, and a little sick.

"We are going to build three layers of fortifications outside the canyon. The artillery units of the Second Army have already established positions behind us, and the sinners of the Fifth Army have dug trenches on the first line of defense-to be loyal to the emperor. That's what they're supposed to do, right?"

He was wearing a somewhat old military uniform, but the military rank on the epaulettes showed a level that any soldier would fear and envy—that was the highest military rank in the Ursas military system, Marshal.

"You are serious, Grand Duke Baikal, the reorganization of the Fifth Army has been completed, and the influence rooted by the rebels of the old nobles has been completely eliminated. The current Fifth Army is our reliable comrade-in-arms, and we are all loyal subjects of the emperor. There should be no suspicion against each other, His Majesty already believes that they have cleared their sins."

In front of the man called the Grand Duke of Baikal, an Ursas man with short black hair, wearing a straight suit and windbreaker, holding a cane in his hand, nodded to him with a calm expression.

"The decay of the rotten is eating away at themselves, and those with lofty ideals will not stop sweeping away the worms of this country-you are one of them, right, Grand Duke Baikal?"

This serious middle-aged man's tone was calm, but it seemed to carry some kind of power, which slowed down the pace of the powerful Grand Duke of Baikal.

He did not know whether "one of them" referred to the Decayers or the Men of Aspirations.

This man is the real existence under one man and above ten thousand people in Ursas today. The former imperial finance minister and the current speaker of the imperial parliament—Islam Witt.

In 1075, the Battle of Blood Peak between Ursas and Dongguo broke out, and the war finally ended with Ursus' defeat and Dongguo's victory.

Since then, irreconcilable conflicts broke out between the army and the old and new nobles, and Ursus ushered in drastic social changes—the new nobles took the opportunity to suppress and cut off the old nobles and the army, and the status of the old nobles and the army began to be shaken.

After the Battle of Blood Peak, a "big rebellion" launched by a large number of infected people and sympathizers broke out in Ursas, and demonstrations and violent activities continued one after another.

Taking this opportunity, the new nobles intensified their suppression of the old nobles and the military. Many senior military officers and old nobles were executed, and only a few survived. The new nobles gradually took power, and the political situation in Ursus underwent profound changes.

All of this is the action promoted by the new emperor Fyodor and the Speaker Witte.

Although he looked gentle and elegant, everyone knew how many generals and nobles had been thoroughly purged under Witte, and many people hated him to the point of itching.

Obviously, Grand Duke Baikal, the main combat faction, stood on the opposite side of them.

"Ahaha, of course, only those greedy idiots will disobey the emperor's orders. The Third Army will always be the emperor's right-hand man!"

After a slight pause, the thin man immediately burst out laughing without showing any unnaturalness.

"Please rest assured, Speaker, no matter what kind of enemy we face, my boys will serve as backup, ready to support every battlefield! No living thing can pass through Sunset Canyon!"

Baikal said this sentence forcefully, as if he had practiced it many times.

"That's good, Grand Duke Baikal, I know, we have had disputes in the parliament, but please believe that we will always be in the united front before the things we are about to face."

Islam Witt nodded, turned around, and looked north from his position in the afterglow of the setting sun.

In front of him, dozens, hundreds, thousands of Ursus soldiers in heavy military uniforms, accompanied by armored vehicles and traction vehicles, are rushing to their respective theaters of responsibility.

A large number of land ships are arranged side by side at the same interval, forming an important node on the long front. Numerous artillery and gun towers protrude from above, indicating how powerful the enemy they are facing is.

The elite of each group army, nearly 100,000 troops, were assigned to perform their duties outside the Sunset Canyon, and at the end of the soldiers, a mobile city like a mountain was slowly moving.

It was a unique mobile battle fortress in Usa, a mobile city armed to the teeth, and the muzzles turned from door to door, facing the sunset canyon in the distance.

Such a configuration is enough to take down a province of a neighboring country in one raid and withstand their crazy counterattack, but even so, Witte felt a little uneasy.

The soldiers didn't know, and even the leaders of these armies didn't know what kind of enemy they were going to face, but Witte was one of the few people who was qualified to know everything.

He also knows that the current Ursus is even using the power of these great enemies.