Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

Chapter 425

Reluctantly covering the girl from the dragon clan who was smelling of alcohol, Xingxiong's eyes turned to Shi Huaiya, who was lying on the bed, lying on her back in a big character, pressing her long golden hair like satin under her body. , couldn't help but shrugged.

These two party masters drank a lot just now, and they couldn't wake up for a while, so they were really convinced.

"Huh, forget it, it's better to be more lively, I feel that this thirty-year-old aunt is getting younger."

Gao Qi's aunt who calls herself "Nian" is an acquaintance, and soon became friends with Shi Huaiya, an equally extroverted girl, and Croissant next door. They all drank a lot, and now Nian is Settled here.

Although she looks defenseless, she is just an ordinary young girl, but Hoshiguma's instinct of being a ghost tells her that Gao Qi's "aunt" is a somewhat dangerous woman.

Chen Huijie also told her that brother Gao Qi encountered another round of danger when they just met. At that time, the utensils in the entire room seemed to have turned into living creatures. This special origin stone skill is extremely rare. , but that young aunt immediately condensed a huge blade behind her back, forcing the enemy back.

According to what Nian said at the gathering just now, her family has many brothers and sisters, and all of them have some understanding of Originium skills, and they have different views on Gao Qi's younger brother. It seems that Gao Qi's "second uncle" is different. Agreeing to take Gao Qi home, conflicts and contradictions arose.

However, it was my family after all. Although the conflict seemed a little scary, it ended peacefully without causing any damage.

And that Miss Lin Qingyan seems to be Nian's friend. This Dali Temple is coming to Longmen. She has official duties, but she also takes time to accompany her best friend Nian to welcome Gao Qi's brother together. See They seem to have a good relationship.

Xingxiong also knew that the Lin family that Qilin lived in was a master of celestial masters. There have been many outstanding celestial masters in the past. To be able to be taken care of by such masters' children, the status of Gao Qi's younger brother is obviously very unusual.

The girl from Lin Qingyan was taken to live next door by Ke Song. Although she looked a little reserved, it was obvious that she was not very used to the enthusiasm of the girls from Penguin Logistics and the Longmen Guard Bureau, but Xingxiong believed that this girl from Qilin would soon Under Gao Qi's perfect care, he will be unable to stop.

"It's Gao Qi's brother after all, hey."

With a brilliant smile, Hoshiguma couldn't help tugging at the light pink long dress on her body. Brother Gao Qi also bought this coat for her. Although she didn't dare to wear it when she went to work, but when she came back from get off work, she Just wear it all the time.

Brother Gao Qi has great taste in choosing clothes. Although Hoshiguma always felt awkward at first, after getting used to wearing it, Hoshiguma found that the dress not only matched her hair color and aura, but also fit her figure perfectly, as if It was specially customized—she didn't remember that brother Gao Qi asked her measurements.

But in any case, Hoshiguma, who has been wearing black clothes and pants all his life, has almost never worn skirts, and has never had anything to do with pink clothes, now suddenly finds that he may also be able to break away from that scary ghost look and become a little cuter.

"Oh, I have lived for more than thirty years in vain, hehe."

Unable to help giggling, Hoshiguma scratched the ghost horn on top of her head, although she usually likes to laugh, but after brother Gao Qi came here, she laughed more often.

Ghosts don't know how to laugh, whether they are ghosts who hang out in gangsters or ghosts who are inspectors of the Longmen Guards Bureau, they don't know how to laugh. Ghosts can laugh.

"Huh—do I need to learn about makeup? I haven't tried rubbing those weird things on my face. Shall I tie a bow at the corner?"

Now Hoshiguma knows that even if he is tall and big, he can become cute. After all—brother Gao Qi has not stopped complimenting her recently, and that is definitely the most sincere compliment.

"Well—I'm not that good-looking!"

Gao Qi's "cute" description of her recently appeared in his mind, and Hoshiguma couldn't help blushing, and after settling Nian and Shi Huaiya, he ran into the hall as if to escape.

Hoshiguma is so shy, so naturally he has something to do with a certain bad boy.

After discovering that Hoshiguma always deliberately avoids showing her feminine side because of her tall and burly figure, she only looks for men's styles when she wears clothes and trousers, but occasionally she will be dazed at the small skirts in the window on the street, Gao Qi started his boasting plan.

Handsome is handsome, but if a girl must be an iron girl because she is handsome, that is fallacy.

Therefore, during this period of time, Gao Qi praised Xingxiong for being beautiful every day, subtly increasing her self-confidence, and now she can naturally wear cute long skirts—in fact, even if she really walks on the street, What Xingxiong can only gain is praise and admiration. Even if she becomes a model, there will definitely be many people rushing to take her.

In this regard, Gao Qi has rich experience - he has already relied on this rogue trick to put Serena, Gavial, and Margaret in cute little dresses. It was a family carnival that day, Temi Both Mi and Maria's tails were cramped with excitement, and Hemer was also excited to directly destroy the human settings, so he pulled Serena and Gao Qi to have a good time that night.

Gao Qi's next goal is to let Kelsey wear a cute pink skirt. The family members represented by Warfarin and W will naturally fully support it. Teresia and the doctor also agree with it. Before Gao Qi returns home next time, make a careful plan.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Hoshiguma, she just came to the hall enjoying the compliment from Brother Gao Qi.

The party scene, which was originally a mess, has been cleaned up by Gao Qi. The little girl with white hair is sitting on the sofa, looking at the moon outside the window, a little lost in thought.


Compared with brother Gao Qi, Hoshiguma and this little Agor girl don't have too much communication. She usually doesn't like to take the initiative to talk to people, but she is not considered introverted. If someone talks to her, she will A friendly response, but most of the time, she is only there with Gao Qi.

Although she doesn't talk much, everyone likes this cute little girl.

The two are about the same age, and both are equally cute. They are a perfect match. They often sneak away to other places to play alone, for an hour or two, or hide in the house together. It’s good to stay together. For a while, everyone was a little nervous at first, but since knowing that Skadi is an excellent warlock, they are not so worried.

Every night in the past, no matter who accompanied the bed, Skadi would definitely live with Gao Qi. The close relationship between the two little guys can be said to be enviable to others. Shi Huaiya often used this incident to mock Chen Huijie and Gao Qi. Lin Yuxia, these two fake childhood sweethearts, will be directly picked back by "Are you as cute as brother Gao Qi?"

Usually at this time, Skadi would definitely sleep with brother Gao Qi, but now, she is still sitting in the lobby, as if waiting for Hoshiguma.

"Hey, Titi, why don't you go to Brother Gao Qi?"

Looking at the quiet Skadi, Hoshiguma suddenly sensed a strange aura from this little girl, who was like an independent iceberg snow lotus, blooming alone under the moonlight.

She seemed to be looking at the sky, at the dim stars.

However, after hearing Hoshiguma's question, Skadi immediately turned around and smiled faintly at the ghost girl.

"No, I'll sleep with you today, Miss Xingxiong, just to come out and look at the stars."

Feeling the changes in the power in the body, and having completed the "homework" assigned by Gao Qi to control the power, Titi and Hoshiguma looked at each other, their bright red eyes shining with a coquettish light.

That touch of bright red was so shiny and so alluring that Hoshiguma was stunned for a second, and immediately began to ask questions.

"Hey, what's the matter, did you quarrel with brother Gao Qi?"

After all, children are still children, and they will always quarrel. If the two of them have conflicts, Hoshiguma thinks that he should help them make peace earlier.

"Ah? No, of course not, we didn't quarrel, I said, I am Gao Qi's wife, we will always be together."

After saying this, Skadi, who was always cold, smiled brightly.

The so-called Sea God planned a feeding for Skadi, and the sacrifice of the four teams of deep-sea hunters resulted in Skadi's final beheading, but that was actually a conspiracy planned by Sea God.

He chose Skadi, took himself as food, and planned to feed her into a new god—Isamara.

But he overlooked one point. With Gao Qi here, Skadi will always be Skadi, Gao Qi's lover and wife, and will never be Isamara.

And Skadi will also return the hatred of the death of his compatriots to those existences who manipulate Agor's fate in their hands.

The God of Sea, the God of Sea Heir, since He wants Skadi to become the new Sea God so much, then Skadi will completely take away this authority from Him!

Of course, in the end—what Skadi wants most is the happiness of himself and his family, that is, the happiness of Gao Qi.

"Don't bother Gao Qi tonight, something good happened to him—the clothes are beautiful, Miss Hoshigum."

Blinking mysteriously at Hoshiguma, Skadi stood up, lifted the little red skirt, and walked to another bedroom—Lin Yuxia had already fallen asleep, and Hoshiguma and Skadi's movements were extraordinarily gentle.

"Eh, good thing? What can happen—"

Hoshiguma scratched the ghost horns on the top of his head, a little confused, so Skadi's sister usually looks simple and simple, but sometimes she says things that even adults can't understand.

"Hmph, it's a very good thing, even Gao Qi can't detect it, but I can see it, after all, I'm a woman!"

Patting her chest, Skadi looked very proud, but after returning home today, she noticed that Angel Neng and Chen Huijie exuded a familiar aura.

They seemed flustered and hesitant, but in the end they turned into expressions of determination. Skadi had seen this kind of temperament many times.

Every girl who falls in love with Gao Qi seems to have this kind of mentality change before that night - Skadi has not, she has already identified Gao Qi as a lover long ago, everything is so logical .

Moreover, unlike other girls, Skadi is a little happy when facing such a girl. After all, her man is liked by an excellent girl, which is something to be proud of—besides, she also likes this group of girls. child.

Angel Neng is a cheerful and interesting child, enthusiastic and lively. He not only often brings back snacks for Skadi, but is also very happy to play with her.

Chen Huijie is a serious and good girl. After Gao Qi told Skadi that she was Tallulah's younger sister, Skadi immediately felt compassion for her and decided to protect her.

These two outstanding children were fascinated by Gao Qi at the same time, and Skadi was quite happy.

And, as in the past, Skadi's extraordinarily emotionally dull husband still didn't see it—and that was the funniest thing.

Although he is smart most of the time, Gauchi has always been stupid in terms of feelings. Skadi likes Gauci very much, and he never intends to spoil it in advance.

[However, there are only two, how can this be enough? 】

Thinking of this, Skadi couldn't help but smile, she knew that it wasn't just her own thoughts, but also the thoughts of her eccentric sister who was still recovering.

Thinking of this, Skadi raised his head, looked at Hoshiguma, and whispered.

"Sister Hoshiguma, you like Gao Qi too, if you want to be his girlfriend too, I don't care~~"


After the words fell, Hoshiguma, who was in the act of twirling his hands and feet, almost spit out, immediately stretched out his big hand, and gently covered Skadi's small mouth, his cheeks were already stained with blush.

"Don't talk nonsense, sister Skadi, do you know what you are talking about!"

With a face full of helplessness, Hoshiguma lowered his voice and educated Titi with a flushed face.

"Do you know how to be a girlfriend? I didn't say that I want to be with Gao Qi—"

On the other hand, Skadi smiled and put a finger on his lips.

"Of course I know. Boys and girls are kissing each other, right? They still have to do a lot of embarrassing things—I saw sister Neng Angel and sister Chen Huijie doing this kind of thing with Gao Qi today!"

After going through so many things, the little orca, who used to be naive in the past, now has some bad intentions-she is actually very smart, but she is too lazy to think when Gao Qi is around.

And now, when she was planning to surprise her husband, Skadi was smarter than anyone else.

"If you don't believe me, Miss Xingxiong, take a look—"

As he spoke, Skadi snapped his fingers lightly. On the side of the room, on the bookshelf used to separate the bedroom from the next room, a thick book suddenly fell off, and Skadi firmly caught it in his hand, revealing The horizon leading to the Gobi.

"What, what—don't say strange things, Titi, don't use spells indiscriminately, how could Old Chen—"

Seeing Skadi's smirk, Hoshiguma immediately denied her words, but there was a force in the dark that made her bend down and look to the other side of the bookcase—

Then, Hoshiguma's eyes could no longer move.

The evil ghost of Longmen swallowed silently.


Toothache, toothache, I must go to fill my teeth tomorrow, my whole head is shaking, I can’t write weird content in this state, I can only put it until tomorrow.

I also forgot to issue skin exchange coupons, and bought all the good skins directly, and had to wait for the next wave of expensive skins to exchange.

69. Angels and Dragons and Pure Love Hunters—Never Cross the Line! (No)

"Brother Gao Qi, do you like your sisters?"

The moment they asked this sentence, Angel Neng and Chen Huijie regretted it.

The bright blue moon radiated from the drawn curtains into the dark room, illuminating the faces of the three people.

The cheeks of Neng Angel and Chen Huijie were blushing with extreme embarrassment, the black cloth on top of Neng Angel's head could not even block the light of the halo, and it began to flicker according to his mood, and the dragon horn on Chen Huijie's head also began to flow like a flame The pattern of the dragon's tail is twisted into twists behind him.

What are they doing? They are confessing their love to brother Gao Qi, a cute little boy whom they have only met for a week!

Whether it complies with the law or not is another matter, Brother Gao Qi may not be able to understand it!

However, the remaining alcohol still had an effect, and Chen Huijie and Neng Angel had firmed their minds, so they still held Brother Gao Qi's little hand and asked in a low voice.

The dragon and the angel looked at each other, both felt their faces were on fire, and they both saw each other's shy expressions in each other's red eyes.

Identified as a pure bad woman!

However, although they were still extremely nervous and shy, they still mustered up their courage and looked at Gao Qi who was caught between them.

The pajamas of the two were a little loose, and the red and blue hair was also a little messy. Although it was not as good as Titi's adult state, but her chest was extraordinarily predictable, and Gao Qi's arms were gently squeezed.

As for Gao Qi, after hearing this question, he was slightly taken aback?

[What's going on, why is the question jumping so much? 】

Originally, he just wanted to tease the two who were pretending to be asleep, but Gao Qi was stunned by this sudden question—the two who were drunk and acting like children not long ago, why did they suddenly ask this question.

However, after a little thought, Gao Qi quickly came up with the answer.

What happened this morning made the two elder sisters afraid that Gao Qi would hate them, so they slept together specially to please him tonight.

【Ha, really, I'm in my twenties, and I still worry about so many things, like a child. 】

After pretending to be a child for more than a week, Gao Qi was a little bit into the drama. Hearing the two "big sisters" asking himself this question, he naturally didn't think about other possibilities. He only thought that the love they said was the love between friends .

After all, although Gao Qi is an LSP, he looks like a cute and lovely brother Gao Qi.

Her sister-in-law, Chen Huijie, is a serious and serious policeman who hates evil. Even in the slums, she does not hesitate to lend a helping hand to anyone in need, and she also likes children.

Although she keeps a straight face most of the time, under Gao Qi's care and counseling, as well as inadvertent discussions about life and the future at night, Chen Huijie has strengthened her beliefs, becoming less confused and more loving. Laughed.

Of course, a week is not enough for the words of Gao Qi, an ordinary child, to have the same educational effect on Chen Huijie as Talula.

However, Gao Qi, the sister-in-law, is a smart and firm fighter herself, and she doesn't have deep♀dark whispers like the Black Snake every day in her heart, and she doesn't need to face the choice of ideas and paths. With support, you can strengthen your beliefs.

It is naturally impossible for Gao Qi to think that someone as upright as her would have any strange thoughts about this little boy he is now.

Naturally, the same is true for able angels.

Although anyone who sees her at the first sight will think she is a bluffing crazy girl, all she thinks about is party, carnival and apple pie, even in battle, she is smiling and shooting with rubber To the enemy's head, while saying some weird slogans.

However, after getting along for a while, Gao Qi discovered that this seemingly crazy angel girl actually has an exquisite heart that cares about everyone.

Among the several messenger girls of Penguin Logistics, Angel Neng is the one who takes care of her the most. She is also the one who regulates the relationship between several girls and can quickly make friends with everyone.

Although she seemed careless, pestering Gao Qi to make apple pie every day, in fact, this good girl has been taking care of Gao Qi these days, always worrying about the mental state of this little boy.