Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

Chapter 34

The prey has been slaughtered.

And the hunter's hunting journey continues.

40. Deep-sea hunters are connected by blood.

Gao Qi fell into a deep sleep, a peaceful sleep.

Vaguely, he felt that he had returned to the hunter's dream in his mind, and saw the familiar sea of ​​bright trees and flowers, surrounded by white waves.

Gao Qi returned to the familiar hut. There was no annoying old man Geman who was wearing a wheelchair and pretended to be disabled. In fact, there was only Gao Qi's beautiful and soft bed.

Moreover, he also rested his head on the lap of Miss Doll.

"Go to sleep, kind hunter, this is a short nap. Although the motivation is a little speechless, it is undeniable that you have a kind and gentle heart."

Although he used to be coquettish and stalker before, and let Miss Doll put his knees on his knees, this time, Gao Qi felt that there was not as much slack as before, but rather soft.

"You are willing to fight for someone you don't know, even at the cost of your life. Your actions saved the whole city. I'm proud of you."

Sitting on the illusory bed, the puppet lady gently patted Gao Qi's body, her smart blue eyes disappeared from the rigidity and lack of spirit in the past, but full of tenderness and sweetness.

"I will always wait, outside of my dreams, to meet you again."

Afterwards, she slapped her hard and gently opened the hunter's big hand that was gently rubbing her knee.

"But not this one, not now."


Gao Qi was a little lost in the air.

"I also hope that your journey in this world will be pleasant, kind hunter."

Accompanied by the leisurely lullaby, Gao Qi fell asleep.

But in reality, it is not so quiet.

"Gao Qi - are you okay, what's wrong with you?"

Accompanied by the purple lightning that pierced through the sky, the giant Hai Si completely lost its vitality and collapsed, like a crumbling mountain.

The sudden change made Skadi, who had just been at Haisi's feet and was about to give him the final blow, noticed something was wrong.

Bad thoughts came again. She was eager to use the giant sword as a mountaineering pick, bursting with unimaginable force, and after stepping on Haisi's shell a few dents, she finally jumped onto the giant beast.

Skadi eagerly glanced back and forth, and finally, beside a huge explosive pit, he found the hunter lying on the ground with his eyes closed.

"Gao Qi, what's wrong with you! Didn't you just say you're fine?"

Skadi still clenched the great sword and looked around. She didn't know what was going on above, only that she couldn't see a figure of Haisi, let alone Quintus's.

Skadi didn't know the existence of the speaker, she only knew that Gao Qi had just successfully killed Quintus, and she should be trying to find a way to help her and the ghost shark, **** this big guy faster.

And now, he is silent.

A little panicked, he ran to Gao Qi's side, but Skadi didn't notice it at all. Just now, he accidentally stepped on a black piece of meat that was squirming and escaping in the distance, and directly crushed it.

Anxiously, he ran to Gao Qi, who was lying flat on the ground. Skadi saw that his black hunter's windbreaker and his original skin were covered with a layer of charred black, and it seemed that even the skin was severely burned. .

"No way—Gao Qi! Cheer up!"

Just now, the casual words of the ghost shark echoed in Skadi's ear...

Gao Qi doesn't know, was he really struck by lightning?

Skadi herself has never been struck by lightning, and obviously has no relevant experience, but she still learned when she was in school. Lightning is a natural force, even the powerful Agor technology cannot fight head-on. Eighty percent of them will not survive.

Look, such a big Hai Si was killed by Lei, how can he live!

All in all, Skadi immediately came up with an explanation for Gaoch's current situation in his mind, and convinced himself to believe it.

Kneeling her white knees on the wet sea brood carapace, and cautiously, even with a hint of supplication, Skadi stretched out his hand, just like Gao Qi, who had appeared on the reef for the first time, reached out to him. Nose.

However, when she saw Gao Qi for the first time, Skadi just wanted to rescue the drowning person. Whether the other party was dead or alive, it had nothing to do with her.

But now, Skadi is enjoying the process of walking with Gao Qi from the bottom of his heart. If he is gone...

Skadi felt that he would be very, very, very sad.

"Also, still angry!"

And after the slender fingertips sighed into Gao Qi's weak snort, Skadi immediately became excited and heaved a sigh of relief.

"That, that, first aid, first aid, to press down on the chest by two to three centimeters..."

Concerned about it, Skadi suddenly recalled the first aid methods taught by the deep-sea hunters, and folded a pair of small hands on Gao Qi's chest, ready to press down hard!

"Stop, stop! Skadi! Whale!"

Fortunately, not far away, the ghost shark rushing towards, a leap, directly pushed Skadi away.

"What are you doing, Ghost Shark!"

Being pushed to a stagger, the little **** wrapped in the long skirt smashed to the ground, and Skadi eagerly looked at the deep-sea hunter in the nun's uniform in front of him, his expression even a little angry.

"I also want to ask you what are you doing, are you going to kill people, if you press down with that strength, you will be dead!"

The ghost shark held his forehead and looked at the silly deep-sea hunter in front of him.

She had heard from the captain a long time ago that there was a slightly naive strange girl in the big team, but she didn't expect that she was really lucky to meet her.

"Take a good look, little brother Gao Qi is just asleep, a little weak, not dead."

If this is to be pressed by Skadi on the chest, Gao Qi is really dead.

Turning his head to look at Gao Qi, who was covered in black, the ghost shark narrowed his eyes, stretched out his hand, and gently stroked his face.

"Now... We just need to treat him. Do you understand the medical methods of people on land?"

After being awakened, Ghost Shark felt that he and this handsome little brother had somehow established some connection.

She felt just now that Gao Qi's breath became strong and...bright, but now, it has only weakened a little.


However, the ghost shark stretched his hand halfway, but was silently grabbed by Skadi.

"Land... Kelsey is a doctor, but Gao Qi has his own way of treatment."

The ghost shark looked at his hands and then at Skadi, and his brows couldn't help but rise.


Skadi's expression was still unwavering, very calm, and he couldn't see any flaws at all.

"Okay okay, what's his treatment? Ah, I think I know, he just put a needle in his leg, and the fluid inside seems to be... blood?"

Skadi's red eyes lit up, and she was confused when she cared. She forgot about such an important thing just now!

"Yes, the blood collection bottle, he can use the blood of other creatures to repair himself!"

Having said that, Skadi immediately lifted Gaoqi's trench coat and rummaged through it, trying to see if he could find his props.


However, the next second, Skadi heard a loud chainsaw turning.

"I've never heard of this kind of treatment, but if it works... Is it that troublesome?"

Without hesitation, the ghost shark cut his own wrist with a circular saw, and let the bright red blood trickle out with golden yellow blood. overlapping at once.

As if it was the instinct and characteristics of the body, Gao Qi's wound began to greedily **** the blood of the ghost shark, and not a drop was wasted.

"Ghost shark, you, how are you..."

There was a trace of crimson on Skadi's fair little face.

For deep-sea hunters, blood has a particularly important meaning.

Especially Skadi, she knew that Haisi would come after her blood, so she rarely dared to bleed on land.

"Are you shy, whale? Well, anyway, I feel that my blood is enough, so let my blood merge with him in Gao Qi's body - just watch it slowly?"

Blinking at Skadi, the ghost shark delivered blood to Gao Qi comfortably, showing a somewhat provocative smile.

"Huh, it seems like a lot has entered my body, it's really comfortable—"

Observing Skadi's expression, Ghost Shark sighed deliberately.


Skadi's cheeks bulged slightly.

"I'm here to help too. You have liquid Originium in your blood, which is very dangerous."

Trying to find an excuse for himself, Skadi opened his wrist with a mechanical sword, letting blood flow out, and then also opened Gao Qi's wrist.


Taking a deep breath, Skadi seemed to have made up her mind, butted the two wounds together, feeling the pulse of each other's blood.

Skadi could feel that his blood was mixed into Gao Qi's body, and Gao Qi's blood also poured into his body.

And, completely harmless, as if they were all one.

The two deep-sea hunters looked at each other silently, and cast their eyes on the sleeping hunter together, and a smile could not help but hang on the corners of their mouths.

The three hunters just sat silently on the corpse of the giant Hai Si, letting the sea breeze blow.

The rainstorm gradually stopped, the dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, and bright sunlight cut through the sky and pierced the quiet Yanfeng City.

And somewhat surprisingly, as the tide receded, the blackness in the depths of the ocean also began to fade.

Vaguely, it seemed that Yanfeng City was the center of the circle. In a small area, the waves returned to a clear blue.


On the sun-drenched sea, a fish suddenly jumped out of the water, a scene that had never been seen on the Iberian coast for many years.


Half an hour later, Gao Qi opened his eyes and woke up.

He felt himself—full of energy.

"Ah, how long have I slept - Ghost Shark, Skadi?"

Rubbing his eyes, Gao Qi saw next to him, two beautiful girls with white hair and red eyes, deep sea hunters, staring at him.

The ghost shark was grinning, kneeling beside Gao Qi with a smile.

"After a while, we won, you don't know, Skadi just-"

Before she could finish speaking, her mouth was covered by a small hand - it was Skadi.

"Well, here I am, welcome back, we have won."

Skadi's expression was still very indifferent, but for some reason, Gao Qi always felt that the other party was smiling.

The two deep-sea hunters, as well as the hunter from a foreign land, have linked their bloodlines since then.

41. Aftermath, parting and planning.

After the rain, the sky was clear, and the sky in Yanfeng City became clear again. Even in the horizon, a somewhat vague rainbow could be seen faintly.

After the rain washed away, Yanfeng City looked much cleaner, the mud on the streets disappeared, and only the original white color was exposed.

As the sea changed from dark black to light blue, the sea surface was filled with sparkling beauty.

This is the original appearance of the Iberian Coast, and also the original appearance of Agor.

In terms of geographical selection, perhaps from the very beginning, Yanfeng City was intended to be used as a tourist city.

However, all good things can only exist in the past. Yanfeng City and countless coastal mobile cities are still in trouble. This problem cannot be solved by a short period of good weather.

"Be honest, you scumbags who believe in evil gods, we didn't even realize that you have been entrenched here for a long time - hurry up, don't try to be clever!"

With a staggering pace, three deep-sea believers in dark blue robes, under the control of the young judge, slowly walked on the streets of Yanfeng City.

"Failed, the priest is wrong."

"Is it scary, really, scary, even scarier than the sea."

"He, she can control thunder and lightning, the moon, he brought the moon! He is the god!"