Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

Chapter 361

Later, Kelsey came to her and entrusted her to a kind and ordinary family, without explaining where her mother had gone in the end.

After that, nearly ten years later, Luisa grew up, and her adoptive parents treated her very well, but for Luisa, she was a guest after all, and it was not her home.

So, she began to study continuously, understand the country called Ursas, and piece together the possible whereabouts of her mother from the clues—or, in her opinion, her mother has also passed away.

She understood that it was this country that killed her parents, and it was this corrupt regime. As she understood, her anger towards Ursas changed from a simple hatred to a deeper resentment and resistance, although now she is old She is still young, but she feels that her future will definitely be on the road of resisting Ursus.

And recently, she learned about the organization called the Reunification Movement and their theories and programs from a neighbor's older sister who was in college—it was much more mature and organized than her childish thoughts over the years, and Simpler and clearer.

Luisa even secretly made up her mind that if the Unity Movement team came near Chernobog, she would join it—if she couldn’t fight the war, she could still be a medical soldier!

In the end, the Reunification Movement did come to Chernobog, but at the same time... her parents, whom she believed to be dead, also came to Chernobog together!

Louisa's mom and dad really just went to work far away and nothing happened - mom and Mrs. Kelsey were just telling the truth!

Looking at the mother who hadn’t seen him for a long time, who seemed to have not changed from his memory, and the father who had never met when he left when he was very young, Louis felt a huge embarrassment for the first time—this embarrassment may accompany him. her whole life.

It turned out that her mother, Lilia, and her father, Gao Qi, were persecuted by the Ursas as researchers. One of the culprits was Boris, the mayor of Chernobog.

In order to avenge the dead researcher, Luisa's father first left their mother and daughter, and then, in order to avoid the pursuit and hurt Luisa, the mother had to reluctantly leave him.

Later, they, who were dissatisfied with Ursas, became a member of the integration movement. According to the gentle and kind leader of the integration movement, sister Tallulah, Dad is still one of the most important members of the integration movement!

With this explanation, Luisa fully understood the practice of her parents fostering herself in other people's homes-this is an integration movement! All the provinces are arresting and arresting integration movement members. With such a dangerous thing, my parents must not keep me who was only a few years old at that time by my side!

I thought I was an orphan, but suddenly I became both parents. Luisa felt happy that she was dreaming. She stayed with her parents for a whole few days, and slept between them at night, sharing all the time. experience with each other over the years.

And compared to the mother who has been with her for many years, the father she has no memory of makes her more curious.

After all... he is so small!

That's right, it's small, not short. When Luisa saw this cute, immature black-haired boy who was also shorter than herself for the first time, Luisa thought it was her parents who gave birth to a younger brother when she was away. During the embarrassing introduction, Lilia realized that the other party was her father.

In fact, apart from his rich experience and grown-up conversations, no matter who sees Gao Qi’s father at first sight, he will think he is a little boy, but fortunately, Luisa has read many books and quickly reacted. Come over—it turns out that Dad is from Durin.

Most of the Durin people live in Rem Billiton, no matter how big they are, they are only the size of a child, and unless they are really old people, most of them look like children - just as cute as Louisa's father!

It is romantic to think that a Felin and a Durin were united in racially exclusive Ursus and Luisa was born.

Moreover, Dad didn't just stay in Ursus all the time, but traveled all over Terra, and saw people who were suffering from all over the world, which made him and Sister Tallulah think about that theory together.

For several days, Luisa has been pestering Gao Qi's father to tell him the story of his past experiences. Although she has no memory of him, Luisa quickly fell in love with him-this is even better than her imaginary father!

And now, Luisa will follow her parents to the neighboring country of Kazdale, where she will establish contact with an organization called Tower of Babel. Of course, Luisa is very happy to go!

But... the only thing that makes her a little dissatisfied is that her father is too carefree! No, it's not just a love interest anymore, it's simply seeing one and loving the other!

Surrounded by many beautiful and excellent girls, there are sister Tallulah who Luisa admires, sister Frost Star who looks cold but is actually very gentle, and sister Alina who makes tea very delicious... unexpectedly They are all her father's lovers!

And, more than that, many sisters also came to Kazdale with him.

There is the sister Magellan who always likes to play with herself, who always refuses to admit that she likes her father, but every time she looks at her father, she looks like her mother Maria, and there is the younger sister who is cute and self-willed Sister Skadi.

Although she seems to be from the Dulin tribe, she always calls herself an Agor, and unlike her father, she is not mature at all, but rather willful, always saying that she is her father's wife—how is that possible, Luisa Only one mom!

Although she was a little dissatisfied, in the end, Luisa accepted the fact that her father was bothered. After all, everyone would like such an excellent and lovely father!

However, the sense of crisis brought about by the older sisters still made Luisa extra vigilant. She worked hard to get her father and mother to spend as long as possible, and pestered them to sleep together every night—this is how a family should be.

But now, she wants to secretly listen to what her parents are talking about when she is not around!


"Luisa is peeping, Lilia, you've given us a lot of trouble for telling a lie~~"

Next door, in the "husband and wife" room of Gao Qi and Lilia, Gao Qi was standing on the bed, holding Lilia's shoulders for Lilia who was sitting beside the bed. Pan said.

That's right, stand.

Now he is only about 1.2 meters tall, his limbs and body have shrunk simultaneously, completely resembling a child.

This is Gao Qi's evolutionary path. Relying on the third umbilical cord, he completed the "return to childhood".

Now, conceptually speaking, he is already a superior person, but he cannot use the power of a superior person, but needs to pupate like a caterpillar, waiting for the day when he breaks out of his cocoon and becomes a butterfly.

All his power has already turned into a puddle of paste in his body and soul, and is slowly undergoing transformation.

In terms of combat effectiveness, although Gao Qi smashed a large amount of blood echo into his body and became an exception to the 40+ attributes of all attributes, he is a "cocoon" after all, so he is not much stronger.

To be precise, just like Cocoon, He and Skadi's current defensive performance and physiological tolerance are undoubtedly beyond the theoretical level. Can't break the defense either.

However, on the offensive end, the strength of both of them has weakened to a much lower level than before, and Titi has recovered to the strength she had just landed—it is still outrageous. The extraordinary power of the runes has been temporarily sealed.

Of course, if encountering a real crisis, Gao Qi can also burst out with full strength in an instant, but if it takes too long, his ascension process will be terminated—it’s not a big loss. He didn’t use the umbilical cord in the previous ascension. The big deal is to fly again, this time returning to childhood, the most important thing is to help Titi solve the problem of the God of Haizi.

But the biggest influence on him is his current figure.

He is now completely like a child. It took him a long time to get used to the short legs and slender arms. The long weapons that he used to have are even more useless. Even the hunter's walking stick is as high as his chest. Now he can only Rely more on firearms and short weapons.

Moreover, since he became like this, not to mention the wicked Frost Star and the dark-hearted Alina, even the two good children Tallulah and Magellan have recently begun to treat him like a child.

The frequency of calling Gao Qi's husband has dropped significantly, replaced by Gao Qi's younger brother, which makes him very uncomfortable.

As for this, there is only one thing Gao Qi can do, until they call him daddy!

As for Senior Sister Maria, although she doesn't take it seriously, every time it's her turn to make breakfast, she always involuntarily prepares children's meals for Gao Qi!

Only Titi, who was as small as her, didn't treat him as a child—the couple's life of the two didn't have any problems because of the shrinking size, which made it more exciting.

However, there was another person who didn't treat him as a child, but gave him a higher status—Lilia.

Now Gauchy is with Lilia, pretending to be a couple, pretending to be little Luisa's father.

And all of this was caused by Lilia's hot head when she reunited with her daughter.

"I'm sorry... I am, I just saw Luisa's happy face, and I couldn't bear to tell her the truth. Are you willing to tell her the truth?"

The ears on the top of the head drooped, and Lilia pouted embarrassingly as she enjoyed the massage from Gao Qi's little hands.

Now, her face no longer had the melancholy of the past, and the decadent atmosphere had disappeared. She dressed up seriously, and she became a beautiful young woman completely, with the mongoose ears on the top of her head particularly sharp.

The reunion with Luisa filled her empty heart, and in the past few days, Gao Qina's meticulous care as a "husband" also made her extremely happy, and even made a few jokes.

"I have to tell her, but let's forget it now. Let's see when she grows up."

Looking at little Luisa, the future Yaye operator, with a happy smile beside her, and the way she called her father crisply, even Skadi, who was awkward because she couldn't be the first to marry Gao Qi, I don't want to speak out, let alone Gao Qi?

After all, Ifrit and Rosemary have always been unwilling to call him father, but always called him brother. It is rare to have a little baby call him father. Gao Qi was happy and decided to work hard with the girls at home immediately Make man!

"Well, let's do it that way, the child's father—ah!"

Just as Lilia nodded, Gao Qi, who was helping her massage, suddenly stretched his hands forward, wrapped his arms around her neck, and pressed his small body against her back.

"What if I say, just keep doing this fake show and let me be Luisa's real father, how about it? I will love you as a senior, Lilia."

These days, Gao Qi, who has been with Lilia as husband and wife, has already confirmed her heart. With Gao Qi's arrival, her dead heart has been beating again, eager to love and be loved.

"Really... I knew that you like so many women, how could you let me go, well, the child's father."

Twitching slightly, Lilia nodded. She actually already had the answer in her heart, but rather than confessing herself, she still waited for Gao Qi to say it in person.

Lilia will always love Astrov and Gauchy never minded that she wears that cheap wedding ring all the time, in Chernobog, the two even went to worship together and died in that massacre Yes, the researchers who couldn't even engrave their names on the tombstones.

However, Lilia, who has walked out of the haze of the past, is about to start a new life. Now she feels that the world is extraordinarily beautiful, but this time, she knows that no one, no country, or any existence can get out of the hands of Gao Qi. Take away her happiness!

The next second, the moment after Lilia really agreed, she felt that a huge caliber gun was suddenly pressed against her back, which was originally empty, as if... at any time Can inspire!

And a pair of soft little hands followed her shoulders, got into her neckline, and scratched her skin that had not been comforted for many years.

In the past few days, Gao Qi, who was extremely reserved even when sharing the same bed, and who had never acted excessively, suddenly turned into a hungry and ferocious beast after Lilia gave a definite answer. She knew why every other girl woke up and stayed in bed for so long.

"Hey, I'm just waiting for your words, motherfucker~~"

After skipping the relationship, the two started as a husband and wife, intending to make up for the lost love.

In the next second, Lilia was gently pushed onto the bed by Gao Qi and covered with a quilt, while Luisa immediately left the bookshelf, and then took a sneak peek, before covering her flushed face, Lie on the bed.

"Hmm... oh, no, that's not right, the men in the anthropology books are still men from Durin, it's impossible, so—"

She knew that her worries about her parents' relationship status were completely superfluous. Her parents' feelings were deep, intense, and reliable!


Heh heh, I have finally written what I want to write the most. There is no way. After all, this is the only legal wife. Naturally, I should cherish it...

The event is also over. I thought it was difficult before because I used the trust team. Without a single output, I couldn't play at all. I just ran over it with the gold team!

I ran out of experience tickets again, Fenmao squeezed me dry! Totally squeezed out!

2. Go home, our home!

Homesickness is often felt by Gao Qi.

When he first came to Yanan, Gao Qi was novelty and excited for a few days, and was calmed down by the hospitable people of Yanan Street. After that, he began to miss home.

His original life was ordinary and happy, his parents were in good health, and he also had a younger sister who had just finished the college entrance examination and could finally give the whole family peace of mind for four years.

Gao Qi, who understood that he might never be able to return home, was extremely desperate, and the constant strategy that he did not fear death in the following period was also to find the way home sooner.

Well, later he realized that he didn't just continue to fight blindly, but also learned to enjoy the little flowers on the roadside and the beauty of life. Gao Qi became the current Gao Qi.

At the end of Yanan's death, Gao Qi undoubtedly planned to go home, so he took the doll lady home and introduced his foreign daughter-in-law to the elders.

But, what happened later was also a little bit unexpected. Gao Qi could feel that he was very close to home, but he bumped into Terra halfway, which led to this unexpected trip.

The current Gao Qi will no longer be angry because of this. As long as he waits for the ascension road to be completed, he will leave the state of a child and return to the level of a superior. The moment before the house—however, he had to be prepared to introduce a reinforced company girlfriend to the second elder.

But even so, homesickness still exists. For the family members who have confessed everything openly and honestly, Gao Qi even occasionally talks about his childhood. They are surprised and envious.

For the chaotic world of Terra, the peaceful life of an ordinary person is already precious.

But now, apart from missing his home on Earth, Gao Qi also misses another home—Kazdel.

Although he is a big carrot, but for the family, Gao Qi is very important, and the importance of the family is almost unmatched, even before work, the world will not stop if you don't work for a day, but the family will not stop for a day. Accompanying, that's not okay!

For this reason, Gao Qi has become a qualified master of time management, and his yearning for the Kazdel family has never stopped in Ursas.

And now, four months have passed, Kazdel time, Kazdel has entered the hot summer season from early spring, and Gao Qi is finally going home.


Stretching his slender arms, Gao Qi yawned from the bed and opened his eyes.

It is still the ceiling of the RV bedroom. Although it is extremely luxurious and the bed is unbelievably soft, Gao Qi still feels that this place is not comparable to the alloy bed board he had in Kazdale, and in the mobile base of the integrated movement, Tallulah and Frost Xing and the others often came over to lie on the wooden bed together.

Here, the taste of home is missing.

"Ha, it's morning. According to the driving speed, you should be able to reach the southern station in the morning... This is too thin."

Stretching, Gao Qi looked at his slender and fair arms, which were weaker than a girl's, and sighed softly.

The current him, no matter how you look at it, is a child. Fortunately, there are Dulin people in this world, otherwise he might be asked by the police uncle if he is lost while walking on the street.

Since becoming a child, during the few months of the integration movement, those girls who respected themselves in the past have revealed their true nature one by one. Every time they see Gao Qi, they will swarm him excitedly, either Roll his head in, or keep kissing his face, and because he was surrounded by rough waves, he couldn't show his face easily, so he could only let them manipulate him until they were driven away by Tallulah and Frost Star.

But what can be done? His current state is a conceptual degeneration, a "baby" in the sense of a superior. If he doesn't want his body to degenerate, he has to let his consciousness return to a child-a kid with an adult body is definitely better than a child with a child's body. grown-ups are even worse.

For at least a year or so, he has to talk to people with this child's appearance, his affinity can go up, and he can pretend to be a child, but the deterrence and majesty of being a superior can be said to have completely disappeared—he Can no longer scare people.

"Well... good morning, Mr. Gaoqi."

And soon, a somewhat hoarse voice sounded from the side, Gao Qi turned his head, and saw the smiling woman in pajamas who loved bare shoulders, pale golden eyes full of love.

Lilia had been tossing with him all afternoon yesterday, until Luisa knocked on the door, and Lilia, who had been completely paralyzed, could finally relax, put on her pajamas and sleep with Luisa together.

On the other side of Gauchi, little Louisa was still soundly asleep, shaking her brown ears on top of her head in her dreams from time to time, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly, apparently dreaming of something interesting.

As for Gao Qi, he turned around with a smile, and skillfully stretched his hand under the quilt to Lilia's body, while gently kissing her shoulder.

"You still call me Mr., don't you change your name now? Didn't you call me very well yesterday?"

Over the years, Lilia's life has been spent in despair and the will to die. She doesn't care about her health at all, and her body is poor and weak.

However, during this period of time, the new care and regular life in Gaoqi, coupled with the blood injection to enter the demon realm, made her look younger than her early thirties, not only her skin was smooth and firm, but her body was also soft and full. vitality.

"Hey, I'm still more used to...husband."

Her face flushed slightly, Lilia pouted her lips, and finally yelled out honestly, her voice was a little hoarse, because she yelled too loudly yesterday.

Lilia never thought that her body, which was often sore half a year ago, could make so many movements, and it was also so sensitive. Gao Qi's professionalism in this area is simply an academician-level talent. Every movement of his made Lily Ya couldn't bear it, as if she kept filling the fire with firewood until it completely boiled Lilia.

Even now, the large sheets under Lilia's body are still wet. If Gao Qi hadn't carefully prepared warm water and food, Lilia would even feel dehydrated and unconscious.

"If you were the way you were before, I would have absolutely no psychological pressure to scream, but you are like this now... I always feel like I am committing a crime!"

Looking at Gao Qi, who looked as old as Luisa, beside her, Lilia's expression immediately became tangled.