Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

Chapter 321

Difficulties are really so difficult, you can't touch them with simple thinking at all, and low-star operators are completely as fragile as paper-but I still have to work hard to hide them with difficulties!

I suddenly discovered that the carving knife is so powerful, the burst damage of the second skill is fake-kkdy's damage is also a bit incomprehensible!

It feels like if I play meat pigeons for a few more days, my four stars will be fully upgraded by me.

44. A new way to integrate the movement.

Why do we fight?

This is a good question. After all, in Terra, the people in most areas will inevitably need to fight with others. It may be a verbal confrontation in the political arena, or it may be an intrigue in the shopping mall...

Of course, according to the current security situation in Terra, the greatest possibility is that fighting is just like the literal meaning, fighting on a battlefield where swords, swords, bullets, blood splatter, and stumps are flying. Human brains beat dog brains.

Few people can really enjoy fighting. Gao Qi has met such people, but at least there is no natural war madness in his family.

Even the former mercenary of Gao Qi's family, who usually looks the craziest, and whom many people fear to avoid, and the current housewife, Ms. W, doesn't have any love for war. Compared with blowing people to pieces, She prefers to lie at home doing nothing, Gao Qi is in a daze when he is not at home, and Gao Qi **** Gao Qi when he is at home.

After all, compared to being in a daze and so on, and being served by Gao Qi all the time, it is not so pleasant to live desperately with others.

Therefore, people will always find some reasons for themselves and force themselves to go to that terrifying Shura field.

For Skadi, the original reason for fighting may be to avenge Haisi and fill the empty heart after the death of her family members, but when Gao Qi became her lover, the original reason was not so important. Katie's current fight is just for the sake of less trouble during the honeymoon trip and allowing the two of them to spend more time together.

For Kelsey, the reason for her fight is something that even Gao Qi cannot determine. What supported her to roam the continent of Terra for thousands of years, regrouped amid repeated disappointments, and continued to fight against the alien gods and demons who coveted this world—maybe it was to wait for the arrival of Gao Qi and the awakening of the doctor? Or is there another more sufficient motivation?

For Theresia, her reason for fighting is even simpler. She hopes that everyone around her can be happy, that the earth can find peace, and that the lonely Kelsey can really find a place where she can put her soul. For the existence of home—at least for now, she thinks that Gao Qi may be suitable enough, and there are many insinuations in his words.

For Senior Sister Maria, the past has disappeared with the awakening of Yanan Dameng, and her hatred has been returned by her cheap junior brother like those scholars. When Tyra was so tired running around, she just said "clean up your mess" lightly.

And Gauchy himself... why did he fight? Needless to say - of course it is for the girls in my family, and the girls who will definitely join the family in the future!

"Why are you fighting? Isn't this nonsense, Tallulah, we just want to survive! I know you read a lot and know a lot, but we don't have time to discuss these weird issues right now!"

Looking at his leader standing on the cart with a smile—at least he is still his leader now, the skinny Ursus young man seemed extremely eager. He respected Tallulah, but he also wanted to leave immediately.

"Look at the people behind me. Don't talk about women, children, old and young, but young and middle-aged people. How many people who came out of the village with me are still alive? We don't want to fight anymore, we're scared!"

He can be regarded as a captain under Talula's command. He brought the whole big village to join the integration movement because he heard the news of their another victory—there were a lot of people in their village. Long, also has a lot of voice in the integration movement.

Originally, he just thought that the integration movement was just trying to form a mutual aid group to drive away the pickets of the infected who came to the village to catch the infected, or to deal with the slave hunters.

However, since he merged with the guerrillas, he found that the integration movement was getting bigger and bigger, and now it was even attacking the mines, and the next step might be to attack the towns.

The enemy is getting stronger and the battle is getting harder - he doesn't want to do it anymore, he is not a soldier after all.

"Yeah, you're scared. I remember your name, Alexander. How come I haven't been scared? You don't really think I'm invulnerable, do you? You've seen me wounded a lot."

As for the subordinate who planned to "defect", Talula just shrugged her shoulders, rolled up her sleeves, and revealed a scar on her arm that hadn't healed—it was the day when she and Gao Qi went to Miss Lilia's research camp , that terrifying existence, the imprint left on Tallulah's body.

"Remember the day I left the camp half a month ago—to be honest, if Mr. Gao Qi wasn't there that day, I might be dead by now. I didn't sleep well that night. You can ask Alina, she He always likes to stare at me before going back to bed after falling asleep."

The humorous words made several soldiers with low laughter in the crowd couldn't help laughing, but the somewhat stiff atmosphere around made these laughter quiet down.

"Since this is the case, since you are also afraid, Tallulah, we are only fighting for our lives. Now that we have got enough, why continue to fight—because of the guerrillas?"

Hearing Tallulah's words, the integration movement fighter known as Alexander became even more puzzled.

"...Yeah, what are we fighting for? If it's just for a home where we can settle down, then obviously, we can do it-I won't hide it from you, not long ago, I thought about taking you to South, even out of Ursus."

Sighing lightly, Tallulah confided all her previous ideas. This was the route she had been suggesting to the guerrillas not long ago, but Mr. Patriot never agreed.

"The south is warmer and supplies are more abundant. If all goes well, we can even leave Usas and go to Yan Kingdom, or Rem Billiton, which is further south... After all, in our eyes, there is no place that is better than Usas Si itself is bad."

Recalling the plans she had once had, Talula sat on the somewhat cold wooden box with some regrets—she seriously thought about going to Yan Kingdom, where her mother’s family lived, although she didn’t know if her mother was still there, Her identity is also extremely sensitive, but it is still a place to go.

"If we want, we can escape to many places, but—is it really better? Discrimination against infected people still exists, and we will even be labeled as refugees and stowaways, and receive double Chase, you and I both know that there is no so-called pure land in this world."

Tallulah looked directly at the man in front of her, rolled up her cuffs, and revealed the origin stone crystal on her arm.

"Like you said, we don't have long to live, Alexander, I'm physically stronger, and in theory ore disease would kill me at a slower rate than yours—but you know, I always like to overload spells, if I don't Lina has been taking care of my health, I'm afraid I will live shorter than you, we all know that, right?"

As soon as these words came out, even the soldiers who were about to leave nodded one after another.

They can refute Tallulah's many things, but this is the only one that is irrefutable - Tallulah is always at the forefront in battle, the bravest, and the one who blocks the most guns for others.

"Then why... I don't understand, Tallulah, or rather, we didn't understand what you were trying to do in the first place—we were scared."

Alexander sighed and said what he had been holding back in his stomach.

"You are so perfect, strong and optimistic, and understand everything, understand many things we don't understand, and lead us to unimaginable victories - like a fairy in the sky or a fairy in the forest, we don't know what you are what do you want."

After receiving such an answer from the soldier, Tallulah's eyes widened slightly, and the tail behind her couldn't help but flicked a bit.

【Ha... Mr. Gao Qi really hit the spot. In everyone's eyes, I turned out to be so unattainable. 】

In Gao Qi's conversation with her by candlelight, Tallulah heard him assert that the poorer the people, the more stupid, blind, cunning, despicable and cruel they would be to sell their food for a living. His own sons and daughters killed passing travelers for a piece of bread, buried them alive with their own hands to prevent the infected from infecting themselves, were willing to blindly worship the strong, and turned to bully others and bully the weaker—this is what he witnessed during his travels in Terra As you can see, every vivid case cannot be found to be half-fabricated.

However, this is not the fault of the people, not the peasants, not the workers—the fault is the current Ursus Empire, the fault is the whole of Terra, it is this human-eating society.

And if you don't fight against the people, but walk with them, stay with them, and work together with them, then... this power is absolutely beyond anyone's imagination.

The torrent of steel in Ursus is terrifying, but in the face of this power, any existence must be subdued—but first, Tallulah needs to walk with them seriously, showing them the path she has chosen, and the true meaning of life. Benefits that can be obtained.

"This is also the reason why I am talking to you at this moment, Alexander. From now on, I will discuss with you what I think, and I will let you know why we are fighting."

Straightening her chest, Tallulah had already thought about what she was going to say today.

"Alexander, you have a daughter. Mr. Gauch has a very good relationship with her. He also told me about the situation in your family. Your wife died in the hands of the infected pickets for two years-you are living for her now, yes Is it?"

"Anna has praised Mr. Gao Qi a lot... so what, I left because I didn't want my child to become an orphan!"

"Then have you really thought about it, you just left and took your daughter to hide in the deep mountains and old forests, how will she live after you are gone?"

The sudden tone of voice made the soldier take a step back. At this moment, Tallulah truly displayed the aura called Longwei.

"You have thought about it, but you dare not continue to think about it! You know that even if you escape, the picket team of infected people will come, and you know who we will face in the end—we are fighting for the future of our children! And we The opponent is very clear, it is the entire Ursus Empire!"

Tallulah didn't dare to say this sentence before. She knew Ursus too well, understood how powerful Ursas was, and understood the fact that Ursas was invincible even if it declined.

However, Gao Qi gave him a possibility, although it sounds a bit whimsical, but no matter how you think about it, it is very feasible.

"If the Ursus Empire does not perish, or if we still have those nobles, landlords and warlords on our heads, there will never be a place for us no matter whether it is in the snow field or outside the snow field—we must create our own. Homeland, we must fight the Ursus Empire!"

Knocking on the palm of her hand, Tallulah finally said the most important content of her speech, and she also noticed everyone's puzzled eyes.

"I know, I know, you think that the infected person is alone and alone, and they will surely die after walking down—Alexander, tell me, what did you do before you became an infected person and escaped from your village!"

"I'm afraid you're taking us down this road—so what if I'm a carpenter?"

"Alyosha, what did you do before becoming an infected person?"

"I, I am a farmer... After being found to be an infected person, the family's land was confiscated."

"Bear, what about you?"

"Me? I have always been a miner. If it weren't for Daddy and the others, I would have died in the mine long ago!"


"Eh, so do I... My father is a shoemaker, and I was going to take his job, but he was found to have ore disease, so we were sent to the mine together, and then we all got ore disease."

Asked by Tallulah, the infected people, including the yeti and guerrilla fighters, began to recall their experiences before they came to the integration movement and even became infected people.

And gradually, they discovered that what they have in common... It seems that they are not just suffering from ore disease.

They all had tragic experiences, but they were all related to the atrocities committed by the government of the Ursus Empire. Some people even suffered from ore disease because they were persecuted by the authorities.

"Okay, then please answer me, everyone, before you got the ore disease—are you a heinous villain? Mr. Gao Qi, who is a healthy person, is he a bastard?"

Just like being questioned by Gao Qi before, Tallulah stood on the cart and asked everyone a question.

"Of course not, Mr. Gauchy and Miss Skadi are both good people!"

In nearly a month, Gao Qi has accumulated a good reputation in the integration movement. He not only taught many good hunters, but also helped many others. It can be said that his reputation has reached full value.

"Whether you are a good person has nothing to do with whether you are an infected person. I was almost hacked to death by two robbers who had ore disease, and a farmer helped me drive them away with a pitchfork—they didn't have ore disease."

Finally, following a sentence casually uttered by an integration movement fighter, everyone present was a little dazed.

All along, they have been fighting as infected people, and even if they realize it occasionally, no one says it.

"Yes, everyone, we are gathered together not because we are all infected, but because we are also oppressed by those nobles, landowners, slave owners and mine owners—if it weren't for the persecution of infected pickets, who would Will you be willing to report the infected person in your neighbor's house, who would be willing to abandon your sick relative, if your daughter is sick and you are healthy, are you willing to hand her over, Alexander!"

"Of course not! Who doesn't know that living infected people are not contagious at all!"

Tallulah's voice was deafening, and many integration movement fighters passing by also stopped to listen curiously, and even couldn't help but nod their heads.

"That's right, we are not just the infected. This name was imposed on us by the Ursus Empire. We are bullied farmers, oppressed workers, and the people who should be protected by them—they are just In order to let the people forget their mistakes and their atrocities, they forcibly single out the infected as targets! There is no ore disease, they may single out a specific race, it is Sarkaz, it is Li Boli, we should have It is the strength of unity!"

Tallulah knew that many people might not understand what she said next, but she didn't give her speech out of enthusiasm.

As early as more than a week ago, she had told these words to several people who had gone to school in the integration movement, including Alina. After getting their understanding, it had already triggered discussions and thinking among the soldiers in advance. .

And today, she will get this result—after this, someone will definitely leave, and she will encounter more problems, but Tallulah is confident to solve it, and she will let everyone know why she is fighting , and the way to integrate the movement, how to go next.

"From now on, we will no longer run away as the infected, but as the people of Ursus, we will fight for the future of our children, for many years later, they can live in a warm and safe hut, we will use our own the power to wrest back from Ursus the land on which we lived - and take back the lives we deserve!

What we want to unite will not only be the infected, but all the people oppressed by the Ursus Empire. We will tell them who is the real enemy! Who is the enemy who really took away everything they should have! "

Tallulah also said a lot of things, some of which were the result of discussions between her and Gao Qi, and some of which came from her emotions and were completely free to play.

After saying these words, Tallulah looked at the warrior in front of him who was entangled and hesitant.

"Alexander, I assure you that the children will not be involved in any of our battles. If we fail, I will try my best to **** them to a safe place—at least it will not be worse than it is now."

Then Tallulah held out her hand to him.

"I don't like empty talk and big pie, but I do what I say. There is an old mobile city near us. We will occupy it and continue to develop steadily. Not only unite the infected, but unite all who can unite People who are in love—are you willing to take your daughter and continue to return to the icy snowy mountains and forests, or are you willing to join me and give it a go for an uncertain future?"

Talula knew that this father would only give one answer.

"It's crazy. To be honest, although what you said is clear enough, I still don't understand it, but... I think my daughter may not believe the wrong person."

Stretching out his hand, the warrior who wanted to leave chose Tallulah again after a fierce psychological struggle.

Not far away, Gao Qi, who had watched all this from the sidelines, finally showed a satisfied smile, grabbed Shuangxing's icy little hand, warmed it in his palm—then his face was covered with ice.

Although he struggled a few times, Frost Star soon sank into the just-right warmth and let him fiddle with it—just rubbing his hands.

"Not just uniting the infected, but all farmers, workers...Are you sure this is feasible? Tallulah's speech was excellent and the response was very strong, but it may be just a momentary impulse, maybe after they calm down —”

However, the little deer on the side seemed a little worried.

"...Change always comes with risks, but practice is the only criterion for testing the truth, you have to try—and Teacher Alina, I think you also need to learn these theories."

Looking at the fawn sitting beside him, Gao Qi winked playfully at her, and then she pushed his head with antlers.

"What are you talking about, I don't want to get involved, I'm not a fighter, let alone know how to fight..."

But then, Gao Qi's words made her stunned for a moment.

"You're already a warrior, Alina, and even if Tallulah didn't tell you, you're already a good and powerful warrior — aren't you, Mister Patriot?"

As he said that, Gao Qi looked outside the low temporary classroom, the figure as tall as a mountain.

"What do you think, Mr. Patriot—Talulah is ready to persuade you to let the guerrillas join her path."

Hearing his words, the loud voice turned back, the patriot's metal mask exuded a red light, and he didn't even realize that his precious daughter was being held by some old bastard.

"Indeed, if I assert that this is a kind of delusion and nonsense, it will appear that I am a bit stubborn and old...Mr. Gao Qi, perhaps, we need to talk about the future of the guerrillas."

Without making any conclusions, the patriot knew that the man in front of him changed Tallulah, but he did not rely on destroying her ideals and childishness. On the contrary, her current ideal made even the patriot himself feel a little scared.

"Well, it looks like Titi and Sister Maria have to go to the north together today—"

Gao Qi sighed and nodded. He knew that today... I'm afraid it would be a waste of time.


The difficulty is really hard... I didn't even beat the fourth floor!

The Ark animation also has a preview, but it’s just poverty visible to the naked eye. Forget it, it’s fine if you can move... After watching the previous animation of Bilan Animation, I have no expectations.

45. Alina—to find love!

After that, Talula talked a lot with the soldiers, talking about the things she and Gao Qi had discussed and thought about over the past few days.

Standing on the cart, she clarified her ideas and thoughts to every fighter in the integration movement, which was a question that they had never thought about or thought about.

In her mouth, ore disease is just an ordinary disease, and every ore patient knows that this disease does not pose any threat to others.

The rumors that the so-called ore disease is contagious, that the infected will become moody, bloodthirsty and warlike, and even explode after death are all deliberate propaganda made by the Ursus authorities in order to reject the infected and degrade them into slaves — After the infected person dies, the origin stone crystals in the body will turn into dust and return to the earth, but they will never explode.