Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

Chapter 40

Kelsey, I regret recruiting these two people.

Miss Deep Sea Hunter, the process of entering the land for the first time was not so smooth.

2. Painful and happy journey.

Deep sea hunter, man-made war machine.

Since the first contact with Haisi, the Agor people have been divided internally, some choose to leave Agor and move to various places in Terra, while the other part stay in Agor and choose to fight against Haisi. .

Agor's body is not strong. It can even be said that the physical quality of most people is even lower than the average of people on land.

Therefore, in order to fight against Haisi, the Agor chose to use Haisi's power.

After countless difficult experiments, the Agor people who shed the blood of Haisi and stole the power of Haisi were finally created.

The physical functions of the deep-sea hunters are far superior to those of the Agor, and each has its own strengths.

Some of them can smash high-density alloys by brute force, some can easily break the sound barrier by running, some can maintain high-speed regeneration even if they are fatally injured, and some have the ability to think beyond common sense and tactical planning...

Of course, the lack of Originium technology adaptability is a problem, but the Agor people don't use this dangerous power as shallowly as the land people, so they don't need to be concerned.

All in all, they are the sharpest blades against Hai Si.

The deep-sea hunter can break free from the entanglement of Haisi's wrists and limbs, can bounce the bone spurs shot by Haisi, and can be immune to most of the toxins injected by Haisi. Even when Haisi fights with the deep-sea hunter, the will to fight will be significantly weakened.

Because they are Haisi, and they are weapons of war against Haisi. Everything about deep-sea hunters exists to fight against Haisi.

This is only known by the Agor Archons like Goletia, the immortals like Kelsey, and the outsiders like Gao Qi.

The deep-sea hunter's hand knife is a punching fist, the deep-sea hunter's flying kick is the power of destruction, the deep-sea hunter's eyes see everything, and the deep-sea hunter's chopping rocks can break—

However, for such a deep-sea hunter, in the face of sudden environmental changes, when the skin is far away from the dampness of the sea water, the nose can no longer smell the fishy smell of the ocean, and the eyes can no longer see the boundless water surface...

...the soil and water are unsatisfactory.

"Um—stomach, it's uncomfortable."

Sitting on Kelsey's simply furnished single bed, Skadi was still wearing the dress Gao Qi gave, covering her stomach with a pale face.

Of course, Skadi also has a few Kelsey clothes. Although the chest is a little tight, it can barely be worn. It's just that I just changed back to this set today.

Little hands tightly clenched the red skirt. Although Skadi's expression was still as calm as before, she couldn't help but pursed her lips.

Apparently, she was enduring great physical discomfort.

Skadi's body is indeed extremely powerful. As long as he gently falls on the bed, he can make the heavy RV lose its balance, and even without relying on weapons, he can tear open Haisi's armor with his bare hands.

But obviously, in the deep sea, Hai Si will not use viruses and bacteria as attack abilities. The immune system of deep sea hunters still belongs to the level of the Agor people.

In the depths of the ocean, those Agor people, who have lived in a sterilized environment for generations and hardly need to consider hygiene issues, have no resistance to the diseases that land people fight against—bacteria, viruses, and parasites.

Skadi, she has diarrhea, not only has she become a deep-sea fighter, she is also a deep-sea jet fighter.

Bravely refused Goletia's order, fought for her own vacation, left the seaside, and came to the inland.

A few days ago, Skadi was still very excited, as if she had endless strength and curiosity.

At that time, she always pestered Gao Qi to ask questions no matter what she saw. How could Gao Qi, a foreigner, recognize Tyra's stuff, so he could only look through the encyclopedia collected by Kelsey to find the answer.

However, a few days later, maybe it was a bacterial attack, maybe it was a change in temperature difference, maybe it was a psychological problem, under the influence of various factors - the invincible Titi fell.

She can control her body muscles and jump several meters high, but she can't control her immune system to kill germs in her body.


Thinking of how weak she was in front of Gao Qi, Skadi's face couldn't help blushing a little - she was going to the toilet for the third time today.

"Come on, the medicine is soaked, and there are tablets, according to the weight... Forget it, the maximum dose, just swallow it - fortunately we are following a doctor, otherwise I really don't know what to do. "

On the other side, on Kelsey's neatly furnished mess table, Gao Qi took out the medicine for diarrhea that Kelsey told him from the rows of medicine boxes, and dissolved it in warm water.

As a doctor, the most stock in Kelsey's house is all kinds of medicines written in different languages. Even if Gao Qi could read the words above, he could not distinguish the functions of various medicines.

On Gao Qi, although he could get antidote and sedative from Hunter's Dream, he couldn't even find a packet of cold granules.

There's no way, who made Yanan's body in good shape--everyone became mentally energized after he suffered from animalization disease and became insane!

"Just lie down after drinking the medicine, and the warm baby is fully charged, just take a good rest, and you will be fine in two days--I used to be like this, I went to a new place, and I would be fine after a few days of getting used to it."

To be honest, Gao Qi didn't expect that the little killer whale who could play Hai Si like a ball before would get sick and become so uncomfortable after coming to land.

Fortunately, I had been walking along the river before, otherwise the water in the tank would not be enough.

Of course, it's hard to suffer, and now Skadi can still smash Haisi's head with a slap.

"Oh, ton ton... it's so bitter."

Nodding weakly, Skadi was held in the bowl by Gao Qi and drank a few sips of the pale yellow potion. The whole little face was directly twisted together because of the bitter taste.

Since he was a child, Skadi has no idea how many injuries and pains he has endured just when he was hunting.

However, she had never drank something so bitter before—it was really cruel on land! very scary!

"Be good, be good, you will get better after a course of treatment, this pill is also very bitter, I will teach you, hold your nose, put it behind your tongue, and just feed it directly—"

In the face of such a weak Titi, Gao Qi also felt extraordinarily novel. At the same time, he taught the little killer whale more patiently and learned the way of life of landers little by little.

While stroking Skadi's little head, in terms of common sense of life on land, Gao Qi treated her like a little baby.

"You are just an ordinary minor illness. Don't worry, Terra's medical technology is still very developed."

This is true. After reading Kelsey's medical books, Gao Qi found that Terra's medical technology is indeed unique.

As long as the money is in place, basically any disease can be cured, not to mention cancer and leukemia, and AIDS has never appeared, except for one disease - ore disease.

All of Terra's medical researches are basically research on ore disease and its complications, but no corresponding cure has been found so far. As for other diseases, they can be regarded as minor diseases.

As for Skadi and Gao Qi, these two people who are immune to ore disease from different levels, once exposed, I don't know how many people will usher in jealousy and attention.

However, when Skadi covered her stomach at first and reported to herself pitifully, Gao Qi once thought that her relatives were coming, and almost went to ask Kelsey for related hygiene products.

But later, Kelsey told Gao Chikop with a look of contempt, the deep-sea hunter's physical function has been extremely powerful, like Drake, Dragon, Vayvan and Sarkaz, although there is such a process, it will happen in an instant. self-healing.

Gao Qi has really learned a lot - as expected, Terra in the real world is much more complicated than a game!

Under Gao Qi's touch and encouragement, Skadi frowned, finally swallowed the medicine, and showed him the bottom of the bowl as if taking credit.

"It's awesome."

Gao Qi smiled brightly and continued to touch her little head.

"Well...don't look at it."

And aware of Gao Qi's gaze, Skadi realized his gaffe, and couldn't help lowering his head.

"I thought I was strong enough... I didn't expect you to take care of me."

The reason why Skadi had the courage to leave with Gao Qi was because she felt that she had enough strength to not hold him back.

But I didn't expect that after only a few days away from the beach, Skadi did not encounter a powerful enemy, but fell down because of illness.

"Ha, what is this?"

Putting away the medicine bowl, he put the warm baby on Skadi's stomach. Gao Qi supported the shoulder of the big killer whale baby, comforting her, and letting her lie down on the bed obediently.

"A foot is short, an inch is long. If you are perfect everywhere, Skadi, I would feel useless. Rest in peace."

Seeing how weak Scadi looks now, Gao Qi is particularly distressed when he thinks that in the original work, Titi walked alone to the coast, self-exiled, and suffered from a series of obstacles such as acclimatization and language barriers. .

This time, with himself here, Gao Qi must make this adventure of Skadi a luxurious experience like a princess!

[It seems that I not only need to know about Terra's general situation, but also ask Kelsey about the scenic spots, cultural customs, and signature dishes of various countries. 】

After all, Gao Qi cared more about the roadside scenery than the purpose and focus of his journey.

"Take a good rest, I'll wake you up if you have anything to do—the automatic toilet is still very useful, right?"

Even if he was destined to face the monsters, ghosts, snakes and gods locked in those glimpses, Gao Qi must eat hot pot and sing songs to finish the hunt happily.

"Stop talking about this... um."

The deep-sea hunter who used to be extremely powerful, but now grabbed the quilt and nodded obediently.

Looking at Gao Qi's back as he was about to leave, Skadi hesitated for a while, then he held up his somewhat weak body, stretched out his hand, and grabbed Gao Qi's clothes.

"Well, is there anything else?"

Gao Qi turned his head, but saw that Skadi patted the bed next to him lightly, and looked at him with innocent and clear eyes, as if he was looking forward to it.

"Today, let's sleep together, Gao Qi, you've worked hard these days, it's not good to hold on any longer."

Skadi skillfully moved to the inside twice, and made room for Gao Qi on the narrow bed. She just felt that Gao Qi was also very tired, so she slept together without any problem.

"……no problem!"

This time, Gao Qi didn't even experience any inner struggle. He nodded directly at Scadi, lifted the quilt, and lay on his side on the bed.

In fact, in the past few days, he has rested a lot with Scotty.

Of course, it may not be very accurate to say rest, but to be precise...

"Well, have a good rest, see you later."

Saying that, Skadi quickly closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep in just a few seconds - this is the specialty of deep-sea hunters, and fast and efficient deep sleep is conducive to quick recovery.

And then...

boom! click - click -

With a loud noise, a long snow-white leg and a slender jade arm slammed on Gao Qi's body, causing him to tremble instantly.

The bone is broken.

The next second, Skadi gently hugged Gao Qi's body and began to tighten.

click - click -

To be precise, Gao Qi has been habitually used by Skadi as a pillow these days.

"Ah...good night."

Gao Qi sighed helplessly, and also closed his eyes - wake up and get an injection.

Pain and joy walking with Skadi, this is Gao Qi's choice.

Then, after a while, the Originium car suddenly stopped.

3. Expansion of Dreamland and the Iberian Frontier

Zhuang Zhou dreams of a butterfly, and a butterfly dreams of Zhuang Zhou.

When he was in Yanan, from beginning to end, Gao Qi slept in layers of dreams, and the boundaries between reality and illusion were particularly blurred.

But this made him have a deeper and clearer understanding of dreams and reality.

He can easily let himself fall into a dream, and he can also wake him up at will. This is a small skill developed in the perennial hunting work.

When the reality outside the dream world reacts a little, he will wake up quickly.

"Good hunter, it's time to leave, someone is calling you."

In the hunter's dream, Gao Qi, who was dozing on his soft mattress, was woken up by a soft slap.

Although in the hunter's dream, Gao Qi's spirit of reality will naturally recover, but he still likes to sleep here for a while.

Opening his eyes, Gao Qi saw Miss Doll sitting quietly on the chair beside the bed.

In the past, in Hunter's Dream, Miss Doll always stood at the intersection outside the room, waiting for Gao Qi's return, but recently, she seems to prefer staying by Gao Qi's side.

"Hello, Miss Doll, how long have I slept?"

Stretching, Gao Qi sat up and habitually held the hand of Miss Doll.

Her skin was still as white and attractive as porcelain, but when she touched it, it was not only hard and cold, but warm and elastic like an ordinary girl.

Gao Qi also didn't understand why this change happened to Miss Doll.

But for him, all the settings that he doesn't understand can be attributed to the ancient gods who are omnipotent but not cut down——

It must be the conspiracy of the superior!

"Not long, about three to four hours, I've been here waiting for you, kind hunter."

Miss Doll also felt the warmth from Gao Qi's hand and showed a gentle smile.